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Falling Coconut Tree kills 72 year old farmer in East Pattaya


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Falling Coconut Tree kills 72 year old farmer in East Pattaya


PATTAYA: -- A tragic accident occurred in an area of farmland behind a Temple in East Pattaya on Thursday Morning, which left a 72 year old man dead.

Khun Hean aged 72 is a farmer working for Khun Somai aged 71, the former wife of a local village chief. He lives in a small hut which had fallen into disrepair and it was decided to cut down two coconut trees and use the wood to repair Khun Hean’s hut.

Khun Sanan, who also works for Khun Somai, began to saw through the tree stump and as the first tree fell, it was not clear if it would hit Khun Hean, who was standing nearby, or not.

The tree cutter shouted to the victim not to move but Khun Hean reportedly panicked and moved to one side. The tree fell on him and he died instantly.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/211703/falling-coconut-tree-kills-72-year-old-farmer-in-east-pattaya/

-- Pattaya One 2015-08-14

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I've worked in the timber industry. It isn't rocket science to stay out of the way of a falling tree. When you start dropping 50 to 80 meter cedars and redwoods trees, different story. Strange things happen with the monster trees. Backyard coconut trees? It was just somebody's time to go. RIP and condolences to your wife.

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I read somewhere, more people are killed by coconuts than sharks. Anyone know any thing different? Think about Indonesia, lots of coconuts and lots of people.

I wouldn't doubt that about Indonesia. I recall walking to the bathroom behind a gas station on my way back to BKK from Korat once and WHAP! A coconut landed about 10 feet away from me out of the clear blue. I could easily see that causing some serious injury if it had been a direct hit on my head.

I used to be in the US Army (when I was young & stupid), and we were playing Rambo in a tornado. It was raining so hard that visibility was maybe 3 feet.

We were in a pine forest in Florida. My dad was a timber contractor, so I knew quite well what the sound of a falling tree was.

The wind started blowing extremely hard & I recall thinking "Something is going to break" when I heard it breaking.

I couldn't see squat, so I just started running away from the noise. The very tops of probably a 50 foot tree landed on me & I thought for sure I was a goner. It was not a fun feeling at all as those limbs engulfed me.

It didn't hurt me at all. I just went down on my knees & started yelling out for help. I didn't want to move because I had no idea what was on top of me.

6 or 8 guys ran over and lifted it up just enough for me to get out.

RIP to the deceased. I have a very good idea what his last thoughts were.

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