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AP EXCLUSIVE: Top secret Clinton emails include drone talk


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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.


Those blinded by fear of another Dem victory pounce with glee on words such as "Top Secret" "transmission", "Classified", etc but neglect and ignore other words such as "tenuous" and "unlikely".

It would be funny except for the fact of the redneck gullibility factor that has the ability to influence votes when manipulated by the right-wing press.

1. Please define the term "red neck" that you sling around at people which you obviously mean in a racial, derogatory fashion to describe white people to which the moderators turn the other way. I am sure they would jump all over similar terms used to describe blacks or Asians in a similar derogatory fashion.

2. Nevertheless, How do you define the term "red neck." I see a red neck is a white guy, that has a stocky build, short cropped hair, wears wranglers, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, drives a pick up truck, has a tobacco in his mouth and always refers to women as ma'am, says y'all and listens to country music.

3. I am curious about your definition because you, our nutty PTS syndrome suffering sgt, sabal, and the great sir pontiff Publicus have thrown the term redneck at me and I just don't seem to fit the definition or my perception what a redneck is, ala above description. . . . lol, at the great company you keep . . .

4. . . . Back to me and the definition of "red neck." While I am a white guy, I fit little little else of the above descriptive factors. I have a thin but muscular build and have a six pack as opposed to carrying a six pack ala red neck. I have longer stylish hair, never owned a pair of Wranglers, wear D-Squared, Rag & Bone, Varvatos and hand made tailored Italian suits, never owned pair of boots in my life, never wear a hat (cowboy or baseball), never owned a pick-up truck, drive high end sports cars, don't use tobacco of any kind, use terms like due, you guys and hate country music.

5. So . . . either your sight unseen perception about me fitting the normal definition of the term "red neck" is incorrect or you are slinging them term "red neck" around in a derogatory, racial manner to try an insult me or others, much like a biggot calling someone the N word. If so, it is offensive and should be moderated out just as the glorious moderators here would moderate the N word.

Whew...so much to comment on. Lets take it a paragraph at a time, in between giggles. Numbering above added by me for ease of reading.

1. To whom have I "slung the term" at? May I suggest you take a few logic excercises...the ones like, true or false, "All beeboos are red. Joojah is red, therefore joojah is a beeboo". If I say rednecks do this that and the other, and you also do this that and the other, it does not mean I called you a redneck...it just means you ALSO do this that and the other (But you may be a redneck). Your comments on moderation are, hmmm....I'll leave it at that.

2. Your view of what a redneck is is all based on appearances. It doesn't really match mine. Have you considered "attitudes"? BTW..Have you considered that there are redneck women, too?

3. Your calling a fellow member, "nutty" is also ...hmmm, I'll leave it at that.

4. Woohoo, stylish guy!!! Hand-made Italian suits. What a man! (BTW..."tailored" is sufficient. Adding "hand-made" is redundant and just shows the amount of desperation to impress.).

5. Again, consider "attitudes" not appearances. Now you introduce a fallacy...At first you defined your definition of "redneck", now you talk about "the normal" definition as if they are one and the same thing....you need to do more work to be able to draw that together.

But back on topic.....

Lol, Armani Black Label is hand made, but not tailored or made to order. My local tailor hand makes suits he sells off the rack. There are other examples with many brands. If you purchased this stuff you'd know they ain't redundant.

Edited by F430murci
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And now the AP is part of the conspiracy. The Clinton ship is going down and the dems have nobody.
What if they held an election and nobody showed up? I mean if the Dems have nobody and the Republicans have even less than nobody, what will be? Perhaps a third and fourth party battle between at least the legitimate third party candidacy of Social Democrat Sanders and either the totally illegitimate Trump campaign or the campaign of Fiorina who represents a fascist alternative, for that is how a CEO would run the country.

Isn't Fiorna that chick running. I saw on her in an interview the other day. What a butt fugly chick. If she was my dog, I would shave her butt and make her walk backwards . . . Sorry about the I remember formed grade school, but holy cow. I had never seen her close up. That nose and those eye brows. She has those stupid looking eye brows that many girls running around Thailand have. Can you imagine having to look at her during presidential addresses.

That said, Hillary is getting pretty nasty looking also. Can imagine what she will look like in a couple of years. Does anyone really want that being the figure head of America. I thought Obama looked disgusting, but Hillary and this Fiorna chick take the cake. Oh, and Ted Cruz looks like Grand Pa from the Munsters.

Looking at these mug shot, I would say Trump looks very Presidential.

Not necessary.

C'mon. Pleeaassee, don't tell me you take this stuff that seriously. It is an internet forum meant for humor and entertainment, but really . . . Would you want some ugly old broom hilda looking hag serving as the figure head of America? We at least want someone that looks stately and professional. Right now, the image our dear leader portrays is a joke and makes us somewhat of a joke to real powers such as Russia, China and etc.

Russia, China and Middle Eastern countries have no regard or respect for Obama and why is that. Do you think someone like Putin will have respect for and feel threatened by Broom Hillary or Forinsor will he and China continue to do what every they please whether it is devaluation of currency, naval blockades, invasion of countries supporting the use of chemical weapons, threatening to give countries like Iran nuclear capabilities.

Why do you think we cut a deal with Iran? Because Putin was going to give them the same so Sabam had to save face. Would Putin have offered to do the same with Iran if the US had a strong leader, that stood behind his word and meant business? We know Broomie won't from her time as Secretary of State.

The list of examples of weak leadership related to Obama that will be a carry over into Hillary or any female leader is too many to address even in a day . . . Florin will just be status quo on the respect level for countries like Russia, China and Middle East.

Just being fair.
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How any thinking, intelligent individual can support this washed-up corrupt old bag is beyond me. She has been embroiled in scandals every moment of her political life - a figure of derision rather than POTUS material.

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Hillary has one of those management styles that breeds these kinds of mistakes. She is a McGregor A type and her favorite instruction to her over worked staffers is full of "Just get it done" comments. She is not a great listener and I am pretty certain lacks some understanding of the methods her subordinates have put together for her to use.

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Oh dear, oh dear, some of you YANKS do make us laugh. I can just see Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin arguing over who was the ugliest and who had the most wrinkles in their hand made suits or who had the fastest pick-up ! Grow-up

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Point well taken, however, Democrats have learned the hard way that the crooks win unless you hook 'em and cuff 'em.

The right needs to look ahead to October 22nd when former SecState Clinton and the Republican controlled House special committee on Ben Ghazi and emails go at it in public. beatdeadhorse.gif . It was this newest Benghazi committee that accidentally stumbled across the emails stuff.

Six House committees on Benghazi have found nothing so the emails will be a principal focus of the free swinging bout. The face-to-face public email brawl between HRC and the US House will be very high profile so people might want to sit tight until then.

House Republicans wanted two days of their Eternal Inquisition that this time has emails, but HRC said one day or none, so there will be one televised Republican circus show, on Thursday, October 22nd at which the emails will be front and center.

Between debates, bluster, emails and Republican six ring circuses there's some interesting television going on these daze. Keeping the popcorn in a good stock. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Publicus
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And now the AP is part of the conspiracy. The Clinton ship is going down and the dems have nobody.

What if they held an election and nobody showed up? I mean if the Dems have nobody and the Republicans have even less than nobody, what will be? Perhaps a third and fourth party battle between at least the legitimate third party candidacy of Social Democrat Sanders and either the totally illegitimate Trump campaign or the campaign of Fiorina who represents a fascist alternative, for that is how a CEO would run the country.
How is Fiorina fascist? How is Trump illegitimate? Or is slinging mud all you have? And Sanders is a Socialist running as a Democrat, not Social Democrat.
Fiorina is a former CEO and fascism is a system of government highlighted by authoritarian rule. Modern CEOs rule as authoritarians, although instead of "off with their heads" they prefer the nearly as threatening "off with their jobs". Given the close historical affinities between the US corpratocracy, especially the Boston based aristocrats such as the Bush family and the Kennedy family, with European fascism, I don't think I am too far off fearing any former CEO with political aspirations as having authoritarian and fascist tendencies.

Trump is not illegitimate by birth. But as a meaningful and legitimate candidate for the presidency of the US, I believe that his candidacy is a total flight of fancy. He can garner over 20% of the Republican vote, but the Republicans now represent a minority party that has a difficult task in winning a presidential election and Trump certainly has no chance. Perhaps there is a better term than an "illegitimate campaign", but it is certain that he is not a truly viable candidate although I do find him refreshing and entertaining and marvelous proof that wealth, in and of itself, equates with neither wisdom nor good character.

And Sanders is not a true socialist by any political definition. That is just pure FOX news claptrap. To the best of my knowledge, the only true socialist politician in the US is that elected city councilwoman up in Seattle Sawant, a bona fide member of the Socialist Workers Party, a Trotskyite leaning political group.

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Her whole career of lying and malfeasence probably began before she was on the staff investigating Watergate and then was summarily fired for unethical behavior.

But she wasn't fired. It was an allegation made in some absurd book by someone who didn't even have the authority to fire her.

It's yet another feeble right wing lie perpetuated to create these mythical "scandals", and it explains why most of the population switch off when they come out with their latest nonsense, e.g. Benghazi, IRS, blah blah blah.

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