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Beer sales update CMU-Suthep.............


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landtrout strikes me as a troll with way too much free time. Then again, are there any other kinds?

Hey Bruce,

These are among my favorite types of posts on this board, and a good reminder that I really ought to drop in here more often than I do.

You gotta love it when the guy who's averaged better than a post per day for nearly a decade is telling the guy who's posted roughly once a month for eight years that he's the one with "too much free time".

Priceless, and thanks for the chuckle!clap2.gif

After midnight you jumped on a topic of interest to some of the community to post sarcastic, off-topic drivel. I called you a troll, should I have accused you of being drunk instead?

I don't know why you'd want to choose between them, unless you've decided that the two conditions are somehow mutually exclusive!

In any case, you're the first person to ever accuse me of being either, despite the fact that I've been involved with online discussions since 1983, and of legal drinking age for much longer than that. I guess that it's about time that some internet genius finally discovered my true nature! facepalm.gif

Are you sure that your real name is not 'Earl'?

Because (to quote Puwa in his earlier post), "That explains so many things". gigglem.gif

Never been accused of being a troll or drunk before? I'm surprised.

Late at night, on a topic titled "Beer sales update CMU/Suthep...." you posted off-topic, sarcastic nonsense, specifically:

"What can you tell us about the current price of eggs out your way?

If I recall correctly, you're definitely the guy with his finger on that particular pulse. So to speak."

I can think of no explanation why you would post this unless you were trolling or drunk. Can you give some other explanation?

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Hey Bruce,

These are among my favorite types of posts on this board, and a good reminder that I really ought to drop in here more often than I do.

You gotta love it when the guy who's averaged better than a post per day for nearly a decade is telling the guy who's posted roughly once a month for eight years that he's the one with "too much free time".

Priceless, and thanks for the chuckle!clap2.gif

After midnight you jumped on a topic of interest to some of the community to post sarcastic, off-topic drivel. I called you a troll, should I have accused you of being drunk instead?

I don't know why you'd want to choose between them, unless you've decided that the two conditions are somehow mutually exclusive!

In any case, you're the first person to ever accuse me of being either, despite the fact that I've been involved with online discussions since 1983, and of legal drinking age for much longer than that. I guess that it's about time that some internet genius finally discovered my true nature! facepalm.gif

Are you sure that your real name is not 'Earl'?

Because (to quote Puwa in his earlier post), "That explains so many things". gigglem.gif

Never been accused of being a troll or drunk before? I'm surprised.

Late at night, on a topic titled "Beer sales update CMU/Suthep...." you posted off-topic, sarcastic nonsense, specifically:

"What can you tell us about the current price of eggs out your way?

If I recall correctly, you're definitely the guy with his finger on that particular pulse. So to speak."

I can think of no explanation why you would post this unless you were trolling or drunk. Can you give some other explanation?

Since you seem to have posted this way after midnight, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you were hammered at the time.

Because only the chemically impaired are awake after twelve, right?

The post you've quoted was addressed to the OP, who understood the reference and it's intent clearly, as did the several members whose comments followed your intemperate outburst. I didn't expect that everyone would understand it, so the fact that it was apparently over your head is not exactly a surprise.

That your reflexive response then was to lash out at what you failed to understand may have something to do with the fact that your post count exceeds the number of days in the past decade. Busy, busy boy, aren't we? gigglem.gif

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Add that to the list of things certain Brits can tell us the proper amount; posts on Thaivisa. "Bruce" frequently makes interesting posts on subjects that interest many. LT, I've never seen you write anything that was informative, humorous, or even bitworthy. Go back to your cage.

Edited by bangmai
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After midnight you jumped on a topic of interest to some of the community to post sarcastic, off-topic drivel. I called you a troll, should I have accused you of being drunk instead?

I don't know why you'd want to choose between them, unless you've decided that the two conditions are somehow mutually exclusive!

In any case, you're the first person to ever accuse me of being either, despite the fact that I've been involved with online discussions since 1983, and of legal drinking age for much longer than that. I guess that it's about time that some internet genius finally discovered my true nature! facepalm.gif

Are you sure that your real name is not 'Earl'?

Because (to quote Puwa in his earlier post), "That explains so many things". gigglem.gif

Never been accused of being a troll or drunk before? I'm surprised.

Late at night, on a topic titled "Beer sales update CMU/Suthep...." you posted off-topic, sarcastic nonsense, specifically:

"What can you tell us about the current price of eggs out your way?

If I recall correctly, you're definitely the guy with his finger on that particular pulse. So to speak."

I can think of no explanation why you would post this unless you were trolling or drunk. Can you give some other explanation?

Since you seem to have posted this way after midnight, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you were hammered at the time.

Because only the chemically impaired are awake after twelve, right?

The post you've quoted was addressed to the OP, who understood the reference and it's intent clearly, as did the several members whose comments followed your intemperate outburst. I didn't expect that everyone would understand it, so the fact that it was apparently over your head is not exactly a surprise.

That your reflexive response then was to lash out at what you failed to understand may have something to do with the fact that your post count exceeds the number of days in the past decade. Busy, busy boy, aren't we? gigglem.gif

Without answering the question about whether you were trolling or drunk, you "explain" that you were posting a message with private information only understood by a few on a public forum.

That seems to be at the very least borderline trolling, and the sort of thing someone under the influence might do. Are you aware that you can send private messages on TV? You don't have to post these private communications or insults on a public forum.

BTW, I didn't drink last night or tonight, I'm a late person by nature. I also have no idea who Earl is. I often wind down late in the evening by checking TV for interesting posts, some informative and some amusing. I frequently wake up the next day in a similar manner. And my post count went up dramatically after the coup as I tested the limits of seditious comments I could post without being banned. The initial comments post-coup were so overwhelmingly positive it sickened me.

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I actually visited Hush Bar, for a few four month old beers....I was informed that it was their last night. BiB showed up at 00:20, with lights flashing. I calmly hit the exit. Not a word exchanged...so a word to the wise..if it is an after hours check; just leave immediately. Maybe that job offer in Chongqing was pretty decent after all. Beers at PEK=1 USD.

I'm pleased to hear you were calm when you hit the exit.

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landtrout strikes me as a troll with way too much free time. Then again, are there any other kinds?

On the subject of the CMU area, the Nimmanhamin update; bars that closed promptly at midnight last Saturday (lights off, finish your drink and clear out) stopped serving around a quarter to midnight tonight, maybe earlier--it was 11:45 when I tried to get one more beer at Rush Bar. Police also hit Rush Bar in force, six or more men in uniform, just to check a few ID's a little after 10 pm. I can understand random ID checks, but that many men just to check a few ID's in a moderate sized bar?

Infinity on soi 6 looked like it hadn't been open at all a little after midnight, but Tawan Daeng and Loft were doing a good business. I didn't wander down to check the other bars on soi 6 that usually ignore legal closing times.

I get the impression of a police force under pressure to give the appearance of dong their job, but, since they aren't clear on what the laws are, they are committing random acts of...whatever. Who knows how long this will last?

i was around the neighbor bar last night and it had more police than customers wandering around, went to the maldives so peaceful great night.see infinity closed

Maldives is owned by a major BKK player - the BKK branch is always busy and is a great night out. I've always enjoyed my evenings in the CM Maldives, and often wondered why it's not busier.

The now closed Coyote bar next to it is available for rent at 200,000 baht per month if you know any lunatics that may be interested. The nightclub opposite Infiniti is also available for 5 million a year or 50 million sale price. It's been effectively closed for about seven years - I wonder why.

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