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Hang Dong foreigner in accident in wee hours.


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Wife just bought this to my attention.

Individual named (with photos) in link below in case anybody knows him.

Should be buying a lottery ticket for draw today as perhaps the luckiest man in Chiang Mai.

Hope his good fortune continues in recovery.


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That's a bit untidy Briggsy....could equally have a wife and children and good friends. All it takes on a bend like that is a bit of gravel or wet road. Yes you drive to conditions but the speed limit there is (to my opinion) high and with light rain etc makes it more dangerous.

It's not the first accident there so perhaps a higher barrier, reduced speed limit, better design could prevent the same regardless of speculative causes, so no one else is injured or dies, let alone trauma for family, in the future.

I did not name individual simply because I have seen slurs in the past that family members have come across when searching for information about loved ones involved in an accident abroad. Perhaps that should be kept in mind. Would not want my family, children, spouse, parents to be accosted with vile comments and speculation.......

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It says there were papers in the motorcycle with that person's name, but stops short of identifying him as the accident victim, if I'm reading it correctly. Unfortunately, the ambulance is from Klaimor Hospital, which wouldn't be my first choice of a hospital for an accident this serious.

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It's not the first accident there so perhaps a higher barrier, reduced speed limit, better design could prevent the same regardless of speculative causes, so no one else is injured or dies, let alone trauma for family, in the future.

Some of the comments from Thais in that topic mention the same thing. Not the first time it has happened at that spot and that the barrier is too low.

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It's not the first accident there so perhaps a higher barrier, reduced speed limit, better design could prevent the same regardless of speculative causes, so no one else is injured or dies, let alone trauma for family, in the future.

Some of the comments from Thais in that topic mention the same thing. Not the first time it has happened at that spot and that the barrier is too low.

The article also says witnesses have him as driving far too fast. 1:30am, shorts and T-shirt, beer gut, driving too fast, failing to see and negotiate a bend that is painted in big black and white stripes says to me, "Definitely reckless driver, high probability of drink driver."

What if the fat, selfish lump landed on a motorcycle below causing him to crash and killing him.

I have no sympathy for reckless, probably drunk drivers who cause death and injury to themselves and others. There is way too much of that here.

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While they are at it perhaps check if those bl.... great LED TV screens played a part in distracting him.

I don't drive there often at night, but when I have done I can't believe how bright they are. Very dangerous !

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If you watch the video on the link, you can see how far the bike traveled after he came off the bike. Quite some distance, he was going pretty quick. That bend has caught me out a number of times on a bike, and those little scooters (looked like a Honda Click) aren't very maneuverable at speed.

From his comments, it seems Briggsy is a bit angry when it comes to drink driving. I hope he is always under the speed limit and shows similar anger towards anybody speeding. Excessive speed is the biggest cause of death on the roads and I'd hate for him to be a hypocrite.

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It's not the first accident there so perhaps a higher barrier, reduced speed limit, better design could prevent the same regardless of speculative causes, so no one else is injured or dies, let alone trauma for family, in the future.

Some of the comments from Thais in that topic mention the same thing. Not the first time it has happened at that spot and that the barrier is too low.

The article also says witnesses have him as driving far too fast. 1:30am, shorts and T-shirt, beer gut, driving too fast, failing to see and negotiate a bend that is painted in big black and white stripes says to me, "Definitely reckless driver, high probability of drink driver."

What if the fat, selfish lump landed on a motorcycle below causing him to crash and killing him.

I have no sympathy for reckless, probably drunk drivers who cause death and injury to themselves and others. There is way too much of that here.

You failed to mention his tattoo.

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Did he go over the rail and onto the road below and survive?

That is correct. He fell 8 metres. It would appear he landed in a flowerbed.

He might be considered lucky, but then again we don't know what the bill will be or whether he can afford it.

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Did he go over the rail and onto the road below and survive?

That is correct. He fell 8 metres. It would appear he landed in a flowerbed.

it appears he landed on the only spot on the flowerbed that has a piece (possibly 2) of concrete with rebar handles?

no helmet to be seen. only a fool would drive with no helmet, at night, in the rain, [possibly drunk].

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It says there were papers in the motorcycle with that person's name, but stops short of identifying him as the accident victim, if I'm reading it correctly. Unfortunately, the ambulance is from Klaimor Hospital, which wouldn't be my first choice of a hospital for an accident this serious.

i'm fairly certain they will take you wherever you want to go if you are conscious and are able to verbalize your wishes. i was a witness at an accident on the Super Highway one evening and a young woman was injured badly. the ambulance that came was from Ram2 Teppanya but the girl stated she wanted to be taken to Lanna Hospital. they took her where she wanted to go.

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It says there were papers in the motorcycle with that person's name, but stops short of identifying him as the accident victim, if I'm reading it correctly. Unfortunately, the ambulance is from Klaimor Hospital, which wouldn't be my first choice of a hospital for an accident this serious.

i'm fairly certain they will take you wherever you want to go if you are conscious and are able to verbalize your wishes. i was a witness at an accident on the Super Highway one evening and a young woman was injured badly. the ambulance that came was from Ram2 Teppanya but the girl stated she wanted to be taken to Lanna Hospital. they took her where she wanted to go.

That guy didn't look very able to verbalize much of anything. I think the cops looking thru his stuff were trying to find a passport or some clue to his identity or nationality, so I doubt he communicated much of anything.

I know of numerous cases where the Klaimor ambulance is very good at swooping in and bringing people into their emergency room to "stabilize" them (running up a hefty bill in the process) and eventually transferring them to the hospital where they should have gone. After their accident insurance cover runs out.

Edited by NancyL
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