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Tourists among 19 killed by bomb at Bangkok's Erawan shrine


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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

And further more they intend to terrify people I would think there would be an announcement on behalf of those responsible very soon. If no response then we can just guess at the motive for the attack.

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Ah yes, an embryonic conspiracy theory pokes it's head out of the womb!

Well, the possibility was mentioned in one of the articles that the junta could have incentive to justify an extended period of "happiness measures and laws" without elections by orchestrating something like this, and I feel that keeping one's eyes open to and thinking about all the motives of interested parties is probably a good thing rather than just always accepting what those in power and the media tells us to. I figure it doesn't cost me anything to entertain those other possibilities and get more information then apply some critical thinking to see what makes sense.

Do you really believe that all conspiracy theories are truly only theories? Just interested -- not looking for a battle with you.

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intentionB to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

I see your point, but in my opinion, a grenade, bomb, gun...used innocently is just too much.

Weapons are used for death and injury....too many things can go wrong when lobbing grenades in empty buildings or firing a weapon at an empty building.

Would tend to strongly disagree. Bombs of this nature are far more area specif than target specific and incur more collateral damage and in a totally indiscriminate nature.

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

And further more they intend to terrify people I would think there would be an announcement on behalf of those responsible very soon. If no response then we can just guess at the motive for the attack.

The typical approach of international groups is to claim responsibility and to send the message " Don't relax, it will happen again, we're coming for you"...whereas the domestic groups generally stay silent.

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Many times, explosions in Bangkok and Chiang Mai are intended to create headlines or just scare people and they are for political purpose. Unlike the explosive device that use to kill people used by the Muslim in South Thailand, those explosives are often made of large firecracker to create sound and chaos. This time the bomb intented to kill means it is a TNT explosive that meant for taking live not just scare people like manytimes before. Learn about the country you live in may reduce insult and gap between farang and Thai.

Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

Edited by ARISTIDE
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RIP to the dead and condolences to their families and friends and hope the injured make speedy recovery from this horrifying attack on the innocent members of the public, hope the forensic team get all the info from the site and can nail the perpetrators without the need for some stooges to be arrested and when convicted if they get 100 years in prison they are not out again in 4 years time,

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Something to consider... The Media is reporting that this bomb was targeting 'foreigners.' Then why a street corner at 7pm? Look at the video. There are only a few people on the street. True, it was outside a tourist venue, but just how many tourists visit shrines a night? Most tourists would be eating dinner at this hour.

The largest concentration of foreigners would be found a few kilometers west of there, in the Khaosan Road area, where a bomb like this would have killed hundreds and injured thousands at 7pm, where the street is so crowed that you almost can't walk through. Or one block over from Khaosan Road, where the street is crammed with outdoor diners, sitting shoulder to shoulder while strollers make their way through the crowds at 7pm.

Something doesn't make sense to me.

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Tourists among 22 killed in apparent attack on Bangkok shrine
By Eliott C. McLaughlin and Kocha Olarn, CNN

Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) A huge bomb explosion that appeared to target a popular Hindu shrine in central Bangkok killed at least 22 people Monday and wounded about 120 more, authorities said.

Twelve victims died at the scene, and the others died later at area hospitals, officials said.

"It was like this huge gust of wind and debris flying through you," recalled Sanjeev Vyas, a DJ from Mumbai, India, who was in the middle of the fray. "... And then I see bodies everywhere, there are cars on fire, there are bikes everywhere. People are screaming."

Police spokesman Lt. Gen. Prawut Thavornsiri Tuesday morning told Channel 3 that at least 22 people had been killed, marking the latest incremental uptick in the death toll.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2015/08/17/asia/thailand-bangkok-bomb/index.html

-- CNN 2015-08-18

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Ah yes, an embryonic conspiracy theory pokes it's head out of the womb!

Well, the possibility was mentioned in one of the articles that the junta could have incentive to justify an extended period of "happiness measures and laws" without elections by orchestrating something like this, and I feel that keeping one's eyes open to and thinking about all the motives of interested parties is probably a good thing rather than just always accepting what those in power and the media tells us to. I figure it doesn't cost me anything to entertain those other possibilities and get more information then apply some critical thinking to see what makes sense.

Do you really believe that all conspiracy theories are truly only theories? Just interested -- not looking for a battle with you.

Anyone who has watched the Junta do their best to remove violence and conflict from society must be ignorant in the extreme if they think they would do something like this in order to extend their stay. After all, they can just do it anyway if they really want.

There are few possibilities, but that isn't one of them.

And happening just after the walking ego Mr T got a very public slap in the face after the decision to remove his police rank. Coincidence ?. He must be getting desperate now because if the reforms get enshrined into law and elections follow, he's not coming back in this lifetime.

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If you take a walk down memory lane and count the bombings and the spent bullets you might find the military and police has caused the most loss of life when it is in their best interests. Their statements of misdirection are timely to distract you... It is their abracadabra before the trick. If this goes unsolved or void of political scapegoats then you can be pretty much certain those wearing uniforms are responsible.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intention to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

BUT when i heard the news, i phoned my partner in Suratthani who is a member of a reasonably well off local family,rabid yellow shirts and supporter of Suthep, having attended his Bangkok rabble rousing rallies. Before i could get a word out, she said 'Taksin make big bomb in Bangkok'

Sometimes it makes me want to scream having to listen to all their y/s crap, they are all paranoid concerning Thaksin at times i think 'sick in the head' there will never be peace in Thailand with this crazy Y/S thinking and fear of the return of Thaksin, because that is what it is all about

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I wonder if this kind of incident will support those who wish to extend a military government?

That thought had occurred to me too...outrages like this will only add to the country's instability. Democracy must be restored as soon as possible.

"The perpetrators intended to destroy the economy and tourism because the incident occurred in the heart of the tourism district"

So all of a sudden we have an attack on national security. Perhaps we won't be seeing elections now for a few years to come. That would be convenient for some......

Assuming this is the exact wording of the (unelected) defence ministers quote, then it is media spin to say that he said it was an attack on foreigners. He is not saying that. It was an attack on everyone in Thailand as all terrorist outrages are.

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I wonder if this kind of incident will support those who wish to extend a military government?

oh yeah, in any case blame the one you hate most!

conspiracy theorists are marching..

Edited by TimmyT
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Muslim trouble in the south may now be targeting Thailands hot spots for bigger devastation, I have always suspected they would hit Nana as its enclosed .

me too. also places like walking street at night or kao san road. though why near this shrine ? islamics maybe ?


Edited by dirtycash
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If one googles images under Thanakorn Pakdeepol, he will find a graphic photo of the dead man. Think it's too drastic to post it here. Resembles pretty much how a bomb attack victim may look like. I am quite sure there's a connection. If one would want to destroy tourism, Khao San road would have been a more effective location. I am 100% sure the motive is in connection to the shrine and has a religious and/or personal motive.

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I don't see the political or religious views of evil cowardly murderers as having any importance. I file their religious and political views in the same bracket as their hobbies, medical history and other personal affairs. It is possible to be in any religion, or to have any political views, without engaging in evil cowardly murder.

When a person places a bomb targeting civilians, that person's personal views, allegiances and other life activities immediately become null and void. They have joined a new group, the "evil cowardly murderers" group. That is the group who is responsible for this attack. The individuals responsible for this horrific atrocity, are evil cowardly murderers. To say they are anything else, is to give them too much credit.

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Surely there must be surveillance cameras covering such a busy area that might give some clue as to who did this !

TITS. Not an advanced western city! sad.png

But one can only hope some security footage would be available.

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The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok issued an emergency message for U.S. citizens, advising them to avoid the shrine's area.

Bit late! How can anyone say if, WHERE or when another attrocity will happen. Short of staying in bed and never leaving the house how can one be sure of being safe?

The cowards that did this, if caught, should not be executed, but taken around the country in a cage to show the people what truly evil people look like.

If the perpetrators wanted to destroy tourism they would have struck at Phuket, Chiang Mai or Pattaya. As they did not, I think the motive must be political.

RIP to the innocent victims, and my sympathy to the innocent wounded.

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Prayut calls urgent war room meeting
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha Tuesday called an urgent war room meeting with Cabinet members and security agencies at Government House.

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said before the meeting that the perpetrators of the bomb blast had planned it before hand to use a few people to commit the incident.

He said the motive behind the bomb has yet to be concluded.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Prayut-calls-uregent-war-room-meeting-30266818.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-18

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If one googles images under Thanakorn Pakdeepol, he will find a graphic photo of the dead man. Think it's too drastic to post it here. Resembles pretty much how a bomb attack victim may look like. I am quite sure there's a connection. If one would want to destroy tourism, Khao San road would have been a more effective location. I am 100% sure the motive is in connection to the shrine and has a religious and/or personal motive.

Thank you. Please, do not post pictures like this. Out of respect for the deceased and injured. Local TV stations are requesting the same thing.


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I wonder if there's any video of the scene before the bomb went off. CCTV is how they caught the Boston Bombers if I remember right.

Bangkok governor came out last night on Twitter saying "we have got something on CCTV. Can't tell you what it is right now". Not a very intelligent statement I agree, but apparently they are going through the CCTV footage prior to explosion.

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Some Singaporeans injured in explosion : Singapore PM

BANGKOK: -- Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged Singaporeans in Bangkok to contact the embassy to register details and whereabouts following the fatal bomb blast at Erawan Shrine in the capital last night.

Lee tweeted last night that "my thoughts are with all those affected by the explosion outside the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok this evening. The Thai authorities are investigating. Some Singaporeans have been injured in the explosion. Our Bangkok Mission staff have met them, and are rendering consular assistance.

"If you are in Bangkok, please register your details and whereabouts with our embassy staff at 66-(81) 844-3580. - LHL"

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Some-Singaporeans-injured-in-explosion-Singapore-P-30266822.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-18

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UN chief shocked and expressed condolences

BANGKOK: -- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said he was shocked to learn of the fatal explosion in Bangkok on Monday that killed many people.

His spokesman said in a statement that Ban expressed his condolences to the bereaved families and to the people and Thai government.

"The Secretary-General was shocked to learn of the explosion in Bangkok today close to the Erawan shrine and the loss of life of innocent civilians."

He also wished to injured a quick recovery.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/UN-chief-shocked-and-expressed-condolences-30266820.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-18

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I don't care what colour they are, what they're intentions are, they are murderers pure & simple !!
Planting a bomb to maim and kill Thai nationals plus foreigners to harm the economy, halt tourism.

They think this is in the best interest of their "cause" whatever that maybe.... pure madness !!!!
Who the hell wants these people back in power I really don't know... but I think any sane Thai person would rather have the recent peaceful times than go back to street warfare!!

A bomb on the street is a shot in the foot !!!!

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The incident occurred adjacent to a shrine held sacred by both Buddhists and Hindus. This is unlikely to be linked with either main political faction in Thailand but rather the issues in the south. Having said that - too early to jump to conclusions.

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