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Tourists among 19 killed by bomb at Bangkok's Erawan shrine


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So I am reading that the authorities are already saying that amongst their suspects are red shirts from the North East of Thailand. This is less than 24 hours after the bomb. Did these guys graduate in "We catch em quick 101" at the Koh Tao university of Investigation??? I also would have thought that were it Southern separatists that Sundays Bike Ride would have been a perfect opportunity.

The more I think I understand about Thai politics the more I realise I know shy%e..wheels within wheels within wheels.

Just my 2 cents worth

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If you take a walk down memory lane and count the bombings and the spent bullets you might find the military and police has caused the most loss of life when it is in their best interests. Their statements of misdirection are timely to distract you... It is their abracadabra before the trick. If this goes unsolved or void of political scapegoats then you can be pretty much certain those wearing uniforms are responsible.

better you say: did wear a uniform,

but in future not allowed any more !!

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The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok issued an emergency message for U.S. citizens, advising them to avoid the shrine's area.

Bit late! How can anyone say if, WHERE or when another attrocity will happen. Short of staying in bed and never leaving the house how can one be sure of being safe?

The cowards that did this, if caught, should not be executed, but taken around the country in a cage to show the people what truly evil people look like.

If the perpetrators wanted to destroy tourism they would have struck at Phuket, Chiang Mai or Pattaya. As they did not, I think the motive must be political.

RIP to the innocent victims, and my sympathy to the innocent wounded.

they already around in the N - NE of Thailand;

The south they would rearly survive;

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intention to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

Trotting out the religious card is playing right into the hands of the government extremists who want to create panic, so they can bring in more security laws . . . . Its all part of the plan.

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If you take a walk down memory lane and count the bombings and the spent bullets you might find the military and police has caused the most loss of life when it is in their best interests. Their statements of misdirection are timely to distract you... It is their abracadabra before the trick. If this goes unsolved or void of political scapegoats then you can be pretty much certain those wearing uniforms are responsible.

better you say: did wear a uniform,

but in future not allowed any more !!

Here's a bit of advice; when posting try to make more sense than a freezer in the Arctic. I can't for the life of me figure out what you're on about in your posts, and I suspect I'm not alone.

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the fact that they targeted the shrine rather than a major tourist area suggests a religious bias, and as we are all aware the majority of muslims may not be terrorists but the majority of terrorists are muslim

Ratchapraisong area stays for what ?

Red protest area

Red bombing site for several times;

who alwas made there troubles ?

yes, correct, the " REDS "

so why you think now trhat this were other groups ??

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I find it surprising that the PM has decided to remain silent other than issuing a statement through his officers. He clamours for this face to be seen on a daily basis - but with such an outrage he has gone to ground? Or am I wrong - has anyone see him make any announcements on local TV?

The PM should be amongst the first on-air appealing for calm and assuring the populace that he has this under control (no matter how unbelievable that is).

He is not Blair and blarring first !!

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the fact that they targeted the shrine rather than a major tourist area suggests a religious bias, and as we are all aware the majority of muslims may not be terrorists but the majority of terrorists are muslim

Ratchapraisong area stays for what ?

Red protest area

Red bombing site for several times;

who alwas made there troubles ?

yes, correct, the " REDS "

so why you think now trhat this were other groups ??

When Yingluck was the 1 minister , who make problem ? red really ? or the stupid Suthep ?

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intention to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

Trotting out the religious card is playing right into the hands of the government extremists who want to create panic, so they can bring in more security laws . . . . Its all part of the plan.

Would make sense. All about Face-propaganda

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If it weren't so stupid it would be funny. The southern Muslims didn't do this. This was political. The Reds have been far too quiet and their discontent can only be put off for so long.

RIP to those poor souls enjoying a holiday or visit to the shrine. Terrible.

Please post proof of your claims, as you dont have any lets wait for the investigation.

My contacts in the NE provinces say the dogs have been barking for a number of months that terrorist acts were likely to break out at any time. No proof just gossip. But where there is smoke there is fire and possibly explosions. This would fit in with Thai police concentrating security up in the NE. How many Uighurs and radical muslims in that area?

The junta groupies continue their unsympathetic comments for political gain. I knew they were pretty low to support a military takeover but to blame their opponents for no other reason than wishful thinking is despicable. It would be astounding if the reds were to blow up one of their main shrines, kill loads of Thais and tourists and expect to gain politically. I don't know who was responsible for this, but it's a terrible act and I'm sure if it was connected to the redshirts they would lose a lot of support, including mine. Even then, I would never be a cheerleader for a military junta. I'm ex-British Army and I wouldn't trust the brass that I was involved with to run a bacon slicer, let alone a country.

I see , you beleaved the brass of your army in Irak or afghanistan !!

On the daily bombings there you can see, what you with your support have brought to this country;

Nothing else similar was there before !!

(( like here in thailand this was not similar before TS !! ))

No nuclear material at all !

But you still " proud of that " what nonsens you have done there for your ass - sorry Brass you said !!

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the fact that they targeted the shrine rather than a major tourist area suggests a religious bias, and as we are all aware the majority of muslims may not be terrorists but the majority of terrorists are muslim

Ratchapraisong area stays for what ?

Red protest area

Red bombing site for several times;

who alwas made there troubles ?

yes, correct, the " REDS "

so why you think now trhat this were other groups ??

When Yingluck was the 1 minister , who make problem ? red really ? or the stupid Suthep ?

Yes, thats correct, Suthep make Problems (for Yingluck), but the Explosives came usually always from the Reds!
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Exactly, the scale and nature of it is not the style of the Reds, I'm beginning to lean towards a new external faction of some sort.

What do you mean by "not the style of the reds" ???? didn't a red supporter threw a hand grenade into a crowd of peaceful protesters before the coup ??? he's face was at 2 meters from a CCTV camera...!!.... It happened on a daily basis then.....!

You have a short memory or did not follow the news then ???

Best regards.....

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cctv pics of a suspect just shown on Australian Tv.

Does not this particular intersection have ..............."history" with previous problems in past years ???

Those issues were before my time in Thailand.

But is the location pure co-incidence???? and I DONT mean the shrine .

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intention to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

Trotting out the religious card is playing right into the hands of the government extremists who want to create panic, so they can bring in more security laws . . . . Its all part of the plan.

Don't be ridiculous, the military already have all the power they need.

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Exactly, the scale and nature of it is not the style of the Reds, I'm beginning to lean towards a new external faction of some sort.

What do you mean by "not the style of the reds" ???? didn't a red supporter threw a hand grenade into a crowd of peaceful protesters before the coup ??? he's face was at 2 meters from a CCTV camera...!!.... It happened on a daily basis then.....!

You have a short memory or did not follow the news then ???

Best regards.....

Scale and nature, scale and nature.

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intention to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

Trotting out the religious card is playing right into the hands of the government extremists who want to create panic, so they can bring in more security laws . . . . Its all part of the plan.

Don't be ridiculous, the military already have all the power they need.

Yes, but they also have to win the crowd . . . Its the same anywhere and everywhere. It must be seen to be good for us, to keep us docile.

Especially in Thailand, where the crowd can get toey. There is nothing more powerful in the world than the American Military and Police, but they still have to sell the ideas properly. That's how its done.

I also hope that its fair enough to have a discussion without being personally derogatory.

Perhaps you have of evolved to that level yet.

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intention to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

Religion? Have you ever thought that this could be a result of Hegelianism (action-reaction-solution) or in other words to provoke a response and then solution. This is been used throughout modern-civilization by governments or hired mercenaries. Look at your own response.."work of people of another religion" You have been conditioned to respond as such...Thailand has a wonderful free-market system and with Thais and expats are engaged in. It's unique. This is a freedom that even 1st world countries today are envious of. In addition, Thailand has never been colonized as such...I hope that the government of Thailand (if there is to really be one)do not fall prey to any predictable-conditioned-response. This is what I believe to be the real intention of these so-called bombers. There are those that would rather see Thailand chained down and freedoms eliminated and I am not just talking about people of another religion.

Edited by freedom4life
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Ah yes, an embryonic conspiracy theory pokes it's head out of the womb!

Well, the possibility was mentioned in one of the articles that the junta could have incentive to justify an extended period of "happiness measures and laws" without elections by orchestrating something like this, and I feel that keeping one's eyes open to and thinking about all the motives of interested parties is probably a good thing rather than just always accepting what those in power and the media tells us to. I figure it doesn't cost me anything to entertain those other possibilities and get more information then apply some critical thinking to see what makes sense.

Do you really believe that all conspiracy theories are truly only theories? Just interested -- not looking for a battle with you.

Anyone who has watched the Junta do their best to remove violence and conflict from society must be ignorant in the extreme if they think they would do something like this in order to extend their stay. After all, they can just do it anyway if they really want.

There are few possibilities, but that isn't one of them.

And happening just after the walking ego Mr T got a very public slap in the face after the decision to remove his police rank. Coincidence ?. He must be getting desperate now because if the reforms get enshrined into law and elections follow, he's not coming back in this lifetime.

I hope you realize that I'm only pointing out a possibility mentioned in one of the news articles. Its not a theory I support at the moment, and I'm not going to speculate on any theories at this point as I feel that would be a bit foolish for me to do with so many possibilities and no access to any first-hand information

My point was to defend open-mindedness and critical thinking. It doesn't cost us anything more than time and some mental effort to not always accept what those in power tells us is right or best but instead to sometimes consider all options and factors. I'll be happy to consider the theory you've chosen, but I won't agree with any of the theories until all the evidence is honestly presented.

Edited by Inn Between
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Ah yes, an embryonic conspiracy theory pokes it's head out of the womb!

Well, the possibility was mentioned in one of the articles that the junta could have incentive to justify an extended period of "happiness measures and laws" without elections by orchestrating something like this, and I feel that keeping one's eyes open to and thinking about all the motives of interested parties is probably a good thing rather than just always accepting what those in power and the media tells us to. I figure it doesn't cost me anything to entertain those other possibilities and get more information then apply some critical thinking to see what makes sense.

Do you really believe that all conspiracy theories are truly only theories? Just interested -- not looking for a battle with you.

Anyone who has watched the Junta do their best to remove violence and conflict from society must be ignorant in the extreme if they think they would do something like this in order to extend their stay. After all, they can just do it anyway if they really want.

There are few possibilities, but that isn't one of them.

And happening just after the walking ego Mr T got a very public slap in the face after the decision to remove his police rank. Coincidence ?. He must be getting desperate now because if the reforms get enshrined into law and elections follow, he's not coming back in this lifetime.

You realize that I'm only pointing out a possibility mentioned in one of the news articles, I hope. Its not a theory I support, and I'm not going to speculate on any theories at this point as that would be a bit foolish with so many possibilities and no access to any first-hand information

My point was to defend open-mindedness and critical thinking. It doesn't cost us anything more than time and some mental effort to not always accept what those in power tells us is right or best but instead sometimes to consider all options and factors.

Doctors are taught various things including: if you think that's what it is, that's what it is, and, 95% probability is fine, we don't do the other five very much at all.

So, do I believe in conspiracy theories? Yes, but only very rarely. Do I endorse critical thinking, yes, but not when the patient only has bronchitis.

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Bomb was intended to kill?

Now that is what I call ..a very helpful piece of info.

it's not as stupid as you think.

many previous bombings motivated by Thailand's politics were carried out without the intention to kill people. grenades in an empty garden, small bombs in diverse places causing at most injuries, etc.

this bomb is fundamentally different.

would the reds want to kill people praying at a shrine ? I don't think so.

this is likely to be the work of people of another religion

Religion? Have you ever thought that this could be a result of Hegelianism (action-reaction-solution) or in other words to provoke a response and then solution. This is been used throughout modern-civilization by governments or hired mercenaries. Look at your own response.."work of people of another religion" You have been conditioned to respond as such...Thailand has a wonderful free-market system and with Thais and expats are engaged in. It's unique. This is a freedom that even 1st world countries today are envious of. In addition, Thailand has never been colonized as such...I hope that the government of Thailand (if there is to really be one)do not fall prey to any predictable-conditioned-response. This is what I believe to be the real intention of these so-called bombers. There are those that would rather see Thailand chained down and freedoms eliminated and I am not just talking about people of another religion.

the funny thing is... if your theory is right, chances are the perps would still be of another religion... 555

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You realize that I'm only pointing out a possibility mentioned in one of the news articles, I hope. Its not a theory I support, and I'm not going to speculate on any theories at this point as that would be a bit foolish with so many possibilities and no access to any first-hand information

My point was to defend open-mindedness and critical thinking. It doesn't cost us anything more than time and some mental effort to not always accept what those in power tells us is right or best but instead sometimes to consider all options and factors.

Doctors are taught various things including: if you think that's what it is, that's what it is, and, 95% probability is fine, we don't do the other five very much at all.

So, do I believe in conspiracy theories? Yes, but only very rarely. Do I endorse critical thinking, yes, but not when the patient only has bronchitis.

Then I got this message when I tried to reply:

"You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text"

So, I'll try this to reply this way.

Unfortunately, this isn't a simple case of bronchitis.

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Exactly, the scale and nature of it is not the style of the Reds, I'm beginning to lean towards a new external faction of some sort.

What do you mean by "not the style of the reds" ???? didn't a red supporter threw a hand grenade into a crowd of peaceful protesters before the coup ??? he's face was at 2 meters from a CCTV camera...!!.... It happened on a daily basis then.....!

You have a short memory or did not follow the news then ???

Best regards.....

The protesters violently stopped people from going to work, voting and moving through the city as they pleased. Is this all irrelevant because you support the yellows. Can they do whatever they want and it is still considered peaceful?

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