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A few years ago I gradiuated from backpacker to Expat and moved to Issan......... soon me and my wife will holiday at Ko Chang,,,,, Anyone have any good ideas about good food and and a place to drink beer all day without having to baby sit a bunch of kids from khao son rd and listen to rave music,,,,,, I would have to puke up my good beer up to listen to some spoiled brat discuss international politics or tell me we shouldnt blow the ###### out of the middle east til JESUS comes back,,,,,,,, didnt meen to lose it there but facts is facts......... So the question is?????? ICE COLD BEER????? preferably in the shade with no music or maybe a little classic rock woul be good ,,,, THANX.............


theres only one place for food on koh chang as far am im concerned, Odies which is in that main village bit where the 7-11s are. Best steak I've ever had in thailand, always go str8 for a steak as soon as I arrive.


  • 2 weeks later...

I went to bang boa and had some great food out on the pier,,,,, Also had some great food at DAN MAI the thai village by the main hospital..... had a great time and decided to move here and out of ISSAN.......... WILL UPDATE after songkran when I go home to pack........ P.S. DAVE,,,,, you werent B.Sing when you said the roads can be a little hairy on a motercycle.............


Spent a few enjoyable days on Ko Chang earlier this year.Must agree that Odies was excellent for food and the music was very good too.I was impressed with Bang Boa; the pier and the food outlets are still a warm lingering memory that will go on till I return later in the year

As for the roads,well I had a great time with my highly modified Suzuki Caribean Sporty 4wd can't say the same for the girlfriend she had never come across hairpins and climbs like it. :o


Just got back from kho chang. Spent Songkran there. Yup Odies is still the best place to eat a steak and he still plays the blues real well but the area has changed a lot and now a 7-11 atm's bar girl's and kowtoe's have arrived. Even Odie is looking at moving :o KC resort is the last place you want to be if you are not into rave/ loud music. The other places along white sand get a lot of Tourists and during songkran the families staying 8 to one small bungalow and doing their thing at all hours was a pain but it's probably quiet now. Kae bea is quieter and Bang Bao is nice and relaxed.

As everyone says the roads there are something else and even pick ups 4x4s have a time of it in places. The taxis are good though and just chug up and down no problem. Some of the bikes there are realy no good 2 up on the hills :D did I say hills ? I meant vertical roads :D


Spent the first night at KC resort,,,,,,, paid 400 baht for hut with restroom..... Loud rave music late into the night and at 6am they cut the power every morning so no fan,,,,,, I think they tell the guests that they are enviromentalist so they are saving the earth by cutting the power....... Loads of misquitos because of the drainage ditch.... Thumbs down on KC.....

Moved to TIGER BUNGALOW and paid 300 baht,,,,, These bungalows have a real roof and power all day and they have a little bar and pool table on the main road,,,,,, The girls are nice that work there..... Thumbs up for TIGER BUNGALOW,,,, A cheep place and its right next to ODIES and close to 7-11.....

I rented a small house in DAN MAI and stayed there for the next week,,,, Not many places to choose from but a cool little village..... DAN MAI is where the hospital and police station are on the east coast of the island......

If you dont have a car or dont rent a motercycle probably your best bet is WHITE SANDS BEACH or KAI BAE,,,,, If you have a car I really liked this place called BEST VIEW HUTS which is all the way past BANG BAO on the end of the island.... Very cheep and very quiet,,,,, Its even a good place just to go in the daytime and hang out.....

BAN DAN KHOA Is where the ferry arrives and has a really nice place called FUNKY HUT,,,,, It is super clean and has great food,,,,, Very quiet and very private 900 baht....

If you need a motercycle you can rent for 200 baht a day at BAN DAN KAO,,,,,, Or you can get one from a police officers wife at the police station on WHITE SANDS BEACH across from 7-11.....

The east side of the island is the best place for motercycle riding.... There are plenty of cheep bungalows on this side and there is great SEAFOOD at DAN MAI and BAAN RONG THAN.....

  • 2 weeks later...

I went there with friends almost two years ago. The good thing is there is a car ferry, so you don't have to worry about your car, etc.

Actually I was quite let down by the place. I would imagine it was nice before all the bulldozers came in to cut up the place. There wan't much to see and nothing really to do.

Noise wasn't a problem.

It's got to be worse now.

Good Luck


Anyone that opens a Decent,Clean Restaurant on Koh Chang with Ice Cold Beer,Clean Toilets and Good Western/Thai Grup will make a fortune.The majority of the grub on the island is CRAP,never heard of a cold beer there either.

I know of a great location,2 storey close to Hat Sai Khow.

DT,still digging @ Tony I see.

Anyone that opens a Decent,Clean Restaurant on Koh Chang with Ice Cold Beer,Clean Toilets and Good Western/Thai Grup will make a fortune.The majority of the grub on the island is CRAP,never heard of a cold beer there either.

I know of a great location,2 storey close to Hat Sai Khow.

DT,still digging @ Tony I see.

no just stating the obvious.

everytime i go to koh chang its great, i've never had a complaint.


Went there about 12 years ago on the back of a fishing boat for 20 baht.

Stayed in a hut for anotyher 20 and there was no noise, there was nothing just the waves.

Walked to a rather nice waterfall and had a chat with the restaurant guys. More 20 bahts exchanged.

Departed on the same fishing boat in rather nasty rain.

Sounds like it has altered:-)

Re Dave's comment. Does that mean those lovely big posters at the start of walking street will be going to Ko Chang:-)



The monsoon rains have begun but it seems to only rain a couple hours a day now... Good news is off season priceing has begun also.... FUNKY HUT at Dan Kao Beach is down to 400 baht a nite and is a nice relaxing atmosphere... Internet is 2 baht per minute so ill have more info later when I get a phone line... There is plenty of ice cold beer at Ko Chang,,,,,,....

  • 2 weeks later...

really enjoyed kae bae and lemon bar acouple of years ago,cant wait to go back this year for a couple of days,never rent a bike there again

  • 4 weeks later...

Would like to stay one week in Ko Chang in November. How about living conditions ? Are there any rebates ? Cannot find Ko Chang on latestays.com. Somebody told me that in Ko Chang you can find nud_e beaches. Does anybody know some good internet link ? Thank you :o

directly on the beach and usually quiet (except hordes of thai are coming for the weekend).

ummmm, is it any surprise, it is Thailand after all.


my mate owns a bar on white sands [welsh nun bar] a plug for him, seriously though oddies is the best place for food, but in the day you cant gat a decent brekie, so if someone did open a cafe they would make a killing.

I always tryn stay at some small bungalows on the left just up from whitesands about 500 yds its real quite so you dont have to suffer the fool! moon parties they have on the beech every night, and its only 500 baht which i think for Ko Chang is cheap.

the fisihng village is real good, there are also some good restraunts that end one is run by a german guy we found it by accident its right on the beech didnt get the name but im sure i could find it again.

as for the disco we tried it once it was expensive then dread to think how much more it will be now.

But all in all I always enjoy Ko chang for a few days rnr.

  • 4 years later...
my mate owns a bar on white sands [welsh nun bar] a plug for him, seriously though oddies is the best place for food, but in the day you cant gat a decent brekie, so if someone did open a cafe they would make a killing.

I always tryn stay at some small bungalows on the left just up from whitesands about 500 yds its real quite so you dont have to suffer the fool! moon parties they have on the beech every night, and its only 500 baht which i think for Ko Chang is cheap.

the fisihng village is real good, there are also some good restraunts that end one is run by a german guy we found it by accident its right on the beech didnt get the name but im sure i could find it again.

as for the disco we tried it once it was expensive then dread to think how much more it will be now.

But all in all I always enjoy Ko chang for a few days rnr.

i was mr welsh nun bars neighbour for 3 years, great bloke,is he still hanging on? was in a bit of a mess last time i was down there, hope he is doing ok, tell him ukka said hello, could be possible ive met you before?

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