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Powerful bomb thrown into Chao Phraya river beneath Taksin bridge


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Disclosed information:

1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;

2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South;

3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.

When this is not a 'bombing campaign', what is it?

IMO, who could be committing such criminal acts, starting from the least likely:

1) extremist 'circles' around Thai nationalists or the military (very crazy because totally contra-productive for them in the short term and long run, but I list it just to satisfy our local denialists who will come up to shrug off any possible responsibilty from their side using that kind of crap...)

2) international terrorist organisations (nothing pointing in that direction at the time, and I doubt such organisations have 'the logistics' in Thailand to plant 4 explosive devises in less than 24h.);

3) 'wardogs', mercenary killers, à la 'men in black' (paid by, acting for whom, the same as 'highly suspected' before, and shown in pictures and video?);

4) some, to becalled, 'rogue elements' within or associated to the red shirts' UDD (which, with their 'master' and 'sponsor', would be evident beneficiaries

from destabilision...)

Of course, nothing clear yet, but no conjectures here, only depicting the scene, as IMO.

Do I count right:

1 Killer bomb

2 Sathon pier

3 Gayson

4 motorbike

are we really at 4 bombs, now? That is scary. And the terrorists must be complete idiots with just 25% working

skill up your mathematics !

3 of 4 were exploding - that counts in school mathematics as 75% !!

1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;--Fail

2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South; OK

3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike; fail

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn. fail

I count 3 fails and 1 OK=25%

Even terrorists have problems finding qualified staff that get things done proper.

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3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.


I believe the source were early claims made on twitter last night that have since been refuted.

It's an excellent example of what the resident "intelligence" analysts on this site have been basing their pronouncements upon

yes these 2 were new to me and they told they have no parts of the bomb as it was complete destroyed.

Would they have a defused one they would know a lot more....

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Second bomb is similar to Ratchaprasong bomb


BANGKOK: -- A second bomb exploded beneath Sathorn bridge sending passengers and visitors running in panic.

But the explosion did not cause any injury to people.

Royal Thai Police spokesman confirmed the second bomb was a pipe bomb similar to the bomb used in Ratchaprasong.

The explosion at about 2.25 pm was near the Sathorn river pier which is the terminal for Chao Phraya river commuter boats and a short distance from the Skytrain station. It’s also a popular stop for Chinese tour groups.

Residents living in highrise buildings near the river bank reported hearing the deafening sound of explosion which they said it also shook their rooms.

It was so loud that it sent pigeons to fly away in panic, one resident said.

Manager of the Sathorn pier said the bomb, which he said might be pipe bomb, was hurled from the overhead Sathorn bridge but hit a railing of the BTS overhead pedestrian overpass and fell into Sathorn canal which connects to the Chao Phraya river.

The explosion was so powerful that it sent the water into the air for over 10 metres high.

A surveillance camera beneath Sathorn bridge also showed pedestrians running in panic as the bomb went off and splashing water into them as they were walking up the overpass.

Explosive ordnance disposal police arrived at the scene and sealed off the bridge looking for more bombs.

Forensic police also arrived to collect evidence.

Surveillance cameras on the bridge might have captured the bomb suspect.

Forensic police said they collected many small pellets which were believed to be part of the bomb.

It was not known if the second explosion was linked to the deadly bomb at Ratchaprasong or not.

Royal Thai Police Pol Or Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the bomb was a pipe bomb similar to the pipe bomb at Ratchaprasong.

He said the thrower intended to hurl the bomb into the commuter pier but missed the target.

The place is also a place where tourists will come to board boats.

EOD police have discovered a big part of the bomb which indicated the bomb did not function fully.

Soldiers and police have now sealed off the area as they feared the perpetrator might try another attempt.

ภาพCCTVเหตุระเบิดบริเวณท่าเรือสาทรเมื่อช่วง13.00น.เบื้องต้นไม่มีผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บ เครดิตวิดีโอ:อาสาแจ้งข่าว #ThaiPBS

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/second-bomb-is-similar-to-ratchaprasong-bomb


-- Thai PBS 2015-08-18

he will not send a 2nd pipe on the same place, where now 100 of police and army,

he will do it there, where they are missing now for the minimum check !!

and we know , it was great luck that not again victims !!

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Nowhere near as big as Erawan explosion, a firework would do as much. Doubt these are connected.

Considering it exploded underwater pretty damn big. Lucky it missed the ferry.

Scary times.

think you are wrong there...this is the bomber throwing away a second bomb?

work of a single person?

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Nowhere near as big as Erawan explosion, a firework would do as much. Doubt these are connected.

I wasn't there.

I don't have access to police information or any investigation.

I didn't interview anyone that was there.

I'm not an explosives expert.

I dont know what type "firework" would cause a water spray of that high and magnitude as I'm not a fireworks expert.

I am not in a position, with my limited knowledge, to disassociate the two incidents.

I don't profess to know anymore than anyone else.

I just read and viewed the video and can't pass myself off as all-seeing, all-knowing.

I sit on my sofa/divan and not on a bar stool.

Wrong forum...

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Well the red shirts did say they would plant 100 bombs in Bangkok.

98 to go.

Lets hope peace and stability is restored again and swift arrests are made of those that want to see this govt fail before more innocent life's are lost.

It was only a matter of time before the fanatics came back out.

Do you want to see those who are behind the bombing arrested, or those that oppose the current government? Correct me if I'm wrong but they are still clueless as to who and why, or are you privy to some information the rest of us don't know about?

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When you don't allow people a valid space to "voice" discontents and grievances, they do so anyway but in a manner that is unacceptable!

So we will expect some milion of Bombs now,

because evryone who want talk and not allowed,

draw a Bomb by your mind !!

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My money is on a hand grenade as it looked a lot like the grenade fishing I have seen in these parts. Thailand is so totally and utterly f$#^@ed up it could be anyone for just about any reason you can imagine.

I know that pier and bridge well from walking across it on a regular basis. One thing for sure if it was dropped off the bridge, there should be CCTV footage. Quite possibly it was just tossed out of a car window, which might explain why it ended up in the water rather than among the people.

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Looking at the Erawan footage the bomber is very calm, choosing the right time, detonating remotely... here we have an idiot throwing a bomb in a river, makes loud noise but water will ensure minimal damage, runs away.

Almost feels like someone from either side wants to piggy back off the first bombing. Yellows will say evil red shirts and reds will say there being framed for political gain after the first bomber looks to be foreigner.

Erawan I read it had a timer, not remote. (But of course that could be wrong as there is a lot misleading information).

The second one if not bouncing into the water might have made a lot damage as well. If the peer is full and beside the direct damage some people fall into the water and drown, everything recorded might be worse than the first one.

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It would seem they have so many bombs ,they are just throwing them away.

this is not good for tourism or the Thai people,lets hope they catch the

terrorists soon .

regards Worgeordie

I doubt that it is one terrorist.....it is group. Crazy Somchai isn't building such efficient bombs in his kitchen and the TNT doesn't grow on trees as well.

Yeah well RPG's don't grow on trees either yet certain people seem to have no trouble getting them and using them.

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Nowhere near as big as Erawan explosion, a firework would do as much. Doubt these are connected.

For the love of God, I have tried hard to not respond to the two days of the Thai Visa Psychic Forensic unit GUESSING out their butt hole what is going on , but in this case, I have reached the end of my tether.

How could you possibly write something so profoundly stupid at a time like this when we come here to get NEWS that MATTERS?

how could you possibly reach this conclusion.

Tell me where you are, i will buy you a bottle of whatever you are drinking, if it will shut your pie hole for the afternoon.

My wife drives across that bridge every evening on the way home .. now could you kindly clear the way so the adults can share information and get on with the serious business of protecting our families?

I need to determine if she needs to use the other bridges.

Thank you in advance... for shutting up for a moment while others look for VALUABLE INFORMATION from our Expat peers.

Yes I was exaggerating, the point being this explosion was nowhere near as intense as the one at Erawan. Calm down old boy you'll give yourself a hernia!

If I told you how angry this reply has made me, I would .. and justifiably so, be forever banned from Thai Visa.

Let's just leave at this .. do not sit on your bar stool and tell ANYONE that your name on Thai Visa is "Our Man Flint"

The last time a person insulted me and my wife so profoundly, he ended up in a coma, (and he was an active duty US Marine)

Now, do not go away mad, just go way.

Wow. I honestly can't tell if your serious or not. If you are, I highly recommend a stiff drink or maybe some prozac.

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What concerns me about this (obviously failed) attempt is, where was this device meant to go off?

If it was destined for the BTS station then we can take one positive (that for some reason the perpetrator was not able to plant it where he wanted to) and one negative (that there was an intention to cause significant harm to innocent people).

The OP stated that it was thrown onto the walkway by a man. It appears, luckily, that the device didn't stay where it was intended and fell into the water.

Unless there are two groups of maniacs roaming the streets of Bkk, with pipe bombs, then this is most certainly related. The initial intent was that the device would explode on the walkway, releasing the shrapnel it was packed with.

Could have been devastating if the bomb went off in the open and the blast was not absorbed by the water. If the water spout was over 10 meters high and the blast was still able to scatter pellets over a large area, then it was a sizable device. Don't kid yourself on that.

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It would seem they have so many bombs ,they are just throwing them away.

this is not good for tourism or the Thai people,lets hope they catch the

terrorists soon .

regards Worgeordie

I doubt that it is one terrorist.....it is group. Crazy Somchai isn't building such efficient bombs in his kitchen and the TNT doesn't grow on trees as well.

Yeah well RPG's don't grow on trees either yet certain people seem to have no trouble getting them and using them.

I replied to the wrong post.....someone was speaking about a single terrorist and I wanted to tell that it must be a group.

Under the wrong posting my posting doesn't make any sense facepalm.gif

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Just speculation but there has been a lot of anger towards the Chinese tourists in response to how they behave when they visit LoS.

Are you suggesting that a group is detonating powerful bombs round Bangkok because somebody pissed on a toilet seat and didn't clean it up? Like who? The Bogroll Liberation Front, or the International Hygiene Army?


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Disclosed information:

1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;

2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South;

3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.

When this is not a 'bombing campaign', what is it?

IMO, who could be committing such criminal acts, starting from the least likely:

1) extremist 'circles' around Thai nationalists or the military (very crazy because totally contra-productive for them in the short term and long run, but I list it just to satisfy our local denialists who will come up to shrug off any possible responsibilty from their side using that kind of crap...)

2) international terrorist organisations (nothing pointing in that direction at the time, and I doubt such organisations have 'the logistics' in Thailand to plant 4 explosive devises in less than 24h.);

3) 'wardogs', mercenary killers, à la 'men in black' (paid by, acting for whom, the same as 'highly suspected' before, and shown in pictures and video?);

4) some, to becalled, 'rogue elements' within or associated to the red shirts' UDD (which, with their 'master' and 'sponsor', would be evident beneficiaries

from destabilision...)

Of course, nothing clear yet, but no conjectures here, only depicting the scene, as IMO.

Do I count right:

1 Killer bomb

2 Sathon pier

3 Gayson

4 motorbike

are we really at 4 bombs, now? That is scary. And the terrorists must be complete idiots with just 25% working

skill up your mathematics !

3 of 4 were exploding - that counts in school mathematics as 75% !!

1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;--Fail

2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South; OK

3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike; fail

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn. fail

I count 3 fails and 1 OK=25%

Even terrorists have problems finding qualified staff that get things done proper.

one bomb exploded inside the gate - a smaller crater

2nd one outside on the streed, big crater - burned motorcicles and damaged cars

3rd one exploded, but not killed peoples,

Do you count bombs only when they kill ?

like Irak, Afghanistan, Pakistan Bombings with minimum 50 death ?

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3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.


I believe the source were early claims made on twitter last night that have since been refuted.

It's an excellent example of what the resident "intelligence" analysts on this site have been basing their pronouncements upon

yes these 2 were new to me and they told they have no parts of the bomb as it was complete destroyed.

Would they have a defused one they would know a lot more....

I didn't get it from Twitter, and didn't see it being 'refuted' yet. I got number 3) and 4) from info on 'the other newspaper''s site yesterday (not from readers' comments mind you), 4) wasn't commented about more recently (no bomb, or better not speak about it anymore...?), 3) was further reported about on that site, and on this very one, in info coming from police sources. As there are tens of pages published, do take my word for it, as I can't give you the exact quote, but I'm by all means not the kind of 'resident "intelligence" analyst' denigrated by razorramone!

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Nowhere near as big as Erawan explosion, a firework would do as much. Doubt these are connected.

Considering it exploded underwater pretty damn big. Lucky it missed the ferry.

Scary times.

Not really. Pound for pound an underwater explosion would be many times more massive than one on land, this might have been a very small grenade but certainly not a pipe bomb, at least IMO.

Doesn't water centralize the blast stopping it from expanding. I do believe water bags are used in bomb disposal in confined spaces.

It appears some people know differently. They also apparently think that all pipe bombs are of the same size, in relation to small grenades to be fair.

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3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.


I believe the source were early claims made on twitter last night that have since been refuted.

It's an excellent example of what the resident "intelligence" analysts on this site have been basing their pronouncements upon

yes these 2 were new to me and they told they have no parts of the bomb as it was complete destroyed.

Would they have a defused one they would know a lot more....

police were trampling around like in an elephant camp;

sure there were, and always is some remains of the bombs,

but thai forensic police is trainend to find narcotics and botteles of alco when tourists die in hotels,

in criminal cases they are trainened to find " Nothing " ,

that makes the envelopes stuffed !!

And army started to search in morning, when traffic remained !!

Hampleman of investigators !

They shoulod look TV Miamy Vice !!

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Disclosed information:

1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;

2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South;

3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.

When this is not a 'bombing campaign', what is it?

IMO, who could be committing such criminal acts, starting from the least likely:

1) extremist 'circles' around Thai nationalists or the military (very crazy because totally contra-productive for them in the short term and long run, but I list it just to satisfy our local denialists who will come up to shrug off any possible responsibilty from their side using that kind of crap...)

2) international terrorist organisations (nothing pointing in that direction at the time, and I doubt such organisations have 'the logistics' in Thailand to plant 4 explosive devises in less than 24h.);

3) 'wardogs', mercenary killers, à la 'men in black' (paid by, acting for whom, the same as 'highly suspected' before, and shown in pictures and video?);

4) some, to becalled, 'rogue elements' within or associated to the red shirts' UDD (which, with their 'master' and 'sponsor', would be evident beneficiaries

from destabilision...)

Of course, nothing clear yet, but no conjectures here, only depicting the scene, as IMO.

P.S.1: I've been told by friends 'on site' there are 2 craters at Erawan, one behind the now bent fence of the shrine, and one larger one in front of it, would that mean that bomb 3) I wrote about hereabove did in fact explode, in opposition with the previous info I read? Does anyone here know more about it?

P.S.2: Just saw 'mango66' in #115 also writes about 2 craters at Erawan...

Edited by bangrak
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