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Despite lack of evidence, Thai media points blame at Uighurs


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If this was a revenge attack on Thailand then it seems to me that the Uighurs would let it be known rather than keep silent, for that's when revenge is sweet. In this case there is no claim. Therefore all the usual international suspects must be dismissed as unlikely. Which suggests that the attack group knew that the attack in itself will tell the authorities who's behind it and with what intent. In other words, this was meant to tease, defy, challenge, disrupt, threaten. Hence the Erawan -- a sacred symbol of deep Thai emotions -- was chosen. Remember this is the second attack on Erawan, although the first attack ( in 2012? ) was blamed on a mentally unstable person.

Edited by HereIAm
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I think in this situation Thailand should immediately deport ALL Uighurs to China to show that it does not obey blackmail

A: There is no evidence yet pointing to Uighur involvement.

B: Even if there is a connection the blame lies with the scum behind the bombing and no one else.

C: anyone who advocates sending genuine refugees fleeing persecution back to face torture and execution ( in effect state sanctioned murder) is no better than those advocating terrorism in the name of a cause. Both are calling for violence against the innocent.

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I think in this situation Thailand should immediately deport ALL Uighurs to China to show that it does not obey blackmail

A: There is no evidence yet pointing to Uighur involvement.

B: Even if there is a connection the blame lies with the scum behind the bombing and no one else.

C: anyone who advocates sending genuine refugees fleeing persecution back to face torture and execution ( in effect state sanctioned murder) is no better than those advocating terrorism in the name of a cause. Both are calling for violence against the innocent.

no way. this leftist trick will not work. enforcing the law can't be compared with killing of innocent civilians for political goals.

Thailand does not owe anything to Uighur so has the right to send them where thy came from. there came to Thailand without permission - broke the law of the country and should, in fact, be prosecuted like culprits. Thailand even didn't sign the UN convention on refugees. so simple deportation is a mercy for them.

even if there is 100% no connection between Uighur and Bangkok attack they still must be deported. because they came here without permission. Nation of this country does not need them here.

the law is the law, notwithstanding what some hysterical leftists think.

Edited by TimmyT
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Thailand' media are not known for their journalistic skills..........IMO, to blame this groupwithout a scrap of evidence and working on intuition, is another face saving experiment after the groups poor treatment by Thailand

Point to the media in the wolrd with journalistic skills or a shred of integrity.

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The chances are that bombs of this exact type have been used before. The Thai police just need to do a proper forensic job and send the results to the UK USA Israel etc.

Of course if the RTP had blocked off all the routes going South !!!!!!!

While I realise that people will say it is wrong to blame Muslims, the fact is that the majority of these attacks are by Muslim Terrorists.

There are 1.35 billion Sunnis and 150 million Shia in the world. The former are trying to kill the latter so, in effect they are at civil war.

Mainly because of these animals we all have to spent billions every year on security, why??? Because they have most of the oil, that's why.

Then ask another question, who are the most backward countries ?? who are the most underdeveloped ?? Who's people need outside help to survive ??

and who pays most for supplying that help??

Having had the benefit of the oil revenue for about 100 years the Middle East should be a shining beacon to the rest of the world. Every one of those countries

should have desalination plants and world leading industry but no, most of them have buy everything in from other countries. The UAE are making some effort but

they are the few among the many.

When these Kings and Princes travel the world they waste vast amounts of their countries resources, do they think of the families who struggle to eat every day,

of course not.

There should not be one Muslim country in the world where people starve

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There is quite a bit of circumstantial evidence now for building a case against Uighur terrorists. First, Khaosodcrap omits a particularly crucial event (typical worthless Thai journalism): the fact that Uighur separatists attacked the Thai embassy in Istanbul on 9 July following the deportation order. Istanbul is considered to be on the border of Europe and Asia. The Uighurs are clearly Asian and most want to create a nice, peaceful Islamo-fascist state, called Uighuristan. How lovely. The fact that they exported violence to Istanbul from their desired homeland, shows that they are capable as any Islamic terrorists of exporting terrorism.

Second, the police have not officially revealed that they have identified the bomber, and have accessed his facebook and instagram accounts. There are pictures of our friendly neighborhood bomber in military fatigues holding a gun on those websites and the media has accessed these as well. Somyet should keep his mouth shut until the investigation is complete (which of course he is not doing, and why hasn't he been sacked yet?). But the media has every right to be taking a hard look at the Uighurs and is not off-base by focusing the public's attention on them.

The Uighurs are Turkic people, which is why they chose Istanbul. 'Islamo-fascist'? Where did you dig that phrase up from? Ah I get it - all Muslim peoples are Islamo-fascist. Right?

Islamists can be called Islamo-fascists, I see no problem with that?

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I think in this situation Thailand should immediately deport ALL Uighurs to China to show that it does not obey blackmail

A: There is no evidence yet pointing to Uighur involvement.

B: Even if there is a connection the blame lies with the scum behind the bombing and no one else.

C: anyone who advocates sending genuine refugees fleeing persecution back to face torture and execution ( in effect state sanctioned murder) is no better than those advocating terrorism in the name of a cause. Both are calling for violence against the innocent.

no way. this leftist trick will not work. enforcing the law can't be compared with killing of innocent civilians for political goals.

Thailand does not owe anything to Uighur so has the right to send them where thy came from. there came to Thailand without permission - broke the law of the country and should, in fact, be prosecuted like culprits. Thailand even didn't sign the UN convention on refugees. so simple deportation is a mercy for them.

even if there is 100% no connection between Uighur and Bangkok attack they still must be deported. because they came here without permission. Nation of this country does not need them here.

the law is the law, notwithstanding what some hysterical leftists think.


Hysterical bigoted BS rant.

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I think in this situation Thailand should immediately deport ALL Uighurs to China to show that it does not obey blackmail

A: There is no evidence yet pointing to Uighur involvement.

B: Even if there is a connection the blame lies with the scum behind the bombing and no one else.

C: anyone who advocates sending genuine refugees fleeing persecution back to face torture and execution ( in effect state sanctioned murder) is no better than those advocating terrorism in the name of a cause. Both are calling for violence against the innocent.

no way. this leftist trick will not work. enforcing the law can't be compared with killing of innocent civilians for political goals.

Thailand does not owe anything to Uighur so has the right to send them where thy came from. there came to Thailand without permission - broke the law of the country and should, in fact, be prosecuted like culprits. Thailand even didn't sign the UN convention on refugees. so simple deportation is a mercy for them.

even if there is 100% no connection between Uighur and Bangkok attack they still must be deported. because they came here without permission. Nation of this country does not need them here.

the law is the law, notwithstanding what some hysterical leftists think.

Yeah. Universal human rights. Just a leftist trick.

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I think in this situation Thailand should immediately deport ALL Uighurs to China to show that it does not obey blackmail

A: There is no evidence yet pointing to Uighur involvement.

B: Even if there is a connection the blame lies with the scum behind the bombing and no one else.

C: anyone who advocates sending genuine refugees fleeing persecution back to face torture and execution ( in effect state sanctioned murder) is no better than those advocating terrorism in the name of a cause. Both are calling for violence against the innocent.

no way. this leftist trick will not work. enforcing the law can't be compared with killing of innocent civilians for political goals.

Thailand does not owe anything to Uighur so has the right to send them where thy came from. there came to Thailand without permission - broke the law of the country and should, in fact, be prosecuted like culprits. Thailand even didn't sign the UN convention on refugees. so simple deportation is a mercy for them.

even if there is 100% no connection between Uighur and Bangkok attack they still must be deported. because they came here without permission. Nation of this country does not need them here.

the law is the law, notwithstanding what some hysterical leftists think.

Zieg Heil general!

Someone should turn off his conputer and go for a walk...

We should send back the ones fleeing the war in middle east too, right? Even if this war is caused by western countries, or is it ok for them?

Hope your country won t turn nasty or you may need to flee and will not be able to use this argument anymore...

Thats a typical diversion tactic...

The Uighurs are not Thailand problem at all... End of... They could have picked any number of countries to have escaped to who are more tolerant to Islam and their ways of life and who did not have such strong ties to China...

The whole idea about escaping persecution is about going to the first safe country you get to... Not picking and choosing... This is life-and-death... Not umming and arring because you don't like the climate...

This is exactly the same type of crap that gets thrown at Britain because we refuse asylum to people from Africa and the Middle East who, despite having already escaped the persecution and arrived in the first safe country of asylum, STILL aren't happy with France, Spain, Italy et al and would much rather pick Britain...

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no way. this leftist trick will not work. enforcing the law can't be compared with killing of innocent civilians for political goals.

Thailand does not owe anything to Uighur so has the right to send them where thy came from. there came to Thailand without permission - broke the law of the country and should, in fact, be prosecuted like culprits. Thailand even didn't sign the UN convention on refugees. so simple deportation is a mercy for them.

even if there is 100% no connection between Uighur and Bangkok attack they still must be deported. because they came here without permission. Nation of this country does not need them here.

the law is the law, notwithstanding what some hysterical leftists think.

Zieg Heil general!

Someone should turn off his conputer and go for a walk...

We should send back the ones fleeing the war in middle east too, right? Even if this war is caused by western countries, or is it ok for them?

Hope your country won t turn nasty or you may need to flee and will not be able to use this argument anymore...

Thats a typical diversion tactic...

The Uighurs are not Thailand problem at all... End of... They could have picked any number of countries to have escaped to who are more tolerant to Islam and their ways of life and who did not have such strong ties to China...

The whole idea about escaping persecution is about going to the first safe country you get to... Not picking and choosing... This is life-and-death... Not umming and arring because you don't like the climate...

This is exactly the same type of crap that gets thrown at Britain because we refuse asylum to people from Africa and the Middle East who, despite having already escaped the persecution and arrived in the first safe country of asylum, STILL aren't happy with France, Spain, Italy et al and would much rather pick Britain...

The Uighurs could only flee to countries close to them unless they have the teleport technology from Star Trek.

Turkey agreed and wanted to take them in.

Instead they were sent back to face torture and death.

Edited by Bluespunk
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The logistics needed to successfully conduct such a terrorist act is not that simple.... More investigation and data needed to point at anybody. TNT, C4 , fertilizer bomb etc.... before finger pointing more serious criminal/ police investigations has to be completed...

Nope. See Boston Marathon bombings for illustration of how easy it is to do.


That's why i included fertilizer bombs...

The Tsarnaevs used gunpowder from legally purchased fireworks placed in a pressure cooker along with some BB's, nails and pellets. Step by step instructions provided by Al-Qaeda linked Inspire Magazine in 2010.


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These are a peaceable people that are constantly vilified by Thailand's northern neighbors. among the original 227, that came seeking refuge and safety in Turkey 87 were children.The ugly neighbor up north is trying to force ethnic submission, denying freedom of language and culture and forcing abortions. I think what we'll find is someone a little more red is behind the massacre.

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These are a peaceable people that are constantly vilified by Thailand's northern neighbors. among the original 227, that came seeking refuge and safety in Turkey 87 were children.The ugly neighbor up north is trying to force ethnic submission, denying freedom of language and culture and forcing abortions. I think what we'll find is someone a little more red is behind the massacre.

oh yeah, and those "peaceable people" destroyed Thai consulate in Istanbul, right?

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There is quite a bit of circumstantial evidence now for building a case against Uighur terrorists. First, Khaosodcrap omits a particularly crucial event (typical worthless Thai journalism): the fact that Uighur separatists attacked the Thai embassy in Istanbul on 9 July following the deportation order. Istanbul is considered to be on the border of Europe and Asia. The Uighurs are clearly Asian and most want to create a nice, peaceful Islamo-fascist state, called Uighuristan. How lovely. The fact that they exported violence to Istanbul from their desired homeland, shows that they are capable as any Islamic terrorists of exporting terrorism.

Second, the police have not officially revealed that they have identified the bomber, and have accessed his facebook and instagram accounts. There are pictures of our friendly neighborhood bomber in military fatigues holding a gun on those websites and the media has accessed these as well. Somyet should keep his mouth shut until the investigation is complete (which of course he is not doing, and why hasn't he been sacked yet?). But the media has every right to be taking a hard look at the Uighurs and is not off-base by focusing the public's attention on them.

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There is quite a bit of circumstantial evidence now for building a case against Uighur terrorists. First, Khaosodcrap omits a particularly crucial event (typical worthless Thai journalism): the fact that Uighur separatists attacked the Thai embassy in Istanbul on 9 July following the deportation order. Istanbul is considered to be on the border of Europe and Asia. The Uighurs are clearly Asian and most want to create a nice, peaceful Islamo-fascist state, called Uighuristan. How lovely. The fact that they exported violence to Istanbul from their desired homeland, shows that they are capable as any Islamic terrorists of exporting terrorism.

Second, the police have not officially revealed that they have identified the bomber, and have accessed his facebook and instagram accounts. There are pictures of our friendly neighborhood bomber in military fatigues holding a gun on those websites and the media has accessed these as well. Somyet should keep his mouth shut until the investigation is complete (which of course he is not doing, and why hasn't he been sacked yet?). But the media has every right to be taking a hard look at the Uighurs and is not off-base by focusing the public's attention on them.

No, phod 2+2 is not 5. you are not balanced or right though you seem articulate

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I would expect the U.S. ATF and FBI as well as Interpol would be looking at this.Terrorism is becoming a World Wide Cancer and it boils down to two things (1) Cultural/Religious Difference and (2) The Have Not's Vs The Haves !!

Some epeople are taught "Because I am you owe me", AKA Welfare and goodies they do not have to earn.

They will only come in if there were American caualities, AND if requested by the Thail Govt.

So, whats next backpack searches at all the Wats and Shrines??

Who is this Thai Woman I see on the Vietnamese Television claiming to have hidden bombs all over the city?? I don't see anything in on this forum - or is she just a nutcase craving her 15 minutes of fame. ?????

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