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Thai police identify 2 more Bangkok blast suspects


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Sooner or later, Thailand will need help from other countries to find/deal with these attackers.

Watching the general's favorite (Blue Bloods) TV show might not be enough. rolleyes.gif

That was always obvious :) Anyway it's arrived and is already providing information. Reference is being made to help from 'allied countries'.

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Who are they (the bombers) and what do they want?

A random act of violence with no explanation, no demands and no hope of any solution as the Thai authorities are just not equipped or trained for methodical investigations.

What can Interpol do with the only suspect a drawing.

Will a scapegoat be found we will know soon I suspect, although grabbing some simpleton and accusing of a sophisticated operation may be a little difficult for even the RTP.

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Oh Dear

A lot of Thai bashing going on- I can't imagine what it must have been like, picking up bits of flesh and the ball bearings ( pellets?) around the shrine .

In London there is one camera for every 14 people - around half a million cameras- you are tracked everywhere. The cost of this must be huge. We do not live in a first world country- give the BIB a break- they are probably trying their best in an appalling situation.

I used to think the negativity, cynicism , Thai bashing was faintly amusing.

This is my adopted country- and I think we should support the country - not bash it.

But then of course Thai Visa is full of the most bitter and twisted people on the planet.

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The suspect/s certainly knew of the cameras and not one person looked up directly into them...obviously they planned well....who knows how many motos and taxis they took to muddle their trail. Not one decent picture of them, just a sketch that looks like it could be a number of nationalities....indian, indo, malay, eurasian, spanish, italian, french....jeez.

Feel sorry for these cops.

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Things are getting more and more interesting. The plot thickens once again.

Thai Police: At Least 10 Involved In Bombing

sky_174244.gifSky News – 13 minutes ago

Thailand's police chief says at least 10 people were involved in the Bangkok bomb attack that killed 20 people.

He also said the attack had been planned at least one month in advance.

"It is a big network. There was preparation using many people," police chief Somyot Poompanmuang said.

"This includes those who looked out on the streets, prepared the bomb and those at the site and ... those who knew the escape route," he said.

"There must have been at least 10 people involved."

Police had already said they were looking for three suspects , including a young man in a yellow T-shirt seen on grainy video footage apparently planting the bomb.

That man could be foreign, according to authorities, who also released a sketch of the suspect.

The BIB are grasping at straws yet again.

You'd hope they been studying CCTV footage. Looking for suspicious activity that could go back weeks. Carefully comparing the results from different cameras. tracking individuals and who they met up with, etc etc. Along with analyzing mobile phone traffic, the immigration data base and all related pre-bomb intelligence.

But, then again, this is the BiB we are talking about!

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"Thai police identify 2 more Bangkok blast suspects"

Excuse me, but the identity of no suspects are known yet.

No suspects have been identified!

When you identify someone it means you know who they are!

They do not have a clue,

and neither does any news paper who prints headlines like this!

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There are definetely times when the RTP should be taken to task for ineptitude.

At the moment this is clearly a lost in translation moment that couldequally be the fault of journalists.

The RTP offer many other avenues under which to criticise their work, pick and choose with care.

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I find it somewhat, "strange" the scene was cleaned up so quickly,,, were there any trained people to collect the numerous tiny pieces to try and determine exactly what explosive was used?,,, anything "modern" or military/commercial types have, "markers" or similar indicators built into them, somewhat like a serial number, to determine not only the type, but also the exact manufacture,, which helps to determine where/when/what company made it, therefore it can track where it was shipped last, and then, pinpoint when it, "dissapeared" and even possible WHO had access to it,,, That would be a big start in helping to determine who's possibly responsible, or at least involved,, Also,, there was confirmation of the 2nd bomb being disarmed.. but NO mention of how it was to be detonated,, a timer that malfunctioned?... a cell phone. or remote trigger?.... I guess it's possible since they now have the second bomb, they're assuming both were the same, therefore no need to try and determine exactly what the 1st one was,,, I would think the second one is probably covered in fingerprints, the maker assuming once detonated, all would be gone,,,, The BIB, etc,, always seem to lack the basic skills of investigation, evidence gathering,,, which has been seen time and time again,,,

Edited by Adeeos
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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

I picked up on that too, she looks around for a split second.

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I find it somewhat, "strange" the scene was cleaned up so quickly,,, were there any trained people to collect the numerous tiny pieces to try and determine exactly what explosive was used?,,, anything "modern" or military/commercial types have, "markers" or similar indicators built into them, somewhat like a serial number, to determine not only the type, but also the exact manufacture,, which helps to determine where/when/what company made it, therefore it can track where it was shipped last, and then, pinpoint when it, "dissapeared" and even possible WHO had access to it,,, That would be a big start in helping to determine who's possibly responsible, or at least involved,, Also,, there was confirmation of the 2nd bomb being disarmed.. but NO mention of how it was to be detonated,, a timer that malfunctioned?... a cell phone. or remote trigger?.... I guess it's possible since they now have the second bomb, they're assuming both were the same, therefore no need to try and determine exactly what the 1st one was,,, I would guess the second one is probably covered in fingerprints, the maker assuming once detonated, all would be gone,,,, The BIB, etc,, always seem to lack the basic skills of investigation, evidence gathering,,, which has been seen time and time again,,,

It maybe likely there was some pressure to get the tourist attraction up and running as quickly as possible, for commercial reasons and to demonstrate a defiance to the perpetrators of the act.

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If that's the best their CCTV can offer, they might as well scrap it (or of course they could do something radical like get a decent system).

Quite right. You could probably pick up a far better unit in Pantip for 1000 baht.

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Things are getting more and more interesting. The plot thickens once again.

Thai Police: At Least 10 Involved In Bombing

sky_174244.gifSky News – 13 minutes ago

Thailand's police chief says at least 10 people were involved in the Bangkok bomb attack that killed 20 people.

He also said the attack had been planned at least one month in advance.

"It is a big network. There was preparation using many people," police chief Somyot Poompanmuang said.

"This includes those who looked out on the streets, prepared the bomb and those at the site and ... those who knew the escape route," he said.

"There must have been at least 10 people involved."

Police had already said they were looking for three suspects , including a young man in a yellow T-shirt seen on grainy video footage apparently planting the bomb.

That man could be foreign, according to authorities, who also released a sketch of the suspect.

The BIB are grasping at straws yet again.

Again they will squeeze square pegs into round holes. Grasping at straws hmm maybe drawing straws to see who is up next to put their foot in their mouth. Earth shattering to say the least.

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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

I picked up on that too, she looks around for a split second.

At the very least she would have got a good look at him. I wonder if she's come forward? If not, very suspicious as she does seem to be hanging around him and he almost seems to follow her out after she gives him the look.

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This was already obvious yesterday. They have been slow to announce this.

They do seem to be involved. The fact that these two have clearly not disguised themselves implies that yellow shirt is not in disguise either.

These two are almost definitely Asian. All three might pass for Indonesian. My theory is still on international jihadists.

seriously ? what would be the point of terrorists carrying out a successful attack and not claiming responsibility, it simply doesn't happen and the reason is obvious

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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

. I think the one in gold with the funny hat is in on it for sure.
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when there are cameras able to recognize a face stuck out of a window from a satellite?

No they can't. Not yet anyway! Simply not enough resolution!

Also the camera would have to pointing at the exact spot where the attack took place. A satellite imaging system can only be looking in one place at a given time and if it wants high resolution images, it has to be looking there for much longer than it would take to drop a ruck suck and walk off.

They have more chance of cleaning the current cctv images up and reconstructing them to get their photo fit..... and even that's not terribly accurate.

I do hope they find the suspects soon though. They're gonna need some loose lips to help em I reckon.

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I give up, the police seem to be doing their typical job of making a complete farce out of the investigation. Certainly the contradictory reports they keep giving are not helping anyone. Personally I am not convinced these 2 are connected from watching the video, they could be but the police appear very certain, I hope they have other evidence to go on.

They also seem very certain the bomber is a foreigner, yet the sketch looks like an Asian. They certainly shouldn't ignore the possibility he's a Thai, but they seem to be as they've only dragged in an Aussie and Frenchman so far. Neither of which look remotely Asian.

To add to the confusion the government seems convinced it is Thaksin related, which is possible, but they clearly have no evidence of that at this point.

Now they are saying they think at least 10 people are involved and it took at least a month to plan. What they are basing this on I have no idea, but it would just appear to be someones opinion.

The motor taxi driver said he spoke a foreign language, but that means nothing when it comes to identifying his nationality. It might be hard for some people to believe but many Thai's can speak other languages.

They said they got a warning, would it not be useful to at least say if it was a Thai that called? Did that person have a specific accent?

All I want to hear is a simple, concise report of the facts, not the personal opinion of every police officer and government official that feels like speaking publicly.

For now the facts would appear to be:

1. The bomber is a young man who's nationality is undetermined.

2. There was a warning of some kind, but we don't know if it was a phone call or email, or if it was in Thai or another language.

3. It was clearly aimed at tourists, but not westerners, which would indicate it's not Al Qaida or ISIS related. Also these groups would almost certainly be claiming responsibility.

4. The 2 bombs were similar and used the same explosive and at least some parts were from Thailand.

5. The bomber may speak several languages.

That's about it. Everything else seems to be individual opinions.

If I was a betting man I'd go with either a southern extremist group or Red shirt break away group, wanting to take their protests to the next level.

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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

. I think the one in gold with the funny hat is in on it for sure.

I am all for jokes,and taking the piss. But to make them in this thread is WELL out of order. Txxx

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This was already obvious yesterday. They have been slow to announce this.

They do seem to be involved. The fact that these two have clearly not disguised themselves implies that yellow shirt is not in disguise either.

These two are almost definitely Asian. All three might pass for Indonesian. My theory is still on international jihadists.

seriously ? what would be the point of terrorists carrying out a successful attack and not claiming responsibility, it simply doesn't happen and the reason is obvious

Exactly, ISIS just bombed somewhere in Egypt and claimed it within hours.

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