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Thai police identify 2 more Bangkok blast suspects


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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

. I think the one in gold with the funny hat is in on it for sure.

I am all for jokes,and taking the piss. But to make them in this thread is WELL out of order. Txxx

As is ridiculous speculation, to believe a tourist who looks around and hesitates for a moment is suspicious.

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the Uighur link sounded more plausible than anything else I read on this thread, i have seen the images of how they were deported chained to each other and wearing hoods over their heads, sending back to China was beyond inhumane imho.

jihadists would have bombed the Main Police Station 200 m down the road and really have a large body count, this bomb was also not top of the line work (if it was they would have used semtex or C-4).

And just the fact that they reopened the site already suggests the damage was not that huge...

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"Thai police identify 2 more Bangkok blast suspects"

Excuse me, but the identity of no suspects are known yet.

No suspects have been identified!

When you identify someone it means you know who they are!

They do not have a clue,

and neither does any news paper who prints headlines like this!

You obviously have not read the whole thread.

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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

I picked up on that too, she looks around for a split second.

At the very least she would have got a good look at him. I wonder if she's come forward? If not, very suspicious as she does seem to be hanging around him and he almost seems to follow her out after she gives him the look.

On the other hand, maybe she eventually became one of the victims of this atrocity?

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So the RTP say there are at least ten people involved in the bombing. So far they have "identified" Mr Yellow Shirt, Mr Red Shirt and Mr White Shirt. What coloured shirts/blouses were the remaining seven suspects wearing? This all sounds like something from a Pink Panther movie with Inspector Clouseau in charge. The Inspector can infamously be quoted as once saying "....I suspect everyone".

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coffee1.gif Very grainy, blurred pictures. Maybe they ought to be using the motorway cameras that catch speeding motorists in Bangkok? My last fine included a pic of my registration plate that was so clear, I could count the minor dents and dead flies on it. wink.png

Yeah, this will probably bring about a huge upgrade, costing several billion baht, and mysteriously going to a previously unknown company which just happens to have ties to ...coffee1.gif

Edited by Acharn
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"watch the American crime series Blue Bloods for leads"

I think watching Warner Bros. cartoons... 'Foghorn-leghorn' (or even Bugs-Bunny...hey, even Daffy Duck), would be the true 'learning level' of those concerned.

Edited by lgking
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What has not been mentioned so far is the location of where he left the bag in relation to the location of the crater the bomb left in the ground. If they are one in the same place then the chances are that he is the bomber but if they're not in the same place then they must be barking up the wrong tree.

Since every announcement coming from Thailand contradicts the previous announcement, who knows what's really happening?

From the side-by-side photos, it's exactly the same place. The concrete post was mostly blown away.

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the Uighur link sounded more plausible than anything else I read on this thread, i have seen the images of how they were deported chained to each other and wearing hoods over their heads, sending back to China was beyond inhumane imho.

jihadists would have bombed the Main Police Station 200 m down the road and really have a large body count, this bomb was also not top of the line work (if it was they would have used semtex or C-4).

And just the fact that they reopened the site already suggests the damage was not that huge...

The Chinese claim that the Uighurs they deported back to China were jihadists on their way to Syria to fight for the Muzz extremists trying to topple Assad. The Thai consulate in Turkey was attacked by Uighurs in response. The Chinese are supporting Assad in this conflict and Thailand has been moving away from the the US and closer to the Chinese since the Redshirt regime was run out of town. This Uighur link is looking to be the most plausible to many observers.

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ISIS would have claimed responsibility by now if they did this. As I said before if no major cell claims responsibility then it is more likely that it was a lone lunatic or politically motivated. We know who likes to play in this area.

Well it was not a suicide bomber , not ISIS. Where does a loner get TNT ? A lot of skill,and cost to make such an explosion.. Not one man . Some people with money and a desire to reduce visitors to LOS .So WHO ?

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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

. I think the one in gold with the funny hat is in on it for sure.

I am all for jokes,and taking the piss. But to make them in this thread is WELL out of order. Txxx

As is ridiculous speculation, to believe a tourist who looks around and hesitates for a moment is suspicious.
So you think its not worth even talking to her? Checking what she saw? Eliminating her from the enquiry?

Are you a Thai cop by any chance? If not, maybe you should apply. You'd fit right in.

Edited by JonnyF
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This was already obvious yesterday. They have been slow to announce this.

They do seem to be involved. The fact that these two have clearly not disguised themselves implies that yellow shirt is not in disguise either.

These two are almost definitely Asian. All three might pass for Indonesian. My theory is still on international jihadists.

seriously ? what would be the point of terrorists carrying out a successful attack and not claiming responsibility, it simply doesn't happen and the reason is obvious

It's still early days. They always let it simmer for a while - that's part of the terror - and no doubt also want to make sure they've got clear before claiming responsibility.

The Islamists usually do, so if there's no claim of responsibility forthcoming then that changes the picture somewhat. In the meantime, given past experience: Bali, Boston, London, Paris, Madrid, Jakarta, Ottawa, Nairobi, Tunis, etc, etc, etc - it's hardly reasonable to rule it out.

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whatever you do dont go walking around bkk with a backpack

Yes- I can never quite understand what people have in those backpacks?

In my case it's an umbrella, a bottle of water, a book, some maps, and any purchases I might have made that day. And sometimes my camera too.

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The girl with shortish hair in black looks pretty suspicious as well. She blocks the view next to the guy in white and leaves at the same time as yellow. She almost seems to hang around a second at the end to make sure he's finished and walking out

I picked up on that too, she looks around for a split second.

At the very least she would have got a good look at him. I wonder if she's come forward? If not, very suspicious as she does seem to be hanging around him and he almost seems to follow her out after she gives him the look.

On the other hand, maybe she eventually became one of the victims of this atrocity?

Possibly. She seemed to leave with the bomber. You think it's worth checking out?

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The bomb(s) will hit Thailand's tourism income hard this year. Maybe there is no claim of responsibility or message with the bombs because that is the message: "make a deal with us or we will ruin your economy". I may be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if a behind the scenes deal is done and the bombs and bombers just fade away into history.

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There's some posts going around the Thai social media circuit re the yellow T-shirt worn by the apparent bomber.

Someone found what looks to be the exact same style yellow shirt being sold out of Indonesia, and they posted a web link showing the shirt for sale there.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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This was already obvious yesterday. They have been slow to announce this.

They do seem to be involved. The fact that these two have clearly not disguised themselves implies that yellow shirt is not in disguise either.

These two are almost definitely Asian. All three might pass for Indonesian. My theory is still on international jihadists.

Elbows and theories; every one has one. Sometimes two if they don't get blown off.

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BBC World News just reporting that the red and white shirted guys have made themselves known to the police.

Indications are that they are tour guides and are claiming they have no link to the guy with the yellow shirt.

Looks like we are back down to one suspect.

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