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ThaiBev consolidates all beers into Chang Classic to shake up market


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Awesome nearly 6 pages on the great Chang debate. Most people know the majority, if not all, Thai beer is shit house. Leo is OK. Best beer in the region hands down is Beer Lao. Red Horse is a Phillo's special and a heady drop. This debate seems to be mostly about alcohol content and price though really nothing to do with the quality of the beer. As for those that recommend Cheers or Archa... what the <deleted>??? If some of you sops are so concerned about price and percentage of piss why not just go native and start smashing the lao kao into you. Problem solved. Cheers. thumbsup.gif

I thought it was about the demise of the 2 decent beers that Chang makes - Export & Draught, both lower alcohol content.

Btw, Leo tastes like the homebrew I made 30 years ago or more, when I was a student....

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When ASEAN comes, people will go for Beerlao, Myanmar beer and then Cambodian beer.

We'll all be dead before ASEAN comes.

ASEAN has been here since 1967

For those unaware of Post #101, it is repeated for their benefit.

For those unaware (I wasn't), DanceAllNight was referring to the AEC portion of ASEAN... which is supposed to be fully implemented over the next two years, but will not be fully implemented before, as said, we are all dead. wink.png

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Chang Classic tastes like bat urine. sick.gif

I bow to your superior knowledge, never having drunk bat urine myself!

Funny, when I posted that I thought to myself that there would undoubtedly be some lunkhead who would post something like, "HAR HAR HAR, how do you know what bat urine tastes like, HAR HAR HAR", all the while slapping his meaty thigh and congratulating himself on his rapier-like wit. And right on cue....

It was you who made the comparison, and you that have responsibility for an ignorant statement. Why blame others?

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I can't see what all the fuss is about.

People should drink this piss out of brown paper bags.

It's only merit is that it's cheap, for people who worry about things like that.


In Germany the beer is 3-4 times cheaper then in Thailand and still much better.

half a litre Paulaner for 20 baht a big bottle.....tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.pngthumbsup.gif Now we're talking. Some curry bratwursts with that and the party is complete.gigglem.gif

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It's a sad day for this long time drinker of Chang.

I can't say I like the "new" taste at all.

Not what beer do I turn to . . . . any ideas?

Beerlao, Tiger, Archa, Red Horse, Cheers Xtra

My favorite still comes in 750ml bottles and is 40% alcohol - and you only need to drink two bottles a night for a healthy buzz. I think it comes from Scotland and has a black label.

Are you sure Thai Black Label comes from Scotland?

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I would prefer weaker beer, as I'm not aiming to be w**kered, I just want a nice drink. Most popular beers here taste like chemical compounds to me, and if I can find a good beer I don't mind paying the extra within reason (micro brewery/craft beer type stuff).

I did try Chang once, and had about 2 mouthfuls of it before deciding never to touch the stuff again, and threw it away. It's not beer. The alternatives are generally not much better, but they're still better.

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I would prefer weaker beer, as I'm not aiming to be w**kered, I just want a nice drink. Most popular beers here taste like chemical compounds to me, and if I can find a good beer I don't mind paying the extra within reason (micro brewery/craft beer type stuff).

I did try Chang once, and had about 2 mouthfuls of it before deciding never to touch the stuff again, and threw it away. It's not beer. The alternatives are generally not much better, but they're still better.

I was in the German brewery last week and they had white beer and lager, homebrew.

In the huge partyhall are copper kettles for brewing but in the productionroom i saw stainless steel ones, which they use i guess.

The beer is not bad but real white beer is better. I haven't seen bottles for sale, only those big 1 metre tabletaps.

Also there it ain't cheap but you'll get to see a great show with very good artists. Myself i started drinking whisky though after 1 glass of white.

Another brewery is Holland beer with a big windmill outside. The beer is really brewn by Germans according to the video's.

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Classic case of "If it ain't broke don't fix it"

And surely a case of throwing the baby out with the Chang water.

The original Chang was a great beer, having enough character to stand up to the devilishly spicy food of Isaan

As was the Carlsberg they were brewing, before breaking the contract, and produce a Thai Carlsberg copy they very originally called Chang, considering Carlsberg had been using the elephant for tens of years! Greedy Thai copycats when you ask me, and the quality control was always between poor and bad (the Danish engineers were gone), quite some analogies with the more recent Pepsy story here, TiT...!

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I wonder if they are looking greedily at the Heineken price tag and thinking they can edge towards it if they make it as similar as possible.

Thai quality at farang prices is a recipe for disaster.

The Heineken angle is the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the new bottle.

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Just came back from Big C Second Rd.

Thought I would switch now to Leo or something else after reading this thread but they still had a load of Chang Classic on the shelves.

The 3-pack Classic looked just like always.

Bought a couple. Didn't check and at home I discovered that I had indeed bought the "new", "improved" more expensive. smaller bottles (620 instead of 630) and down to 5.5m (instead of 5.8).

No drama but I wish I could find some good tasty beer in LOS. The old 6.4 Classic of yore was OK for me.

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It's a sad day for this long time drinker of Chang.

I can't say I like the "new" taste at all.

Not what beer do I turn to . . . . any ideas?

Beerlao, Tiger, Archa, Red Horse, Cheers Xtra

Nobody here knows about Huda bier ? 4,7 * only ;

But who drink here in SE Asia his bier without ice inside ? wai2.gif

The bier of Hue in Vietnam , Carlberg license .

Hu = Hue

Da = Danmark


Yuk! ice in beer, revolting.

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Ugh now I know why Chang disappeared from the shelves of my 7/11. This is the worst news I have heard of in the past decade!

That's the best over-reaction I've seen in the past decade.

Somebody needs to grow a sense of humor.

Oh believe me, this thread has made me laugh from the very beginning.

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Enough about Chang and other rubbish.

Let's talk about beer.



Let's talk about beer that is readily available in Thailand. wink.png

Villa Market sells a lot of Belgium and Jurruman beers. But vely vely paing sir.

The point was ready availability, not cost. wink.png

It might be difficult to believe, but Villa Market is not readily available for many, many, many areas of Thailand. wink.png

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It's a sad day for this long time drinker of Chang.

I can't say I like the "new" taste at all.

Not what beer do I turn to . . . . any ideas?

Only ever drank the old brew with my staff. Not a bad taste.

Just tried the new one. Bloody crap

Will stick with Singha. Great taste & flavour

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I'm one customer they've lost. Chang Export & Draught top beers in Thailand. Chang Classic - NO THANKS bah.gif

C. Export is my favorite beer. So sad it is going.

Export was nice

The new stuff is crap

I'll think I'll stay with Singha or at worst Leo... lol

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