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Committee on Housing Moban...

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Is anyone out there on a committee of a Housing estate under Juristic control and can offer some advice based on past experience ??

I bought a house on a Moban a few weeks ago (Thai limited company)....Got talking to a Ferrang neighbour who "owns" his house on a 30 year lease.....

There is an AGM comming up next month and me and my neighbour tried to put our names forward to be elected as directors / committee members.

We were told that only Thais can be Directors - being a shareholder of a company that owns a house or leaseholder doesn't qualify.

any first hand experience in this would be appreciated...

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I do not serve on my moo ban committe, but my wife and I are involved with the community, ie my wife belongs to the village ladies group and I do a bit of diy around the estate, I do go to meetings when invited plus the AGM. I have to have one of the guys translate for me,Even though we all get along extremely well they are very much concerned by "we don't do this in our country attitude" that some foreigners have. I also get the impression that it sort of by invite as well to go on the committee.

As for the legal side i.e. directors etc I do not know.Best of luck in your new home

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I'd ask to see that in writing. There is a Thai law about stuff like this, but I've never been able to find a document about it.

We have people here who are on the committee and are not Thai. Just directors of the companies that hold their house. With that being said, you could potentially open yourself up to trouble. As you know, we're not allowed to work here unless we have a permit. And a few have gotten into trouble over this in the past. It's all a bit hokey, but if they have the right connections, they can make trouble for you.

My friend is a director for a large condo building here in Pattaya. They have director's insurance and it's saved his bacon. He's been sued a few times. My wife was on out committee, but after hearing about this, asked her to back out.

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If foreigners didn't serve on our Housing Estate committee there would not be a committee...........not that it serves much purpose unfortunately. A previous Chairperson was a foreigner and no one has ever suggested it is not possible.

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