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PBTA chief calls for jet ski ban


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The reason this nation wallows in its own malfeasance is the total lack of logic and common sense. Thailand is the Hub of a thousand last chances rather than have the RTP and the judiciary do what they are paid for.

Should the bad apples loose out on their investment so what! ,simply shut them down and run them out of town but don't ask other people to do you job for you. Many jet ski companies are laws unto themselves and should be curtailed by law.

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Best thing I've heard in a long time. Get rid of them ! They are noisy, dangerous for swimmers and pollute the sea.

Why do people rent Jet skies in the first place? it doesn't look fun, it is not fun (I tried it) it is noisy and dangerous for swimmers, polluting, In all Beaches in my home country they are banned except for some area where it is exclusively reserved for those machines.

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last time i rented 1 was 2001. i didnt get scammed even though i ranted the shit out of it and turned it over doing 1 stunt. then i heard about the scams and havnt touched 1 since. you would think that in 14 years the rest of the world would have learned of those scams by now??

...anyway, me and my 4 buddies are off now for a 100bt massage with 2 sexy thai girls (with very big feet) we just found on the beach road....and they got a free room as well! ....wish me luck smile.png

Are they wearing steel toe-capped stilettos?

Or perhaps have Adam Apples ?

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"they need to both self-police their ranks and turn in to authorities those engaged in criminal activity, he said"

Oh my Oh my,,, this will never end hit-the-fan.gif

I'm in total agreement with you. They already had many chances to self police. We all know that's never going to happen. And to suggest it will

Is so nieve its suspicious in itself. Pattaya is on its last chance to cleanup. In regards to visitor attacks and murder's In the eyes of the international community. I've seen this happen before where entire visitor destinations dry up. And hotels wait weeks for a single customer. And nearly every person is unemployed. Pattaya is not there yet. But it can happen. Only thing saving pattay is pretty farm girls and that's it and that's all...

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I am just sitting in Central Pattaya now in font of royal plaza watching one go down with 3 Indians, the time. Is now 3.19 pm and they have been negotiating for 45 min . They have now brought a Thai woman into the scam so there 3 jet ski boys a lady and some other dude holding rental agreement by the looks of it.

Ha ha ha..thats exactly how the deal goes down.....?

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Well done India and i hope more countries join your boycott of the jet ski ban. If Pattaya police patrolled the beaches how could the miss illegal jet ski scam ring. Maybe still getting paid to close there eyes! I f the police arrest them and they tell about paying for protection then the police get sent to another district!

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You are making yourselves look even worse than you already have..... Pattaya and its officials need a good smarten up. This is not the wild west although it sounds that way on TV

Do you really expect any quality people to trust business here and invest in this country with the ongoing ass banging of weak touists stood over by Isan thugs. You know who they are already and so do the police :)\


Actually i can take you straight there son

The Pattaya Mayor had stopped it months back LOL JOKERS

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Self policing is one short step away from vigilantiism and is a disgraceful response to the majority; yes majority; of jetski renters who are honest. It is an abrogation of responsibility by those authorities whose job it is to put an end to the scamming. The "live" example quoted earlier in this thread is at the location where the overwhelming majority of scams take place. Any other locations and perpetrators are also well known. I'm sure that someone from outside of Pattaya will end up resolving this once and for all. When that will be is anyone's guess.

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"they need to both self-police their ranks and turn in to authorities those engaged in criminal activity, he said"

Oh my Oh my,,, this will never end hit-the-fan.gif

Nice choice of words there!

Who guards the guards??

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Why don't they just pass a law that every jet ski has to be out of the water before renting it out?

That way the tourists can check for themselves that there is no damage.

Why not simply make the vendors have insurance on the skis?

If there is damage, the insurance covers it. How hard can it be?

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PATTAYA:--The head of Pattaya’s leading business association said he wants to see jet skis outlawed in the city, but will agree to give honest vendors one last chance to reign in those engaging in fraud and extortion.

There you go folks: Here within the statement made by the PBTA chief lies the answer to the predicament.

Threaten to enforce the ruling on all the operators while the enforcement of the ruling on all operators would force the honest operators to police the dishonest operators and or run them out of town in fear of losing their business because of the few scum bags that ruin it for the rest...so to speak.

Like what is practiced in the military when one of the soldiers screws up in part because that one individual is been cocky or defiant or whatever so the drill sergeant makes the rest of the soldiers suffer and pay the penalty for the screw up or bad behavior of the one individual while the end result is the whole platoon or regiment suffers ....and then the whole platoon or regiments deals with the bad boy who caused their suffering....understand.

So the PBTA chief informs the rest of the operators : "You are going to lose your business and form of income if YOU PEPOPE do not deal with THOSE PEOPLE causing the problem for everyone......Now go do what you have to do to fix the problem.

A harsh way ...but more than likely the only way to accomplish anything.


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The victims seem mostly, but not limited to, Indians and Middle Eastern (in appearances). I have seen Thais on rare occasions but mostly Indians and Middle Eastern. What do you see?

The Middle Eastern and Indian victims are considered late comers to the scam and extortion.

Long before them, the victims were white skin foreigners and some still are but more so the recent victims are the new arrivals including more Asians and Chinese etc. who just have to try out a jet ski as part of their Pattaya adventure / vacation.

I have been coming here since 1979 and living here for over 25 years......but never have I had the desire or urge at anytime to rent or ride a jet ski or go water skiing or Para sailing or any of those beach related activities that involve having to deal with any of the Thai rental operators or service providers.

Meantime those that do participate should not be subjected to a scam and criminal activities that are backed up by the corrupted police who profit from the scam while the other police officers are indifferent to the extortion while having an attitude that Thai people need to make money and feed their families and generate revenues for the community regardless of what they are doing being highly illegal while they community leaders are supposedly just too busy with other more important matters to put a stop to something that has been going on since the first jet ski operators started operating jet ski rentals.

They need to back up their Bark with a big, nasty, pain inflicting Bite that shocks everyone for the better.


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Why don't they just pass a law that every jet ski has to be out of the water before renting it out?

That way the tourists can check for themselves that there is no damage.

Why not simply make the vendors have insurance on the skis?

If there is damage, the insurance covers it. How hard can it be?

Does not work like that....because ...whether they have insurance or not they will still extort money from the all too vulnerable foreigners....because they can....... while they do not operate and stay there continually operating with the intent to do legitimate business rather they are there because extortion is far more lucrative than legitimately operated and legitimately insured business operations.

Also...if they did have legitimate insurance they know that the insurance companies would not pay the insurance and or pay any where near the amount they can leisurely extort out of vulnerable foreigners ...everyday.

It is a Mafia owned or Mafia protected and or Police protected extortion racket that the City officials in Pattaya can not deal with or there will be dire consequences should they actually do something to cut them off or cut them out of the lucrative racketeering.

Basically the mayor and the business council have to look like they are trying to do something, on and off, and that is about as much as they can do.

What is needed is the "oh so powerful" administration of General Prayut to step in an arrest them and forego any legal proceedings and by pass the rule of law and sentence the known perpetrators and protectors, both police and mafia alike to abrupt prison term sentences under special administrative legal means and special provisions....just to make it look like justice is served in a meaningful way.....you know...something like the same way they say they have the right to round up political opponents and dissenters and subject them to kangaroo courts and abrupt prison sentences for all.


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It is a Mafia owned or Mafia protected and or Police protected extortion racket that the City officials in Pattaya can not deal with or there will be dire consequences should they actually do something to cut them off or cut them out of the lucrative racketeering.

actually it city hall officials that turn up (usually before the jetskis return to the beach because the scams are prearranged) and encourage the victims to pay. I cant suggest on this forum they collect any of the money that is scammed but its not mafia and not police but city hall that are policing this scam, which likely explains why they seem unable to stop it

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It is a Mafia owned or Mafia protected and or Police protected extortion racket that the City officials in Pattaya can not deal with or there will be dire consequences should they actually do something to cut them off or cut them out of the lucrative racketeering.

actually it city hall officials that turn up (usually before the jetskis return to the beach because the scams are prearranged) and encourage the victims to pay. I cant suggest on this forum they collect any of the money that is scammed but its not mafia and not police but city hall that are policing this scam, which likely explains why they seem unable to stop it

No they do not , I have observed this myself , they are there to make sure the jetskis are registered and legal and to protect the victims. Not all officials are bad guys.

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It is a Mafia owned or Mafia protected and or Police protected extortion racket that the City officials in Pattaya can not deal with or there will be dire consequences should they actually do something to cut them off or cut them out of the lucrative racketeering.

actually it city hall officials that turn up (usually before the jetskis return to the beach because the scams are prearranged) and encourage the victims to pay. I cant suggest on this forum they collect any of the money that is scammed but its not mafia and not police but city hall that are policing this scam, which likely explains why they seem unable to stop it

No they do not , I have observed this myself , they are there to make sure the jetskis are registered and legal and to protect the victims. Not all officials are bad guys.

they do a good job too, everyday at 5pm while the scam is going on city hall turn up to make sure they are all registered and insured

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