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Police chief says Bangkok bomb aimed to discredit govt


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In this troubled world and the 24 Hour News Cycle everyone wants quick answers. Immediately, if not sooner. Crikey, one year has passed already and the whole world is still out looking for a missing modern-day jet airliner. Quick answers can not always be provided unfortunately.

This being a murder investigation, (albeit, mass murder), and with no-one taking ownership for the atrocity, means there is no 'motive', to work on. Kinda complicates things somewhat. In the meantime, take your pick as there are a few to choose from. There may even be a combination of motives, as in that old Arab proverb, the enemy of my enemy .... yada yada yada.

So many questions, so few answers. It is a bit of a lucky dip at the moment, everyone is having their two satangs worth, which is only human nature. What else would you expect. The Thai Authorities are going to have to come to grips with Social Media and how to handle it, or, not handle it. Stop worrying about Social Media and get on with the job! It is a brave new world and the Junta should be reminded of the old King Canute, as the ocean tides and social media have a lot in common.

My sincere and heart felt condolences go out to all those who have had their lives tragically cut short by yet another random, senseless, act of violence, and to the survivors, on their long road to recovery, both physically and mentally.

These murderer(s) will be caught, and they will face justice. But right now, in the meantime, I have to go with the Donald Rumsfeld response.

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Some might say, claims of the government being discredited by the bomber is merely a way to pass blame for past, present and future shortcomings of the government upon the bomber, if indeed any shortcomings actually existed.

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Discredit the govt internationally? Does any serious foreign govt credit them?

What then of all the positive statements that other govts understand the junta, the road map etc and supports them ?

Oh sorry I forgot, it's LoS that issues these statements on behalf of others ! gigglem.gif

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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There are things in Thailand that cannot be discussed in Thailand not just the thing that cannot be discussed but other things too.

However, the administration, particularly its most senior people, has to present itself as being knowledgeable and in control especially of the things that cannot be discussed.

The result is these bizarre announcements very sparse on details but reassuring anyone who wants to listen that they do indeed know what is going on. This may not be true but is another topic which cannot be discussed.

the times of saving face is long over, "welcome to the 21st century"

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So there was a "Big Propaganda Event" ....I mean Bike Ride the day before & I mean HUGE...they even brought out the "Guinness Book of World Records" Wow! and everybody smiled and took Selfie's of themselves and then the next day a Record was broken for the worst terrorist attack ever in Thailand.....Connection? I think So.

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Foreigners wishing to discredit this government....interesting proposition. What interest would a foreigner have in Thai politics and this government?

I can think of several foreign-powers, let alone individuals, who are outside the country but retain an interest in Thai politics and the direction they go in.

But why speculate, at the current early-stages of an investigation, perhaps better to wait-and-see, rather than waste time or energy in listing all the possible culprits.

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

You don't miscalculate what a pipe bomb full of ball bearings and allegedly 3KG of explosives does in a high concentration of people!!!!!

then why the silence?

Do we know the timer was set to go off three minutes later or three hours later? No

Do we know if intent was to kill as many as possible or to destroy shrine? No we don't really - see above

There is no point in going to all of the trouble to make a bomb and deploy it, if no one ever knows the reasons.

Just follow The money. Who would be interested in a weak bath.

Think of anybody except those who like shrines and those in the tourist industry.

You mean all those retirees who couldn't meet the financial requirements for the retirement visa anymore ?

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

You don't miscalculate what a pipe bomb full of ball bearings and allegedly 3KG of explosives does in a high concentration of people!!!!!

then why the silence?

Do we know the timer was set to go off three minutes later or three hours later? No

Do we know if intent was to kill as many as possible or to destroy shrine? No we don't really - see above

There is no point in going to all of the trouble to make a bomb and deploy it, if no one ever knows the reasons.

Just follow The money. Who would be interested in a weak bath.

Think of anybody except those who like shrines and those in the tourist industry.

So now all farang expats paid in dollars should be suspects? wink.png

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

I remember nobody claimed responsibility fort the grenades and shots at the protesters in 2014 and during the failed red shirt coup in 2010.

Similar pattern. Isn't it?

Has anyone taken thought that it may be radical group who support the junta and want to creat a diversion. Maybe they feel they need the country to be looking elsewhere.and people quit looking at how Thailand is going down the tubes under the government. Perhaps this is why the government is trying so hard to make a narrative for intermal problem motive. The way the bombing was carried out it could easily been military organised and the bomber speaking another language could have been pig latin for all we know. These are just random thoughts but things like this do happen yes, or no?

old red shirt strategy. Commiting crimes and blame their enemy for it.

"I remember nobody claimed responsibility fort the grenades and shots at the protesters in 2014 and during the failed red shirt coup in 2010. Similar pattern. Isn't it?"

Yes, clear evidence the reds are behind this!!! BTW, what coup attempt are you talking about? I was under the (obviously misguided) impression that the military graciously stepped in and made things great every time it deemed it necessary?

"old red shirt strategy. Commiting crimes and blame their enemy for it."

Again; hallelujah!! Clearly only the reds do this

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It's a sensitive issue.The raison d'être for the military coup was the proclaimed need to keep the public safe - a tawdry lie of course.Nevertheless the recent bombing outrage is confirmation the government is unable to keep its promise.With its energies focused on ludicrous lese majeste cases and harassing innocent students, there has bee a major intelligence failure.To some extent one sympathises but the actions post outrage make it clear this government is not fit for purpose.

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Whatever the reason for the bomb was, it seems likely now that the bombers completely miscalculated the bombs effects, hence the reason no one has claimed responsibility.

I remember nobody claimed responsibility fort the grenades and shots at the protesters in 2014 and during the failed red shirt coup in 2010.

Similar pattern. Isn't it?

It has nothing in common I would say. We know nothing about motives behind this bomb, but back then the motive for throwing grenades was obvious.

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If the reason for exploding a bomb was to make a statement that would be heard by everyone then they continue to fail every time as the message is never clear and as time goes by interpretation of what the mystery message is, explodes to cover all plausible reasons that are current issues needing to be settled or resolved one way or another.

A bomber with half a brain who by his action was looking for revenge could easily leave a message in a bottle at the blast site giving a reason for the blast and the killing of fellow human beings.

Perhaps the bombers of this day and age are just crazy people who like to blow things up and watch the news reports afterwards where they continue to get their kicks.

The last option seems to be the reason for most of the bombing IMO

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It's a sensitive issue.The raison d'être for the military coup was the proclaimed need to keep the public safe - a tawdry lie of course.Nevertheless the recent bombing outrage is confirmation the government is unable to keep its promise.With its energies focused on ludicrous lese majeste cases and harassing innocent students, there has bee a major intelligence failure.To some extent one sympathises but the actions post outrage make it clear this government is not fit for purpose.

USA boston------UK underground---Paris. so all not fit to govern. Please do not let your daft out. Ridiculous agenda post, as you see the magnificent 7 have jumped on the band wagon---FED by the wording of the topic.

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