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Worst charter ever, Pheu Thai claims

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Worst charter ever, Pheu Thai claims


BANGKOK: -- KEY PHEU Thai Party leaders have given the thumbs down to the draft charter, saying it would be the worst and most authoritarian constitution that Thailand has ever had.

The charter drafters naturally disagree with that sentiment, as do lawmakers.

Pheu Thai's former education minister Chaturon Chaisang posted eight reassons on Facebook yesterday why he opposes the draft.

He said that the draft charter has undermined the essence of an election, and will create a government which is weak, unstable, and risked of being overthrown easily.

He said the new political system would opened the way for an outsider to become prime minister post, while the National Council for Peace and Order and the Army would insert influence over the government and the Parliament via the proposed National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Committee.

Thida Thavornseth, former chairwoman of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, believes every section of the new draft was written synchronously, in a way that would ensure the country's highest authority would remain in the same hands after an election that "is likely to maintain some certain goals".

Thida believes Article 280 of the charter regarding a special power of the NSRRC would result in stricter regulations on future Cabinets.

Former veteran Democrat MP Thawil Praison said Article 278 would prolong the power of the NCPO until the new government comes into office, saying it is normal for the constitution to address the role of a caretaker government while waiting for an election.

"It's normal to have a caretaker [government] while waiting for the new government to come," Thawil said. "They would go once a new government takes office."

Thawil said many things implemented during past coups remain in effect today. But the most worrying part of this draft charter was the fact that power would still remain in the hands of technocrats and the general public still had very little access to the political system.

"The overall picture of this new constitution depicts the phenomenon of power centralisation that is still in the hand of technocrats," Thawil said.

Sunai Phasuk, a researcher at Human Rights Watch, is worried about Article 285, as it would give immunity tonvalidate the NCPO for its past actions. Sunai is also concerned about articles 278 and 280.

He said the essence of the draft is to extend the NCPO's reign. "Although we will have an elected government, they will operate under a body simulated from the NCPO. Thus the future situation won't differ much..."

But a Constitution Drafting Committee spokesmen defended the charter draft, particularly the Article 280.

General Lertrat Rattanawanit argued that the provision did not aim to promote the staging a coup but prevethe article was intended to prevent a coup from happening.

"Politicians had staged political fights without regard to the rule of law to the point the governments became dysfunctional and failed to solve political conflicts and violence,'' he said.

Another CDC spokesman Kamnoon Sidhisamarn said the provision would bestow the NSRRC with special power when the country meets the following criteria: violence and political conflicts; the government and agencies under the constitution fail to solve the problems; and two-thirds of the NSRRC approves invoking the power.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Worst-charter-ever-Pheu-Thai-claims-30267267.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-24

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Thawil said many things implemented during past coups remain in effect today. But the most worrying part of this draft charter was the fact that power would still remain in the hands of technocrats and the general public still had very little access to the political system.

This was clearly the goal of "reforms before elections". Basically, disenfranchise Thai voters completely. The goal was never to "improve" democracy.

But a Constitution Drafting Committee spokesmen defended the charter draft, particularly the Article 280.

General Lertrat Rattanawanit argued that the provision did not aim to promote the staging a coup but prevethe article was intended to prevent a coup from happening.

so this is a complete joke, but how appropriate that this "defense" come from the mouth of a General. Most certainly, this "constitution" is designed to "prevent a coup from happening". They have written a document that 1) neuters elected governments, and 2) and have given themselves a constitutional set of "coup-levers" just in case they didn't neuter elected governments enough and the government gets too "uppity".

We may need new vocabulary. We have military coup, judicial coup, and now what? Bureaucratic-coup? Committee-coup?


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!


It is hard to imagine a constitution that would work here when there is no rule of law in place to enforce it. And no matter how you slice it, the common man has no voice because the media cannot print the truth and hold government members accountable.

Without these two factors being fixed it really is luck of the draw about who gets to be big dog. It might be a nice dog or a mad dog. Asia has history of both.


This is all moot. If there is a real and fair referendum then the DRAFT will not pass and the NCPO will stay in power a lot longer than they promised.

How can people not think this has all been by design. Despite what they say the current people in power have absolutely no desire to see real Democracy come to this country.


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly.

There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years!

Probably another NIDA type thing, and other one's of the same ilk, Seeking Govt. policy extensions that pretend their policies have Public support.

The Red Shirts do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right!

Who are 'the red shirts'....Are they the people calling for normal elections as they did in 2006, opposed to the anti-democrat party, representing the majority electorate as would be proven if this current "Govt. doing something right" cancel and avoid?

I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets give the people the government they want..

Courts and agencies that have more power than an electorate?...You like that?

"....before turning the government back to the politicians!"

You mean the representatives of the people? Surely you are not endorsing the anti-politician mantra's of election-haters.

No "messenger attackers" need reply.


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!

OK, so the country should be run by polls? If 78% of the population really wanted the present government to continue why not make this all legal by holding a proper election??

I have rarely seen so much BS written in one short post:

"There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years!"

Sources please.

" The Red Shirts do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right!"

Of course they don't like it. Even the Democrats have grave misgivings. It ensures that the real rulers of Thailand are not elected so who in their right minds would support this (except from the rabid cheerleaders and Thaksin haters)?

"I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup"

Yes, who doesn't - on paper. But will this have a real impact or this is just the usual "for show" stuff and a convenient way of getting rid of bothersome opponents? My money is on the last alternative.

"so lets give the people the government they want"
Yes, let's do that. Let's have an election. That's how you give the people what they want!
" .....wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!
Then I'm afraid we're in for a very long wait. But that (as most of us see clearly) is the ultimate goal of this whole process.

This constitution makes elected, appointed, self appointed "officials', officers, responsible for thier actions, lack of action, omissions.

The poloticians and "civil servents" don't like to be heald responsible, they are to used to doing what they want, when they want with impunity.

It's not a perfect document but it will do for now, A constitution is a "living Document" the ability to make changes is essential, these changes must be voted on by "The People" to make any changes.

Go with this document and lets see waht happens over time.


This constitution makes elected, appointed, self appointed "officials', officers, responsible for thier actions, lack of action, omissions.

The poloticians and "civil servents" don't like to be heald responsible, they are to used to doing what they want, when they want with impunity.

It's not a perfect document but it will do for now, A constitution is a "living Document" the ability to make changes is essential, these changes must be voted on by "The People" to make any changes.

Go with this document and lets see waht happens over time.

"This constitution makes elected, appointed, self appointed "officials', officers, responsible for thier actions, lack of action, omissions."

Actually, it makes a mockery of elections and allow a bunch of unelected persons to run the country - with impunity.

"these changes must be voted on by "The People..."

Make up your mind! Do you want the people to have a say in who is running the country or not?? Because if you support this charter you definitively don't.


hahahaha, seems that some of the politicians/reds dont like the idea of being held accountable , the threat of life bans for any criminal charges action/corruption would greatly reduce their ability to pocket all that extra cash they have been doing over the years and it is scaring the crap out of them. This is all about how they increase their bank accounts when they are elected to govern and as money is what they care about more than anything else it has them very worried, the other side is it will effectively cut out several of them from ever being elected/standing again(especially the ptp/reds big boss in the desert) as many are already within the terms stated, they dont care about the people, just themselves.


I think it doubtful that this proposed constitution would be approved in a referendum . There may not be an election in the near future , it is likely that this military junta will continue to govern for some years to come . The big worry for Thailand is the economy .


This constitution makes elected, appointed, self appointed "officials', officers, responsible for thier actions, lack of action, omissions.

The poloticians and "civil servents" don't like to be heald responsible, they are to used to doing what they want, when they want with impunity.

It's not a perfect document but it will do for now, A constitution is a "living Document" the ability to make changes is essential, these changes must be voted on by "The People" to make any changes.

Go with this document and lets see waht happens over time.

"This constitution makes elected, appointed, self appointed "officials', officers, responsible for thier actions, lack of action, omissions."

Actually, it makes a mockery of elections and allow a bunch of unelected persons to run the country - with impunity.

"these changes must be voted on by "The People..."

Make up your mind! Do you want the people to have a say in who is running the country or not?? Because if you support this charter you definitively don't.

How can you trust the people to vote on something that most do not understand (most citizens in most countries would never understand something so complex)? Any parties that have a vested interest in making this fail (ie. Pheu Thai/Thaksin) will simply just send out disinformation and pay the people to vote in their favor.


This constitution makes elected, appointed, self appointed "officials', officers, responsible for thier actions, lack of action, omissions.

The poloticians and "civil servents" don't like to be heald responsible, they are to used to doing what they want, when they want with impunity.

It's not a perfect document but it will do for now, A constitution is a "living Document" the ability to make changes is essential, these changes must be voted on by "The People" to make any changes.

Go with this document and lets see waht happens over time.

"This constitution makes elected, appointed, self appointed "officials', officers, responsible for thier actions, lack of action, omissions."

Actually, it makes a mockery of elections and allow a bunch of unelected persons to run the country - with impunity.

"these changes must be voted on by "The People..."

Make up your mind! Do you want the people to have a say in who is running the country or not?? Because if you support this charter you definitively don't.

How can you trust the people to vote on something that most do not understand (most citizens in most countries would never understand something so complex)? Any parties that have a vested interest in making this fail (ie. Pheu Thai/Thaksin) will simply just send out disinformation and pay the people to vote in their favor.

So what is the solution? Let the military decide for the people? Please try to understand that the military is also "a vested interest".


hahahaha, seems that some of the politicians/reds dont like the idea of being held accountable , the threat of life bans for any criminal charges action/corruption would greatly reduce their ability to pocket all that extra cash they have been doing over the years and it is scaring the crap out of them. This is all about how they increase their bank accounts when they are elected to govern and as money is what they care about more than anything else it has them very worried, the other side is it will effectively cut out several of them from ever being elected/standing again(especially the ptp/reds big boss in the desert) as many are already within the terms stated, they dont care about the people, just themselves.

Hahahaha, yes because corruption is only found among the redshirts!


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!

"Turning the government back to the politicians". This is the thinking that has screwed up the governments for countless years. The government is by the people not the politicians.


if PTP hates it, it might be good.

Yes, because that seems to be the only criteria you cheerleaders seem to care about.


It is hard to imagine a constitution that would work here when there is no rule of law in place to enforce it. And no matter how you slice it, the common man has no voice because the media cannot print the truth and hold government members accountable.

Without these two factors being fixed it really is luck of the draw about who gets to be big dog. It might be a nice dog or a mad dog. Asia has history of both.

It isn’t the constitution, past or present, that really is the problem but the people that thought or think they can circumvent it for their own political agendas. There was and is a rule of law to enforce it but there have been people at work that ensured these rules couldn’t be applied, turning a blind eye towards protests or supporting it due to their public statements.

What people need to understand is that the laws of the land have to be obeyed by all people and that includes the political, military and business elites and it has to be seen that the courts dispense judgements according to the laws equally and fair.


hahahaha, seems that some of the politicians/reds dont like the idea of being held accountable , the threat of life bans for any criminal charges action/corruption would greatly reduce their ability to pocket all that extra cash they have been doing over the years and it is scaring the crap out of them. This is all about how they increase their bank accounts when they are elected to govern and as money is what they care about more than anything else it has them very worried, the other side is it will effectively cut out several of them from ever being elected/standing again(especially the ptp/reds big boss in the desert) as many are already within the terms stated, they dont care about the people, just themselves.

Got a news flash for you. The Democrats, and EVERY OTHER politician for the last 80 years has been corrupt to the bone. I know that doesn't fit into your "Reds are Evil" belief, but it's true. You may be a Suthep fan (your kind usually are). You do know that his corruption brought down his own Democratic Party, and has been called the most corrupt man in politics - BY HIS OWN PARTY MEMBERS!

Sorry of that doesn't seem clear through your military green glass lenses, but sometimes you have to take those off to see the truth as it REALLY is, and not what you want it to be.


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!

Oh, another "poll" it must be true then eh?

Could it be possible that this "poll" result was written to justify the extension of the coup makers power?

Come on, how could anyone be so naive to think that these "polls" are real?

Tom, don't you watch Thai television?

Don't you wonder sometimes about the multitude of news stories running each night featuring the wealthy elites (usually middle aged or older) at gala dinners, award ceremonies etc etc all dressed in their expensive clothes, the endless parade of military officers in their ice cream suits, all happening in Bangkok.

This is the power structure of Thailand Tom, this is where the money is concentrated and this is where they intend it to remain.

Not with the 90% of poor Thais in the rest of the country.

The coup was all about maintaining the power structure of traditional Thailand, the old established families close to the top of the pile, who own everything, but want more.

They couldn't give tuppence for the poor, it has always been like this and a modern democracy would spoil their party.

No, this is all about maintaining and entrenching the old power elite for as long as possible.

If you ever land at Don Muang airport, have a look down the end, past all the terminals, where all the private jets park.

if you time it right, you might be there when one of the old matrons and her entourage are returning from a shopping trip to Paris, to get the latest bag or a pair of shoes.

Check out the use of military or police escorts to usher them through the customs and immigration.

Two different worlds Tom, and they're running the country right now.


These dirty cronies voted 310:0 in a parliamentary disgrace to give themselves amnesty for all corruption charges since 2004.

I don't care what they think. They are unfit for office and should be in jail right now for abuse of power.


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!

Oh, another "poll" it must be true then eh?

Could it be possible that this "poll" result was written to justify the extension of the coup makers power?

Come on, how could anyone be so naive to think that these "polls" are real?

Tom, don't you watch Thai television?

Don't you wonder sometimes about the multitude of news stories running each night featuring the wealthy elites (usually middle aged or older) at gala dinners, award ceremonies etc etc all dressed in their expensive clothes, the endless parade of military officers in their ice cream suits, all happening in Bangkok.

This is the power structure of Thailand Tom, this is where the money is concentrated and this is where they intend it to remain.

Not with the 90% of poor Thais in the rest of the country.

The coup was all about maintaining the power structure of traditional Thailand, the old established families close to the top of the pile, who own everything, but want more.

They couldn't give tuppence for the poor, it has always been like this and a modern democracy would spoil their party.

No, this is all about maintaining and entrenching the old power elite for as long as possible.

If you ever land at Don Muang airport, have a look down the end, past all the terminals, where all the private jets park.

if you time it right, you might be there when one of the old matrons and her entourage are returning from a shopping trip to Paris, to get the latest bag or a pair of shoes.

Check out the use of military or police escorts to usher them through the customs and immigration.

Two different worlds Tom, and they're running the country right now.

Wow Bob, you have a BIG chip on your shoulder at rich people. If he was still here Bob, the most expensive jet in that line would belong to Thaksin. There will be mega-rich whoever is in government : are you a communist Bob ?.

Do you seriously think Pheu-Thai care any more for the poor ?. If they did, Bob, why do you think they allowed the vast majority of the rice scheme money disappear in corruption instead of making sure the poor got it ?. Maybe you should go look around at who got rich under Pheu-Thai Bob and have a good whinge about them.

It's true, Bob, Thailand needs a better option than the Junta, but Thaksin and Pheu-Thai are not it. Maybe if all future politicians can campaign across the country without getting shot at by red-shirts, Thailand will take a step towards it.

Oh - and the coup was because Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters on the streets and had every intention of continuing to do it. If they stopped, there would have been no coup. Why do you people refuse to accept it Bob ?. What newspapers do you read ?.


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!

Oh, another "poll" it must be true then eh?

Could it be possible that this "poll" result was written to justify the extension of the coup makers power?

Come on, how could anyone be so naive to think that these "polls" are real?

Tom, don't you watch Thai television?

Don't you wonder sometimes about the multitude of news stories running each night featuring the wealthy elites (usually middle aged or older) at gala dinners, award ceremonies etc etc all dressed in their expensive clothes, the endless parade of military officers in their ice cream suits, all happening in Bangkok.

This is the power structure of Thailand Tom, this is where the money is concentrated and this is where they intend it to remain.

Not with the 90% of poor Thais in the rest of the country.

The coup was all about maintaining the power structure of traditional Thailand, the old established families close to the top of the pile, who own everything, but want more.

They couldn't give tuppence for the poor, it has always been like this and a modern democracy would spoil their party.

No, this is all about maintaining and entrenching the old power elite for as long as possible.

If you ever land at Don Muang airport, have a look down the end, past all the terminals, where all the private jets park.

if you time it right, you might be there when one of the old matrons and her entourage are returning from a shopping trip to Paris, to get the latest bag or a pair of shoes.

Check out the use of military or police escorts to usher them through the customs and immigration.

Two different worlds Tom, and they're running the country right now.

Wow Bob, you have a BIG chip on your shoulder at rich people. If he was still here Bob, the most expensive jet in that line would belong to Thaksin. There will be mega-rich whoever is in government : are you a communist Bob ?.

Do you seriously think Pheu-Thai care any more for the poor ?. If they did, Bob, why do you think they allowed the vast majority of the rice scheme money disappear in corruption instead of making sure the poor got it ?. Maybe you should go look around at who got rich under Pheu-Thai Bob and have a good whinge about them.

It's true, Bob, Thailand needs a better option than the Junta, but Thaksin and Pheu-Thai are not it. Maybe if all future politicians can campaign across the country without getting shot at by red-shirts, Thailand will take a step towards it.

Oh - and the coup was because Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters on the streets and had every intention of continuing to do it. If they stopped, there would have been no coup. Why do you people refuse to accept it Bob ?. What newspapers do you read ?.

Ha ha oh great.. it's forelock tugger John.

Nothing like the British working class to know their place....

Born within a rigid class system like the English aristocracy control, it's hard to think outside the square John, and I sympathize with that.

No John, of course I'm not a communist, ha ha, how silly, I was born in an egalitarian society where democracy gives everyone a chance.

I started working class, yet with hard work and borrowed money I succeeded into upper middle class with assets and investments.

It makes me sick to see the poor struggle here, while the filthy rich families get richer.

it has nothing to do with Peu Thai, it has everything to do with the feudal history of Thailand, but for God's sake, it 2015 now, and yet these parasites still think it's 1800.

With the influx of foreign investment into this country, it has just made them greedier.

Anyway John, good to see you still know your place.


I am sure if there was a Real Poll 78 % of Thai's would like to escape and leave their own country beforew they would ever want this constituion.

I persoanlly liked how they have arrested, tried and placed over 56 people in prison with closed trials to observers for Dis-Loyalty! The Red's do not like the charter constitution....What is a RED? nowadays. Millions of people do not like the Charter or constition, most foreign governments find it a joke as it sends Thailand backwards in many areas. Let the Thai ROYAL Army shove it down the throats of Thai's with force.

Just get on with it and change the country from a "Constitional Monarchy" to an "Absolute Monarchy" as that my folks is no "Democratic Constitution"!

What do you mean by a real poll? I have every reason to believe the poll is correct and it reflects the will of the Thai people. Just because you don't like the results, you trash it with solely your own opinion and a lot of distorted remarks and rubbish


hahahaha, seems that some of the politicians/reds dont like the idea of being held accountable

Hahahaha, yes because corruption is only found among the redshirts!

Hahahaha, do you know how to read?



hahahaha, seems that some of the politicians/reds dont like the idea of being held accountable , the threat of life bans for any criminal charges action/corruption would greatly reduce their ability to pocket all that extra cash they have been doing over the years and it is scaring the crap out of them. This is all about how they increase their bank accounts when they are elected to govern and as money is what they care about more than anything else it has them very worried, the other side is it will effectively cut out several of them from ever being elected/standing again(especially the ptp/reds big boss in the desert) as many are already within the terms stated, they dont care about the people, just themselves.

Got a news flash for you. The Democrats, and EVERY OTHER politician for the last 80 years has been corrupt to the bone. I know that doesn't fit into your "Reds are Evil" belief, but it's true. You may be a Suthep fan (your kind usually are). You do know that his corruption brought down his own Democratic Party, and has been called the most corrupt man in politics - BY HIS OWN PARTY MEMBERS!

Sorry of that doesn't seem clear through your military green glass lenses, but sometimes you have to take those off to see the truth as it REALLY is, and not what you want it to be.

You should wear lenses of some sort so that you can read where he didn't definitively exclude any politician of any party. wink.png

Or, if you do wear lenses already, just clean the froth off of them.


if PTP hates it, it might be good.

Yes, because that seems to be the only criteria you cheerleaders seem to care abou

That is their modus operandi... yeah... I have noticed that this forum is being crowded by cheerleaders...


These dirty cronies voted 310:0 in a parliamentary disgrace to give themselves amnesty for all corruption charges since 2004.

I don't care what they think. They are unfit for office and should be in jail right now for abuse of power.

And what should be done to the current regime that also gave themselves amnesty??


There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!

Oh, another "poll" it must be true then eh?

Could it be possible that this "poll" result was written to justify the extension of the coup makers power?

Come on, how could anyone be so naive to think that these "polls" are real?

Tom, don't you watch Thai television?

Don't you wonder sometimes about the multitude of news stories running each night featuring the wealthy elites (usually middle aged or older) at gala dinners, award ceremonies etc etc all dressed in their expensive clothes, the endless parade of military officers in their ice cream suits, all happening in Bangkok.

This is the power structure of Thailand Tom, this is where the money is concentrated and this is where they intend it to remain.

Not with the 90% of poor Thais in the rest of the country.

The coup was all about maintaining the power structure of traditional Thailand, the old established families close to the top of the pile, who own everything, but want more.

They couldn't give tuppence for the poor, it has always been like this and a modern democracy would spoil their party.

No, this is all about maintaining and entrenching the old power elite for as long as possible.

If you ever land at Don Muang airport, have a look down the end, past all the terminals, where all the private jets park.

if you time it right, you might be there when one of the old matrons and her entourage are returning from a shopping trip to Paris, to get the latest bag or a pair of shoes.

Check out the use of military or police escorts to usher them through the customs and immigration.

Two different worlds Tom, and they're running the country right now.

Wow Bob, you have a BIG chip on your shoulder at rich people. If he was still here Bob, the most expensive jet in that line would belong to Thaksin. There will be mega-rich whoever is in government : are you a communist Bob ?.

Do you seriously think Pheu-Thai care any more for the poor ?. If they did, Bob, why do you think they allowed the vast majority of the rice scheme money disappear in corruption instead of making sure the poor got it ?. Maybe you should go look around at who got rich under Pheu-Thai Bob and have a good whinge about them.

It's true, Bob, Thailand needs a better option than the Junta, but Thaksin and Pheu-Thai are not it. Maybe if all future politicians can campaign across the country without getting shot at by red-shirts, Thailand will take a step towards it.

Oh - and the coup was because Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters on the streets and had every intention of continuing to do it. If they stopped, there would have been no coup. Why do you people refuse to accept it Bob ?. What newspapers do you read ?.

"Oh - and the coup was because Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters on the streets and had every intention of continuing to do it."

John, oh John. Were you born this naive or did you just grow into it?

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