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Thai court indicts British activist Andy Hall


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At the trial some very interesting evidece may be offered that could cause a lot of problems for the company. Dont think they have thought this through. As usual.

Let us hope so. No doubt they are massively guilty of the acts that Hall has cited. Innocent parties do not behave in this manner. They have guilt written all over them. Their cover is blown. Labor exploitation is a beautiful thing, when you can get away with it, and you do not have a conscience, so they must believe. God forbid someone would let the cat out of the bag.

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But but ... Thaksin AGAIN ? coffee1.gif

Your obsessed pal really you are and its clouding your reasoning towards other equally despicable practices and strong arming still being allowed to continue.

Prayutyh has all the power no other civilian leader has.

He simply has to declare article 44 and ban this law of defamation when its proven the truth was told.... its easily argued to be exceedingly damaging to the nations image and well being.

Or would you say this is a just and good law for Thailand ?

I hope Andy takes it all the way and ends up an international PR nightmare for Thailand and natural fruit , they deserve every lost baht of revenue.

To be fair.. LannaGuy kinda mentioned Police Capital Doctor Shinawatra before anyone else did, he was helped along by Aussieguy.

I actually mentioned governments in the last 10 years, that would include ALL governments. I wasn't aiming at anyone in particular..

To be fair to you I was aiming the post more at baerboxer so apologies I didnt make that more clear. wink.png

I didn't introduce Thaksin into this thread. But, I make the point, again, just for you, Thaksin's various parties, and the Dems in their short time in office never questioned this law in anyway. All political parties, many civil servants and business people use this law to file charges against one another. Thaksin did use this law to try and silence those he wanted to, and has tried to use it whilst a fugitive too.

Laughable perhaps, A tool for the rich and powerful to use to mask exposure of some less than savory things, seems to be.

Do you think there are many just and good laws in Thailand? Or equal enforcement, and procedural treatment of cases.

I never saw you, or any of the others now clamoring it's all the Juntas fault, crying out for this law to be repealed and replaced when PTP were in office.

So was it o k when Thaksin uses it but not when someone else does? The usual hypocrisy associated with the do as we say not as we do brigade.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Wait! Do you mean that LannaGuy wasn't just talking about the stupidity of the company in question BUT was actually trying to score political brownie points. Surely not! Is that what you were doing LannaGuy?

Aussieinthailand.. Gotta ask why wasn't it changed previously by at least one of the " democratic " governments in power within the last 10 years?

yup including one in which your hero Suthep was deputy PM? this law should be repealed and the Military Junta you so love has absolute POWER, as they have the guns, so why not forget the past and get rid of it now or do you support the harassment and bullying of this VERY BRAVE guy? Cometh the hour cometh the General but he will throw anyone under the bus who does not support his nationalistic fever and all sing when he tell's them too

How many years, this century has Thailand been governed by a Shin popular democratically elected government?

How many years this century has the Thailand been governed by someone else?

Now, in all those years, how come the Shins didn't zilch, zero, now't about these laws? Could it because their leader, patron and man of the people, the erstwhile Dr. Pol Lt Col Thaksin used them more than any other PM to stifle comments in the media he disliked?

But of course, you like to pretend all the things the Shins chose to ignore for their own benefit can be instantly put right over night,

we agree on something at last! "popular democratically elected government" well done!

now my old Chief Exec liked to say "we are where we ARE" I don't support Shin or Thaksin and whether he did something or NOWT is irrelevant

the Military have COMPLETE control and can change anything they wish with NO mandate, NO election and NO comeback and they choose not too

Andy is a hero plain and simple, has been found innocent, and now will be back in the Military backed Court and YOU defend it. You are... well... amazing smile.png

Did you state on another thread that Yingluck will go down as a honest and courageous first female elected PM of Thailand? Or words to that effect?

And welcomed her back to action with her FB post regarding the new charter?

You don't support the Shins, course not old chap. Just being fair and unbiased in your praise. Amazing - well something like that wink.png

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Here is Andy making a complaint to the police in Samui that Burmese people driving without a license (breaking the law !) are paying to much bribe money.


Post 15 makes a good point

Seems he has no problem with burmese people driving without a license, with road deaths being one of the biggest cause of death in thailand.

Humans rights for all ! (free speech)

Seems you are completely without a clue.

He does not say he has no problem with burmese without a licence. What he is saying is why are burmese without a licence paying 5 times the fine that a westerner pays for the same offence?

Further, if you wish to argue road deaths would you please show a link to indicate what number of deaths unlicenced burmese cause?

Free speech does come with responsibility to prove your point otherwise you only prove yourself to be an ill informed bigot.

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Let us see only the facts:

1- AH denounced the working conditions of a company including unacceptable use of children and implication in human trafficking. Normal, it is there for.

2. The Company challenged the attack for libel. Normal, no contestation sound like a admission of guilt.

3- Justice will hear the parties to formalize the dispute. Normal again, it is perfectly in his role.

Note that a decision of aquitement or Judicial case not proceeding would result in fact a conviction for the complainant company. So ultimately the obligation to cease these practices. Was not the original purpose?

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Wouldn't be surprised if it came from that smug face guy at the top (police)

The timing is suspect, right in the middle of the Koh Tao case, just when it starts getting interesting. If the case drags on, does that mean Andy has to come off it to fight his own case? Just sayin'

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how stupid is this company, this topic has already died a death and is history, forgotten about, but NO, these clowns have brought it to the forefront again. so now they are in the limelight again,and will reap a whirlwind, so serve them right, idiots.its like kids in a playground, they just never learn when to keep their traps shut.

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Here is Andy making a complaint to the police in Samui that Burmese people driving without a license (breaking the law !) are paying to much bribe money.


Post 15 makes a good point

Seems he has no problem with burmese people driving without a license, with road deaths being one of the biggest cause of death in thailand.

Humans rights for all ! (free speech)

Seems you are completely without a clue.

He does not say he has no problem with burmese without a licence. What he is saying is why are burmese without a licence paying 5 times the fine that a westerner pays for the same offence?

Further, if you wish to argue road deaths would you please show a link to indicate what number of deaths unlicenced burmese cause?

Free speech does come with responsibility to prove your point otherwise you only prove yourself to be an ill informed bigot.

They are possibly paying 5 times the price because there are additional charges.

Burmese, Cambodian, Lao immigrants on work cards are not allowed to own and operate a motorised vehicle. They are not allowed to be outside of their work province without informing immigration.. The rules are not good but they are the rules.

Also I would imagine (but no hard proof) that the vast majority of foreigners actually have a home country driving licence, but probably not an international permit.

There ya go..

Ps. I don't condone the rules, I just understand that they are there.

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Here is Andy making a complaint to the police in Samui that Burmese people driving without a license (breaking the law !) are paying to much bribe money.


Post 15 makes a good point

Seems he has no problem with burmese people driving without a license, with road deaths being one of the biggest cause of death in thailand.

Humans rights for all ! (free speech)

Seems you are completely without a clue.

He does not say he has no problem with burmese without a licence. What he is saying is why are burmese without a licence paying 5 times the fine that a westerner pays for the same offence?

Further, if you wish to argue road deaths would you please show a link to indicate what number of deaths unlicenced burmese cause?

Free speech does come with responsibility to prove your point otherwise you only prove yourself to be an ill informed bigot.

They are possibly paying 5 times the price because there are additional charges.

Burmese, Cambodian, Lao immigrants on work cards are not allowed to own and operate a motorised vehicle. They are not allowed to be outside of their work province without informing immigration.. The rules are not good but they are the rules.

Also I would imagine (but no hard proof) that the vast majority of foreigners actually have a home country driving licence, but probably not an international permit.Y

There ya go..

Ps. I don't condone the rules, I just understand that they are there.

Possibly....additional charges. So its a guess.

If westerners have the required licence then why would they be fined at all?

If they dont have the required licence then they should be fined the same as anyone else.

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Here is Andy making a complaint to the police in Samui that Burmese people driving without a license (breaking the law !) are paying to much bribe money.


Post 15 makes a good point

Seems he has no problem with burmese people driving without a license, with road deaths being one of the biggest cause of death in thailand.

Humans rights for all ! (free speech)

Seems you are completely without a clue.

He does not say he has no problem with burmese without a licence. What he is saying is why are burmese without a licence paying 5 times the fine that a westerner pays for the same offence?

Further, if you wish to argue road deaths would you please show a link to indicate what number of deaths unlicenced burmese cause?

Free speech does come with responsibility to prove your point otherwise you only prove yourself to be an ill informed bigot.

They are possibly paying 5 times the price because there are additional charges.

Burmese, Cambodian, Lao immigrants on work cards are not allowed to own and operate a motorised vehicle. They are not allowed to be outside of their work province without informing immigration.. The rules are not good but they are the rules.

Also I would imagine (but no hard proof) that the vast majority of foreigners actually have a home country driving licence, but probably not an international permit.Y

There ya go..

Ps. I don't condone the rules, I just understand that they are there.

Possibly....additional charges. So its a guess.

If westerners have the required licence then why would they be fined at all?

If they dont have the required licence then they should be fined the same as anyone else.

Blimey.. The western foreign driver would get fined for no Thai licence (possibly illegally if they ACTUALLY possess a home country driving licence and if they are from a country with a license agreement like the UK)

the Burmese would be fined for no licence, for actually riding in the first place, no insurance, no tax ( due to not being allowed to own or drive/ride a motorised vehicle)

Didn't say it was right but it also isn't the same.

Information on driving with home country license, this is for tourist visa holders if you have a non imm you are classified as a resident and require a Thai license:

To drive or lease a car in Thailand as a tourist or visitor it is necessary to have either a Thai driving licence or a valid foreign driving licence with a photograph. The foreign licence must either be in English, or be accompanied by an official translation into English or Thai. The licence needs to have been issued by a country that has a treaty with the Thai government allowing the mutual acceptance of driving licences. Most countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA have this agreement with Thailand under the 1949 Geneva Convention on Road Traffic or the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.

This is valid for 12 months from initial entry although some insurance companies will only accept foreign license for 3 months.

Edited by casualbiker
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Thai internal affairs is none of a British business. Why does not he mind his own business in his own country? another crazy mister in pith helmet who knows it better how other nations should live.

lock him in prison to show other foreign activist the way back home!

times of British Empire are long gone

Edited by TimmyT
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Thai internal affairs is none of a British business. Why does not he mind his own business in his own country? another crazy mister in pith helmet who knows it better how other nations should live.

lock him in prison to show other foreign activist the way back home!

times of British Empire are long gone

Bullshite! The internal affairs of Thailand ARE a matter of concern once they transgress the boundaries of Thailand. Slave labor to produce goods in Thailand that are then shipped to other countries DOES give the other countries rights to be concerned about what is going on in Thailand.

When are Thai going to stop with the lie of "We've never been invaded/colonized." Yeah, right. Burma invaded 3 major times, and controlled all of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phitsanulok and most of Uttaradit for OVER 200 YEARS. Of course, you wouldn't know that, because you only learn from the Thai History books. Try reading some real history, and not the fantasy crap they teach in Thai schools. Oh, and let's not forget how the Japanese literally took over the country during World War 2. Or is that something else they don't teach in Thai schools?

Thai feel they are superior to their neighbors in every way, when that is a total joke. They have one of the worst educational systems in Asia, let alone the rest of the world, and are falling behind Vietnam, Philippines, and even Lao. Another 10 years and they'll be behind Myanmar, and about on par with Cambodia.

Speaking of Lao, they have had 4G internet and mobile service for over 2 years, as has Vietnam. Thailand is only JUST NOW getting it. Yeah, real superiority on display there.

Do a Google search for Thai inventions. It will take you about 10 seconds to read the results of the "Superior Race".

Face it, if it wasn't for the Americans coming here during the Vietnam war, Thailand probably still wouldn't have a building taller than 2 floors that wasn't made from bamboo.

Everything that Thailand has (are you ready for this?) came from OTHER COUNTRIES!

Even your Thai "Elites" really aren't true Thai. They are Chinese.

Thai Pride is nothing more than Thai Stupidity. "Thainess" is just a word for blatant stupidity, and the refusal to see what is right in front of your face.

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If courageous journalists bring abuses to light, each country should be grateful.
The leading representatives of a country should then try to remedy this abuses and not to fight the journalists.
Unless the correct answers and actions carried out, the image damage can be then enormous.

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Thai internal affairs is none of a British business. Why does not he mind his own business in his own country? another crazy mister in pith helmet who knows it better how other nations should live.

lock him in prison to show other foreign activist the way back home!

times of British Empire are long gone

Bullshite! The internal affairs of Thailand ARE a matter of concern once they transgress the boundaries of Thailand. Slave labor to produce goods in Thailand that are then shipped to other countries DOES give the other countries rights to be concerned about what is going on in Thailand.

When are Thai going to stop with the lie of "We've never been invaded/colonized." Yeah, right. Burma invaded 3 major times, and controlled all of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phitsanulok and most of Uttaradit for OVER 200 YEARS. Of course, you wouldn't know that, because you only learn from the Thai History books. Try reading some real history, and not the fantasy crap they teach in Thai schools. Oh, and let's not forget how the Japanese literally took over the country during World War 2. Or is that something else they don't teach in Thai schools?

Thai feel they are superior to their neighbors in every way, when that is a total joke. They have one of the worst educational systems in Asia, let alone the rest of the world, and are falling behind Vietnam, Philippines, and even Lao. Another 10 years and they'll be behind Myanmar, and about on par with Cambodia.

Speaking of Lao, they have had 4G internet and mobile service for over 2 years, as has Vietnam. Thailand is only JUST NOW getting it. Yeah, real superiority on display there.

Do a Google search for Thai inventions. It will take you about 10 seconds to read the results of the "Superior Race".

Face it, if it wasn't for the Americans coming here during the Vietnam war, Thailand probably still wouldn't have a building taller than 2 floors that wasn't made from bamboo.

Everything that Thailand has (are you ready for this?) came from OTHER COUNTRIES!

Even your Thai "Elites" really aren't true Thai. They are Chinese.

Thai Pride is nothing more than Thai Stupidity. "Thainess" is just a word for blatant stupidity, and the refusal to see what is right in front of your face.

This is one of the best post I have read on thaivisa.


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Thai internal affairs is none of a British business. Why does not he mind his own business in his own country? another crazy mister in pith helmet who knows it better how other nations should live.

lock him in prison to show other foreign activist the way back home!

times of British Empire are long gone

Absolute piffle, when these companies are wanting to sell their products to other countries. The customer is king and deserves to know if his supplier is abiding by the minimum rules of the exporting country.

The Thai company didn't break British law, they were breaking Thai laws.

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