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Man armed with shotgun in South Pattaya hunts for friend who left him at bar

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Man armed with shotgun in South Pattaya hunts for friend who left him at bar


PATTAYA: -- Police arrested a 27 year old Thai Man in the early hours of Tuesday armed with a loaded shotgun who was searching for his friend who left him to pay a bar bill of 1,000 Baht.

Reports came in to Police of the man, later named as Khun Pracha, who was walking the streets with the shotgun. 30 officers and police volunteers arrived in Soi Sukhumvit 44 in South Pattaya and attempted to apprehend him. Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

The suspect fled into nearby woodland but was eventually arrested by a group of braver Police Officers who joined their colleagues at the scene.

He told Police that he had earlier been invited to drink at a Pub near the Bali Hai Port in South Pattaya with a newly acquired friend but the so-called friend decided to leave Khun Pracha in the bar with a 1,000 Baht drinks bill to pay.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/214047/man-armed-with-shotgun-in-south-pattaya-hunts-for-friend-who-left-him-at-bar/


-- Pattaya One 2015-08-26


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!


I'm wildly guessing here that the man was not in full control of his dim faculties to walk around

Pattaya with a loaded weapon..... but than again this is Pattaya... TIP...


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!

I think the police handled the situation very good and successful. Nobody was hurt.

Pattaya One wrote:

Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

Maybe the reporter from Pattaya One can explain how to disarm a man when you look in the barrel of a shotgun.

In USA or even in most European countries the drunken idiot would be dead by now.


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!

I think the police handled the situation very good and successful. Nobody was hurt.

Pattaya One wrote:

Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

Maybe the reporter from Pattaya One can explain how to disarm a man when you look in the barrel of a shotgun.

In USA or even in most European countries the drunken idiot would be dead by now.

Truly, there was also a possibility of a police officer or bystander being killed here due to their conservative handling of the situation.

It all worked out fine though.

Too many guns floating around in this country.


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!

I think the police handled the situation very good and successful. Nobody was hurt.

Pattaya One wrote:

Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

Maybe the reporter from Pattaya One can explain how to disarm a man when you look in the barrel of a shotgun.

In USA or even in most European countries the drunken idiot would be dead by now.

I do not see a problem with idiot being dead .

If he was to open fire, some innocent people could have been shot.

Police is there to protect people supposedly , not run for cover leaving gun man to do what he likes.

As to answer , they could have shot him in the leg or shoulder, instead of hiding


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!

I think the police handled the situation very good and successful. Nobody was hurt.

Pattaya One wrote:

Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

Maybe the reporter from Pattaya One can explain how to disarm a man when you look in the barrel of a shotgun.

In USA or even in most European countries the drunken idiot would be dead by now.

I do not see a problem with idiot being dead .

If he was to open fire, some innocent people could have been shot.

Police is there to protect people supposedly , not run for cover leaving gun man to do what he likes.

As to answer , they could have shot him in the leg or shoulder, instead of hiding

Not a Hollywood movie. The average cop with a pistol "Might" shoot him in the leg or shoulder if they are no more than maybe 30 feet away and standing very still. But if he is moving... forget it. Also.... what if there are other people behind him in the line of fire. What then ? You try to shoot a guy who's not standing still, miss... and kill an innocent further down the street... Very Bad. Or you hit the guy with a shot that passes through him and hits someone else...

The average cop is not a professional marksman. And most pistols are a weapon of last...defensive resort meant for close up work. Unless they are using something like a Smith & Wesson model 29, .44 magnum with a 7" or longer barrel. That might be considered a longer range hand gun. I've knocked over silhouettes at 100 yards with one of them. But that is not what most cops carry...and I would not want your average cop having such a powerful handgun because of the danger of hitting downrange innocent people after passing through the intended target.

I've been a shooter of various types of small arms, rifles, pistols, shotguns for more than fifty years.. including competitive shooting with 9mm Glocks.

Expecting your average cop to take out armed bad guys with carefully aimed shots at legs or arms or shoulders is nice for Hollywood... but is not realistic in the real world.


This is wonderful comedy. This would make a nice stand up act, or short sketch. I did not know him for long. He seemed nice. He liked me. Most people don't. So we had drinks. He made me pay. I hate him now. He is not really my friend. I want to kill him. Where on earth did he go? I cannot find him. I am really mad. He made me look like the fool that I am.


I would have been more afraid of the police officers with there guns out......better chance of getting shot by one of them.


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!

I think the police handled the situation very good and successful. Nobody was hurt.

Pattaya One wrote:

Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

Maybe the reporter from Pattaya One can explain how to disarm a man when you look in the barrel of a shotgun.

In USA or even in most European countries the drunken idiot would be dead by now.

I do not see a problem with idiot being dead .

If he was to open fire, some innocent people could have been shot.

Police is there to protect people supposedly , not run for cover leaving gun man to do what he likes.

As to answer , they could have shot him in the leg or shoulder, instead of hiding

Not a Hollywood movie. The average cop with a pistol "Might" shoot him in the leg or shoulder if they are no more than maybe 30 feet away and standing very still. But if he is moving... forget it. Also.... what if there are other people behind him in the line of fire. What then ? You try to shoot a guy who's not standing still, miss... and kill an innocent further down the street... Very Bad. Or you hit the guy with a shot that passes through him and hits someone else...

The average cop is not a professional marksman. And most pistols are a weapon of last...defensive resort meant for close up work. Unless they are using something like a Smith & Wesson model 29, .44 magnum with a 7" or longer barrel. That might be considered a longer range hand gun. I've knocked over silhouettes at 100 yards with one of them. But that is not what most cops carry...and I would not want your average cop having such a powerful handgun because of the danger of hitting downrange innocent people after passing through the intended target.

I've been a shooter of various types of small arms, rifles, pistols, shotguns for more than fifty years.. including competitive shooting with 9mm Glocks.

Expecting your average cop to take out armed bad guys with carefully aimed shots at legs or arms or shoulders is nice for Hollywood... but is not realistic in the real world.

I am surprised you were not SAS

So hiding is the appropriate action in your expert opinion?


I have met a few blodggers that take off before the bill comes due like that here myself. Now where to get a shotgun to go hunt them down to pay their part. Gotta admit that would probably work. In fact, with some of the lower life types around here that might be an imperative.


Impossible to make this stuff up - sounds like a comedy by Mel Brooks ... want to kill a guy cause of 1,000B - just show how cheap a life is here ... Illegal guns everywhere, combined with the sick "lose face culture" it cost lives every day ...


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!


Only in Thailand.

I do not advocate gun control.

I most assuredly do no advocate pointing a gun at cops either, unless you prefer that way of going as opposed to balcony diving or drinking toilet cleaner.

I'd have lit his ass up if I were a cop & he swung his gun towards me.

If I was a cop with a Glock 9 mm & 18 round clip? I have emptied it into him.


Oh well. Glad it all turned out well & also glad to see gun control laws DO NOT WORK if the criminal has the gun.


Yes great story, but lacking in detail. I am no expert, but was a UK police firearms officer for 17 years, starting with a .38 revolver and shotgun before we moved to H & K MP5's and Glocks. I have never heard of any police officer ever being trained to take a gun from someone who does not want to give it up. There were always many considerations in deciding whether a shoot/no shoot situation which were drummed into me from day one. Gun not being pointed at anyone, verbal challenge, puts gun down, best result. Anything other than compliance, bringing gun up, shoot. Always look for cover if available and at least move. Always consider the backstop. Stone wall good, soi full of people bad, some shots will always be flyers in a stress situation.

I once had a little shooting competition with a Thai police officer at a family party (his, not mine). After two shots each, he was two down, declared game over, got drunk, then attacked his grandad who complained about the loud music. Held his .38 like a 10 year old playing cowboys. Probably Buriram police champion. Having a gun is not the same as being proficient with it.


I would have been more afraid of the police officers with there guns out......better chance of getting shot by one of them.

Obviously alot less likely here, than in the US. Someone in his position would have survived no more than 5 seconds after pointing a gun at the police. Even people without guns are being taken out on a regular basis by law enforcement in the US. With a gun? Not a chance of survival under those circumstances. And I am not saying that is a bad thing. You point a gun at the police, you get what is coming to you. And that is more than likely a chest full of lead.


so he was ready to shoot / kill "his friend" for 1000 baht ?

Yes, life is cheap here in Thailand.

We had one incident a few years ago where a so called "friend" was killed by a Thai for not handing over the phone to make a phone call.


It all seems rather bizzare, but I take note of the posts from experienced ex cops etc.

What I don't understand is this. Was the perp sitting in the bar with his 'mate' with the shotgun propped up against the wall. Or did he pay the 1000 baht and then go and get the shotgun?. Love to know.


I think the police handled the situation very good and successful. Nobody was hurt.

Pattaya One wrote:

Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

Maybe the reporter from Pattaya One can explain how to disarm a man when you look in the barrel of a shotgun.

In USA or even in most European countries the drunken idiot would be dead by now.

if he is dark enough he dont need a weapon to be killed in the USA, enough walking on the street


Hilarious story cheesy.gif

Police ran for cover.

Braver Police joined the less brave.

1000 Baht drinks bill.

Ex-friend seeks newly acquired friend with shot-gun.

Soap Opera stuff !!

Not really. The genre is "Farce". I still lively theatrical art form.


I think the police handled the situation very good and successful. Nobody was hurt.

Pattaya One wrote:

Initially he pointed the weapon at the officers who instead of using their training to disarm the man, they all ran for cover.

Maybe the reporter from Pattaya One can explain how to disarm a man when you look in the barrel of a shotgun.

In USA or even in most European countries the drunken idiot would be dead by now.

if he is dark enough he dont need a weapon to be killed in the USA, enough walking on the street

Yes Australian police have been known to kill these guys quickly. Discretion I believe is at least one answer to good policing.

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