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Do you bribe your wife?


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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

Just trying to start another PC fight eh? Why do you do it? Withhold means to refuse to give something desired by another.

Unlike the West sex is readily available in Thailand for free or pocket change. Sex in Thailand is not the weapon women have made it in the West. The below joke works in your world but not mine.

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Women don't give sex. They participate in it.

In the world there tens of millions of women who give sex for money and about 10 heterosexual men who give sex for money.

Women give sex for everything; chocolate, rent, dinner and movies, new clothes, granny's new home.

Female sex is a commodity with worth. Male sex is free like air.

They don't trade air on the stock exchange. Did you ever wonder why 90% of the gold jewelry in gold shops is make for women?

When it becomes an effective tool in the West for men to withhold sex until the wife learns to cook we will see many well fed men in the West.

There is a guy thing and a girl thing. SB you gotta be a girl. I've never met a man who does not know what I wrote above.

There is nothing wrong with being a girl BTW. I like girls.wai.gif

To try and relate your fantasy to the topic; it is useless for a woman to withhold sex (or good sex) because she is angry. It backfires in Thailand. I've never been anywhere in Thailand where sex with a stranger was more than 5 minutes away.

That is good and bad. Bad for women using sex as a tool and good for men who have women who use sex as a means to another end.

There is a sharp tongued lady living next door to us. Every time she yells at her husband my wife just shakes her head and says, "why oh why does she yell at her husband? He will only go and see his mia noi more often."

Edited by lostoday
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Most of thailand is shockingly out dated.

Living in the countryside is like living in medevil times, but with mopeds and mobile phones.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

I think the beer might have been better in medieval times.

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I am curious do you consider Western beliefs about virgin births etc to be true?

If so you owe her an apology for thinking your beliefs are more true than hers.

If you operate purely on logic and science then you still owe her an apology for your lack of sensitivity as it does not matter if her beliefs are true, they are her beliefs and she is your wife and the love of your life (hopefully).

In the end a thoughtful discussion and understanding combined with mutual respect is what is needed not a bribe.

Who in the west in 2015 believes in virgin births?

Not to mention evolution, global warming, men walking on the moon ............

There's a recent poll done by CBS which states that 77% of americans belive in angels. Not having a go at americans here by the way.

Perhaps there is a recent movie or TV series that features angels?

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There is a guy thing and a girl thing. SB you gotta be a girl. I've never met a man who does not know what I wrote above.

I'm a guy. Just one who knows the world has changed since your kind had their heyday. I'm guessing you don't hang out with many men under 60?

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That's how you bribe - and win your wife.....

Preserve that and everything falls in to place.....

Win - Win

I do those things for everybody.

I live in the 21st century, and you?

Unsure whether rhetorical or not....Yes - of course - with social courtesies such as opening doors.....

Wouldn't dream of trying to grab some shopping bags and carrying them for Everyone.....

What's your secret - how do you get away with That????

So if I understand correctly, you carry your wife's groceries?

HER groceries?

How kind of you.

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There is a guy thing and a girl thing. SB you gotta be a girl. I've never met a man who does not know what I wrote above.

I'm a guy. Just one who knows the world has changed since your kind had their heyday. I'm guessing you don't hang out with many men under 60?

So instead of contributing to the thread or comparing and contrasting ideas you would rather attack and set up an argument; old vs young again? Now if I had to give that behavior a name what would it be?

We live in Thailand not your country. Try and understand most of don't have the same problems or attitudes as you have in the West. People here wear red devils horns for Christmas.

Edited by lostoday
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There is a guy thing and a girl thing. SB you gotta be a girl. I've never met a man who does not know what I wrote above.

I'm a guy. Just one who knows the world has changed since your kind had their heyday. I'm guessing you don't hang out with many men under 60?

So instead of contributing to the thread or comparing and contrasting ideas you would rather attack and set up an argument; old vs young again? Now if I had to give that behavior a name what would it be?

This thread is about your attitude to your wife - which is what we were discussing before you started calling me a girl.

All you seem to do here is provoke arguments then blame other people. If you act the same way at home as you do online, no wonder your wife is pissed off at you.

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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

Can a man choose whether he wants to have sex?

Have you ever said no to a woman who wants sex? it's a relationship ender.

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There is a guy thing and a girl thing. SB you gotta be a girl. I've never met a man who does not know what I wrote above.

I'm a guy. Just one who knows the world has changed since your kind had their heyday. I'm guessing you don't hang out with many men under 60?

So instead of contributing to the thread or comparing and contrasting ideas you would rather attack and set up an argument; old vs young again? Now if I had to give that behavior a name what would it be?

This thread is about your attitude to your wife - which is what we were discussing before you started calling me a girl.

All you seem to do here is provoke arguments then blame other people. If you act the same way at home as you do online, no wonder your wife is pissed off at you.

This thread is about bribing women or other alternative behavior when arguments arise in the home. Male and female relationships in Thailand are not the same as the West. Things like withholding sex from a male that work in the West do not work in Thailand.

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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

Can a man choose whether he wants to have sex?

Have you ever said no to a woman who wants sex? it's a relationship ender.

Yes, and yes.

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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

Can a man choose whether he wants to have sex?

Have you ever said no to a woman who wants sex? it's a relationship ender.

I've never done such a thing - never even thought about it - even though I was sick, having a heart attack and could hardly walk.

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You own the problem = caused by your words....But, seems you've been there before - unkown if WW3's are common in your house....Or if culture differences define your relationship...

Sounds like she took it as a slight against her beliefs - and that should take an explanation - not a bribe which can lead to future manipulation...

I'd first let her calm down.....Be nice and don't add any fuel to the fire - it can only get worse if you do......

If you were wrong a simple apology should do.....

We use courtesies as Thank you or I'm sorry in our house.....

I rarely voice my opinions about anything anymore. No wars here. In the middle of my little speech about rationality she told me to stop talking and I did. Further mention seemed to aggravate the problem so I shut up. I'm not even close to being wrong so no chance of me saying I'm sorry.
Well don't be waiting for her to say sorry. They not only cut off their nose to spite their face but their whole head. I find the best thing to do in these situations is go and sit on the computer (she'll think Ur looking for a new home or Mrs) or do something completely out of the ordinary. That throws em. I don't drink much. We had world war three last week and I went and sat out the front of the house and got shirt face drunk. That straightened her up. I honestly think a lot of Thai girls have hormonal swings. Takes the slightest thing to set them off. About 6 months ago mine changed completely. Aggressive, moody. Not like her. Turns out she was on a new contraceptive pill a friend of hers told her about. Supposed to grow boobs, enhance skin etc. Googled them and banned all over the world. Linked to depression, suicide, aggression. Asked the pharmacist and she said they are awful. Only lady boys take them. After stopping them for a day good as gold
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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

That's because the attitudes of Thai people are shockingly out-dated if your yard-stick is Western countries.

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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

That's because the attitudes of Thai people are shockingly out-dated if your yard-stick is Western countries.

What attitudes do you find outdated?

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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

That's because the attitudes of Thai people are shockingly out-dated if your yard-stick is Western countries.

What attitudes do you find outdated?
You haven't noticed the racism here or classing based on skin colour, or a person's standing elevated by wealth, or the more expensive the car the more aggressively you can drive it etc etc.....let's at least be real Edited by Kenny202
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That's how you bribe - and win your wife.....

Preserve that and everything falls in to place.....

Win - Win

I do those things for everybody.

I live in the 21st century, and you?

Unsure whether rhetorical or not....Yes - of course - with social courtesies such as opening doors.....

Wouldn't dream of trying to grab some shopping bags and carrying them for Everyone.....

What's your secret - how do you get away with That????

So if I understand correctly, you carry your wife's groceries?

HER groceries?

How kind of you.

No - you do not understand....but bicker all you like - seems to suit you along with the broadcasting of your own excellence......

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"Withhold sex"?

A woman can choose whether she wants to have sex. Withhold implies that she is refusing to give something that is required of her.

Some of the opinions on this forum are shockingly outdated.

That's because the attitudes of Thai people are shockingly out-dated if your yard-stick is Western countries.

What attitudes do you find outdated?
You haven't noticed the racism here or classing based on skin colour, or a person's standing elevated by wealth, or the more expensive the car the more aggressively you can drive it etc etc.....let's at least be real

Same as the USA. Skin color, wealth, cars all same. Obama talks about it a lot (racism problems in America and the Confederate flag and stuff like that). I think Thailand has far fewer of the problems that you mentioned than America. Maybe you have some other attitudes you want to mention.

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Yep. Wife bashing while all look on and nobody helps. Cock fighting.... How many you want? Happens everywhere including the States, Australia etc. Not saying those countries any better but they're still outdated ideas.

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Yep. Wife bashing while all look on and nobody helps. Cock fighting.... How many you want? Happens everywhere including the States, Australia etc. Not saying those countries any better but they're still outdated ideas.

So if it happens everywhere I guess it is not confined to Thailand and the statement that Thailand has outdated ideas is not correct.

I don't think my Thai wife is any different than an American wife except she is more understanding about the nature of contact between the sexes.

Thai men are better off than Western men and take far fewer anti psychotic drugs and I think it is because of the attitude of Thai women. I would't call it outdated. It is different that's for sure.

My wife is upset because I told the truth about something in her tradition that to me does not make sense. Nothing to do with sex. But the argument does not spill over into our physical relationship. If it did I could replace that part in a NY second.

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What attitudes do you find outdated?
You haven't noticed the racism here or classing based on skin colour, or a person's standing elevated by wealth, or the more expensive the car the more aggressively you can drive it etc etc.....let's at least be real

Same as the USA. Skin color, wealth, cars all same. Obama talks about it a lot (racism problems in America and the Confederate flag and stuff like that). I think Thailand has far fewer of the problems that you mentioned than America. Maybe you have some other attitudes you want to mention.

True, but, in Western countries, it's considered wrong.

Here in Thailand it isn't.

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