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Do you bribe your wife?


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What attitudes do you find outdated?
You haven't noticed the racism here or classing based on skin colour, or a person's standing elevated by wealth, or the more expensive the car the more aggressively you can drive it etc etc.....let's at least be real

Same as the USA. Skin color, wealth, cars all same. Obama talks about it a lot (racism problems in America and the Confederate flag and stuff like that). I think Thailand has far fewer of the problems that you mentioned than America. Maybe you have some other attitudes you want to mention.

True, but, in Western countries, it's considered wrong.

Here in Thailand it isn't.

In your opinion; certainly not in the opinion of the guys with the Confederate flags on their pick up trucks. I think the same is true in Thailand when the intellectuals get together in the prison for their daily conversation session.

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If you're going to nit-pick.

The "majority" in Western countries think it's wrong and there are laws against discrimation.

In Thailand for the majority it is a normal attitude to have.

Try advertising a job position for a pretty female under 30 years of age in the West and see how far you get.

Edited by KarenBravo
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If you're going to nit-pick.

The "majority" in Western countries think it's wrong and there are laws against discrimation.

In Thailand for the majority it is a normal attitude to have.

Try advertising a job position for a pretty female under 30 years of age in the West and see how far you get.

I don't agree with you and know that a pretty girl is a pretty girl is a pretty girl but no reason to go into that. What does it have to do with this thread?

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If you're going to nit-pick.

The "majority" in Western countries think it's wrong and there are laws against discrimation.

In Thailand for the majority it is a normal attitude to have.

Try advertising a job position for a pretty female under 30 years of age in the West and see how far you get.

I don't agree with you and know that a pretty girl is a pretty girl is a pretty girl but no reason to go into that. What does it have to do with this thread?
i hate when every post goes off topic and ends up a bun fight but didnt you repeatedly ask for examples?
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If you're going to nit-pick.

The "majority" in Western countries think it's wrong and there are laws against discrimation.

In Thailand for the majority it is a normal attitude to have.

Try advertising a job position for a pretty female under 30 years of age in the West and see how far you get.

I don't agree with you and know that a pretty girl is a pretty girl is a pretty girl but no reason to go into that. What does it have to do with this thread?
i hate when every post goes off topic and ends up a bun fight but didnt you repeatedly ask for examples?


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You own the problem = caused by your words....But, seems you've been there before - unkown if WW3's are common in your house....Or if culture differences define your relationship...

Sounds like she took it as a slight against her beliefs - and that should take an explanation - not a bribe which can lead to future manipulation...

I'd first let her calm down.....Be nice and don't add any fuel to the fire - it can only get worse if you do......

If you were wrong a simple apology should do.....

We use courtesies as Thank you or I'm sorry in our house.....

Why is it that we have to bow down and change, and watch what we say incase she has a 'hissy'?

Whereever we go in the world we have to change OUR ways to their way of thinking, but others don't change a thing.

Thais always want to 'catch' themselves a farang, and expect us to pay for everything, yet they want to stay the same. Do foreigners NOT have their own customs, and way of doing things?

We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

Who's gonna be the first to say....."if you don't like it, you can always leave" there's bound to be a few lining up....

Edited by Ghostnigel
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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

I forgot. Are you married to a Thai woman?

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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Thats why she is my EX. Because I would not give her family the Sinsod, we did the official marriage first, then 6 months later, the custom wedding showed its ugly head...she was ok, but her parents were adament i paid them, so i said no, and they made her get a divorce....she did, but 2 years later, she wants back in, but its too late, ive moved on!
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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Thats why she is my EX. Because I would not give her family the Sinsod, we did the official marriage first, then 6 months later, the custom wedding showed its ugly head...she was ok, but her parents were adament i paid them, so i said no, and they made her get a divorce....she did, but 2 years later, she wants back in, but its too late, ive moved on!

I paid momma. Took pictures. Went in bedroom and the money was returned.

That is the way of my marriage. Toleration of tradition and the acceptance of reason of the modern world.

I said something I should have kept to myself. She got angry.

I have been quiet at home doing nothing out of the ordinary seems to be getting better a little bit every day.

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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

I forgot. Are you married to a Thai woman?
MaeJoMTB is, but i have not married again, he has 2, his Mrs, and his bike, he spends more time with the latter....hahaha....I have been with my current g/f now for nearly 2 years, her family is great, she is great, they want nothing more than their daughter to be happy, they do not want sinsod, which is cool. So maybe in the near future, i may take the plunge again....don't know yet, but it does feel right.
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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Thats why she is my EX. Because I would not give her family the Sinsod, we did the official marriage first, then 6 months later, the custom wedding showed its ugly head...she was ok, but her parents were adament i paid them, so i said no, and they made her get a divorce....she did, but 2 years later, she wants back in, but its too late, ive moved on!

I paid momma. Took pictures. Went in bedroom and the money was returned.

That is the way of my marriage. Toleration of tradition and the acceptance of reason of the modern world.

I said something I should have kept to myself. She got angry.

I have been quiet at home doing nothing out of the ordinary seems to be getting better a little bit every day.

One of my points was about OUR traditions, even in our own country we seem to have to follow THEIR traditions...we are not allowed to have tradition.
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I angered my wife by a chance remark about Thainess, telling her to grow up and smell the roses; we are not living in some kind of fantasy land where superstition and tradition take the place of reason and reality.

My point is; now I am debating how to get out of the dog house. Do I bribe her with food and shopping or do I just let it ride and fester and maybe lead to a full scale argument and end in me leaving?

if she's like most Thai women i have met...the issue probably isn't even about her beliefs. Probably something different altogether simmering away in the back of her mind. The tricky part is prising the real problem out of her
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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Some men are so weak, they can't handle the idea of a woman being their equal.

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So if I understand correctly, you carry your wife's groceries?
HER groceries?
How kind of you.


No - you do not understand....but bicker all you like - seems to suit you along with the broadcasting of your own excellence......


My wife does not carry her groceries.

I do not carry my wife's groceries.

WE carry OUR groceries.

Too modern a concept for some posters I guess.

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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Some men are so weak, they can't handle the idea of a woman being their equal.

Of course they're equal. That really isn't the issue.

Have been with my missus 17 years now and the attitudes are different to those from the West. A lot more old fashioned.

I am expected to bring home the bacon, organise repairs to anything if I can't do it myself, make the big decisions, after at least consulting her.

She does NOT expect me to do any house-work, shopping, going to pay bills, or, deal with Thai officials. She does all of that.

In fact, if I do some washing up, I get some mild admonishment.

There is a division of labour and a mutual understanding that I have the final word. That's the way it is.

Have seen so many times Western men bring their Western attitudes to a relationship and it either ends, or, he becomes a door-mat. There is nothing wrong in a man letting his wife run things if that is truly what he chose.

I know some very strong-willed Thai women who could not take the "traditional" role and the happily married ones all have something in common. Their men are compliant and happy to be so.

Seems to me, here in Thailand, that in every successful relationship, there is one dominant partner and one submissive and both are happy in their roles.

Maybe that is not PC, but, have found that true in every relationship I have had with a Thai female.

At first, I also treated them as total equals. One of two things always happened. Either they tried to control me, or, I didn't get respect. That happens when they can't fill the role that they want.

This is my experience. I'm sure others have had different experiences, but, generally speaking, this is the way it is here.

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So if I understand correctly, you carry your wife's groceries?

HER groceries?

How kind of you.


No - you do not understand....but bicker all you like - seems to suit you along with the broadcasting of your own excellence......


My wife does not carry her groceries.

I do not carry my wife's groceries.

WE carry OUR groceries.

Too modern a concept for some posters I guess.

Not the wife but she carries HER groceries and I carry MY groceries. I like cooking my own food at home and she likes to cook her Isaan food which I say could choke a billy goat.

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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Some men are so weak, they can't handle the idea of a woman being their equal.
Why do you chime in on every post with your nasty and negative pro feminist views SB? You call others weak? I have a picture of u in my mind with ur missus behind u checking every post saying "tell them Eric (or whatever ur name is) tell them! U cant let them treat us like that". Even wen completely uncalled for and off topic you concoct some ridiculous "point" you try and ram down everyone's throat and ruin the thread. I see Ur buddies along for the ride liking every post again too. Ok if someone blatantly is downgrading women go for it. I haven't seen too many weak willed Thai women being walked over by a bloke or the Asian slave bride stereotype here....In fact quite the opposite. If you are so much of a feminist go on the ladies forum. This is farang pub...and i cudnt imagine you getting very far with your views in a real pub. Everyone has a right to an opinion but uve become a serial pest. Why don't u try and add some constructive advice if u ever have any? Do you actually live here or are you actually with a Thai lady? I find it very hard to believe anyone happy in their life and relationship would be so frustrated they need to come on here everyday and attack people for no reason Edited by Kenny202
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Oh Come on Kenny. I for one appreciate that such persons as above and a few others choose to spend their valuable time to let us 'wonderful people out there in the dark!' * get a glimpse of what life is like at the top of the farang-in-Thailand food chain.

* As per Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard

Edited by JLCrab
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Oh Come on Kenny. I for one appreciate that such persons as above and a few others choose to spend their valuable time to let us 'wonderful people out there in the dark!' * get a glimpse of what life is like at the top of the farang-in-Thailand food chain.

* As per Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard

I don't claim any superiority to anyone.

If you feel you're somehow inferior, that's your own issue.

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We could say, as is in our custom, that the Bride's father pays for the wedding, not us come along with a couple of hundred thousand baht and give it away, that's NOT our custom at all, but they expect us to act like a Thai, but not allowed to have any rights like a Thai. (This is from my ex's ways, not the same now)

I never 'gave' any money to a Thai woman, but am happy to pay for services rendered.

Some men are weak, and spend their life being a doormat for various women.

If I didn't like it, I would leave!

Some men are so weak, they can't handle the idea of a woman being their equal.
Why do you chime in on every post with your nasty and negative pro feminist views SB? You call others weak? I have a picture of u in my mind with ur missus behind u checking every post saying "tell them Eric (or whatever ur name is) tell them! U cant let them treat us like that". Even wen completely uncalled for and off topic you concoct some ridiculous "point" you try and ram down everyone's throat and ruin the thread. I see Ur buddies along for the ride liking every post again too. Ok if someone blatantly is downgrading women go for it. I haven't seen too many weak willed Thai women being walked over by a bloke or the Asian slave bride stereotype here....In fact quite the opposite. If you are so much of a feminist go on the ladies forum. This is farang pub...and i cudnt imagine you getting very far with your views in a real pub. Everyone has a right to an opinion but uve become a serial pest. Why don't u try and add some constructive advice if u ever have any? Do you actually live here or are you actually with a Thai lady? I find it very hard to believe anyone happy in their life and relationship would be so frustrated they need to come on here everyday and attack people for no reason

And some men are so weak, they can't handle anyone expressing any opinion that challenges their view of the world.

My views go down just fine in the pub. Mainly because I go to the pub with women, not just a load of grumpy old men.

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Some men are so weak, they can't handle the idea of a woman being their equal.
Why do you chime in on every post with your nasty and negative pro feminist views SB? You call others weak? I have a picture of u in my mind with ur missus behind u checking every post saying "tell them Eric (or whatever ur name is) tell them! U cant let them treat us like that". Even wen completely uncalled for and off topic you concoct some ridiculous "point" you try and ram down everyone's throat and ruin the thread. I see Ur buddies along for the ride liking every post again too. Ok if someone blatantly is downgrading women go for it. I haven't seen too many weak willed Thai women being walked over by a bloke or the Asian slave bride stereotype here....In fact quite the opposite. If you are so much of a feminist go on the ladies forum. This is farang pub...and i cudnt imagine you getting very far with your views in a real pub. Everyone has a right to an opinion but uve become a serial pest. Why don't u try and add some constructive advice if u ever have any? Do you actually live here or are you actually with a Thai lady? I find it very hard to believe anyone happy in their life and relationship would be so frustrated they need to come on here everyday and attack people for no reason

And some men are so weak, they can't handle anyone expressing any opinion that challenges their view of the world.

My views go down just fine in the pub. Mainly because I go to the pub with women, not just a load of grumpy old men.

What does this have to do with bribing your wife? You have tried to mock me for having a young wife and told the poster above he goes to pubs with grumpy old men as per your usual ageist trolling but what does it have to do with bribing your wife? Seems to me your feminist side is the dominant part and you would never do anything that would upset a woman. But maybe you anger women all the time. I don't know but the topic is what you do when you anger your wife.

Edited by lostoday
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Why do you chime in on every post with your nasty and negative pro feminist views SB? You call others weak? I have a picture of u in my mind with ur missus behind u checking every post saying "tell them Eric (or whatever ur name is) tell them! U cant let them treat us like that". Even wen completely uncalled for and off topic you concoct some ridiculous "point" you try and ram down everyone's throat and ruin the thread. I see Ur buddies along for the ride liking every post again too. Ok if someone blatantly is downgrading women go for it. I haven't seen too many weak willed Thai women being walked over by a bloke or the Asian slave bride stereotype here....In fact quite the opposite. If you are so much of a feminist go on the ladies forum. This is farang pub...and i cudnt imagine you getting very far with your views in a real pub. Everyone has a right to an opinion but uve become a serial pest. Why don't u try and add some constructive advice if u ever have any? Do you actually live here or are you actually with a Thai lady? I find it very hard to believe anyone happy in their life and relationship would be so frustrated they need to come on here everyday and attack people for no reason

And some men are so weak, they can't handle anyone expressing any opinion that challenges their view of the world.

My views go down just fine in the pub. Mainly because I go to the pub with women, not just a load of grumpy old men.

What does this have to do with bribing your wife?

No idea. Kenny seems fascinated with me for some reason.

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Why do you chime in on every post with your nasty and negative pro feminist views SB? You call others weak? I have a picture of u in my mind with ur missus behind u checking every post saying "tell them Eric (or whatever ur name is) tell them! U cant let them treat us like that". Even wen completely uncalled for and off topic you concoct some ridiculous "point" you try and ram down everyone's throat and ruin the thread. I see Ur buddies along for the ride liking every post again too. Ok if someone blatantly is downgrading women go for it. I haven't seen too many weak willed Thai women being walked over by a bloke or the Asian slave bride stereotype here....In fact quite the opposite. If you are so much of a feminist go on the ladies forum. This is farang pub...and i cudnt imagine you getting very far with your views in a real pub. Everyone has a right to an opinion but uve become a serial pest. Why don't u try and add some constructive advice if u ever have any? Do you actually live here or are you actually with a Thai lady? I find it very hard to believe anyone happy in their life and relationship would be so frustrated they need to come on here everyday and attack people for no reason

And some men are so weak, they can't handle anyone expressing any opinion that challenges their view of the world.

My views go down just fine in the pub. Mainly because I go to the pub with women, not just a load of grumpy old men.

What does this have to do with bribing your wife?

No idea. Kenny seems fascinated with me for some reason.

Try staying on topic and not continually insulting your elders.

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Oh Come on Kenny. I for one appreciate that such persons as above and a few others choose to spend their valuable time to let us 'wonderful people out there in the dark!' * get a glimpse of what life is like at the top of the farang-in-Thailand food chain.

* As per Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard

I don't claim any superiority to anyone.

If you feel you're somehow inferior, that's your own issue.

So I assume when you say some men are weak that doesn't include yourself. My girlfriend isn't my equal; she is more than my equal. Nobody ever tried to put me on a magazine cover not even the AARP

Edited by JLCrab
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So anyway... to OP. How do you know that there is no power to superstition? You know that almost everything that was taught to you at school will be proved wrong if it hasn't already?...

Why? because most of what they teach in school as facts, is really just the currently accepted beliefs that are based on the not so solid foundation of assumptions.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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