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12 men rescued from pig farm slavery


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Farm owner Chaiyadet Sonut, who is also a manager of a Krung Thai Bank branch in Nakhon Pathom

If costumers in this lousy Bank have any human emotion at all then they will find another bank to do their business and dont forget to tell why you move your business elsewhere ...

There is no evidence to indicate that the bank supported this behaviour. It seems it was an employee acting on his own. Your logic is unsound.

If you ran a hotel, and one of your employees acting on his own at his personal premises abused people, would it be appropriate if the general public boycotted your hotel?

We also don't wanna know what the pigs were fed (antibiotics, hormones, dioxines in fat, etc.)...

Well said. It is obvious that this operator has zero concern for respecting the law. The labour abuse should be a red flag. The department of agriculture has an obligation to inspect the swine herd. If this operation was supplying a local meat packer, the meat packer obviously did not inspect its supplier and this would call in to question the safety of any products it processes. Is it any wonder why the Thai agriculture industry is held in poor regard by many foreign markets?

Good to see Bank Managers have good principles, just like those in the West..... NOT. There was once a day when Bank Management where revered, not any more. This one is no different from the animals he was farming.

In Thailand, a bank manager job at a small branch is nothing special. Bank managers have little authority and are basically senior clerks.

If the bank has a morals clause in its employment conditions, i.e. misbehaviour is grounds for termination, then the accused will be terminated.

I doubt the senior officers of the bank are too thrilled by this prick's behaviour.

I will try to make my thoughts more clear to you : The Bank should suspend him - without pay - until he is found guilty (or has bribed his way out) and after that fire him ... Get it now ... ?

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What happens at an inactive post. Do they still get paid?

I believe so - but as they are inactive the opportunity to ahem "informally supplement" your salary is removed. This is what hurts.

Certainly the case in the police force and other government departments.

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Apparently moral and ethics is not a job requirement at Krung Thai Bank. The former Krungthai Bank president Viroj Nualkhair was sentenced some years ago for messing with 9.9 billion baht of illegal loans.

Which jail is he still in? smile.png

As far as I know he is now in Bangkok Remand Prison as he suffered a heart attack after learning he was sentenced 18 years.

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Apparently moral and ethics is not a job requirement at Krung Thai Bank. The former Krungthai Bank president Viroj Nualkhair was sentenced some years ago for messing with 9.9 billion baht of illegal loans.

Which jail is he still in? smile.png

As far as I know he is now in Bangkok Remand Prison as he suffered a heart attack after learning he was sentenced 18 years.

In Ireland 3 Banksters just recently got just 2 years for similar.Probably be out after one year .Its about the first case of Banksters being gaoled there ,as white collar crime is usually above the law .

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Farm owner Chaiyadet Sonut, who is also a manager of a Krung Thai Bank branch in Nakhon Pathom

If costumers in this lousy Bank have any human emotion at all then they will find another bank to do their business and dont forget to tell why you move your business elsewhere ...

There is no evidence to indicate that the bank supported this behaviour. It seems it was an employee acting on his own. Your logic is unsound.

If you ran a hotel, and one of your employees acting on his own at his personal premises abused people, would it be appropriate if the general public boycotted your hotel?

We also don't wanna know what the pigs were fed (antibiotics, hormones, dioxines in fat, etc.)...

Well said. It is obvious that this operator has zero concern for respecting the law. The labour abuse should be a red flag. The department of agriculture has an obligation to inspect the swine herd. If this operation was supplying a local meat packer, the meat packer obviously did not inspect its supplier and this would call in to question the safety of any products it processes. Is it any wonder why the Thai agriculture industry is held in poor regard by many foreign markets?

In Thailand, a bank manager job at a small branch is nothing special. Bank managers have little authority and are basically senior clerks.

If the bank has a morals clause in its employment conditions, i.e. misbehaviour is grounds for termination, then the accused will be terminated.

I doubt the senior officers of the bank are too thrilled by this prick's behaviour.

I will try to make my thoughts more clear to you : The Bank should suspend him - without pay - until he is found guilty (or has bribed his way out) and after that fire him ... Get it now ... ?

So you would advocate that they illegally suspend ( without pay ) a man who at this point is only accused of a crime. If the bank does not perform this illegal act, you propose boycotting them - sounds like an attempt at mob rule to me. Certainly a suspension with pay, pending conviction or proof of allegations is more appropriate.

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This story broke in the bangkok post a couple of days ago. In that story, they concluded with saying that the Laotians had been freed from the cage, but were now being detained for possibly entering the country illegally!

Yes, I am also a little confused. I am sure it must be the same case.

I read about workers being "kept in a cage like animals". It was also on either BBc New or Sky. I remember seeing it and thinking about how it will affect tourism. Maybe only a little , but many people refuse to visit countries that have poor human rights standards.

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This must be an absolutely immense pig farm. We have neighbours who have about 1200 pigs on their farms with no automation. This is capably run without heavy effort by 1 man and 1 more part time. The farm in the OP has Thai staff ( Shall we guess 2 ) and 12 slaves. Using those numbers , the farm should have more than 13,000 pigs --- that is a massive operation !

.... but then, perhaps the slaves are also hired out to other farms in the area ??

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Oh no!

Slavery on pig farms too?

I am already boycotting Thai seafood.

Now I need to give up pork too?

That leaves chicken....and Mc Donald's.

No, no Mc Donald's!

Well, chicken and buffalo, I mean Thai beef!

Something needs to be done.

I can't live on vegetables and rice!

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Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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In Thailand, a bank manager job at a small branch is nothing special. Bank managers have little authority and are basically senior clerks.If the bank has a morals clause in its employment conditions, i.e. misbehaviour is grounds for termination, then the accused will be terminated.

I doubt the senior officers of the bank are too thrilled by this prick's behaviour.

I will try to make my thoughts more clear to you : The Bank should suspend him - without pay - until he is found guilty (or has bribed his way out) and after that fire him ... Get it now ... ?

Unfortunately, that is not what you wrote in your original comment. However, you now agree with me, and that's nice. clap2.gif (see my last comment).

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