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Experts: Trump, Ramos confrontation shouldn't be a surprise


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And here's the kind of Nazi lowlife Trump appeals to:

David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and self-described racial realist, says Donald Trump is the best Republican candidate for president because he understands the real sentiment of America.

David Duke likes Taylor Swift too. You can't choose your fans, but you can reject them.

Donald Trump says that he does not want the endorsement of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and that he would "certainly" repudiate his support.

"I don't need his endorsement, I certainly wouldn't want his endorsement, I don't need anybody's endorsement," Trump said in an interview on Bloomberg News.

Asked if he would repudiate an endorsement from Duke, he replied: "Sure."

He may not want his support, but he has to realise that his rhetoric is appealing to people like David Duke.

Now that should make him think about his 'policies', but I very much doubt it will.

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Trump's rhetoric appeals to.LOTS of people. That is why he is surging in the polls.

Trump IS running for president. You can win without the Hispanic vote. Romney would have won in 2012, if the far right - people like David Duke - had not stayed home, because he was too moderate. They stuck us with Obama.

The entire GOP platform is based on denial:

-Guns aren't a problem

-Racism doesn't exist

-There is no gender pay gap

-Minimum wage is only for teenagers

-If you don't talk to your kids about sex then they won't have sex

-Global warming doesn't exist

-Hispanics won't desert us

-Only sluts "asking for it" get pregnant from rape

Blind and angry is no way to go through life.


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Trump's rhetoric appeals to.LOTS of people. That is why he is surging in the polls.

Trump IS running for president. You can win without the Hispanic vote. Romney would have won in 2012, if the far right - people like David Duke - had not stayed home, because he was too moderate. They stuck us with Obama.

The entire GOP platform is based on denial:

-Guns aren't a problem

-Racism doesn't exist

-There is no gender pay gap

-Minimum wage is only for teenagers

-If you don't talk to your kids about sex then they won't have sex

-Global warming doesn't exist

-Hispanics won't desert us

-Only sluts "asking for it" get pregnant from rape

Blind and angry is no way to go through life.


I'm a conservative American and you think I believe all of that?

You must get your news and your brainwashing out of a Crackerjack box, LOL. tongue.png

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Trump's rhetoric appeals to.LOTS of people. That is why he is surging in the polls.

Trump IS running for president. You can win without the Hispanic vote. Romney would have won in 2012, if the far right - people like David Duke - had not stayed home, because he was too moderate. They stuck us with Obama.

The entire GOP platform is based on denial:

-Guns aren't a problem

-Racism doesn't exist

-There is no gender pay gap

-Minimum wage is only for teenagers

-If you don't talk to your kids about sex then they won't have sex

-Global warming doesn't exist

-Hispanics won't desert us

-Only sluts "asking for it" get pregnant from rape

Blind and angry is no way to go through life.


I'm a conservative American and you think I believe all of that?

You must get your news and your brainwashing out of a Crackerjack box, LOL. tongue.png

Read the platforms of the 17 (by last count) GOP candidates running for president. The things I've listed are the things they outright deny or do so by inference or behaviour.

I don't know you from crackerjack, and am not talking about you. It's quite telling that you are inserting yourself into the narrative.


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Trump's rhetoric appeals to.LOTS of people. That is why he is surging in the polls.

Trump IS running for president. You can win without the Hispanic vote. Romney would have won in 2012, if the far right - people like David Duke - had not stayed home, because he was too moderate. They stuck us with Obama.

You can win without the Hispanic vote.

Republicans and the Right that controls the party sound like they're trying to convince themselves.

Even if the R party does believe their 2016 mantra abut the Hispanic vote, youse guyz would be completely wrong, so keep up the good work from the Democratic party point of view.

Republicans taking the identical pov in respect of the Hispanic vote as Rs did in 2008 and in 2012 when the R party lost conclusively, guarantees continuation of this particular loser strategy. And the losses are well deserved because not only do the Rs and the Right assume the wrongheaded election strategy, they are against immigration and want to build a wall to create a Fortress America.

"They are against immigration and want to build a wall to "Create a Fortress America." What???? Huh???? Anyone with common sense should be concerned with illegals flowing across America's borders.

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Trump intends to to repeal birthright citizenship. I don't know if he can actually do it, but somebody should have closed this loophole long ago. I wish him the best of luck.

Would that apply to ALL American immigrants going back to when the founding fathers arrived and THEIR children were born in the USA? Unless of course you are a native American Indian who was there before say, 1500 then all Americans have birthright citizenship.

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He may not want his support, but he has to realise that his rhetoric is appealing to people like David Duke.

Some of his rhetoric appeals to pretty much everybody. That is why he is doing so well.

ILLEGAL aliens should be deported.They entered the country ILLEGALLY.

Setting out to have anchor babies should be against the law.

Do not cut Social Security or Medicare benefits.

Allow more European immigration and a legal status to those foreigners graduating from U.S. colleges.

The Iran Nuclear deal is a BIG mistake. Walk away from nuclear talks. Increase sanctions.

(200 retired generals and admirals agree with him).


ILLEGAL aliens should be deported.They entered the country ILLEGALLY.

Some entered illegally so start gathering and lining up the cattle car trains to roll South to the border, lots and lots of trains of cattle cars full of undocumented immigrants.

However, a lot of undocumented immigrants didn't burrow their way in as they have remained in the US after their legit visa expired.

Department of Homeland Security has said mass deportation would take several years and cost billions of bucks. Then there would be the astronomical moral cost to the United States.

The post btw is quite the tour de force.

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Trump's rhetoric appeals to.LOTS of people. That is why he is surging in the polls.

Trump IS running for president. You can win without the Hispanic vote. Romney would have won in 2012, if the far right - people like David Duke - had not stayed home, because he was too moderate. They stuck us with Obama.

You can win without the Hispanic vote.

Republicans and the Right that controls the party sound like they're trying to convince themselves.

Even if the R party does believe their 2016 mantra abut the Hispanic vote, youse guyz would be completely wrong, so keep up the good work from the Democratic party point of view.

Republicans taking the identical pov in respect of the Hispanic vote as Rs did in 2008 and in 2012 when the R party lost conclusively, guarantees continuation of this particular loser strategy. And the losses are well deserved because not only do the Rs and the Right assume the wrongheaded election strategy, they are against immigration and want to build a wall to create a Fortress America.

"They are against immigration and want to build a wall to "Create a Fortress America." What???? Huh???? Anyone with common sense should be concerned with illegals flowing across America's borders.

Concern is one thing, hysteria is quite another thing. Walling off a Fortress America is hysteria.

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Trump intends to to repeal birthright citizenship. I don't know if he can actually do it, but somebody should have closed this loophole long ago. I wish him the best of luck.

Would that apply to ALL American immigrants going back to when the founding fathers arrived and THEIR children were born in the USA?

My guess is that it would be from now on. I just hope that someone can make it happen.

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Trump intends to to repeal birthright citizenship. I don't know if he can actually do it, but somebody should have closed this loophole long ago. I wish him the best of luck.

Would that apply to ALL American immigrants going back to when the founding fathers arrived and THEIR children were born in the USA? Unless of course you are a native American Indian who was there before say, 1500 then all Americans have birthright citizenship.

There was no USA for the founding fathers to be born in. That's why they're the "founding fathers."

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Trump's rhetoric appeals to.LOTS of people. That is why he is surging in the polls.

Trump IS running for president. You can win without the Hispanic vote. Romney would have won in 2012, if the far right - people like David Duke - had not stayed home, because he was too moderate. They stuck us with Obama.

You can win without the Hispanic vote.

Republicans and the Right that controls the party sound like they're trying to convince themselves.

Even if the R party does believe their 2016 mantra abut the Hispanic vote, youse guyz would be completely wrong, so keep up the good work from the Democratic party point of view.

Republicans taking the identical pov in respect of the Hispanic vote as Rs did in 2008 and in 2012 when the R party lost conclusively, guarantees continuation of this particular loser strategy. And the losses are well deserved because not only do the Rs and the Right assume the wrongheaded election strategy, they are against immigration and want to build a wall to create a Fortress America.

"They are against immigration and want to build a wall to "Create a Fortress America." What???? Huh???? Anyone with common sense should be concerned with illegals flowing across America's borders.

Concern is one thing, hysteria is quite another thing. Walling off a Fortress America is hysteria.

Hold on there cowboy. "Hysteria" is a definition of your countless nonsensical posts. Constructing a wall to protect our borders from illegals, drug traffickers , and tourists, is a common sense approach in the right direction.

Ramos and others like him are part of the problem. Trump appears to be a solution to Obamas open border debacle.

I see the term "clown car" used repeatedly by a few of the more mentally challenged left wing posters. If there were ever a clown car, that guy Obama would be in the drivers seat.

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What's the topic of this thread, LOL? Oh yeah, "Experts: Trump, Ramos confrontation shouldn't be a surprise."

What shouldn't be a surprise is how Trump keeps winning whether it be this guy or Megyn Kelly or John McCain or the Mexican rants or China rants or... Trump is an expert negotiator, particularly from a position of strength. He excels at battle - overwhelming, asymmetrical, hit them from every angle continuous warfare. He's a polished negotiator, usually getting what he wants.

What confounds me is that there are so many "experts" who can't see what he's doing and why it's working. He is leaving about 20 other candidates in both parties and most expert pundits standing with their mouths open because they are products of the PC generation and simply don't have the mindset to understand or engage this guy.

I am truly getting a kick out of this guy as he shows everyone how their preconceived notions are wrong.


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You can win without the Hispanic vote.

Republicans and the Right that controls the party sound like they're trying to convince themselves.

Even if the R party does believe their 2016 mantra abut the Hispanic vote, youse guyz would be completely wrong, so keep up the good work from the Democratic party point of view.

Republicans taking the identical pov in respect of the Hispanic vote as Rs did in 2008 and in 2012 when the R party lost conclusively, guarantees continuation of this particular loser strategy. And the losses are well deserved because not only do the Rs and the Right assume the wrongheaded election strategy, they are against immigration and want to build a wall to create a Fortress America.

"They are against immigration and want to build a wall to "Create a Fortress America." What???? Huh???? Anyone with common sense should be concerned with illegals flowing across America's borders.

Concern is one thing, hysteria is quite another thing. Walling off a Fortress America is hysteria.

Hold on there cowboy. "Hysteria" is a definition of your countless nonsensical posts. Constructing a wall to protect our borders from illegals, drug traffickers , and tourists, is a common sense approach in the right direction.

Ramos and others like him are part of the problem. Trump appears to be a solution to Obamas open border debacle.

I see the term "clown car" used repeatedly by a few of the more mentally challenged left wing posters. If there were ever a clown car, that guy Obama would be in the drivers seat.

Good thing the post calls me 'cowboy' cause there are other words floating around and for a long time too, so that's a mild one thx. Then the post includes 'clown car' and also refers to Trump's repellant immigration repellant wall which is increasingly being recognized as trying to establish a Fortress America, although the post doesn't use the term itself which one readily understands.

So NightRider....

The right has to get its own term cause 'clown car' is pretty much a patent pending and trade mark of the progressive, liberal left from the 2012 Republican race for the nomination right on through the present bunch of sad candidates who nonetheless make us laugh and make us cry, with Donald Trump leading the pack honk honk.

The anti-immigrant right wants a wall to create a Fortress America against the "hoards" of the unwashed immigrants arriving from down below in Latin America. Jorge Ramos confronted the honking honker Trump about it on Trump's own turf. Mr. Ramos had the Constitutional right to do that although one can argue about the matter of protocol and etiquitte. It was indeed rather strange to see the honker Trump honking on about protocol and etiquette.

It might be said accordingly that anarchy can breed anarchy which is exactly what Trump is doing as he slanders Hispanics daily.

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