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John Oliver comedically discusses U.S. gay civil rights issues


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The point being ... HURRAH ... marriage equality accomplished, but it ain't over. Most U.S. states still don't legally protect GLBT against employment or housing discrimination. Additionally, the right wing is now ginning up the "religious liberty" angle to rationalize discrimination.

"Today in most states. a GLBT person can get married on Saturday, post photos of their wedding on Sunday, and get fired on their job or thrown out of their job on Monday just because of who they are" w00t.gif

U.S. Congressman Cicilline, Rhode Island

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In the wake of the loss of both Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart in the same year, it's a huge relief John Oliver is still around. I'm Scottish, but I've been following their shows for years and am quietly pleased that John Oliver has managed to rise up from Daily show correspondent to this. A much needed voice and fearless defender of social injustices. I like how his show also drags a wider net than the Daily show, he's even hilariousy touched on issues in Thailand earning him a dissaproval from the Junta :)

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In the wake of the loss of both Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart in the same year, it's a huge relief John Oliver is still around. I'm Scottish, but I've been following their shows for years and am quietly pleased that John Oliver has managed to rise up from Daily show correspondent to this. A much needed voice and fearless defender of social injustices. I like how his show also drags a wider net than the Daily show, he's even hilariousy touched on issues in Thailand earning him a dissaproval from the Junta smile.png

John Oliver's show is definitely amazing. He does something very unusual in that he spends a large amount of time focused on one issue each week. You can tell there is a massive amount of work and research going into each show. I am a bit surprised it is even working for him commercially (assuming it is) because some of the topics he chooses are on the obscure side as far as American public interest. He does have a talent to drum up interest in these lesser known issues, with humor or course.

Referring to the OP's topic, I do reckon the majority of Americans do think the U.S. GLBT civil rights struggle is done and dusted because of the SCOTUS marriage equality decision. It's understandable that people who aren't close to the issue might think that. It was historic. Oliver brilliantly points out this perception vs. reality gap by showing the statistics that most Americans think employment discrimination just based on being gay is illegal, when it is certainly not in most U.S. states.

Edited by Jingthing
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