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Thai police under scrutiny like never before

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Perhaps things might start to improve if/when police are selected by their competence and not by them paying for their positions. But if is a big word and when is not going to be in my lifetime, after all this is Thailand.

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Top Thai police photographed under a sign saying 'Suckers' and the Australian Prime Minister photographed beneath a shop sign saying 'Reject.' Says it all really and confirms the adage of being promoted to their own level of incompetence.

It won't be competent police work that gets the bomber, but his or their own mistakes.

Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang


They really are under scrutiny this time, but it will soon be two weeks later and there is not a sniff. The Met Police, MI5 or the FBI would have caught the culprits by now.

What really concerns me is the 2 burmese boys still accused of the murders. I have a Thai friend who has worked on that island for 3 years and calls me every week. He says that no Thai living or working on the island believes it was the 2 boys. It was allegedly "someone" in the family of an important local person. That is all I know, sorry.



I foresee the imminent arrest of everyone..., however guilty

Does anyone know what percent of the bombing investigation has been completed yet?

Looks like zero to me!


To be fair, the us coppers were dumb enough not to have security at one of the world's major sporting events, and capturing two dumbasses was not the greatest police achievement. (If memory serves, they were identified by civilians.) Whereas this bombing seems better planned.


I foresee the imminent arrest of everyone..., however guilty

Does anyone know what percent of the bombing investigation has been completed yet?

Crime scenes completely cleaned of all evidence.

Except for the human remains that fell from a tree a few days later. Oh, and the piece of shrapnel that was found by a foreign reporter several days later. He tried to hand it in to the police but they wouldn't let him.

An absolute disgrace to the Thai people and the victims and their families.

Again, fire the whole bunch and start over, what could possibly go wrong?


"The citizenry has come to accept low policing standards as an everyday fact of life"

True but that does not mean they like it. The RTP make a laughable topic in Thai society.


"The result was a "photo op" that caught Somyot and his men talking to reporters in the Soi Nana red light district - beneath a large neon sign for the gogo bar Suckers. "

You have to give me a warning when you post stuff like that. I nearly p1ssed my pants I was laughing so hard!


They don't need to be under that sign for us to know they are suckers !


The police are expected to be capable of screwing up or corrupting just about anything they are involved in or touch, They seem to do the expected and at times grossly exceed what was considered the worst that could happ-en or be done.

The whole force put me in mind of what it is like to turn thousands of Andy Caps loose on society


It is shocking that Thai people tolerate this level of ineptitude and incompetence from the Thai police. The Thai police force top to bottom is feckless and filled with over inflated self importance. It is amusing that the newspaper described that the Thai police jockeyed for position in the photo op in the heart of the Thai sex trade mecca. The newspaper describes this as "adultentertainment distrit" knowing full well that Bangkok and every other town and village and virtually every soi is loaded with sex trade venues masquerading as "adultentertainment districts."

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink , same here, bad educated people can't problem solve what 6th graders in the west can do.


It is shocking that Thai people tolerate this level of ineptitude and incompetence from the Thai police. The Thai police force top to bottom is feckless and filled with over inflated self importance. It is amusing that the newspaper described that the Thai police jockeyed for position in the photo op in the heart of the Thai sex trade mecca. The newspaper describes this as "adultentertainment distrit" knowing full well that Bangkok and every other town and village and virtually every soi is loaded with sex trade venues masquerading as "adultentertainment districts."

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink , same here, bad educated people can't problem solve what 6th graders in the west can do.


The people of Thailand know about there government but feel helpless. What are they to do ? Corruption from the highest level. who do you call one of the corrupt cops ? Maybe the Mayor or Governor can help. NOT !!!!!

The Bombing has hit an Artery and no one knows how to stop the bleeding !!!

Thailand answer seems to be, get closer to China. Well lets sit back and see how this works out for them.

Tourist numbers continue to fall and no one has a clue how to fix it.


What will it take for the Royal Thai Police force to take international training on what to do correctly at crime scenes. It boils down to their weakness to listen to experience and the dreaded Lose of Face which realy is Childish, all they do is archive LOSE OF RESPECT AND INCOMPETENCE. By the rest of the world who's police forces just have a good laugh at them.

The promotion system has to be done through experience and earned not through the payment system as they have always done,

I do not think this will ever happen. Sorry to say.


Yet even when they know they are being scrutinized, as the report says, they know it will soon blow over.

And the cycle of incompetence, embarrassment then forgetting will continue just as it always has.


This is Thailand. What else should we expect?

There are things that good about Thailand. Let's take a look at their good side.

Okay that look at their bright side took all, or most, of 1 minute so what's next ?


It's not a shame to accept help from other countries. Even it's not a shame to ask for. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I don't understand, why TH don't want that. Like a defiant teenager.

Other countries seeks help from the Netherlands to build a dam. Because, NL is highly skilled on that. The US seeks help from the Swiss Helicopter Team for special jobs, because they are very skilled.

It would be a cooperation which could tightens the relationship between the involved countries.

Obviously it wasn't a shame to accept all the donations after the Tsunami.

The only response after all the critics i expect from the gov; You don't understand Thailand. We have our own way.


Just to add something, recently we had our house broken into and about 30 Police turned up including forensics with all the black boxes like you see on CSI ect. So as a retired Police instructor I just sat back and watched. The SOC was littered with foot prints, finger prints everywhere, including door handles etc. So after 30 odd people had contaminated the room, I asked what prints they took, I was informed you can't take prints off of curved surfaces ie. the handles. Ofcourse I hit the roof and my wife informed them I new something about what was going on. They then came clean and said they didn't even have enough powder to dust the prints! Unreal, I asked why the budget had enough for all the smart uniforms, glasses, caps, boxes etc with "forensic" marked on it when actually when it came down to doing a basic job they were utterly useless. Ofcourse no reply and still no one questioned about the crime. This whole issue of "face" is slowly killing this country back into the stoneage.


"I asked why the budget had enough for all the smart uniforms, glasses, caps, boxes etc with "forensic" marked on it..."

In the Land of Endless Khrap, nothing is more important than appearance.



Sabian, a friend of mine had his house broken. Police came after 2 days and my friend asked them, what about taking fingerprints? The police told him, it's too expensive. There is another report here on TV. The police told the victim, if you want we searching for fingerprints, you have to pay it for.


Well, say what you want about the BiB but you cant have it both ways.

Many on here would grumble about a 400 baht fine but in some countries just park your car in the wrong spot for 5 minutes (no signs nearby, you are just supposed to know) and 25k baht. Wow thankyou.

But reportedly these BiB have to pay for their own equipment and from all reports, dont get paid a fortune.

Maybe lift the standard of entry/examination/ testing standards/ high enough so that only 5% of the would be coppers make it through would be a start


It's no good lambasting the police who don't get the training or the funding to do the job. Every institution is equally inept here. It's the entire system that is at fault as it designed for unaccountability, from the top down. I blame the people for not thinking critically enough to stand up for democracy. They've got the country they deserve.

Actually - to give the police a break - I was reasonably impressed that both bombers were caught in the act on camera.


Once again, it's all about the money. Clean up the crime scene and destroy all evidence along with it so business can go on as usual. No logic or brains being used here.....Thainess

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