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Chief investigator says Erawan shrine bombing was not the work of Thai perpetrators

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Chief investigator says Erawan shrine bombing was not the work of Thai perpetrators


BANGKOK: -- Head of the Erawan deadly bomb explosion investigation expressed confidence that the bombing was not the work of Thai perpetrators while the possibility of involvement by foreign-based group is not ruled out.

Meanwhile a warrant of arrest of a suspect in the bomb explosion at Sathorn footbridge was issued yesterday.

Deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Jaktip Chaichinda said he could hardly believe it when he was informed certain Thai persons were behind the bombings.

“I could hardly credit it no matter what their background or beliefs! But facts are facts and a major meeting will have to be called to consider what action to take,” he said.

He said he was certain no Thai would be so cruel to carry out the deadly attack on their fellow countrymen.

The investigation will have a meeting to assess the progresses in the investigation of both Erawan shrine and Sathorn bombings.

Investigators have not yet concluded if the two bombings were related although the time when the bomb went off at the Erawan shrine and the time when another suspect dressed in blue shirt kicked a plastic bag containing the bomb into the Sathorn canal. But the bomb exploded the next day.

Royal Thai Police commissioner Pol Gen Somyot Poompunmuong, meanwhile, stated that the Royal Thai Police will move forward if and only when all the critical evidence has been brought forward.

He said at the present it is still presumptuous to make hasty conclusions as there will be dire consequences with regards to relations with particular persons foreign states.

The national police chief was referring to question that if the two bombings were related and carried out by same group.

As the Bangkok Post reported, yesterday the Bangkok South Criminal Court issued arrest warrant for an Asian man for dropping a plastic bag with an explosive device inside from the footbridge across Sathon canal on Aug 17, which was detonated in the water the next day.

He is wanted on charges of illegal possession of an explosive device, illegally detonating a bomb and premeditated murder.

In the warrant, the suspect dressed in blue was described as an Asian male, aged 25 to 30, 170 centimetres tall.

He has yellow-white skin, thick eyebrows, a high-bridged nose, and thick hair.

In the CCTV footage, the man was seen carrying something heavy in a plastic bag as he approached the Sathon ferry pier.

In the video, he walked to the side of a footbridge, placed the bag down and then used his mobile phone as if he was making a call. A minute later, he pushed the bag into the canal with his foot.

Splash of water could be seen as the bag hit the water surface, indicating the bag was heavy. The following day – shortly after 1 pm on August 18, – an explosion went off in the canal at the same spot.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chief-investigator-says-erawan-shrine-bombing-was-not-the-work-of-thai-perpetrators

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-28

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Reading this article gave me a headache.

I don't think I could construct a more disjointed, self contradictory set of words if I tried for a week.

It must be the translation! cheesy.gif


Well, that's that then. With almost no evidence, he's ruled out any Thai.

Oddly, though, he doesn't thus conclude that therefore it MUST be a foreigner, he merely says he can't rule out it being a foreigner.

I'll write it in my will: If I ever get murdered, please ask the police to save tax money and don't investigate. Pay for a private investigation and a hitman. Much quicker closure for my family, and more certainty that justice was served.


He said he was certain no Thai would be so cruel to carry out the deadly attack on their fellow countrymen.

Awesome how ignorant and xenophoebic some people can be ... Is this loonie not aware that shooting, stabbing and rapes thai against thai happens on a daily basis ... just look at how they kill each other, drunk driving, in the traffic mayhem blink.png



Deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Jaktip Chaichinda said he could hardly believe it when he was informed certain Thai persons were behind the bombings."

Who informed you, general?

Who were the "Thai persons"?

Did you investigate them? (I suspect not because no Thai person would do this.)

Because you don't believe a Thai person could do this, is your investigation incomplete and being steered in the wrong direction?

Are you the right person to be heading up this investigation when you allow your personal beliefs (ie, no Thai ... etc) to prejudice the scope?

If Thais are found to be involved, will you do the honorable thing and fall on your sword?


So despite the definite headline, the only evidence behind this is that he can not believe a Thai would do this to another Thai ?. And what rank is he ?.

Good to know he is going into the investigation with an open mind. Someone should let him know about the Thais who were happy enough to fire grenades into crowds of innocent people which numbered dead women and children in the final tally.

Anyway, his biggest priority is not to find out who planted the bomb, it is to find out who ordered it. There are plenty of people in this world today who don't care who they kill for the right price.

I think we all knew the final outcome of this on the same day the bomb went off : the same as who killed the 30 dead during the protests. Absolutely nothing. Nobody wants to know because of the trouble it will cause if people are named.


"Could hardly credit it" when informed certain Thai persons were behind the bombings.

"Facts are facts" well there's a first.

"A major meeting will be called to decide what action to take." Oh good a meeting, will there be lunch included?

No Thai would be so cruel! No comment!

Presumptuous to make hasty conclusions. Good point, would hate to see them ever do that.

Dire consequences with regards to relations with particular persons foreign states. No, no, no not going to hit tourism is it! Also it appears the they suspect that the country of origin of the perpatrator are so imature that they will take it as a national slight.

So not a Thai, not a foriegner what now, is the hunt on for extra terrestrials. But then again may'be a Thai, may'be a foreigner but at this stage cannot conclude that it was not the work of an extra terrestrial!

Oh, God, please make him stop!


..so with news like this I guess we should release all Thais who have committed murder, as they really could not have done it! It's those pesky foreigners whole give this country one of the highest murder rates in the world. Thais are way too xenophobic for their own good.

He said he was certain no Thai would be so cruel to carry out the deadly attack on their fellow countrymen.


Maybe he never read about the human trafficking or the Thai couple that threw boiling water on the child that they forced to be their house slave.

No, no Thais could ever do this! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


So it wasn't Thais but also may not be a foreign group? So it's aliens then?

Not Thais, and Prayut saying don't accuse foreigners without proof, to preserve diplomatic relationships.

I guess that means they will blame it on ghosts or other evil spirits then.



Deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Jaktip Chaichinda said he could hardly believe it when he was informed certain Thai persons were behind the bombings."

Who informed you, general?

Who were the "Thai persons"?

Did you investigate them? (I suspect not because no Thai person would do this.)

Because you don't believe a Thai person could do this, is your investigation incomplete and being steered in the wrong direction?

Are you the right person to be heading up this investigation when you allow your personal beliefs (ie, no Thai ... etc) to prejudice the scope?

If Thais are found to be involved, will you do the honorable thing and fall on your sword?

That's kind of the way I interpreted this horrible article above.

Item 1. - Someone involved in the investigation is telling the higher ups that some Thais were behind the bombings. (And absolutely zero elaboration of anything about that elsewhere in the article).

Item 2. - The RTP bigwig responds with the predictable and increasingly familiar answer that he doesn't BELIEVE that any Thai person/s could be behind the bombing.

Personally, I don't believe anything these guys say in the public news media.

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the bombing was in fact the work of some Thais, or on the other hand, was the work of some Asian/Muslim extremist group. To me at least, to this day, the guy in the CCTV video never looked particularly Thai.


So despite the definite headline, the only evidence behind this is that he can not believe a Thai would do this to another Thai ?. And what rank is he ?.

Good to know he is going into the investigation with an open mind. Someone should let him know about the Thais who were happy enough to fire grenades into crowds of innocent people which numbered dead women and children in the final tally.

Anyway, his biggest priority is not to find out who planted the bomb, it is to find out who ordered it. There are plenty of people in this world today who don't care who they kill for the right price.

I think we all knew the final outcome of this on the same day the bomb went off : the same as who killed the 30 dead during the protests. Absolutely nothing. Nobody wants to know because of the trouble it will cause if people are named.

Good to see even the king of the apologists is struggling to spin this one out, still cant resist a sly dig at the redshirts and the bogeyman though...sad, very sad....


He said he was certain no Thai would be so cruel to carry out the deadly attack on their fellow countrymen.

Awesome how ignorant and xenophoebic some people can be ... Is this loonie not aware that shooting, stabbing and rapes thai against thai happens on a daily basis ... just look at how they kill each other, drunk driving, in the traffic mayhem blink.png

In the news today, a 34 yr old man tried to rape an 81 yr old woman. Ignorant doesnt come close


Deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Jaktip Chaichinda said he could hardly believe it when he was informed certain Thai persons were behind the bombings.

Why doesn't he believe it? Is there a difference between killing a person and killing a group of people? Killing a person is lesser guilty than killing a group of people? Killing a person is lesser evil than killing a group of people?

Let's look back at the history. How many people died in the previous political unrests? Has the police find out the perpetrator? What are those perpetrator's nationalities?

Remember a bullet in the head? Who is the gunman? A Thai or foreigner?

Look at the daily news, people are robbed and killed. Ladies are raped and killed. Child was abused and killed. Love couple was killed out of jealousy. Who did all these? Foreigner?

Some people got silenced due to money issue, family issue, working issue, love issue. Who did the killing? Paid hitman. And who are these hitmen? Thai or foreigner?

It shows that some Thais will do something bad for money or personal reason regardless how severe it is. Remember the Top police chief said before, "some thais has no thai heart".

The police can believe it is not done by their own beloved Thai people but let's get the mind straight and find the real truth without prejudice, justice need to given to the victims.

We do not wish it's done by Thais as well.

Let's recalled the news at the 2nd bombing at the sathorn pier. If i remember the news correctly, it reported the 2nd bomb at sathorn pier was also placed at the same day and almost same timing as the bomb at Erawan shrine? Then the cctv video surfaced showing a blue shirt man placing the bomb at the sathorn pier. Couldn't really see the face but the police has concluded is a asian man. Can we also concluded he can be a Thai as well? Since some Thais also has fair complexion as well, there is a possibility as well.

Let's see the video again. He came to put the bomb but he kick it off into the water. It's quite unlike from the Erawan shrine. No doubt the bombers definitely want to see dead corpses in this deadly mission. Why did this blue shirt man throw the bomb into the water? On one side at Erawan shrine, they want people died. On the other side at sathorn pier they just want to intimidate the people by trigger off the bomb under the water? Inside the video, the blue shirt man was on the phone and then he start to throw the bomb. I personally don't think the caller ordered him to throw into the water. I believe they want to see dead people as well in the sathorn pier mission. I personally feel that either this blue shirt Asian man has a Asian heart OR this blue shirt Thai man has Thai heart who do not wish to see people died but still need to execute his work. So how can he save them and did his job at the same time? He just throw the damn bomb into the water and pretending unsure of it. And it is also interesting that the bombers are wearing yellow and blue shirt.

Of course, this is purely my speculation.

This bombing incident has many fingers pointing across at innocent party.

Need to know the fact to prevent unnecessary feuds.

Deputy commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Jaktip Chaichinda said "he was certain no Thai would be so cruel to carry out the deadly attack on their fellow countrymen."

Royal Thai Police commissioner Pol Gen Somyot Poompunmuong, meanwhile, stated that "at the present it is still presumptuous to make hasty conclusions as there will be dire consequences with regards to relations with particular persons foreign states."

Can you guys get on the same page for once? You have become the laughing stock of the planet in this investigation.


I have not seen much compassion, humanity, humility or selflessness from almost any Thai in over a decade here" Thais are generally self centered ignorantly egotistical and xenophobic folk, brainwashed to believe Thailand is the center of the world by the people who steal on a continuous basis through corruption which runs at the heart of the police, military, political and local government organizations. No wonder with the brainwashed education they are fed.

As for cruelty, I think the Chinese are a pretty cruel lot and many Thais are of that descent. Actually Asians in general seem to be rather more cruel than average which derives from an ambivalence to what goes on around their self centered world and lack of a drive to decry what other societies see as inhumanity. Concerned with face over grace.

So with the constant murder, rape and slavering perpetuated by Thais daily I find it sickening that this high up bozo thinks Thais are so wonderful with such lovely hearts that no one could possibly have done such a thing per the Koh Tao cover up by the police chief of Ranong who was shuffled in to hide the true culprits which were pinpointed by the more professional police chief who was sacked.

As for the bomber, in my opinion it was connected with a faction of IS which is surely infiltrating the far south Muslims as brothers in arms and interlinked with many factions in the Middle East. So if I am correct it likely wasn't a Thai as sch but that does not make the remarks any less ignorant or distasteful nor make the obvious bias any less damaging to an open minded police investigation even allowing for their limited equipment and refusal to use better because no foreign police should be necessary to help the Thai police emus.


It just seems as if they get up in the morning, thinking 'who shall we blame/eliminate today', it has changed so many times now...all without any evidence to base it on. It's painful to watch, I can not even imagine how painful it must be for those directly affected.


Sounds like the ramblings of a man out of his depth.

It would appear anyone above the rank of constable are out of their depth as far as the BiB are concerned.

Do they have a rota for releasing stupid press releases?

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