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Floundering Bomb Investigation Deepens Doubts About Competency

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Since this vile thing happened in searching for news on this blog I have read some of the most puerile facile and downright racist comments on the competency of the Royal Thai Police.

I know hear that a suspect has indeed been arrested I hope the anti Thai sentiment that permeates this site and substitutes for analysis and fair comment now stops. In fact a few apologies from the cynical jaded anti Thai brigade would be in order.

Congratulations to the Royal Thai Police.

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Well, well, well, boys. Looks like there's been an arrest of someone who could really be the murderer they are looking for.

I know none of you knows how to apologise but starting with the clot who wrote this article and finishing with all of the rest of you naysayers, stop your degrading rubbish claptrap.

Now, will you express some hope that this is the man and that if he was part of a network, it will all be sewn up as well?

Or have you all got a bar you must dash to do that you can start another conversation on how you and you alone can save Thailand?


When I see a policeman at a traffic light and someone runs staright through a red light and he does nothing about it it does make you wonder what the job entails. As I see it it seems to be somewhere you attend between 0800 and 1700 hours, shopping time is allowed in that time as are home visits. Any upholding of the law or investigations seem to happen on an ad hoc basis when someone thinks we will check drivers documents today, usally across the road from the police station so they can be back for breaks. End of the month as we approach pa day and funds are low, nip round to the local education establishments and dole out 300bt tickets to students they caught last month doing the same =no helmets. If the powers the powers that be insisted on better standards perhaps they might be more competent, the surprise is that a "scapegoat" has not been found.

Or the observant policeman who walked past a truck in Pattaya that had 2 bald tyres with damaged sidewalls.


Just heard on sky News in UK that BKK bomber has been arrested, any updates on this guys ? most significantly what is his nationality ??


Guess, Thai Police proved all you naysayers wrong!!!.... as with any police investigation only a certain amount of info released, though media gets shitty when only drip fed!!


so surely the taxi drivers must know what language was used when the bomber was in the car....Thai?......English? that would be a start.

maybe i have missed the information from the drivers


so surely the taxi drivers must know what language was used when the bomber was in the car....Thai?......English? that would be a start.

maybe i have missed the information from the drivers

I think you need catching up they already caught the bomber today

Somyot says suspects has 'a lot of explosives' in possession


Hate to be in his shoes right now but I hope they beat the hell out off him can't imagine what the army boys will do to him

This what army boys do to soldiers caught smoking



Seeing how this is being handled can only raise doubts about the guilt of the Burmese being charged in the Koh Tao murder case.


Seeing how this is being handled can only raise doubts about the guilt of the Burmese being charged in the Koh Tao murder case.

Could you elaborate on your comment I failed to understand


Seeing how this is being handled can only raise doubts about the guilt of the Burmese being charged in the Koh Tao murder case.

So you telling us that you were there with the suspect the police came barging in placed all faked evidence on the poor guy right in front of your own eye? The police also managed to rent the five apartments since July for this poor guy? Stop what ever you have been taking and take a rest!


Where is all the bashing now

Maybe he is or maybe he isn't the bomber, but how did he get into the country on such an obviously (claimed) false passport? I would suggest that the authorities are still not all that competent! whistling.gif


Where is all the bashing now

Maybe he is or maybe he isn't the bomber, but how did he get into the country on such an obviously (claimed) false passport? I would suggest that the authorities are still not all that competent! whistling.gif

Well for starters you might want to check it out with the CIA how he got into this country doubt anything to do with incompetent authorities


^ ^ He could have thrown away his real passpart, just one of the many scenarios possible.

The guy is somehow probably involved, such a shame that the thai authorities showed the suicide vest... what's real and what's not?

did they want to overdo it? anyway, I'm quite sure that the guy they caught was up to no good.


Guess, Thai Police proved all you naysayers wrong!!!.... as with any police investigation only a certain amount of info released, though media gets shitty when only drip fed!!

Nothing proven yet. But I do hope that have got their criminal.

Not only does the media get shitty but so do some readers when you see a comment from Pol. Gen. Somyot stating this is not a terrorist act!

I would think that most English speaking people would loosely define a terrorist act as including the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Maybe the Thai definition of terrorism is different to that of English speaking peoples? whistling.gif

Or is this a "rose coloured spectacles" statement by Pol. Gen. Somyot?


Guess, Thai Police proved all you naysayers wrong!!!.... as with any police investigation only a certain amount of info released, though media gets shitty when only drip fed!!

Nothing proven yet. But I do hope that have got their criminal.

Not only does the media get shitty but so do some readers when you see a comment from Pol. Gen. Somyot stating this is not a terrorist act!

I would think that most English speaking people would loosely define a terrorist act as including the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Maybe the Thai definition of terrorism is different to that of English speaking peoples? whistling.gif

Or is this a "rose coloured spectacles" statement by Pol. Gen. Somyot?

Have you ever thought except from the bashing that all these statements are to deflect the criminals as the statements made before this. It is known that the police makes statements that defer from what they actually know or provide misinformation to the criminals?


Guess, Thai Police proved all you naysayers wrong!!!.... as with any police investigation only a certain amount of info released, though media gets shitty when only drip fed!!

Nothing proven yet. But I do hope that have got their criminal.

Not only does the media get shitty but so do some readers when you see a comment from Pol. Gen. Somyot stating this is not a terrorist act!

I would think that most English speaking people would loosely define a terrorist act as including the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Maybe the Thai definition of terrorism is different to that of English speaking peoples? whistling.gif

Or is this a "rose coloured spectacles" statement by Pol. Gen. Somyot?

Have you ever thought except from the bashing that all these statements are to deflect the criminals as the statements made before this. It is known that the police makes statements that defer from what they actually know or provide misinformation to the criminals?

Nah, that statement is about protecting tourism.


Guess, Thai Police proved all you naysayers wrong!!!.... as with any police investigation only a certain amount of info released, though media gets shitty when only drip fed!!

Nothing proven yet. But I do hope that have got their criminal.

Not only does the media get shitty but so do some readers when you see a comment from Pol. Gen. Somyot stating this is not a terrorist act!

I would think that most English speaking people would loosely define a terrorist act as including the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Maybe the Thai definition of terrorism is different to that of English speaking peoples? whistling.gif

Or is this a "rose coloured spectacles" statement by Pol. Gen. Somyot?

Have you ever thought except from the bashing that all these statements are to deflect the criminals as the statements made before this. It is known that the police makes statements that defer from what they actually know or provide misinformation to the criminals?

Nah, that statement is about protecting tourism.

That's from your Thai bashing prospective! As before this and they proof you wrong accept it like a man mate


Nah, that statement is about protecting tourism.

That's from your Thai bashing prospective! As before this and they proof you wrong accept it like a man mate

Love your sense of humour gigglem.gif


Someone should set up a Facebook page titled, " No Thai could do this" and then post regular updates of the hundreds if not thousands of heinous crimes that Thais commit against Thais on a daily basis to remind the Thai authorities just how ridiculous their statements are.


The Silence is deafening

Put your ear aids back in. Let us see how far this goes with all the political interference that is bound to happen. The authorities aren't going to like it if it turns out to be a terrorist conspiracy, how much truth are we going to find out, are the press people going to be banned from the trial ?


Nah, that statement is about protecting tourism.

That's from your Thai bashing prospective! As before this and they proof you wrong accept it like a man mate

Love your sense of humour gigglem.gif

If you hate it here so much why don't go home TV would be much a better place than having you ungrateful lot

The ' go home ' jibe was played out long ago. So living here means accept everything and don't have a personal opinion ? The junta must love you.

I take it you have renounced your nationality, given up your passport and all right to things like pensions etc and have applied for Thai citizenship ?


If you hate it here so much why don

The ' go home ' jibe was played out long ago. So living here means accept everything and don't have a personal opinion ? The junta must love you.

I take it you have renounced your nationality, given up your passport and all right to things like pensions etc and have applied for Thai citizenship ?

I love the current government better than corrupt killing politicians any day. As for the go home being played for so long why are you still here than living here and shitting on the roof! You should be grateful of the country you are residing in. Why not move to Singapore why comments like yours can end you up in jail.



Guess, Thai Police proved all you naysayers wrong!!!.... as with any police investigation only a certain amount of info released, though media gets shitty when only drip fed!!

Nothing proven yet. But I do hope that have got their criminal.

Not only does the media get shitty but so do some readers when you see a comment from Pol. Gen. Somyot stating this is not a terrorist act!

I would think that most English speaking people would loosely define a terrorist act as including the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Maybe the Thai definition of terrorism is different to that of English speaking peoples? whistling.gif

Or is this a "rose coloured spectacles" statement by Pol. Gen. Somyot?

Have you ever thought except from the bashing that all these statements are to deflect the criminals as the statements made before this. It is known that the police makes statements that defer from what they actually know or provide misinformation to the criminals?

"Have you ever thought except from the bashing that all these statements are to deflect the criminals as the statements made before this"

In one word, no.

" It is known that the police makes statements that defer from what they actually know or provide misinformation to the criminals?"

The RTP does not have a coherent strategy for informing the public (as this case has clearly shown), so again; no.


The Silence is deafening

Put your ear aids back in. Let us see how far this goes with all the political interference that is bound to happen. The authorities aren't going to like it if it turns out to be a terrorist conspiracy, how much truth are we going to find out, are the press people going to be banned from the trial ?

I think on the facts so far, 5 rooms rented, Turkish phone numbers used, the Uighur link to Turkey, the money needed to set this up, that this is a terrorist organization. Prayut was quick to warn the social media from discussing this. The fear of a collapse in tourist numbers is evident if it is seen that terrorists have targeted Thailand so maybe the man will be judged mentally incapable of standing trial, will be locked up in a mental hospital were he dies of heart failure after 6 months, pure conjecture of course but not far fetched.


The real elephant in the room, that nobody seems to want to discuss, is that the RTP does not have the budget they need to improve. Would they improve if given the necessary budget? That is a big and important question. Do they have the talent to improve? That is also something I can only guess at. I have a tendency to answer in the negative, but maybe they have more talent that I think, but they are not able to employ it properly, due to massive underfunding.

In order to bring the RTP up to an international standard, they would need:

1. Large salary increases, of about double the current level, or more in the case of top management. With the current low salaries (minimum wage for a starting salary, for a normal cop) they cannot make a living, nor support their family. They are forced to enter into a life of crime to provide a livelihood to their families. The real question is, is this a deal between the police and the govt.? We save billions, and you get what you can. I have been told by a friend who is a volunteer policeman, that the police have to pay for their own guns and ammunition. If that is true, the problems are more massive that many of us think they are.

2. A massive increase in the quality of equipment. Police cars and motorbikes, paddy wagons, SWAT trucks, guns, tactical equipment, etc.

3. A massive investment in forensics. State of the art labs, top notch forensic people trained overseas, by the best in the world, and facilities with top quality imported equipment, etc. This alone would probably run billions of dollars.

4. Proper training.

5. An attitude of real law enforcement. This would be a huge step up from the revenue collection agency, that they now are.

I could go on for days. A conservative estimate of these costs is into the tens of billions, or perhaps the hundreds of billions, of dollars. And when you take into account just the cost of doubling salaries nationwide, one can only imagine the additional budget needed for this.

Is Thailand prepared to make this investment in it's police?

Is it mature enough?

Is it serious enough?

Is the country ready. to step into the modern age, when it comes to law enforcement?

Is there enough public outrage to compel something like this?

Is there enough courage on the part of the general?

Is there the political will?

Do they even acknowledge how deep the problem is?


“I don’t believe Thai people are the perpetrators … because the incident is a behavior that is too cruel for Thai people with Thai hearts to do to their fellow Thais,” Deputy Police Chief Chaktip Chaijinda said yesterday.

Yeah, right.... coffee1.gif

Well said I remember people tossing hand grenades into crowds of people not that long ago!


Guess, Thai Police proved all you naysayers wrong!!!.... as with any police investigation only a certain amount of info released, though media gets shitty when only drip fed!!

Nothing proven yet. But I do hope that have got their criminal.

Not only does the media get shitty but so do some readers when you see a comment from Pol. Gen. Somyot stating this is not a terrorist act!

I would think that most English speaking people would loosely define a terrorist act as including the indiscriminate killing of civilians. Maybe the Thai definition of terrorism is different to that of English speaking peoples? whistling.gif

Or is this a "rose coloured spectacles" statement by Pol. Gen. Somyot?

Have you ever thought except from the bashing that all these statements are to deflect the criminals as the statements made before this. It is known that the police makes statements that defer from what they actually know or provide misinformation to the criminals?


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