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Extradition A Possibility.


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. Correct me if I'm wrong but for Toxic to be extradited he would first need to be convicted by a court of some crime. Not at the whim of the military junta curreently in power.

don't people usually get extradited when they are facing charges, so that they can face these charges in the court of law where the charges are being filed ie, before a conviction?

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I find it incredible that The Times should defend Taksin and his cronies. Just shows how out of touch they are with the will of the people in this country.

A Prime Minister is elected to head the governement - and as such is an EMPLOYEE of the people. Toxin would never consider himself as that, and proved it time and time again.

The Times needs to take it's collective head out of it's oversized arse!

Would you expect anything else from a Murdoch Publication ? :o

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