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Don't laugh, tricked by my own native language

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Yes, I bought my laptop in Germany with German Ö, Ä Ü. As some of you know by now it's the sexy ASUS UX305 rated 4,5 . Yes , it looks sexy and very light indeed.

Would I have ever expected that this €1000 machine does not accept in the setting a switch to English?

It`s has cut down version of W8. I readily admit I detest German language... when it comes the instruction manuals. Each one is written by a Goethe or Schiller in disguise, more flamboyance than substance. Paid by number of words not for clarity (doing gravely unjust to these world classics , but no schmaltzy writer comes to mind.)

You may also remember that I raised the issue= skip W 8 wait for W10? Well, encouraged by some I want to take the plunge and upgrade to W10 now.

But Mircosoft keeps me imprisoned in German. No way I can get to ms.com only ms.de ms-support.de

No download of W10.

I guess the only solution is to buy and download the English W10 .

PS timeline of W10 problems and ill-functioing updates

Windows 10 release date, price, features UK


announced just a few hours ago

Windows 10 download Build 10532 arrives but Chrome borkage continues



So, Windows 8.1 SL (Single Language) edition?

Does it give you the option of purchasing the "Pro" upgrade from within the OS?

Windows 8.1, upgrade to Pro

Add Windows 8.1 Pro Pack or Windows 8.1 Media Center Pack to your edition of Windows 8.1
  1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search.

    (If you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, and then click Search.)

  2. Enter add features in the search box, and then tap or click Settings.

  3. Tap or click Add features to Windows 8.1 and then do one of the following:

    • If you need to purchase a product key, tap or click I want to buy a product key online.

      Follow the steps to purchase and enter a product key.

    • If you already have a product key, tap or click I already have a product key.

  4. Enter your product key and click Next.

  5. Read the license terms, select the check box to accept the license terms, and then click Add features.

If you were running Windows 8.1, your PC will restart automatically and Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center will be available for use.

If you were running Windows 8.1 Pro, your PC will restart automatically and Windows Media Center will be available for use.


Sounds like the OP has a Single Language (German) version which means he's stuck with what German SL if upgrading to Win 10.

Same as me in a way as I upgraded from Win 8.1 English (Intl) Single Language....English International is really English UK....to Win 10. So, when I did my upgrade to Win 10 I had to select English UK....I tried to switch to English US but it wouldn't install properly due to the system language mismatch. So, now I have Win 10 SL with one available system language of English UK....just like I had when still running Win 8.1.

If the OP upgrades to Win 10 "Pro," then he can change it to "any" language as often as he likes. Sometimes you can buy such a Pro license like on Ebay at a deep discount from the full $99 price.

Edit: just remembered I saved part of online conversation I had with the MS Store folks in early August regarding upgraded to Pro due to the Single Language issue thing. I never upgraded because other than preferring to have English US I have no other need for Pro....the Home version is just fine for me. I wanted to get clarification about was there a Win 10 "Pro-Pack" now or just Win 10 "Pro" and if upgrading to Pro I got access to multiple languages. See attached PDF.

MS about Pro Upgrade.pdf


You see, this is why we must bear in mind that people the world over are the same: it's not just the bankers or even used car salesmen, it's software developers too (another example is releasing video games based on micro payment models). To my mind a 'single language edition' of any operating system is by definition really a disingenuous, oxymoronic obfuscation. And funny how 'obfuscation' is also a term used in software development....

They should consider going into business trying to fob us off with one-wheel cars. Think of the margin.


Here an ebay link with W10 and W10Pro offers. Totally inexperienced ebayler, heard of foot-traps.

Pls tell me what looks reliable to you ( will not hold you to it) Price is secondary. Preferably for download and with a minimum garbage app /programs ( MS DIrect )


The two Win 10 Pro Ebay ad items were the very ones I was beating-around-the-bush about in my earlier post....and I was looking at them just last night. Although the ads are mostly in Spanish/items from Spain, the ads do show one of the available languages as English (Inglés in the ad). And the download link is to the Microsoft website where everyone else is downloading Windows ISOs....it's the very webpage I used to download my current of running Win 10.


I noticed the sellers have a 100% rating....all the feedback is from happy campers with their buy.

I expect a person could just enter the license into their current Win 10 Home of any language and it would upgrade it to Pro where you could select any system language. Or worst case have to down the ISO from MS from above website, do an install/upgrade, and then enter the license.

If you do decide to buy one of these products, please, please give some feedback as to how it went....success...failure...etc. One ad is at 27.50 Euro and one at 19.50 Euro...regardless of the outcome the buyer would not be out of very much money. Thanks.


Pib, will certainly report back. One thing irritating me when choosing a vendor= many of them talk of "shipping internationally".....no duties...

Does it mean a free update is small enough to be done online but the whole W10 is much bigger in terms of MB?


Pib, will certainly report back. One thing irritating me when choosing a vendor= many of them talk of "shipping internationally".....no duties...

Does it mean a free update is small enough to be done online but the whole W10 is much bigger in terms of MB?

For those products we were talking about there are no shipping cost. They email you the license number (nothing is mailed to you), you then download the Windows from the Windows weblink (they call it ESD, Electronics Software Download nowdays), install the software, and enter the license.


Appreciate your patience. There is system in my madness. I once ordered speakers on ebay to be shipped to Thailand.Only after much back and forth found out that my German Visa card , w German billing address would not be accepted .

The attached vendor says BY EMAIL.



For a product where the license it going to be emailed to you, just using your "registered" Ebay/PayPal address is best since nothing is going to be "physically" shipped anyway. And apparently some sellers still only want to finalize a transaction based on "registered" address versus alternate shipping address due to payment fraud.

And yea, some sellers will only sell & ship a product to that registered address which may be different from your registered Ebay/PayPal/credit card address. For me, I have items shipped to my Bangkok address all the time but my Ebay/PayPal account has a U.S. registered address that matches my credit card addresses that are the source payment for my PayPal.

Edit: by the way, after our exchange a couple hours ago I sent a question to each of the sellers of the Pro license asking if the license would work on a Win 10 "already" installed. Only one has responded but it was the one from your email directly above and he said it would need to be a clean install as they couldn't guarantee the license would work on Win 10 installed by say an OEM/came already installed on you computer. He did respond fast and with very good English. But I'm thinking it probably "would not" require a Clean Install if your Windows 10 came from the MS ISO download website which is where my Win 10 came from when I upgraded from Win 8.1 Home to Win 10 Home. The other seller has not responded yet. Just FYI.


In other words my virgin W8 should have no problems with the W10 Pro N, correct?

Unrelated regarding buying this Pro license off Ebay and upgrading your Win 8 Home SL (German) to Win 10 Pro because unless you are talking doing a "Clean Install" of Pro N, you must first do the free upgrade to Win 10 like everyone else has been doing. So, if your particular version is Win 8 Home SL N (German) then the free upgrade will only allow you to upgrade to Win 10 Home SL (German) N. After that you could do a clean install if desired since a the MS activation servers would have a digital fingerprint of your computer and the activation after a clean install would occur automatically. But once again, we are just talking upgrade from W8 to Win 10 same version (i..e., Home to Home version; not Home to Pro version). This also assumes you don't want to lose any of your currrent apps/have to reinstall all your apps like you have to with a Clean Install.

Now "after" you have done the normal upgrade to Win 10 like everyone is doing right now, you may be able just to enter the Pro license number and it will upgrade the Home version to Pro version after a reboot. That other Ebay seller of Pro responded about 5 minutes ago and he thinks a person could just enter the license number to their current Win 10 Home and it would upgrade to Pro....I think he's probably right if your Win 10 files came from the Win 10 servers vs an OEM pre-installed version...and it may upgrade just fine with an OEM version.

Now if you have been planning all along to do a Clean Install and since you will be buying a Pro license you shouldn't have to worry about any of the upgrade first from Win 8 to Win 10 thing....it's just like you went and bought Win 10 Pro at a store with it's own license and not a license linked in a round about way to your previous version of Windows. For those who did the Win 8 to Win 10 upgrade like me, the Win 10 license number issued is just a generic one being issued to most everyone since it's tied to the digital fingerprint of your computer.

No doubt confusing....I can't say "for sure" how it would work out for you....all I can say is there are hundreds of happy buyers from those two Pro license sellers...not one has logged a negative or even neutral rating against them yet....that sure implies their licenses they are selling are working. Good luck.


You don't need to buy a licence to fix this. You can simply create a recovery drive and then use a Core SL English image to install Windows 8.1

Open an elevated Command Prompt and type:slmgr.vbs /dlv and hit the Enter key. That will confirm exactly what you are running.


Sounds like the OP has a Single Language (German) version which means he's stuck with what German SL if upgrading to Win 10.

Same as me in a way as I upgraded from Win 8.1 English (Intl) Single Language....English International is really English UK....to Win 10. So, when I did my upgrade to Win 10 I had to select English UK....I tried to switch to English US but it wouldn't install properly due to the system language mismatch. So, now I have Win 10 SL with one available system language of English UK....just like I had when still running Win 8.1.

If the OP upgrades to Win 10 "Pro," then he can change it to "any" language as often as he likes. Sometimes you can buy such a Pro license like on Ebay at a deep discount from the full $99 price.

Edit: just remembered I saved part of online conversation I had with the MS Store folks in early August regarding upgraded to Pro due to the Single Language issue thing. I never upgraded because other than preferring to have English US I have no other need for Pro....the Home version is just fine for me. I wanted to get clarification about was there a Win 10 "Pro-Pack" now or just Win 10 "Pro" and if upgrading to Pro I got access to multiple languages. See attached PDF.

attachicon.gifMS about Pro Upgrade.pdf

With Pro you can defer feature updates until they are properly tested. no such joy for Home users. Read here


Before I upgraded my PC to Windows 10, it showed me that I'd have to install my two other language packs again, ( Thai and German).

But when I did the upgrade form Windows 7 Ultimate to W 10 pro, I had all three language packs and they're working well.

Amazing in MS office 2013 that you can add photos/images into a Word document from Bing online, facebook and other sources.

It saves a lot of time creating a worksheet for example.


Life is taking over , more on Windows 10 later. Will try (and fail??) the various suggestions.

My link to Pink FLoyd "Wish you were here" expressed the desire, that the respondents , we all could meet up here in Chiang Mai.

Should be an interesting mixture, which make it interesting.

My house, my garden would welcome you.

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