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Turkish embassy denies suspect is citizen of Turkey

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Sorry, I not a racists or a bigot.....but I fear for myself and my loved ones and the people I know.......for the time being (yes I know thailand needs the tourism dollars) but, they should stop muslim foreigners from coming into Thailand as a security measure. (yes,not all muslims are bad) but for the sake of security, it should be done while intelligence forces and also the police and army vet all existing muslim foreigners in the country and also local muslims and also all muslim places ie mosques, etc and also the government should stop being lenient and stop any negotiations with the terrorsts in the South but rather take a more aggressive role and eradicate the terrorists in the South, any insurgents caught should be immeidated shot without any trials and any protesters from their communities should be dealth with in the same way....this will send a message that this government means business.


Perhaps he is not from Turkey. Perhaps within just few hours Turkey was able to declare him not Turkish; though I remain unsure how this is possible. Simply having a forged US passport would not mean I was not from the US. Turkey races to sever ties with this man as if doing so preserves its moral authority. Turkey has none. Turkey is a renegade State actor going through the NATO motions of having democratic values. It moves ever further from the secular form of government so long cherished to islamism and despotism under the once and future caliph. Besides arresting and jailing the masses on all manner of charges Turkey is among the biggest supporters of the fracture the Levant DAESH/IS plan. Turkey is the number one conduit for terrorism. Turkey provides logistics, hospitals, safe passage, intel agencies supporting services, bombs DAESH adversaries under the color of addressing Kurds, and commits atrocities both in contemporary history and in the present day in Syria and Iraq. Turkey, under the vision of the would be caliph, does not object to the caliphate, only that Turkey is not currently running it. Turkey's slide toward islamic jihad will present all manner of problems to the west. Turkey can deny this man but its hands are still bloody.


plain truth is europe is being invaded by legions of muslims through greece coming from mersin funneled through by human traffickers , who

are funded by the turkish secret service based on erdogan's directiive. then they are aiming for nothern europe. most of them are from syria

wanna go to germany ....as being the most generous welfare system.

Do you work for Mossad?

He is a typical TV barstool investigator.

Aren't those guys more specialised in spotting foreigners who have no WP ?


Sorry, I not a racists or a bigot.....but I fear for myself and my loved ones and the people I know.......for the time being (yes I know thailand needs the tourism dollars) but, they should stop muslim foreigners from coming into Thailand as a security measure. (yes,not all muslims are bad) but for the sake of security, it should be done while intelligence forces and also the police and army vet all existing muslim foreigners in the country and also local muslims and also all muslim places ie mosques, etc and also the government should stop being lenient and stop any negotiations with the terrorsts in the South but rather take a more aggressive role and eradicate the terrorists in the South, any insurgents caught should be immeidated shot without any trials and any protesters from their communities should be dealth with in the same way....this will send a message that this government means business.



Wow, By now I would have thought this suspect would have just about told them everything.........least amount where he is from. If he isnt guilty one would assume he would be screaming for Embassy assistance.........

Which embassy?


Please note down many Turkish people doing such things in many country .. Even my country looking for two Turkish man who came to country after no one know where they gone . My country high alert to nation wide find two Turkish man .. Please be careful with Turkish nationality people

Relax mate, we just run kebab shops and thats it. Turks don't do any harm.

Would love to get a donner kebab round here, but slightly off topic. Oops, I've posted. Sorry.


Sorry, I not a racists or a bigot.....but I fear for myself and my loved ones and the people I know.......for the time being (yes I know thailand needs the tourism dollars) but, they should stop muslim foreigners from coming into Thailand as a security measure. (yes,not all muslims are bad) but for the sake of security, it should be done while intelligence forces and also the police and army vet all existing muslim foreigners in the country and also local muslims and also all muslim places ie mosques, etc and also the government should stop being lenient and stop any negotiations with the terrorsts in the South but rather take a more aggressive role and eradicate the terrorists in the South, any insurgents caught should be immeidated shot without any trials and any protesters from their communities should be dealth with in the same way....this will send a message that this government means business.

How long do you think it would take to 'vet' 6 million people?


The very fact this guy not only isnt singing like a canary yet but wont even oblige them with where he originates speaks volumes.

Usually those type come in two versions. Those who have a cause and believe in it strongly enough and those who are too scared of what will happen if they do sing.

It would be easier to imagine the first reason rather than the second except if there were a cause and revenge then by now in most cases that would have been claimed by now but theres nothing.

If this guy turned out to have lost a sister escaping given back to say China to die or family revenge thing wouldnt he have most likely talked by now in open defiance. ?

Unless he has talked and either A the RTP are following up leads in secret or B they dont want to say what its about.

I dont believe hes just playing the silent game and if hes talking in an other language than his own original one thats easy to put under stress until he slips up.


Give me 5 minutes and he will be speaking any language I wish. And confess to Jimmy Hoffa's death. And what is with this 7 day thing Buying time to see how much they can skim of out of his account before charging him?

what you going to do ? bore him to death with your Bravado stories" of being in the special forces and then hit him with your key board ?




..why don't they shut up and get some facts first.....

Too much dirty work. Doing the dirty work is also a loss of face...


A covert roundtrip to Guantanomo, perhaps?

THE place to gather intelligence.......well? sort off!

No need to travel that far. There are adequate facilities providing the same service in every country, including Thailand.


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?

Why also is this article still throwing around words like Arab? didn't we get told to stop reading International news on account of misinformation?

He doesn't look at all like an Arab.

Some Ukrainians look very similar to me, even Chechen people...


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?

Why also is this article still throwing around words like Arab? didn't we get told to stop reading International news on account of misinformation?

He doesn't look at all like an Arab.

you sound like you are defending allah and muslims and he does look of middle eastern appearance and he has a room full of bomb making parts,

it is the same story every time, terror attack=muslim=middle east.

what is your religion?


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?

Why also is this article still throwing around words like Arab? didn't we get told to stop reading International news on account of misinformation?

He doesn't look at all like an Arab.

you sound like you are defending allah and muslims and he does look of middle eastern appearance and he has a room full of bomb making parts,

it is the same story every time, terror attack=muslim=middle east.

what is your religion?

I'll clarify a couple things.

''Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?''

First sentence, sarcasm. Second sentence, just a question to the guy who seemed sure he knew.

The Arab lookalike.......you don't seem to know the news article is referring to suspect from CCTV, not the suspect apprehended with miscellaneous kit, so already you're associating with the wrong person. Anyway, neither look Arab to me, I worked in two Gulf Countries for 6 years and visited others, seen many Arabs. If you want my humble opinion, the suspect apprehended looks more Eastern European/ Russian than Arab, but I don't know...........I'm certainly not going around saying that I'm sure he is Christian Orthodox.

I am not 'Muslim' if that's what you're trying to imply, some seem to think that word also means Jihad apologist.........


"Pictures released by police on Saturday showed stacks of Turkish passports which were allegedly found at the suspect’s flat. Police said they believe the passports are fake."

oh, have the RTP in 7 days since the arrest never thought of having the turkish embassy inspect a few of these passport, in order to rule out "wrong beliefs" of the police ? Are they just lazy or are they really so dumb ?


"Pictures released by police on Saturday showed stacks of Turkish passports which were allegedly found at the suspect’s flat. Police said they believe the passports are fake."

oh, have the RTP in 7 days since the arrest never thought of having the turkish embassy inspect a few of these passport, in order to rule out "wrong beliefs" of the police ? Are they just lazy or are they really so dumb ?

24 hours is not 7 days


DNA would tell them what ethnicity he is if they just knew how to use DNA.

But certainly not his religion..or nationality

Testing the isotopes say from his teeth would tell you where he grew up, if that was Turkey or Iran one could say, probably Muslim. One could also squeeze his testicles for ten minutes and get the same information,far cheaper and quicker.

But just the left one. They don't want to violate his right.


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?

Why also is this article still throwing around words like Arab? didn't we get told to stop reading International news on account of misinformation?

He doesn't look at all like an Arab.

Well, sort of by definition he wouldn't be an Arab, would he (assuming he actually is Turkish). Being Turkish would make him a Turk, or Turkic. Possibly some other unrelated ethnic group. Anyway....people need to calm the bleep down until more information is available.


A covert roundtrip to Guantanomo, perhaps?

THE place to gather intelligence.......well? sort off!

Nah - the truly nasty and largely undocumented stuff happened in overseas 'CIA black sites'. Oh wait - Thailand was home to one of those places!


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?

Why also is this article still throwing around words like Arab? didn't we get told to stop reading International news on account of misinformation?

He doesn't look at all like an Arab.

Well, sort of by definition he wouldn't be an Arab, would he (assuming he actually is Turkish). Being Turkish would make him a Turk, or Turkic. Possibly some other unrelated ethnic group. Anyway....people need to calm the bleep down until more information is available.

Things are actually more complicated than this, genetically speaking. Today's modern Turks (i.e. the ethnic majority of Turkey) are more closely related to neighouring peoples than they are to the Turkic populations of Central Asia. This is not unusual nor surprising. Usually when one civilisation conquers another, the conquerors (the soldiers) are outnumbered by the general population in the territory they take over. The conquerors may impose their language, religion, and culture on the masses under their control, but the masses ultimately win the genetic war.


Please note down many Turkish people doing such things in many country .. Even my country looking for two Turkish man who came to country after no one know where they gone . My country high alert to nation wide find two Turkish man .. Please be careful with Turkish nationality people

Relax mate, we just run kebab shops and thats it. Turks don't do any harm.

Don't do any harm? I saw a documentary about what they put in that kebap meat.biggrin.png


it is sure he is muslum and this is relate to a terrorist attack.

Great work associating a bomb with an act of terror! And how do you know he is Muslim?

Why also is this article still throwing around words like Arab? didn't we get told to stop reading International news on account of misinformation?

He doesn't look at all like an Arab.

Well, sort of by definition he wouldn't be an Arab, would he (assuming he actually is Turkish). Being Turkish would make him a Turk, or Turkic. Possibly some other unrelated ethnic group. Anyway....people need to calm the bleep down until more information is available.

I was referring to the article that still talks about the cctv suspect looking like an Arab.


"Pictures released by police on Saturday showed stacks of Turkish passports which were allegedly found at the suspect’s flat. Police said they believe the passports are fake."

oh, have the RTP in 7 days since the arrest never thought of having the turkish embassy inspect a few of these passport, in order to rule out "wrong beliefs" of the police ? Are they just lazy or are they really so dumb ?

7 days? I thought Saturday was just yesterday.

By the way, even a blind man could see that the passport they have shown was a fake.


If he is 'denying any involvement in the bombing' ---- in what language is he denying it?

Wouldn't that give a clue to his nationality?

Pidgin English... gigglem.gif

Well, then, that settles it; he's quite obviously a Hawaiian.

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