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Nintendo Wii Vs Xbox 360 Vs Ps 3


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The date for the release of the new Nintendo Wii is 2 months away. Are you planning on getting it? I know I am. As a die hard Nintendo junkie I will have it shipped here Fed Ex. I won't even mind paying the corruption tax! A whole load of games including Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Metroid Prime and A new MArio and Wario Ware will be released. The idea of a motion sensor style play looks cool. Nintendo is definately about gameplay. Furthermore, how can u pass up the whole library of old Nintendo games available for a small price. The thought of being able to play Golden Eye online is enticing. What console do you think is going to stand out above them all?

Let's here it


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Same here for all things Nintendo

I'll be getting 2 Wii's - a Japanese one when it's first released in November and then when I go back to the UK for my Christmas Break I will get a UK one as that will keep me amused back in the UK. Just a shame the Wii is region coded

As for PS3 I'll be getting a Japanese one as soon as they are available here too. The good news is that the PS3 IS NOT REGION CODED!! So US/EURO/JAPANESE GAMES ALL WORK ON ANY PS3 CONSOLE! I wish the other console makers would follow suit

PS3 launch line up is not that great IMHO, but one game could be a Halo killer. This game is called "Resistance" and is a FPS from the makers of "Ratchet and Clank"

I'll be broke this winter for sure :o

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Buzz for the Wii is hitting fever pitch on the net, it is going to be huge.

Of course proof is in the pudding games but it does seem that Nintendo has done

everything right for this system...as opposed to sony.

Somebody should start a Wii shop in BKK, charge 60 baht an hour, I love to play for a few hours.

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Nintendo does not have a good track record, as far as success goes, with its last two consoles. Both the games cube and the N64 were great consoles, but failed to match the other consoles at the time, in popularity. Sometimes it seems that Nintendo just aren’t bothered, which is a shame. I guess you could say likewise the Dreamcast: another great machine that died early.

Anyway, I would love the Nintendo to sock it to the PS3.

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Ian B:

Region Coded? So like unless you get the consoles modified they won't play certain games. Like I had my Gamecube moded to play Japanese and copied games. So if I buy my game from the USA it will only play the USA games. That doesnt bother me as I get Amazon to ship me the games. Also like to have the instructions that don't come with copied games. Is this what region coded means?


Personally, RichB, I don't care what the critics say, Nintendo produces much better games overall then any of the consoles. They ARE video games. I am disappointed timeand time again with Sony Playstation. The franchises of Mario, Zelda, And Metroid are unmatched. And I get upset when others say that Nintendo is for kids. Nintendo is just fun! I mean I can read the newspaper to see blood, murders, prostitutes etc... Why do i need more of it in some video game like GTA? Just shows where everybody's mind is at. Nintendo rules when it comes to gameplay and that is why I buy games. hel_l my eyes are bad already and couldnt tell the difference between good and great graphics. Look at animal Crossing which you like so much. Crappy graphics but great story and gameplay. And I bet you will spend more time on Animal Crossing than some super graphocs game with no story.

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter for the N64 was the first game that actually scared me. The purlins that jumped out of the wall. Does anyone remember that scene? hel_l I had to run and change my shorts!

Zelda, Ocarina of Time was the first game that brought tears to my eyes. It was by far the best adventure game I have played. Metroid Prime I, was an all out effort to find the save points. Another masterful game.

And with a crowd of people the Gamecube is all about fun. How about a group of grown men pounding their bongos to Donkey KongA or an all out battle in Super Smash Bros. Another game with mediocre graphics but excellent gameplay. I have yet to find a Sony game that offers group fun!

Wait... Guitar Hero for the PS 2 is great. Best game on PS2. Have to play with the guitar controller. I will definately get the new Guitar Hero 2 and a second guitar.

Just my take on the past consoles.

Lastly, any advice on preordering the Wii?


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Yes the Wii is region coded so for example games from Europe will not work on a US console. Hopefully a region mod switch will soon appear like on the gamecube. I reckon they will sell so many of these consoles that it will be cracked much quicker than the gamecube was

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Ian B:

What a better to save money than to sit in front of the TV with your joystick in hand blasting away aliens, solving puzzles, building armies, and flying cool space ships etc. It could be alot worse. If you think about video games are very cheap in the long run. It tooke me 35 hours to complete Metroid Prime and that is without counting how many times I was "smoked" by roaches, space troopers, etc... Lets see.... $50 divided by 35 is a little more than $1 per hour. Everytime I go out and spend 2000 baht or more at some club I get pissed cause that equaled a new video game.

Just my thoughts on video gaming and cash.


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Will get a Wii on launch day. Considering a 360 & Dead Rising or Saints Row right now......Ps3 is finacially out of reach at the moment....

I am also considering a 360. Mainly for Oblivion and Dead Rising. I will go to look again tomorrow, and ponder. I have seen them for 9999Baht unmodified and 12000Baht ready to play copys. This was in Pataya. Eslewere they seem to go for between 18000 and 21000 Baht. I'm just not sure I can justify another console. I might have to wait until christmas.

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Will get a Wii on launch day. Considering a 360 & Dead Rising or Saints Row right now......Ps3 is finacially out of reach at the moment....

I am also considering a 360. Mainly for Oblivion and Dead Rising. I will go to look again tomorrow, and ponder. I have seen them for 9999Baht unmodified and 12000Baht ready to play copys. This was in Pataya. Eslewere they seem to go for between 18000 and 21000 Baht. I'm just not sure I can justify another console. I might have to wait until christmas.

I would be quite surprised that it would be selling for anywhere near 12,000 baht or less as that is the US price (before taxes) for the basic version. If its too good to be true....

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The prices quoted are all for the Japanese 360's

The 360 is doing poorly in Japan and so they are heavily discounted there and so much cheaper than the same US Model

The Japanese have different tastes and so the 360's line up is not very appealing over there (FPS games not very popular)

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Doom just got a suprise release on Xbox Live Arcade

Just downloaded it for 800 MS Points

Very good port to 360 with 4 player splitscreen, online play and both co-op and deathmatch

Hope there will be more classics like this on XBLA (Quake would be great)

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Will get a Wii on launch day. Considering a 360 & Dead Rising or Saints Row right now......Ps3 is finacially out of reach at the moment....

I am also considering a 360. Mainly for Oblivion and Dead Rising. I will go to look again tomorrow, and ponder. I have seen them for 9999Baht unmodified and 12000Baht ready to play copys. This was in Pataya. Eslewere they seem to go for between 18000 and 21000 Baht. I'm just not sure I can justify another console. I might have to wait until christmas.

I would be quite surprised that it would be selling for anywhere near 12,000 baht or less as that is the US price (before taxes) for the basic version. If its too good to be true....

Your right. It is to good to be true.

I went back to the same shop today to find the 360 going for 17,900 Baht including one copy game. When I asked him why it was 12000 a month ago he denied knowing anything about it, even thought it was the same guy. It could have been a communication break down. My wife asked him and he said that was only for the basic machine without accessories. I didn't find out what that meant. Maybe no hard drive or something. Anyway, he no longer had any at 12000Baht, so that was that.

I didn't buy one. Not because of the price, just because I can't make up my mind. Anyway, I am still playing 'Black' on PS2 as well as 'Liberty City Stories' on the same machine. After that I see no interesting titles, so may reconsider the 360 then.

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How mamy of you still play the Game Bay Advance games whether its on the Gameboy Sp or the DS?

I am playing the new Lego Starwars The Original Story. Great game. I recently finished Zelda The Minsih Cap. Wow. For a handheld this ranks up there in my top 10 list!

For those of you who have the Gamecube, which games are "keepers"?

How many of you have played Guitar Hero with the guitar controller?


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