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Obama offended by attacks on Jews who back Iran deal


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Obama and the Jews both call each other racists.........

Back to the OP...it's a wonder nobody has picked up on this gem of truth....

"Obama, in the Forward interview, said that while those who care about Israel have an obligation to be honest about what they think, "you don't win the debate by suggesting that the other person has bad motives. That's, I think, not just consistent with fair play; I think it's consistent with the best of the Jewish tradition.""

And the Israel First tradition.

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J street is pro Israel as well and they have strongly supported the deal. Polling has consistently shown a strong majority of American Jewish people support the deal and actually more support of it among Jews than the majority population.

I offer this clarification because rhetoric about the power of the Israeli lobby is very often thinly veiled code for demonizing both Israel and Jews in general.

I do agree that obviously the Israeli government policy has been clearly and strongly anti deal.

Netanyahu screwed himself in the Congress when he officially became the new Republican party Senator from Israel. Boehner who invited the new Republican Senator and thereby appointed Netanyahu as such is unpopular across the United States. Boehner is widely recognized as one of the worst speakers of the US House for his inability to manage the House or to govern, from shutting down the government to following the recent gang of tea party Republicans on every issue, and for his absolute opposition to any compromise in Washington even at a minimum or at the least.

Netanyahu and Boehner impelled Democrats in the Congress to Prez Obama with the joint session Netanyahu speech that was carried live on television throughout the United States and globally, to include during a convenient viewing time in Israel. Prez Obama's astute response was to deftly bring to the Congress representatives of the P5+1 governments to meet with Democrats and present the Agreement and to urge the Democrats in the Senate especially to support the Agreement, which is precisely what has happened since.

The Senate the past week killed the Republican-Netanyahu legislation to nullify the Agreement. The Republicans Netanyahu and Boehner fell into a gross misjudgement and series of errors in opposing the hard earned Agreement. The manner in which the Boehner-Netanyahu axis have opposed the agreement has been unprecedented, extreme, bizarre. Boehner bringing the head of a foreign government to the Congress, and in a joint session, to oppose the foreign policy authority and competence of POTUS is indeed unprecedented.

The bottom line for the president is that the Agreement is a solid one and by the rules of the Congress it will be implemented. As is correctly pointed out in the post, the great majority of the Jewish voting public in the United States does in fact support the Agreement. The fact assures Democrats in the Congress can support the commander in chief and do it with the broad support of their Jewish constituents.

As for Sen Schumer, he has the Washington long time politician's syndrome of believing he can do whatever he wants and that it will have no impact with his constituent voters, that the pol and the voters have somehow become irreversibly bonded no matter what. The two US Senators elected from New York State are divided on the Agreement, with Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand in favor. So the question is put whether Sen Schumer might be representing himself more than he is serving his constituents.

It is now up to the next president to confirm the Agreement, which it can strongly be inferred is exactly what will occur.

Senate Democrats block effort to kill Iran nuclear deal

U.S. President Barack Obama achieved perhaps the greatest foreign policy victory of his six years in office on Thursday, when a Republican-backed effort to kill the Iran nuclear agreement was narrowly blocked in the U.S. Senate, clearing the way for the deal's implementation.

Forty Democrats and two independents voted to block a resolution disapproving of the pact in the 100-member chamber, one more than the minimum needed to keep it from advancing.

"This vote is a victory for diplomacy, for American national security, and for the safety and security of the world," Obama said in a statement after a vote he termed "an historic step forward."


Edited by Publicus
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