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Natthawut warned to stop inciting reds to oppose draft charter


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He's being treated with kid gloves, I'm hoping this 'softly, softly' approach leads him to make some serious error of judgement which results in a big bowl of rice porridge.

Some people don't know when to shut up.

Suthep and Jatuporn are another pair that don't seem to know when to be quiet.

Oddly enough of late, Thaksin seems to be very quiet on this subject.

Yes, I hear Thaksin doesn't live in Thailand any more.

I am sure Mr T. knows by now that the Military are not going back to the barracks until they have finished the job properly this time - snuffing out all traces of the Shinawatras as far as being involved in Thai politics.

Which would explain his silence.

These days he probably spends his time flying around the world plotting to plunder another country.

Thailand would be a better place if Suthep and Jatuporn were his traveling companions.

Edited by mikemac
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Detailed political specifics are sidelined, as it all falls into this spiral of personalities posturing and counter-posturing like an infinite MC Escher tessellation. This problem also occurs in politics globally, but it becomes more obvious and disheartening when the focus on personality-posturing is actually impeding critical development progress, rather than simply wasting airtime. They need to talk more about the specific issues more, this is healthy in politics. The fact that the same old personalities are inciting revolt on issues XYZ doesn't say why they are opposed to it, or offer any reasoned alternatives. It is like falling back into a soap-opera comfort-zone, where all the big questions can remain unanswered, the focus is on which personality is going to be back in the limelight this week.

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He's being treated with kid gloves, I'm hoping this 'softly, softly' approach leads him to make some serious error of judgement which results in a big bowl of rice porridge.

Some people don't know when to shut up.

Suthep and Jatuporn are another pair that don't seem to know when to be quiet.

Oddly enough of late, Thaksin seems to be very quiet on this subject.

Yes, I hear Thaksin doesn't live in Thailand any more.

I am sure Mr T. knows by now that the Military are not going back to the barracks until they have finished the job properly this time - snuffing out all traces of the Shinawatras as far as being involved in Thai politics.

Which would explain his silence.

These days he probably spends his time flying around the world plotting to plunder another country.

Thailand would be a better place if Suthep and Jatuporn were his traveling companions.

It would be even better if the General and his paymasters were on the same flight too

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Warn him about criticising the charter. So must also warn those that are for the charter to stop commenting

Its not a warning about criticizing the charter.

Its a warning about inciting real trouble because of they don't like the charter.

Anyone is welcome to say they don't like the charter. They aren't allowed to call people to arms over it.

Its 2 very different things.

I add; did natawut, jatuporn, arisman etc., stand up on the previous red stages and provide logical detailed discussion, did they outline specific long-term policies to build a balanced and fair civil society for all Thais? NO, NO, and NO. Not one word.

They did stand up on stage and scream very nasty hate messages over and over again, they play doctored tapes again and again, they threatened to burn down Bangkok (with their absconded convicted criminal leader backing them up with messages from abroad). And their ilk later publicized the addresses and phone numbers of judges etc.


Reasoned argument is not in their skill set.

"give us what we want or we'll fight to the death for it' is the only logic.

An its plain for all to see. Its not democracy they want just a change in leadership and a return to cronyism.

'Its not democracy they want just a change in leadership and a return to cronyism'

Are you seriously trying to tell us the present lot is not absolutely riddled with cronyism??? Jaysus you really need to open your eyes or take off the rose tinted glasses, your heroes the junta are as bent as a nine bob note...

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Its true you are so right.

Try going into Times Square in New York and inviting the faithful to join ISIS.

Your sentimental idea that modern societies are all about free speech are ridiculous and chirlish.

Why can't you go into the public arena and try to convert people to accept having sex with children?, because its about protecting vulnerable elements of society from more dangerous elements.

ISIS/Paedophiles and anyone suggesting civil insurrection are all a danger to society and shouldn't be given a platform.

But then that's censorship - right there, a line is drawn. But who gets to decide on what's acceptable or not?

Surely your not suggesting its you which can tell the jumped up johnny foreigner what he's doing wrong? That wouldn't be so politically correct would it?

Yep - those who try to exercise their right of free speech in the UK find out very quickly they've got a quaint old fashioned notion, that's not tolerated anymore.

Nat and Jat would be in prison, or at least having their trial/appeals progressed in a normal country.

So would Suthep most of these elites out on appeal or bail, half the Thai military brass, probably the entire police force and whole host of others .

Your point exactly is ?

The judicial system here is far to long winded, takes an eternity and bail conditions not consistently enforced.

Nat would most likely already be in prison in most countries.

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