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Turkish embassy skeptical Bangkok bomb suspects are Turks


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@spearbkk: haha ... you're so sure aren't you...

well did the chinese attack the thai consulate, chinese embassy, korean tourists and chinese restaurants (all this in turkey) as well?

I'm quite sure they didn't. Of course the Chinese knew.

I am not excusing the Chinese, but the Uighurs have not been that peaceful in China, they seem quite rabid and violent I have to say.

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Turkey in many ways is what Thailand aspires to be in tourism, medicine, manufacturing and many other areas. Turkey even has a law under the Turkish Penal Code (Section 301) which makes it illegal to insult or denigrate "Turkishness". Please feel free to compare Thainess and Turkishness, but be careful about the insults. Insulting Turkishness could put you in prison.


The 301st acrticle of the turkish penal code is like the anti corruption law in Thailand, its never enforced.

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Even if they are not Turkish, damage is done. Thais will never look at turks the same way as before, and turks like me will have a difficult time.

BTW, as a turk I agree that turkey was a decent country before erdogan. But he has ruined everything during his 12 year rule and turned my once beautiful country into another middle east wreckage.

I am also Turkish, and I fully agree with you on all that you wrote above.

Yes; sadly, the damage's done. I guess I am lucky that everything was fine when I was living in Thailand mainly in the 90's and first half of 00's. I consider myself lucky to have lived there happily, when I was in my twenties and thirties.

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Even if they are not Turkish, damage is done. Thais will never look at turks the same way as before, and turks like me will have a difficult time.

BTW, as a turk I agree that turkey was a decent country before erdogan. But he has ruined everything during his 12 year rule and turned my once beautiful country into another middle east wreckage.

So Turkey was perfect before Tayyips govt but now its a shithole?,Eventhough I'm an agnostic TR citizen I gotta give the guy credit. International tourism numbers have increased 300% in 12 years, real estate prices in Istanbul skyrocketed Anyone who was smart enough to invest in Turkey during his tenure reaped the benefits. Yes he is an islamist but thanks to him my Turkish passport has visa free access to more than 100 countries, it was only 47 before his government. Turkish citizens travel visa free to pussy paradises like Ukraine, Russia, Thailand,COlombia,Brazil,Estonia,Belarus thanks to him. I used to despise him a bit before, but when you think rationally, he made me richer, thanks to him I can travel to all the pusssy paradises . Tayyip = Thaksin Shinawatra, but only smarter and more cunning.

You gotta ask yourself why international tourism numbers increased 3 times under his rule? Who would want to visit an islamic state? It's actually a party state disguised as an islamic one and the tourists know this very well.

Heck even the nightlife in Istanbul prospered under his rule, before we had to deal with the mafia, now the mafia is gone. Wild parties go on until the sun rises. He is a devout muslim but he doesn't give two fakcs about peoples lifestyle. The only bad thing about him is that he is treating the leftists too leniently.

Edited by Lukecan
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The blast was arranged by chinese government. Chinese communist regime is good at creating crimes and then planting the crimes to its assumed enemies, be them christians, muslims, tibetans, falun gong, or whoever is assumed as a threat to chinese dictatorship.

Chinese agents may have kidnapped a uighur from xin jiang of china before the blast, and then impersonated the victim to drop the bomb. After the blast, chinese agents handed him to cambodia police who then turned him to thailand. Chinese agents put a yellow shirt in his bag to suggest he was the yellow-shirted bomber, and a chinese passport to advertise he is uighur from china.

It is a smear campaign launched by chinese government.

Chinese-language newspapers in thailand, under direct control of chinese embassy, unanimously claimed turks/uighurs plotted the blast, in their respective editorials the next day after the blast. Chinese regime launched the whole smear campaign agaist uighurs and turkey. The blast is just one part of the ploy.

Chinese embassy in bangkok controlled a local thai mafia who attacked an old lady in her seventies for her restless protest in front of chinese embassy to condemn chinese persecution against falun gong practitioners in china. The mafia violently assaulted her who got a broken arm in 2014. Police said chinese embassy was behind the mafia so they took no actions.

Chinese embassy also could have the mafia in arranging a blast.

I like a good conspiracy theory! What I don't like is lack of Capital letters when they are necessary for the reader to have a good reading experience. Try harder!

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Talking to Turkish people who reside there, they have seen what the EU has done to Greece, Italy and Spain and no longer think that joining the EU is a good idea.

They just need to see how many British people want to be out of the EU


I used to be pro-eu before, now I'm totally against it. Life is miserable in the EU, bunch of lame regulations and plus its not an elite club anymore, heck even Bulgaria and Romania is a member now. The only countries with a proper industry are Germany, Denmark, Sweden and France the rest are leechers with the exception of UK . Hard earned tax money of the German, Danish, citizens is going to some lazy greek,romanian guys pocket.

Turkey doesnt stand to benefit from joining the EU, we're much better off without them. For all I care they can take their lame rules and regulations and shove it up their ....

If we join the EU some day, you can be sure that I will forfeit my Turkish passport because I know that some lazy loser will be after my hard earned tax $$$ and assets. Just look at what happened to people who kept their money in cypriot banks, sizeable portion of their money got wiped out.

Edited by Lukecan
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Even if they are not Turkish, damage is done. Thais will never look at turks the same way as before, and turks like me will have a difficult time.

BTW, as a turk I agree that turkey was a decent country before erdogan. But he has ruined everything during his 12 year rule and turned my once beautiful country into another middle east wreckage.

ahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaha i love this.

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Yes, they are not TURKS.

They are Muslim Chinese Uighurs. from NW China.

This is a criminal gang involved in people smuggling, bombing etc.

They have learnt their bombing skills in China.

The BIG question is "Why are they Bombing in Thailand ? " and who are their Thai accomplices or Thai employers?

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Turkey is a sectarian, democratic country on the cusp of the EU. They have a whole lot more credibility than Thailand.

This hasn't been true for 12 years. You really should keep up with current events.

BS. Turkey, whilst not a full member of the EU is an economic member and none the less on its cusp, metaphorically and geographically.

but not realistically.

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Turkey in many ways is what Thailand aspires to be in tourism, medicine, manufacturing and many other areas. Turkey even has a law under the Turkish Penal Code (Section 301) which makes it illegal to insult or denigrate "Turkishness". Please feel free to compare Thainess and Turkishness, but be careful about the insults. Insulting Turkishness could put you in prison.


The 301st acrticle of the turkish penal code is like the anti corruption law in Thailand, its never enforced.

I would say that over 60 high profile cases in the 10 years of the existence of Section 301 does not equate to " never enforced". Cases have reduced since the 2008 'rewording' of the Section, but not dramatically.

The major difference with with "anti corruption law" ( you did not say which law, so my reply is necessarily vague) and Section 301 in Turkey, is that there is no perceived danger of prosecution for corruption in Thailand. In Turkey, there is a very real danger of prosecution from Section 301; just ask the Armenians ( the few that remain) and the Kurds in Turkey - or their advocates

A far more valid comparison would be if you compared Turkey's Section 301 to Thailand's lese majeste law, or even Thailand's criminal slander laws.

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Turkey is a sectarian, democratic country on the cusp of the EU. They have a whole lot more credibility than Thailand.

This hasn't been true for 12 years. You really should keep up with current events.

According to the EU, it is still in negotiation, and new chapter negotiation started in 2013.


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I have to agree that the Turkish link is highly suspect.

However, the Turkish Embassy, they would say that wouldn't they.

Turkey is a sectarian, democratic country on the cusp of the EU. They have a whole lot more credibility than Thailand. I don't think they would fear implication... if it was supported by... what's it called... oh yeah. Evidence. Thailand power brokers, presumably the ones with deep involvement in these "type of issues", may not understand that Turkey is quite a large, powerful (and Muslim) country. Probably best to not poke the bear, methinks.

Turkey is not Muslim, Turkey is a strictly secular country.

Yes you are right. But, I believe most Turkish people are Muslims, to clarify. (Germany also has a huge Turkish community. It will be interesting to see who comes out swinging.)

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Turkey in many ways is what Thailand aspires to be in tourism, medicine, manufacturing and many other areas. Turkey even has a law under the Turkish Penal Code (Section 301) which makes it illegal to insult or denigrate "Turkishness". Please feel free to compare Thainess and Turkishness, but be careful about the insults. Insulting Turkishness could put you in prison.


The 301st acrticle of the turkish penal code is like the anti corruption law in Thailand, its never enforced.

I would say that over 60 high profile cases in the 10 years of the existence of Section 301 does not equate to " never enforced". Cases have reduced since the 2008 'rewording' of the Section, but not dramatically.

The major difference with with "anti corruption law" ( you did not say which law, so my reply is necessarily vague) and Section 301 in Turkey, is that there is no perceived danger of prosecution for corruption in Thailand. In Turkey, there is a very real danger of prosecution from Section 301; just ask the Armenians ( the few that remain) and the Kurds in Turkey - or their advocates

A far more valid comparison would be if you compared Turkey's Section 301 to Thailand's lese majeste law, or even Thailand's criminal slander laws.

There have been some cases, but no one in the history of the Turkish Republic got jail time for violating the 301st penal code. It is not enforced, in every single case either the case was dropped by the prosecutor or the verdict was overturned by the supreme court. Whereas in thailand plenty of people got jail time for violating the lese majeste laws. The 301st penal code is comparable to the prostutition law in Thailand.

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Turkey in many ways is what Thailand aspires to be in tourism, medicine, manufacturing and many other areas. Turkey even has a law under the Turkish Penal Code (Section 301) which makes it illegal to insult or denigrate "Turkishness". Please feel free to compare Thainess and Turkishness, but be careful about the insults. Insulting Turkishness could put you in prison.


The 301st acrticle of the turkish penal code is like the anti corruption law in Thailand, its never enforced.

I would say that over 60 high profile cases in the 10 years of the existence of Section 301 does not equate to " never enforced". Cases have reduced since the 2008 'rewording' of the Section, but not dramatically.

The major difference with with "anti corruption law" ( you did not say which law, so my reply is necessarily vague) and Section 301 in Turkey, is that there is no perceived danger of prosecution for corruption in Thailand. In Turkey, there is a very real danger of prosecution from Section 301; just ask the Armenians ( the few that remain) and the Kurds in Turkey - or their advocates

A far more valid comparison would be if you compared Turkey's Section 301 to Thailand's lese majeste law, or even Thailand's criminal slander laws.

There have been some cases, but no one in the history of the Turkish Republic got jail time for violating the 301st penal code. It is not enforced, in every single case either the case was dropped by the prosecutor or the verdict was overturned by the supreme court. Whereas in thailand plenty of people got jail time for violating the lese majeste laws. The 301st penal code is comparable to the prostutition law in Thailand.

One of the more interesting situations was Hrant Dink, a Turkish Armenian newspaper editor, who campaigned for official admission of humanitarian crimes against Armenians. He was prosecuted three times and once convicted . However all prosecution of him was dropped after he was shot dead in Istanbul by a Turkish nationalist.

If as you say this is "comparable to the prostutitione (sic) law in Thailand ", I would ask you to document for me at least one case where someone in Thailand has been prosecuted under the prostitution law, convicted and then shot to dead by an indignant moralist. Enough ! Enough ! This is a silly argument about Section 301 which is generally recognized as an archaic violation of human rights.

By the way, are you Turkish ? You certainly are unwavering in your defence of Turkey. I admire such loyalty.

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