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Another topic hijacked by the mentally challenged...... AGAIN. :D

Am I the luckiest Farang on there boards??

Yes if thats your gf in your Avatar..... :D

What bar does she work in? :o ?

:D nah.. That avatar has been used by various people over the past few years...

..so maybe, actually.


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Am I the luckiest Farang on there boards??

Yes if thats your gf in your Avatar..... :D

What bar does she work in? :o ?

<deleted>, don't start the idiot off again. :D

So Udon, so me going against people who say sinsot is BS bothers you?

I think I know why you are so bitter :D

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So how does money gets in the picture? Why start off with money in the first place?

Why don't you search on the subject first and then we can discuss?

I beg to disagree, I was referring to Donz statement, but thanks for the comment. :o

You obviously dont get it and havent read my posts.

Did you get or give a sinsot :D

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So Udon, so me going against people who say sinsot is BS bothers you?

No, it's just you and your repetitive, puerile posts.

Bitter??? You are talking thru that other orifice again.

Lager for me thanks. :D

cricky's ubon , :D

you've had a real bad nights sleep mate as your really today cranky. :D

your usually only half as cranky as you are today. :D

whats up mate ?

someone pinched the key to your shed. ? :D:D:D:D

cheers fella. :o

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"thirty hey"

Actually, I'm pushing 40 mate

That explains it now, im in my mid 20's and now can see why people are jealous :D

Here we go again ! This forum sure does find these characters.

Im in my mid 20's so everyone should be jealous of me ! And im great, my girlfriend is great, my life is great.... and everybody else's life is not so great ! What a moron !

I bet the prik doesnt even have a girlfriend let alone a wife ! :o

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"thirty hey"

Actually, I'm pushing 40 mate

That explains it now, im in my mid 20's and now can see why people are jealous :D

Here we go again ! This forum sure does find these characters.

Im in my mid 20's so everyone should be jealous of me ! And im great, my girlfriend is great, my life is great.... and everybody else's life is not so great ! What a moron !

I bet the prik doesnt even have a girlfriend let alone a wife ! :o

How would I have a wife without even being married :D

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An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

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Could somebody stop this??? It'e been through on and on and it's the same old crap all the time. Donz, Sin Sot is a tradition in some parts of Thailand, it is not a scam as long as it doesn't come from a hooker (no matter if bargirl, body massage girl, freelancer or other kind of scamming hoes) or at least this is my opinion. My first thai girlfriend was a bargirl and we separated for the exact same reason. I would be willing to pay a Sin Sot, just not for a ###### hooker :o

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An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

Where do you get those figures?

Would an Issan Farmer sell his grandmother, or are you just putting Thai people down like so many other farangs do , tell me your experience in this matter.

Would a well to do Thai not have anything to do witha Farang, I beg to differ.

Take your head from that dark place and see the light. :D

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An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

Where do you get those figures?

Would an Issan Farmer sell his grandmother, or are you just putting Thai people down like so many other farangs do , tell me your experience in this matter.

Would a well to do Thai not have anything to do witha Farang, I beg to differ.

Take your head from that dark place and see the light. :D

Just wondering about what specific "dark space" you are reffering to... :D:D

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Just wondering about what specific "dark space" you are reffering to... :D:D

Well Alex...............

With some of the Expert opinions we get on this board, I must wonder where that expertise comes from.

The geezer is talking of the going rate being 100,000 baht like it's set in stone, then to suggest a Farmer would sell his poor ole granny, and cap it all off with a dazzling comment on the rich people and their attitudes towards Farangs....... :o

I must wonder where this expert comes by all this information, I was unaware of any of it.

That dark place is like his post, full of krap. :D

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Just wondering about what specific "dark space" you are reffering to... :D:D

Well Alex...............

With some of the Expert opinions we get on this board, I must wonder where that expertise comes from.

The geezer is talking of the going rate being 100,000 baht like it's set in stone, then to suggest a Farmer would sell his poor ole granny, and cap it all off with a dazzling comment on the rich people and their attitudes towards Farangs....... :o

I must wonder where this expert comes by all this information, I was unaware of any of it.

That dark place is like his post, full of krap. :D

I somehow agree on the rich thai people and their attitudes towards Farangs, afterall, when you are being seen in a Go-Go bar or in a body massage parlour, people tend to have this attitude...I mean I would surely have a bad attitude if freshly soaped up sex tourist would be hitting on one of my family members

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I somehow agree on the rich thai people and their attitudes towards Farangs, afterall, when you are being seen in a Go-Go bar or in a body massage parlour, people tend to have this attitude...I mean I would surely have a bad attitude if freshly soaped up sex tourist would be hitting on one of my family members

I would imagine that's true actually, especially for Tourists or Low paid people struggling to pay for their 5000 baht per month fan room is some dingy backwater.

The Farang professional class however recieve a much better welcome than some backpacking, beer swilling, shabby dressing loudmouth with absolutely zero class.

Just an observation from my own experience. :o

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An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

Must disagree with you - a rich Thai would not touch a farang.

What absolute rubbish - and the prices you quote show how little you know about this country and its traditions.

I am married to a Thai girl that comes from a rich Thai family, who is Uni educated (both Thailand and America), whose parents are senior civil servants blah blah ect ect ...... and 20 years when I joked with her dad about having to pay to marry her, he replied in perfect English,

"thats what you do when you marry a hooker from Phuket"

Think about it - I'll leave it at that.


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My gf never brought up the subject of Sinsot but I'd heard about it and asked her if the German guy that married her best friend paid it. She said yes, 400,000. From most of the posts here Im thinking either this German guy is an idiot or my gf is taking the piss. It could also be that the German guy is loaded and doesnt mind helping out his new family with €8000 which might be nothing to him.

My sister got married 10 years ago in Oz and the wedding cost us oz$30,000, that's about 900,000 baht. All for a piss-up. None of this money went to anyone except a wedding catering biz. So to give a few $K isn't a bad deal I'd say.

IMO I think that I would pay for the wedding and let the family keep the envelopes of cash. Then everyones happy, eh.

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An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

Must disagree with you - a rich Thai would not touch a farang.

What absolute rubbish - and the prices you quote show how little you know about this country and its traditions.

I am married to a Thai girl that comes from a rich Thai family, who is Uni educated (both Thailand and America), whose parents are senior civil servants blah blah ect ect ...... and 20 years when I joked with her dad about having to pay to marry her, he replied in perfect English,

"thats what you do when you marry a hooker from Phuket"

Think about it - I'll leave it at that.


I totally agree. My gf also comes from a well-to-do family, the response I got when talking to her parents where along exactly the same lines.

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An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

Must disagree with you - a rich Thai would not touch a farang.

What absolute rubbish - and the prices you quote show how little you know about this country and its traditions.

I am married to a Thai girl that comes from a rich Thai family, who is Uni educated (both Thailand and America), whose parents are senior civil servants blah blah ect ect ...... and 20 years when I joked with her dad about having to pay to marry her, he replied in perfect English,

"thats what you do when you marry a hooker from Phuket"

Think about it - I'll leave it at that.


I totally agree. My gf also comes from a well-to-do family, the response I got when talking to her parents where along exactly the same lines.

Sorry if I come across as being rude, but what a bunch of snobbish parents-in-law you have. Looking down on poorer people than they are and equating their custom to being a hooker. I feel sorry for anyone that has parents-in-law that think like that. Not to mention that the sinsod is very much a part of many high-so marriages. Some people expect the sinsod and some don't. It's as simple as that. Of course some people expecting it only do so out of greed, but many others do so for other reasons. Some hookers may want a sinsod, but in general it's common knowledge that a hooker should not be expecting any sort of sinsod. I personally would take comments such as what came out of your parents-in-law's mouths to be something I'd expect from a bigoted low-class, uneducated individual. Sorry if I'm being offensive, but I gave a sinsod when I married my wife and she's certainly no hooker and such totally offensive comments by one need to be put in their proper place.

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An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

Must disagree with you - a rich Thai would not touch a farang.

What absolute rubbish - and the prices you quote show how little you know about this country and its traditions.

I am married to a Thai girl that comes from a rich Thai family, who is Uni educated (both Thailand and America), whose parents are senior civil servants blah blah ect ect ...... and 20 years when I joked with her dad about having to pay to marry her, he replied in perfect English,

"thats what you do when you marry a hooker from Phuket"

Think about it - I'll leave it at that.


I totally agree. My gf also comes from a well-to-do family, the response I got when talking to her parents where along exactly the same lines.

Sorry if I come across as being rude, but what a bunch of snobbish parents-in-law you have. Looking down on poorer people than they are and equating their custom to being a hooker. I feel sorry for anyone that has parents-in-law that think like that. Not to mention that the sinsod is very much a part of many high-so marriages. Some people expect the sinsod and some don't. It's as simple as that. Of course some people expecting it only do so out of greed, but many others do so for other reasons. Some hookers may want a sinsod, but in general it's common knowledge that a hooker should not be expecting any sort of sinsod. I personally would take comments such as what came out of your parents-in-law's mouths to be something I'd expect from a bigoted low-class, uneducated individual. Sorry if I'm being offensive, but I gave a sinsod when I married my wife and she's certainly no hooker and such totally offensive comments by one need to be put in their proper place.

Some do some don't ----- a true statement ....

However ..... a real "Hi-So" family would either say "no ... not needed" or expect MILLIONS (and then the new family would have a house in their name etc ....

There's not a chance in hel_l that the BKK HiSo would show off a check for 150k at a party for their daughter ...!! :D

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. Sorry if I'm being offensive, but I gave a sinsod when I married my wife and she's certainly no hooker and such totally offensive comments by one need to be put in their proper place.

Soju, these guys don't really mean it, they just post this krap for the desired effect, just like it worked on you.

Most of the Bozos on here would probably struggle to pay for their Fan room each month, let alone pay a sin sot.

These threads always bring out the best in our honoured members. :o

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Hoary old chestnut

Up to you

Some parents are mercenary

Some are ok.

Frankly the best approach is to give away what you can afford...but get it all negotiated up front!

My missus very thai and an Aus citizen now her daughter married recently a thai student here.

The boyd parents asked how much and she said just make sure he looks after my daughter.

The boys mum just about wet herself in shock...and of course he can stay in aus now....

Frankly any dowry for an ex bargirl should not be more than a token 100k baht

And def not a second time around payment

Its more about the fiance not getting hassled.

An Isaani farm girl? Why?? Do you just want someone to boss around and have sex with? The novelty will soon wear off :o

Going rate has been 100,000 for a few years now. That's big bucks to an Isaani farmer. But then again ... he'd sell his granny for 20 baht if someone offered :D Middle classes expect 300,000 + As for the Thai rich ... wouldn't touch a farang for any kind of money ... mostly!

Must disagree with you - a rich Thai would not touch a farang.

What absolute rubbish - and the prices you quote show how little you know about this country and its traditions.

I am married to a Thai girl that comes from a rich Thai family, who is Uni educated (both Thailand and America), whose parents are senior civil servants blah blah ect ect ...... and 20 years when I joked with her dad about having to pay to marry her, he replied in perfect English,

"thats what you do when you marry a hooker from Phuket"

Think about it - I'll leave it at that.


I totally agree. My gf also comes from a well-to-do family, the response I got when talking to her parents where along exactly the same lines.

Sorry if I come across as being rude, but what a bunch of snobbish parents-in-law you have. Looking down on poorer people than they are and equating their custom to being a hooker. I feel sorry for anyone that has parents-in-law that think like that. Not to mention that the sinsod is very much a part of many high-so marriages. Some people expect the sinsod and some don't. It's as simple as that. Of course some people expecting it only do so out of greed, but many others do so for other reasons. Some hookers may want a sinsod, but in general it's common knowledge that a hooker should not be expecting any sort of sinsod. I personally would take comments such as what came out of your parents-in-law's mouths to be something I'd expect from a bigoted low-class, uneducated individual. Sorry if I'm being offensive, but I gave a sinsod when I married my wife and she's certainly no hooker and such totally offensive comments by one need to be put in their proper place.

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All in all, if your not a cheap charlie you pay the sin sot, you get it back anyway, if she was married before dont pay the sin sot.

Up to you.

And whats this upper class Thai's wouldnt touch a farang?? Must be one of those myths thats been floating around with the farangs. Probaly started around Pattaya :o

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Soju, these guys don't really mean it, they just post this krap for the desired effect, just like it worked on you.

Most of the Bozos on here would probably struggle to pay for their Fan room each month, let alone pay a sin sot.

These threads always bring out the best in our honoured members. :o

Seems you regard those who don't pay as a bit "tight" with money... others would say "smart".

Well I guess if you guys are happy paying hundreds of thousands of baht for your ex bar girl wife... more fool you.

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Okay - some fair comments made by forum members, to those who found my intial posting offensive - apologies.

It is actually a classless practise, and its proper context - yes, it is practised quite honourably by both rich and poor.

However, as practised with farangs who have married a hooker (and I am sorry to use that word - but it is a fact) it is more often than not practised out of context - and in those cases, both parties may like to bluff themselves into thinking all is alright, but the motives on both sides reduce the practice down to an "exchange for goods". And sadly that is the majority of cases of sinsot as it practised between ex-pats and Thais - and is out of context.

Oh - and a further edit - there is no going rate: if you think there is a going rate, then right from the start you are been lead into the practise of sinsot out of context - just as it is practised in the bar enviroment - which is usualy about "as much as the girl can get and as much as the guy is willing to pay".

Ans statisically - it is in those cases that the highest divorce rates in Thailand are recorded - way way above average Thai divorce rates - irrispective of how much was paid. Divorce rates here are significantly higher than elswhere in thai society. But Iguess thats another matter.


Edited by Maizefarmer
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Okay - some fair comments made by forum members, to those who found my intial posting offensive - apologies.

It is actually a classless practise, and its proper context - yes, it is practised quite honourably by both rich and poor.

However, as practised with farangs who have married a hooker (and I am sorry to use that word - but it is a fact) it is more often than not practised out of context - and in those cases, both parties may like to bluff themselves into thinking all is alright, but the motives on both sides reduce the practice down to an "exchange for goods". And sadly that is the majority of cases of sinsot as it practised between ex-pats and Thais - and is out of context.

Oh - and a further edit - there is no going rate: if you think there is a going rate, then right from the start you are been lead into the practise of sinsot out of context - just as it is practised in the bar enviroment - which is usualy about "as much as the girl can get and as much as the guy is willing to pay".

Ans statisically - it is in those cases that the highest divorce rates in Thailand are recorded - way way above average Thai divorce rates - irrispective of how much was paid. Divorce rates here are significantly higher than elswhere in thai society. But Iguess thats another matter.


Just to be clear, I didn't find you to be offensive, but rather the comments by your father-in-law. Anyways, apology accepted. Thank you for clarifying your comments.

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No - thats fair enough, and to be honest for him, when my father in law said it, it was very much tonuge in cheek comment (which may well have been a sly way at the time of questioning my understanding of sinsot).

To be honest with all, my comments were frimly and sqaurely aimed at those guys who marry in/to the bar community (but not always only those guys).

Sure, there are exceptions, but in the majority of cases they are victims of the worst kind of sinsot practise(s) - however good their intentions may be.


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i've said it before on this forum but when i sat around the table with my future in-laws and the subject of sinsod came up, my mother in law said ''no, we don't want it, we are not isaan''.

my wife is from chiang rai, just out of uni, mum is a teacher and dad a professional soldier. as middle class as you can get.

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Thats understood - and I also understand why they said that.

Firstly, you are right the practise is more prevalent in the North East as it came into Thailand from Loas and Cambodia many years ago.

Secondly, if you look at the other sinsot thread (also under Genral Topics) I added some notes in reply to another forum memebrs question, which basically explained that it has its role to play in the appropriate circumstances, whereas in other siutations it has no relivance at all. In your case your parents in law were saying that it was a non-issue for them. Good for them - sounds like they are real cool bunch of folk who you will get on well with.

I wish you well


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yes, i was very lucky to marry into a great family with a great wife .... baby due in six weeks too :o

i only explain what happened to me as means of information for other members to evaluate. obviously other people's circumstances will be different.

i just don't want people to think

a) sin sot has to be paid as it is a cast iron tradition

:D if you marry a relatively well-off girl then sin sot isn't always an issue

c) just because a thai person tells you something that benefits them, it doesnt make it true!

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