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Thailand won't be decriminalising marijuana anytime soon


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The police on Koh Phangan earn 100,000 baht every time they bust some fareng kid for smoking a joint. It is hard to imagine the sum total earned in just one full moon party. Why would they want to give up a franchise like that?

The pot laws here are outdated. But, there seems to be too much money at stake. It has nothing whatsoever to do with drugs, danger to society, or morality. It has everything to do with hard, cold cash.

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So ridiculous to repeat the BS that is totally wrong.

Anybody going to a court for weed will pay 2000 baht fine and go home.

100000 to cops does not exist, a maximum of 50000 has MAYBE been possible but anyway someone must be so stupid to be caught, weed is everywhere there, I do not know any single bar where it's not possible to buy some !

The police on Koh Phangan earn 100,000 baht every time they bust some fareng kid for smoking a joint. It is hard to imagine the sum total earned in just one full moon party. Why would they want to give up a franchise like that?

The pot laws here are outdated. But, there seems to be too much money at stake. It has nothing whatsoever to do with drugs, danger to society, or morality. It has everything to do with hard, cold cash.

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So ridiculous to repeat the BS that is totally wrong.

Anybody going to a court for weed will pay 2000 baht fine and go home.

100000 to cops does not exist, a maximum of 50000 has MAYBE been possible but anyway someone must be so stupid to be caught, weed is everywhere there, I do not know any single bar where it's not possible to buy some !

The police on Koh Phangan earn 100,000 baht every time they bust some fareng kid for smoking a joint. It is hard to imagine the sum total earned in just one full moon party. Why would they want to give up a franchise like that?

The pot laws here are outdated. But, there seems to be too much money at stake. It has nothing whatsoever to do with drugs, danger to society, or morality. It has everything to do with hard, cold cash.

Incorrect. This fine is applied every full moon party. And the cops get away with this crime constantly. I have heard many stories to this effect. Samui is a hotbed for the collection of small fortunes, for minor pot possession.

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Alongside education regarding responsible use then I see no problem. But and it's a big but...there is no record of Thailand educating it's population well on any subject.

Drug driving and unmotivated teens is the likely outcome in my opinion. Shame as I do enjoy the odd toke.

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The history of why marijuana and a whole lot of harder drugs are illegal in Thailand and many other countries is rooted in the US Department of Narcotics. Most people will have never heard of Harry Anslinger yet he had more influence over the general population of the world than almost any other person. His actions set up the drug cartels and the corruption surrounding the supply of all banned drugs.

Thailand and many other countries were threatened with being cut off from US foreign aid if they did not adopt US drug policy. Initially Thailand refused to ban opium smoking stating that it was a long standing tradition and less harmful than prohibition. Another tactic was to tell countries which didn't want to adopt US drug policy that they would not be allowed to sell their goods in the US.

I highly recommend you read Chasing the Scream, the first and last days of the war on drugs by Johann Hari. This book is well researched and a real eye opener as to the truth behind why a lot of drugs are banned in the world. I found this book a difficult read because the truth can sometimes be overwhelming.

Did you read that book? Cause he wasn't in any US Department of Narcotics, he was Treasury, either way, Johann Hari at this point is saved only for providing references, from being utterly ignored. Not that I doubt the accuracy if he repeats his prior mistake, I just don't feel like giving him cash or airtime, what a tard.

The book, it is at least a good read and I felt persuasive despite being far from comprehensive or balanced.

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Whatever floats your boat. Gay marriage is nowhere close to being recognized here. The fact that you find ladyboys working the cosmetics at Robinsons while admirable doesn't stack up against actual legislation confirming the rights of gay people in the USA. Anyway the topic is weed and we should probably just go back to that.

Maybe we could have a poll made on if people think weed will be legalized in Thailand? That way we could see what the majority of people think and let it speak for itself. Can we get a poll mods? Obviously should it be legal and will it be legal are two different questions.

The point of the discussion is due to the recent reflection on the entire history and purpose of prohibition and weighing the costs, the risks without the propaganda and lack of data. Most alive today have only ever know the drug war and the propaganda of it, along with the association criminality and negative aspects receiving highlight.

It would seem that the war is a huge drag on society with the users of narcotics responsible for a victimless crime receiving life destroying persecution and custodial punishment. Now recognized by the UN to be in many countries in violation of their human rights.

So it may take a very long time to wind back in many places the war against personal choice and is a part of the much needed reduction of governments and their influence.

But you are welcome to feel that using laws to destroy peoples lives for consumption of drugs or possession of even a minute amount of those chemicals. You are on the wrong side of history on this one, we as humans don't tend to celebrate in hindsight the destruction of anyone even our enemies. And recognize madness when time separates us from the misinformation perpetuating it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Criminalisation of consciousness is an exercise in control over citizens. Many countries have normalised medical cannabis and others legalised its use entirely.

Our country used to be famous worldwide for its Thai sticks. However, it seems like the control freaks haven't noticed cannabis could still be Thailand's #1 agricultural export.

Even if cannabis were still illegal in Thailand, the crop could be legal for export. Particularly if farming could be chemical-free, the world would line up at our door to buy Thai cannabis.

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"but the danger was clear to others at the forum - had she been driving her car, she could have "floated" into oncoming traffic"

So the Driver of the Porsche Cayeen was High I suppose,,Motorcycle taxi drvers are always high? clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif clap2.gif

Well people who drink and drive, there is a difference between them ; a stoned person never wants to drive and a drunk person thinks he can and a stoner is smart enough to know he can't ! Plus a stoner won't fight over it too !

If you see how awful Tourism is going to be this season , they should wisely now decriminalize , when MONEY from Tourism will be needed if they wait it might be too late by then and many more places will close ; now I agree some need to go but when u start a Domino Effect......u never know how much business will be Lost !

The Chinese aren't all coming here , it looks that way tho sometimes on Beach Rd.and in 7-11 & Family Marts , just sayin' ???

So just pass a Law allowing Medical use only with a Prescription , the Doctors who are paid charge 50$ , for the exam of which they get 20$ & Hospital or Clinic gets 10$ and 20$ goes to the Government to help pay for Schools & medical Clinics around the Country and better paid Doctors to give better service, That way more tourists with money will come for tourism , just like in Colorado....

I put that US Dollar instead of Baht....but 1,750 Baht 350B and & 700B....approx. at 35 to a 1$

COPS can fight Bad guys who are Dangerous Criminals instead of people who prefer a Natural relaxant then too many Cocktails !




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No way. Thailand doesn't want its citizens thinking out of the box.

Meanwhile it's medical revolution in the US. Studies showing it lowers insulin, inflammation, stress, excellent sleep aid etc etc.

The more the world progresses the further Thailand falls behind.

Really though CBD can be purchased on Amazon/ebay etc and shipped to anywhere of the 50 states.


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