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Multi-coloured group wants Thai election put off at least two years


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I support the current regime. In the past "democratic" regimes lead to the most corrupt rising to the top. Thailand deserves more than being robbed of its history and culture by money grabbing western style corruption and more. The current regime is slowly asserting its influence to reduce corruption. The lottery price scandal is one example. All this is being done to suit Thailands' non aggression attitude. I was invited to speak to students recently at an ASEAN day demonstration. The children do not understand democracy, they only understand the structure they live in. To see these children prostrate themselves down every time I enter a class is moving but worrying to me. These kids do not deserve a so called democracy that involves western style corruption and lobbyists, they deserve to be taught good citizenship, taught English, (the international language) and taught sustainability, mathematics, free thinking and questioning. Not an easy task, but I hope no lobbyist supported "democratic" government comes to power in the short term.

Methinks you need a better-informed view of Thailand and Thai history my friend. because this is naive in just about every respect.

Edited by Jon Wetherall
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I support the current regime. In the past "democratic" regimes lead to the most corrupt rising to the top. Thailand deserves more than being robbed of its history and culture by money grabbing western style corruption and more. The current regime is slowly asserting its influence to reduce corruption. The lottery price scandal is one example. All this is being done to suit Thailands' non aggression attitude. I was invited to speak to students recently at an ASEAN day demonstration. The children do not understand democracy, they only understand the structure they live in. To see these children prostrate themselves down every time I enter a class is moving but worrying to me. These kids do not deserve a so called democracy that involves western style corruption and lobbyists, they deserve to be taught good citizenship, taught English, (the international language) and taught sustainability, mathematics, free thinking and questioning. Not an easy task, but I hope no lobbyist supported "democratic" government comes to power in the short term.

Free thinking and questioning is incompatible with an undemocratic regime that does not allow its citizens to vote in elections. Uncle Too wants the people to listen, wai and obey, not think for themselves. If you don't see this then I wonder what you were invited to speak about.

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MZurf wonders why I should post an opinion. As all authoritarians do. Jon WetherallThinks I am uninformed. Maybe, but I live in the boonies (ie where most Thais live at their purist) You city centric blokes are way out of touch as to where the real culture lies and your city centric "democracy" is dismissed by non urban Thais. Naïve indeed!

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MZurf wonders why I should post an opinion. As all authoritarians do. Jon WetherallThinks I am uninformed. Maybe, but I live in the boonies (ie where most Thais live at their purist) You city centric blokes are way out of touch as to where the real culture lies and your city centric "democracy" is dismissed by non urban Thais. Naïve indeed!

In most of the boonies I have been to they are firmly red, and despise the junta, the Democrats and others.

Your hope for better for them is utterly incompatible with what the army is going to deliver.

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MZurf wonders why I should post an opinion. As all authoritarians do. Jon WetherallThinks I am uninformed. Maybe, but I live in the boonies (ie where most Thais live at their purist) You city centric blokes are way out of touch as to where the real culture lies and your city centric "democracy" is dismissed by non urban Thais. Naïve indeed!

Urban Thais like to think they are superior to rural folk, but the truth is they are demonstrably intellectually less developed. They remain enmeshed in a traditional feudal culture, while rural Thais are already modern.

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MZurf wonders why I should post an opinion. As all authoritarians do. Jon WetherallThinks I am uninformed. Maybe, but I live in the boonies (ie where most Thais live at their purist) You city centric blokes are way out of touch as to where the real culture lies and your city centric "democracy" is dismissed by non urban Thais. Naïve indeed!

Is it just me, or should computers sold to foreigners in Thailand come equipped with a breathalyzer ?

The rural people voted in Shinawatras. They vote. They want to vote. Taiwan and Japan have representative governments. Thailand can do the same once the Thai elite no longer control the country.

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Oh shit!!! Dr Tul is back. For those who don't know this freak, here is one of his classics;

"Tul went on to say that, speaking as a doctor, love for the country and the king was embedded only in Thais’ DNA, not that of other peoples. It was a pity that many Thais had mutated and did not have the love for the king in their DNA and should not be called Thai, he said."


He is just using his right to freedom of speech whats the big deal??

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MZurf wonders why I should post an opinion. As all authoritarians do. Jon WetherallThinks I am uninformed. Maybe, but I live in the boonies (ie where most Thais live at their purist) You city centric blokes are way out of touch as to where the real culture lies and your city centric "democracy" is dismissed by non urban Thais. Naïve indeed!

Urban Thais like to think they are superior to rural folk, but the truth is they are demonstrably intellectually less developed. They remain enmeshed in a traditional feudal culture, while rural Thais are already modern.

They have been hoodwinked also into believing that they have transitioned into being middle class, so they can look down on the grass roots. Awful really that the split on colour lines made this happen, but Sondhi started it by appealing to his "type of people". Disgusting little man he is.

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The rural people did vote in the Shiniwatras. This was their first taste of western democracy. They thought it was good until the truth was revealed. They no longer respect any political party as they know that the elite and their supporters are corrupt. They have gone back to more traditional politics and the Army/Military are less corrupt than any politician.

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The rural people did vote in the Shiniwatras. This was their first taste of western democracy. They thought it was good until the truth was revealed. They no longer respect any political party as they know that the elite and their supporters are corrupt. They have gone back to more traditional politics and the Army/Military are less corrupt than any politician.

No it was not Western democracy and the voted for the Shinawatra because they handed out money for the votes. Getting 500 also meant for them that Thaksin is a nice person (giving them money).

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The rural people did vote in the Shiniwatras. This was their first taste of western democracy. They thought it was good until the truth was revealed. They no longer respect any political party as they know that the elite and their supporters are corrupt. They have gone back to more traditional politics and the Army/Military are less corrupt than any politician.

You have no evidence for that statement whatsoever. You can't, because it patently is not true.

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The rural people did vote in the Shiniwatras. This was their first taste of western democracy. They thought it was good until the truth was revealed. They no longer respect any political party as they know that the elite and their supporters are corrupt. They have gone back to more traditional politics and the Army/Military are less corrupt than any politician.

No it was not Western democracy and the voted for the Shinawatra because they handed out money for the votes. Getting 500 also meant for them that Thaksin is a nice person (giving them money).

Right. They didn't like him because he listened to them, provided services for them. They didn't like him because he was the first Thai politician to ever pay attention to the rural poor, reduced child mortality and increased economic development. Keep repeating that and maybe you can at least convince yourself.

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The rural people did vote in the Shiniwatras. This was their first taste of western democracy. They thought it was good until the truth was revealed. They no longer respect any political party as they know that the elite and their supporters are corrupt. They have gone back to more traditional politics and the Army/Military are less corrupt than any politician.

Their first taste of Western democracy? What are you on about.

You honestly believe the army isn't corrupt? I don't put measures as better or worse, corrupt or uncorrupted is the only measure.

The army have always been corrupt. Politicians have their time at the trough and must share or else they get hoofed out.

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I am just a poor boy. And I live in a poor village. And no matter who is in politics these villagers survive because they all look after each other. I should not make remarks because what is told to me is made in the confidence of community and family. So delete everything I said.

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I am just a poor boy. And I live in a poor village. And no matter who is in politics these villagers survive because they all look after each other. I should not make remarks because what is told to me is made in the confidence of community and family. So delete everything I said.

He's just a poor boy from a poor family, spare him his life from this monstrosity.

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