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how do you explain to them we came from monkeys


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Believing we came from monkeys is indeed daft given ourselves and monkeys evolved seperately from a common ancester.

Hold on now Squeegee, you're applying knowledge to TV postings . . . tsk, tsk, tsk.

Edited by smotherb
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Look, 95% of the world's people are stupid. In fact, they are so stupid there's no possible way they could have evolved from monkeys, because monkeys are of a higher intelligence.

As for the 5%, well let's just say you should never ever ever mention the evolved from apes thesis amongst people of color - blacks, brown, yellow - or else you will be called out as a racist. So this is the reason that virtually every single scientific discovery or advancement in the last 400 years has been due to white people. Just stating facts.

Although a favorite quote of mine is from George Carlin, "Think of how dumb the average person is; then realize that half of them are dumber than that." However, that is a comedic assertion. Your supposed facts should include cited viable research as support to your statements.

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

So is gravity... a THEORY.

You are correct an science cannot explain it, just like Darwin's THEORY of EVOLUTION... See how that works?

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

No, the missing link is barely part of Darwinism at all. Darwin examined many species that have nothing to do with the human-ape evolution side of things. Many tenets of evolution have been proven in the lab by experiments with organisms that have short life spans and it is possible to demonstrate changes and evolutions across hundreds if not thousands of generations. Many classic examples on record. Now some of the mechanism of spontaneous mutation, selective adaptation are a bit controversial but all just a matter of degrees.

And Darwin's "theory" is the logical genetic progressive of the species from ape to homo sapien.. What is not explained, therefore debunking the "theory" is the missing link in genetics between ape and man... There is no logical explanation for the changes in genetic code between the two species, therefore based on scientific theory, it cannot be proven...

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Looks like your wife is right.

While we do have similar genetic makeup, we don't come from apes/monkeys.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed

5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids. thumbsup.gif

Does your wife have a little brother? If she does, she must have realized as they were growing up, that while they may have had the same parents they could not be of the same species. I think she will understand.

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Go to the big museum in Bangkok. I guess its the Natiinal Museum. In the Natural History portion. There is a relief that shows the evolutionary transition of life on earth. from the ocean to the exit from the ocean that eventualy....the last , Homo sapien is a modern man wearing the typical Thai farmer outfit....I was there with my first gf here and she was crestfallen when I pointed and said......See!.........

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Can understand that we share a common ancestor with apes and such....

but how do you explain those farangs with chang vests, socks and sandals?

Apparently, there must of been a lizard in the woodpile somewhere...way back then.

They have gone into reverse gear and heading back up the evolutionary tree.

Even though it took some 5,000,000 years to evolve from a gorilla to a sapiens, heading back up is very fast.

Indeed some in a single lifetime have devolved into gorillas.

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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in the op's shoes i would sorrowfully ask myself how i actually came to marry someone lacking the intellectual capacity to grasp a concept like evolution.

A simple look at some of the replies here makes me question my sanity, moon hoax , evolution etc

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I think the question is why, not how.

Unless you see your role as white man here to educate the savages.

Does somebody need to ba a savage to acquire more knowledge???

Tell them that when they sit in their shower electrocuted from their Thai electricians lack of knowledge............no need greencrazy.gif

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Go to the big museum in Bangkok. I guess its the Natiinal Museum. In the Natural History portion. There is a relief that shows the evolutionary transition of life on earth. from the ocean to the exit from the ocean that eventualy....the last , Homo sapien is a modern man wearing the typical Thai farmer outfit....I was there with my first gf here and she was crestfallen when I pointed and said......See!.........

I can understand wanting to keep the Thai people in the dark in terms of education. Given the situation it is obvious the less educated the better for the process of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. But what excuse do the people from the UK have? MY gosh it is illegal to teach anything but biological evolution in UK schools.

What happened to all these folks here? Is everyone a dropout?

Edited by lostoday
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What is "Life" and how was it "created"?

What is DNA and how was it "evolved"?

If DNA is randomly (non-intelligently intervened) evolved, 3 billion boxes(!) of matches accidentally wrote a text more complex than the Bible, 1000 times.

Likely? I don't know.

However, modern man's combined effort has not been able to find an airplane in our own ocean - yet seem to know what happened and not happened on our planet and others, millions and billions of years ago.

"In the infinite space of the Universe, only mankind is egoistic to think we are alone." /T

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It is easy to explain .. because we didn't come from Monkeys ... we came from a primitive primate ancestor and making at least two different branches. The Original Ancestor WAY back was probably a nudibranch.

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