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Trump defies political gravity thanks to fed-up supporters


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Trump defies political gravity thanks to fed-up supporters

NORWOOD, Mass. (AP) — Donald Trump insults and exaggerates. He dismisses the need for public policy ideas, gets confused about world affairs and sometimes says things that flat-out aren't true.

And the cheers from his supporters only grow louder.

By the standard that voters typically use to judge presidential candidates, Trump probably should not have survived his first day in the 2016 race.

Yet as the summer draws to a close and the initial votes in the nominating calendar appear on the horizon, Trump has established himself as the Republican front-runner.

Listen to these voters:

—"It's totally refreshing. He's not politically correct. He has a backbone and he cannot be bought," said Leigh Ann Crouse, 55, of Dubuque, Iowa.

—"This country needs a businessman just like him to put us back on track, to make us stop being the laughing stock of this world," said Ken Brand, 56, of Derry, New Hampshire.

—"He says everything that I would like to say, but I'm afraid to say. What comes out of his mouth is not what he thinks I want to hear," said Janet Boyden, 67, of Chester, Massachusetts.

They are among the dozens of voters interviewed in the past two weeks by The Associated Press to understand how Trump has defied the laws of political gravity.

Uniting them is a deep-rooted anger and frustration with the nation's political leaders — President Barack Obama as well as conservative Republicans who, these voters say, haven't sufficiently stood up to his Democratic administration.

Some haven't voted in years, or ever, and may not next year. But at this moment, they are entranced by Trump's combination of utter self-assurance, record of business success and a promise that his bank account is big enough to remain insulated from the forces they believe have poisoned Washington.

By the way, they say it's not that they are willing to look past Trump's flaws to fix what they believe ills the country. It's that those flaws are exactly what makes him the leader America needs.

"At least we know where he stands," said Kurt Esche, 49, an independent who was at Trump's recent rally outside Boston. "These other guys, I don't trust anything that comes out of their mouths. They're lying to get elected. This guy's at least saying what he believes."

"He may have started as a joke," Esche said, "but he may be the real deal."


Crouse is a merchandise processor at a retail distributor outside Dubuque, the Mississippi River town where Trump tossed Univision anchor Jorge Ramos from a news conference.

A political independent who has never participated in Iowa's leadoff presidential caucuses, Crouse said she began following Trump from the moment he referred to Mexican immigrants as criminals during his campaign kickoff.

"He's just attracting people who are frustrated, and as you can see, there are a lot of us," she said.

Illegal immigration is the perfect summation of Trump's unorthodox campaign.

He claims it's an issue the GOP would not be discussing if not for his presence in the race, even though the topic has been at the center of political debate for years.

It's the only one on which he has made a concrete proposal; his rivals, by comparison, have rolled out lots of ideas on a range of issues.

Here's Trump's pitch: deport millions of people who are living in the United States illegally and build a border wall. Critics deride this approach as naïve, but his supporters say it's the obvious solution.

"As crazy as it might be, I think he's addressing something that needs to be heard," said Randy Thomas, 40, of Bedford, New Hampshire. "I think he's saying something that everybody thinks always has to be addressed. If you have a country of laws, you have to abide by the laws."

Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who recently held a discussion with a group of nearly 30 Trump backers in Virginia, said such support is emblematic of Trump's popularity. It stems less from their love for the candidate and more from a belief those in power have failed.

"He activates the anger and frustration they have toward Washington and Wall Street," Luntz said.


For many, Trump's rise is a reaction to Obama, long criticized by opponents as a weak leader who appeases America's enemies rather than asserting U.S. dominance on the global stage.

The voters interviewed by AP said much of Trump's appeal stems from their belief he is a decisive and forceful leader who never backs down or apologizes, even when maybe he should.

Many appear convinced that the sheer force of Trump's personality can reverse decades of global realignment, and that his pledges to rid the country of people living in the U.S. illegally and penalize imported goods will restore manufacturing jobs lost to China and boost an economy still scarred by the recession.

"We're just so weak. We're not respected anymore," said Jerry Welshoff, 56, of Franklin, Massachusetts. He arrived at a recent Trump event near Boston unsure about the candidate; he emerged sold on the candidate.

"We've appeased everything. We can't negotiate. I would want Donald Trump to sit across a table from (Russian President Vladimir) Putin or Iran or the Mexican prime minister to cut a deal because he's done it his whole life," he said.

The frustration among voters isn't limited to their feelings about Obama.

Welshoff said the Republican Party has done nothing but acquiesce to Obama despite taking control of Congress in 2014.

It's the same complaint heard from Duane Ernster, 57, of Dubuque. He is disappointed by the few accomplishments of tea party candidates elected to Congress in 2010.

"Things just didn't happen. It just hasn't happened the way we'd hoped," he said. "Maybe we need a warrior instead of a politician. People compare Mr. Trump to Putin. There's something to be said about the man, who takes care of the Russian people."

Others are simply blown away by Trump's wealth and his promise to pay for his campaign out of his own pocket. "He won't owe anybody," said Susan Sager, 57, of Aiken, South Carolina.

This is an important point of distinction with both Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who began the campaign viewed as the GOP front-runner due in no small part to his ability to raise huge amounts of money.

"Remember this. They have total control over Jeb and Hillary and everybody else that takes that money," Trump said this past week, adding: "I will tell you this. Nobody's putting up millions of dollars for me. I'm putting up my own money."

The argument that Trump is uncorruptible is powerful.

"I just think he's doing it for all the right reasons," said Nancy Adam, 60, at the rally near Boston. "It's not about the money. It's not about the political power. He's already got everything. He has nothing to lose by doing this."


Trump's uncanny ability to stumble without consequence has befuddled his rivals.

The latest misstep for Trump came Thursday. After pledging only to run as a Republican, he fumbled a series of foreign policy questions from radio host Hugh Hewitt. Trump confused the Quds Force, an elite Iranian military unit, and the Kurds, an ethnic group of more than 30 million people.

He said the line of inquiry amounted to a "gotcha question."

"I mean, you know, when you're asking me about who's running this, this this, that's not, that is not," Trump said, "I will be so good at the military, your head will spin."

Such an answer would invariably be attacked as disqualifying if offered by anyone other than Trump. His rivals have yet to figure out how to challenge an unpredictable opponent who appears immune to such gaffes.

"He just keeps repeating things over and over again. And you all just accept it for the truth, and it's not," Bush told reporters in New Hampshire on Thursday.

Indeed, Trump's foibles often appear to make him stronger.

During his recent discussion with Trump supporters, Luntz played several video clips of the billionaire's least flattering moments.

One was Trump's rejection of Arizona Sen. John McCain's status as a war hero — "I like people that weren't captured, OK?" Another was his complimenting daughter Ivanka's figure and saying that if she "weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

Instead of being rattled, the participants ate up Trump's comments and left the meeting feeling even more confident in their support for him than when they had arrived.

"I think the Trump candidacy is here to stay and I think Republicans need to figure out how to deal with it," Luntz said. He said there is little the party establishment, journalists or his rivals with a background in politics can do to knock Trump down, because the candidate's supporters distrust those groups so strongly.

"In essence, he's Teflon because the people most able to take him down can't because of the very jobs that they do," he said.

It's for that reason that Herman Cain, the former chief executive of Godfather's Pizza who rose to the top of the polls in the fall of 2011, only to see his fortunes derailed by allegations of sexual harassment, said he believes that Trump can succeed.

"It is a totally new paradigm for how the race for president is unfolding," said Cain, making the case that Trump, as well as two other Republican candidates, former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, had tapped into a portion of the electorate that is typically disengaged from the political process.


Many of the Trump supporters interviewed by AP said there was a chance they might change their minds before voting next year or sit the contest out. Trump's campaign operation lacks the sophistication of many of his rivals, who in some cases have years of experience in politics and the business of getting out the vote.

For all of Trump's success so far, he's yet to drive any candidate from the race.

There are several debates still to come and five months until the Iowa caucuses — enough time for a rival to build a winning coalition of voters such as Marvin Smith, a Republican from Independence, Kentucky, who said Trump "scares the hell out of me."

"He's appealing to some base emotions. But my worry is that he splinters the Republican Party," Smith said. "He's saying the message people want to hear, but I don't like the way he's saying it."

But anyone who has bet against Trump so far in this campaign has come up — as Trump would say — a loser.

Paul Demerjian, a 55-year-old small business owner from Stoneham, Massachusetts, said he isn't much into politics. But there he was at a recent Trump rally outside Boston, mobbing Trump's SUV as he made his exit.

"I haven't been passionate about a politician running for office since Ronald Reagan," he said.

Associated Press writers Thomas Beaumont in Dubuque, Iowa, Bill Barrow in Greenville, South Carolina, and Julie Pace in Cincinnati contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-07

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

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With all that said, America definitely deserves a president like Trump (lol). Pretty ignorant and egotistical. He might hit the nail at its head with some of the issues, but he is clueless about laying down the steps (that Americans can accept) to fix them. They will know when he discloses how much money and man power just to get it done. I listened to his speeches and am less than impressed. Sort of remind me of China. Looks grand from the outside, but when you go deeper into details, everything falls apart!

We also all know Thailand had a business tycoon running the country just not long ago, see how that turn out!

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

McCain's observation that Trump brings out the crazies is demonstrated time after time. His perceptiveness on this has gone a long way to restoring his credibility after the Palin mess. Let the clown car continue.

Really? When women knew their place. Old men and their fantasies for something that never existed except in their dreams.

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

Woa DUDE mellow out, take a bong hit* and chill !

*only if legal in your jurisdiction.

Edited by daoyai
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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

No matter how much you want it, that is simply not possible.

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

You know absolutely nothing about US history and its politics and are absolutely clueless as to the mess JFK created. It was The Kennedy regime that brought the world to the edge of war with its insistence of placing nuclear missiles in Turkey, and it was JFK who allowed the Bay of Pigs idiocy to proceed, when he could have cancelled it. His father was a nazi sympathizer who did his utmost to sabotage the efforts of FDR to support England during WWII. The Kennedy clan is synonymous with Thaksin style cronyism and corruption.

As for Trump, you know nothing about the man. He has long been accused of being anti war and too liberal. The truth is that he is a moderate Republican and one who harkens back to the day when there were middle of the road politicians in both the Democrat and Republican parties who put their country first. Trump is running in a GOP primary and is talking to GOP primary election participants. Trump has far more cross over appeal with Democrats, particularly the working class than Clinton has with GOP voters.

And what is wrong with taking a cooling off from negotiations? The participants in the recent agreement with Iran on nuclear activities did that and it worked. The USA under Reagan and then Clinton regularly walked away from arms limitation negotiations. What do you think has been going on with the recent negotiations with Greece over its bail out? Didn't the Germans walk away from the meetings when the Greeks were obnoxious?

It's wonderful that you are worried about the USA. Isn't it amazing that all these great and wonderful civilizations in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa are so good at running things that they constantly need this relatively new country called the USA to keep bailing them out and stopping them from killing each other off.

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

You know absolutely nothing about US history and its politics and are absolutely clueless as to the mess JFK created. It was The Kennedy regime that brought the world to the edge of war with its insistence of placing nuclear missiles in Turkey, and it was JFK who allowed the Bay of Pigs idiocy to proceed, when he could have cancelled it. His father was a nazi sympathizer who did his utmost to sabotage the efforts of FDR to support England during WWII. The Kennedy clan is synonymous with Thaksin style cronyism and corruption.

As for Trump, you know nothing about the man. He has long been accused of being anti war and too liberal. The truth is that he is a moderate Republican and one who harkens back to the day when there were middle of the road politicians in both the Democrat and Republican parties who put their country first. Trump is running in a GOP primary and is talking to GOP primary election participants. Trump has far more cross over appeal with Democrats, particularly the working class than Clinton has with GOP voters.

And what is wrong with taking a cooling off from negotiations? The participants in the recent agreement with Iran on nuclear activities did that and it worked. The USA under Reagan and then Clinton regularly walked away from arms limitation negotiations. What do you think has been going on with the recent negotiations with Greece over its bail out? Didn't the Germans walk away from the meetings when the Greeks were obnoxious?

It's wonderful that you are worried about the USA. Isn't it amazing that all these great and wonderful civilizations in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa are so good at running things that they constantly need this relatively new country called the USA to keep bailing them out and stopping them from killing each other off.

What countries does the USA bail out?

Iraq... Afghanistan... Libya?

As for the killing, most of it is done by Americans or their proxies.

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Americans always think that ANY people having a lot of money deserve respect and admiration...and nobody looks about how its did it. Money can be made with more dishonesty than skills.... and Trump probed many times that he do not have idea about what is an honest businesses.

In the first Republican Debate, and explaining his profitable Bankruptcies, and the financial damage that its inflicted in other companies, Trump said "I just used the system, and the other companies were not so honest anyway"

Those were the public words of the top Republican running candidate to the Presidency of the US...and more like it still coming.

Trump is just a pathetic clown.


Edited by umbanda
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Well the idea that he could actually win a general election is ludicrous, but thats the nature of the primary system Trump is just the latest in a long line of primary anomalies which burn out over time.

But watching the whole trump reality show in progress is entertaining to say the least, and he certainly doesn't conform to any political correctness, in fact he revels in in and it certainly doesn't harm his numbers...at least for now.

I'm sure there are many in DNC who are only hoping, probably praying, it goes on as long as possible.


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The rest of the world should have a vote in this.

Whatever they do within their borders is up to them, but as history tells ......that's why.

Imagine his dealings with Putin and China.

In the 30's and 40's there was a popular guy.....and see how that worked out. (not to mention the beginning of this decennium).

May the gods be with us and save us from this lunetic.

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

Funny how all these wildly successful business people on here question his intelligence. Perhaps we need to have the US run more like a corporation by a business man instead of lame, PC whinny politicians afraid of steeping on anyone's toes.

Take a step back, watch and listen to politicians speak. They are actually pretty pathetic.

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Americans always think that ANY people having a lot of money deserve respect and admiration...and nobody looks about how its did it. Money can be made with more dishonesty than skills.... and Trump probed many times that he do not have idea about what is an honest businesses.

In the first Republican Debate, and explaining his profitable Bankruptcies, and the financial damage that its inflicted in other companies, Trump said "I just used the system, and the other companies were not so honest anyway"

Those were the public words of the top Republican running candidate to the Presidency of the US...and more like it still coming.

Trump is just a pathetic clown.


Jeez, what a moronic statement. People in Asian countries are much more enamored by people with money. Dishonesty and make money the old fashion way is also much more prevalent and easier in SE Asia and Eastern European cultures where corruption runs ramped and unchecked.

Initially, no one gave two hoots about Trump or his money. He began gaining popularity by his message, moxie and absolute refusal to be a PC, whinny little politician that talks out of both sides of their mouths.

Apparently, whinny, PC both sides of mouths talkers is pretty popular around here.

Edited by capcc76
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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

McCain's observation that Trump brings out the crazies is demonstrated time after time. His perceptiveness on this has gone a long way to restoring his credibility after the Palin mess. Let the clown car continue.

Really? When women knew their place. Old men and their fantasies for something that never existed except in their dreams.

Really junior, if you want to mix it with the grown ups here is a little bit of advice. To be sarcastic or put someone down, don't do it by ridiculing yourself by quoting someones comments incorrectly. Really, I said when women knew their place, sorry I never said it, but in an attempt to show your manhood you make a fool of yourself. As for the two clowns who liked you, I suggest you also dry behind your ears.

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^^^ Trump wants to seal the border. ^^^ Trump would never join an EU and take away his country's sovereignty. ^^^ Trump would never sell the country's natural resources to China and then go into a tailspin as a result. ^^^

Who's the stupid one?

If you are American you should know once a Pesident is in he has to do what he is told, I can see him as a war monger, he does not put his brain into opperation before he opens his mouth.

The only best one you ever had was JFK he defied the big guys and his military to prevent a 3rd WW. The big guys and military wanted to blow the Russian ships out of the water on their way to Cuba. This guy Trump would press the button. He has no political experience, the only thing good he has is a circled mouth like a gold fish.

Sorry, but you must be all mad to vote for him. If he was in negotiations with some heads of COUNTRYS he would just walk out if he did not get what he wanted.

And him wanting to throw all the Mexico type out of the country ever the ones that are there legally is a crime.

You Americans will suffer if you vote him in. God help you.

No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

No matter how much you want it, that is simply not possible. reminisce.

Yep! you are 100% correct on that, at least I had the benefit of living in the good old days, (and not so good) an old man can reminisce.

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No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

McCain's observation that Trump brings out the crazies is demonstrated time after time. His perceptiveness on this has gone a long way to restoring his credibility after the Palin mess. Let the clown car continue.

Really? When women knew their place. Old men and their fantasies for something that never existed except in their dreams.

Really junior, if you want to mix it with the grown ups here is a little bit of advice. To be sarcastic or put someone down, don't do it by ridiculing yourself by quoting someones comments incorrectly. Really, I said when women knew their place, sorry I never said it, but in an attempt to show your manhood you make a fool of yourself. As for the two clowns who liked you, I suggest you also dry behind your ears.

Clearly wisdom has not accrued with age. The answer to not being ridiculed is to not be ridiculous. I am one of those rejects that you dismiss so blithely and arrogantly. I also grew up in the period you cite. It was a time of ignorance, hypocrisy and fear. Our time is now here. It started with the sexual revolution in 1969 and has not and will not stop. Trump will revive the Camelot that never was? You and your fellow Trumpettes are a global laughing stock. In case the eyesight or the memory has gone, your exact words were 'a mother's place...' You talk about 'men with backbone'. Where's yours? Own your own words. Own your hypocrisy. And own your ignorance.

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No, only in your little world do you conform to everything without question, those of us that grew up in better days (Kennedy's Era), remember the good times of no political correctness crap, where men with back bones stood up to be counted and a mothers place was at home caring for her husband and kids. No one says they were easy times but certainly were rewarding. There was no gender equality, just plain respect for the man and the woman and their individual roles in life. The rest, the rejects, knew there place in the equation. Russia has Putin, USA will have Trump and hopefully it will become contagious. For the last 50 years you new age thinking twerps have had your go and failed humanity miserably so it is time to turn the clock back. To all of you out there that have been wet nursed all your life, better get the change of nappies ready.

McCain's observation that Trump brings out the crazies is demonstrated time after time. His perceptiveness on this has gone a long way to restoring his credibility after the Palin mess. Let the clown car continue.

Really? When women knew their place. Old men and their fantasies for something that never existed except in their dreams.

Really junior, if you want to mix it with the grown ups here is a little bit of advice. To be sarcastic or put someone down, don't do it by ridiculing yourself by quoting someones comments incorrectly. Really, I said when women knew their place, sorry I never said it, but in an attempt to show your manhood you make a fool of yourself. As for the two clowns who liked you, I suggest you also dry behind your ears.

Clearly wisdom has not accrued with age. The answer to not being ridiculed is to not be ridiculous. I am one of those rejects that you dismiss so blithely and arrogantly. I also grew up in the period you cite. It was a time of ignorance, hypocrisy and fear. Our time is now here. It started with the sexual revolution in 1969 and has not and will not stop. Trump will revive the Camelot that never was? You and your fellow Trumpettes are a global laughing stock. In case the eyesight or the memory has gone, your exact words were 'a mother's place...' You talk about 'men with backbone'. Where's yours? Own your own words. Own your hypocrisy. And own your ignorance.

If you honestly believe wwhat you spruke, then empathy is in order as you are a sad, naive little boy who could never make it in the real world.

Edited by cockatoowho
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