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Huge explosion rips through Pattaya construction site

Jonathan Fairfield

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May be some one did not pay tea money to some one or did not pay some council member to build there or the Russians are back in town is that enough TV guessing whistling.gif

Here's some more a bomb maker made a mistake oops!

Gas maybe it's a wonder there is not more as lpg use is very casual here.

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Hi, I saw almost all of it from my condo. Started ablout 11.17 am, I saw smoke coming out of one of the huts. To be precise it started halfway along the row of huts & furthest away from the road/Jewell show room. Within 2 minutes I saw flames coming out the gaps in the roof. It was full 15 minutes later before any water was being put down. Certainly went up quick. There were no 'obviously audible explosions' at all, a couple of modest bangs, but by that point this was a big fire. I can't see anyone would be hurt as plenty of time to get out . Probably electrical but who knows. There were very few people in/around the site at this time .L ots of police arrived taking pics on phones , people dragging out an old washing machine & clothing. Another guy tearing down the corrogated perimeter fence. Pity the fire engine so slow though. Not all the huts went up . The largest one nearest top of hill and the toilet/shower huts all survived. I guess they all slept in the remaining hut last night.

Edited by Rolanddrums
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Do you posters that can only make smart remarks that add nothing to this board ever consider the plight of the PEOPLE that had their lives destroyed yesterday??? These people had next to nothing...and now they have nothing..no cookware, no clothes, Nothing!! As a fire chief in the US I was at several labor camp fires, and we always had Red Cross, Salvation Army, Good Will, etc. to come in and help the people immediately. I can just imagine what kind of help these people got from social services....Nothing!!

Maybe this is your entertainment to make fun while others are suffering....ever think about adding something to this board????

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..Anything and everything burning. Fire escalated quickly but at a constant rate...No explosions.

Life goes on, they are still there, cooking, eating ,mum braiding daughters hair, joking & being positive by making the best of whats remaining .ie. One large hut , toilet & shower...thats it.

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