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Clinton: Trump insults women every chance he gets


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HRC said she would love to debate The Donald. Many people would luv to have it happen and it would increase interest and participation in the election processes.

Don't see why Roger Ailes couldn't set that one up, or at the least offer his network.

As an afterthought to the tantalyzing prospect, Megyan Kelly and HRC would surely find some considerable common ground against the blowhard.

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HRC said she would love to debate The Donald. Many people would luv to have it happen and it would increase interest and participation in the election processes.

Don't see why Roger Ailes couldn't set that one up, or at the least offer his network.

As an afterthought to the tantalyzing prospect, Megyan Kelly and HRC would surely find some considerable common ground against the blowhard.

I doubt Kelly would join in. She was smashed by The Donald and would be reluctant to be humiliated again.

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HRC said she would love to debate The Donald. Many people would luv to have it happen and it would increase interest and participation in the election processes.

Don't see why Roger Ailes couldn't set that one up, or at the least offer his network.

As an afterthought to the tantalyzing prospect, Megyan Kelly and HRC would surely find some considerable common ground against the blowhard.

I doubt Kelly would join in. She was smashed by The Donald and would be reluctant to be humiliated again.

You seem to be reading third hand accounts that are mostly fiction and are written by more than a few comedians.

I should think Roger Ailes would recognize the ratings cornucopia to come from staging such an event involving the principals I've named and to include other star power celebreties, entertainers, politicians.

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"She would love to debate Trump".

Secretary Clinton would destroy Trump in a debate (particularly on foreign policy), and someone would have to be in a delusionary state of fanboydom not to realize that.

He is seemingly incapable of providing substantive answers to questions that any legitimate candidate could easily handle.

And FYI, saying, "I would fix that problem so fast your head will spin" is not a substantive answer.

He will eventually be exposed in the debates, but it pains me to type that probably not before doing irreparable harm to the Republican party.

It pains me too. It can't be good for Democracy when there's just one viable Party.


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That Donald the Clown is even seen (and I'm not talking about the frothing at the mouth teabaggers who post here) as a viable candidate for the presidency speaks volumes about that state of politics in the US.

Very sad.

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"She would love to debate Trump".

Secretary Clinton would destroy Trump in a debate (particularly on foreign policy), and someone would have to be in a delusionary state of fanboydom not to realize that.

He is seemingly incapable of providing substantive answers to questions that any legitimate candidate could easily handle.

And FYI, saying, "I would fix that problem so fast your head will spin" is not a substantive answer.

He will eventually be exposed in the debates, but it pains me to type that probably not before doing irreparable harm to the Republican party.

It pains me too. It can't be good for Democracy when there's just one viable Party.


Political party dominance or competitiveness runs in cycles in any place that reasonably resembles a democracy. The Conservatives dominated in the UK during the 80s and well in to the 90s. Then Labour had a go.

In the US from 1860 to 1912 the D was elected prez only twice and it wuz the same guy, Grover Cleveland who had reelection stolen out from under him, ran the next time and won yet again.

In the US the Democrats elected one president between 1968 to 1992, Jimmy Carter in 1976. I got really sick of it, seeing one R president after another up there all the time. Now its the Republicans turn as D's have won four of the last six and are favored in 2016 (with worse to come for the R's after that).

The overwrought concern would be in the category of another solution that doesn't have a problem yet, at least one that would be identifiable much less measurable. Let we who are D's have our way in peace for a while cause the R's making a stink all the time is the norm and voters know it. After all, there's a time to throw the other bums out but there's a time too to keep your own bums in.

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That Donald the Clown is even seen (and I'm not talking about the frothing at the mouth teabaggers who post here) as a viable candidate for the presidency speaks volumes about that state of politics in the US.

Very sad.

Trump is in the Republican party and is angling for the R party nomination.

If he gets nominated it will be a rare failure of the moderate middle of the road two party system and the Republican party will suffer the electoral consequences of it on election day in November next year.

That is what happened in 1964 when the fringe right took control of the R party for the election and got kicked clear across the country on election day. The D's didn't do well with left or ineffective candidates in 1972 and again in 1984.

It's the turn of the Republican party for a while now so it can regroup again after next year's election. It's a familiar guiding determinant, i.e., adapt or perish, survival of the fittest. After the election next year the Republican party will be staring the political grim reaper in the face. Adapt or perish.

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Now its the Republicans turn as D's have won four of the last six and are favored in 2016 (with worse to come for the R's after that).

The spinmeister strikes again. Most presidents last 2 terms and it has gone back and forth between the two parties. George H. W. Bush only served one term, but so did Jimmy Carter. The democrats have not done any better than the Republicans and any talk of 2016 is only speculation. No one even knows who the actual candidates will be yet.

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HRC said she would love to debate The Donald. Many people would luv to have it happen and it would increase interest and participation in the election processes.

Don't see why Roger Ailes couldn't set that one up, or at the least offer his network.

As an afterthought to the tantalyzing prospect, Megyan Kelly and HRC would surely find some considerable common ground against the blowhard.

I doubt Kelly would join in. She was smashed by The Donald and would be reluctant to be humiliated again.

You seem to be reading third hand accounts that are mostly fiction and are written by more than a few comedians.

I should think Roger Ailes would recognize the ratings cornucopia to come from staging such an event involving the principals I've named and to include other star power celebreties, entertainers, politicians.

Rubbish. I saw the debate on tv as it was happening and the Donald ripped her a new one for her stupid question. He was quite rightly angered by her insulting personal attack and dealt to her. Since then she has wisely not tried it again.

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Now its the Republicans turn as D's have won four of the last six and are favored in 2016 (with worse to come for the R's after that).

The spinmeister strikes again. Most presidents last 2 terms and it has gone back and forth between the two parties. George H. W. Bush only served one term, but so did Jimmy Carter. The democrats have not done any better than the Republicans and any talk of 2016 is only speculation. No one even knows who the actual candidates will be yet.

And it really doesn't matter who the candidates are. With the Republicans catering to the wingnutoshere with racist and misogynistic rhetoric, ending social security, eliminating healthcare, screw the poor, give to the rich, etc. etc., they don't have a prayer.

17 16 unelectable candidates led by Donald Trump. clap2.gif

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That Donald the Clown is even seen (and I'm not talking about the frothing at the mouth teabaggers who post here) as a viable candidate for the presidency speaks volumes about that state of politics in the US.

Very sad.

Trump's the thermometer up America's butt and his poll ratings is a measure of how sick the country is. It's "only" 30% sick by latest measure, so, on the bright side, the glass is still more than half full of goodness.

Let's not bring out the sad trombones just yet.


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Now its the Republicans turn as D's have won four of the last six and are favored in 2016 (with worse to come for the R's after that).

The spinmeister strikes again. Most presidents last 2 terms and it has gone back and forth between the two parties. George H. W. Bush only served one term, but so did Jimmy Carter. The democrats have not done any better than the Republicans and any talk of 2016 is only speculation. No one even knows who the actual candidates will be yet.

The Democratic party is favored to win the presidential election on November 8th 2016. No names of individual candidates, just which party That is the case in many quarters.

Here are today's lines by the oddsmakers on which party --no names-- will win:

Democrat 4-7 (63.6% probable)

Republican 5-4 (44.4% probable)

(The numbers don't square cause it is what each party's standing is alone, by itself, of its own merit.)

There are people who jump up and down against examining or analysing an election by party only, but the measurement is not intended to be airtight or definitive. It is another measure of the contest, race, competition, to be taken with other factors.

For instance, to put some meat on the bones, today's odds on the election of the next president are:

HRC 11-10 (47.6 probability)

JEB 4-1 (20.0% probability)

Trump 4-1

Sanders 10-1 (9.09% probability)

Biden 10-1

Rubio 12-1

Kasich 20-1

Walker 25-1

From last week, no change to HRC, JEB, Trump, Sanders, Biden.

Rubio is up 2 points, Kasich up 2 points, Walker down 3 points.

Everyone else trails after Walker, most trail badly.

The election is 14 months away. The present stage is the circus stage and the stage is full. Perry just fell off it as 100% expected. Walker is lost backstage. Fiorina is weighing in but the scale reads zero.

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HRC said she would love to debate The Donald. Many people would luv to have it happen and it would increase interest and participation in the election processes.

Don't see why Roger Ailes couldn't set that one up, or at the least offer his network.

As an afterthought to the tantalyzing prospect, Megyan Kelly and HRC would surely find some considerable common ground against the blowhard.

I doubt Kelly would join in. She was smashed by The Donald and would be reluctant to be humiliated again.

I wouldn't consider him making an utter fool of himself "smashing" anyone.

And you know my take on the Focks News entertainment network!


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Now its the Republicans turn as D's have won four of the last six and are favored in 2016 (with worse to come for the R's after that).

The spinmeister strikes again. Most presidents last 2 terms and it has gone back and forth between the two parties. George H. W. Bush only served one term, but so did Jimmy Carter. The democrats have not done any better than the Republicans and any talk of 2016 is only speculation. No one even knows who the actual candidates will be yet.

The Democratic party is favored to win the presidential election on November 8th 2016. No names of individual candidates, just which party That is the case in many quarters.

Here are today's lines by the oddsmakers on which party --no names-- will win:

Democrat 4-7 (63.6% probable)

Republican 5-4 (44.4% probable)

(The numbers don't square cause it is what each party's standing is alone, by itself, of its own merit.)

There are people who jump up and down against examining or analysing an election by party only, but the measurement is not intended to be airtight or definitive. It is another measure of the contest, race, competition, to be taken with other factors.

For instance, to put some meat on the bones, today's odds on the election of the next president are:

HRC 11-10 (47.6 probability)

JEB 4-1 (20.0% probability)

Trump 4-1

Sanders 10-1 (9.09% probability)

Biden 10-1

Rubio 12-1

Kasich 20-1

Walker 25-1

From last week, no change to HRC, JEB, Trump, Sanders, Biden.

Rubio is up 2 points, Kasich up 2 points, Walker down 3 points.

Everyone else trails after Walker, most trail badly.

The election is 14 months away. The present stage is the circus stage and the stage is full. Perry just fell off it as 100% expected. Walker is lost backstage. Fiorina is weighing in but the scale reads zero.

Listing Hillary as #1 to "put meat on the bones" is a bit redundant, isn't it?

But to point, your entire post is propaganda with the aim of creating a long-range, self-fulfilling prophecy.

Trump may take the Presidency simply because the American producers and taxpayers have had it with professional politicians and their paid-for, voting minions and people of your ilk.

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Now its the Republicans turn as D's have won four of the last six and are favored in 2016 (with worse to come for the R's after that).

The spinmeister strikes again. Most presidents last 2 terms and it has gone back and forth between the two parties. George H. W. Bush only served one term, but so did Jimmy Carter. The democrats have not done any better than the Republicans and any talk of 2016 is only speculation. No one even knows who the actual candidates will be yet.

The Democratic party is favored to win the presidential election on November 8th 2016. No names of individual candidates, just which party That is the case in many quarters.

Here are today's lines by the oddsmakers on which party --no names-- will win:

Democrat 4-7 (63.6% probable)

Republican 5-4 (44.4% probable)

(The numbers don't square cause it is what each party's standing is alone, by itself, of its own merit.)

There are people who jump up and down against examining or analysing an election by party only, but the measurement is not intended to be airtight or definitive. It is another measure of the contest, race, competition, to be taken with other factors.

For instance, to put some meat on the bones, today's odds on the election of the next president are:

HRC 11-10 (47.6 probability)

JEB 4-1 (20.0% probability)

Trump 4-1

Sanders 10-1 (9.09% probability)

Biden 10-1

Rubio 12-1

Kasich 20-1

Walker 25-1

From last week, no change to HRC, JEB, Trump, Sanders, Biden.

Rubio is up 2 points, Kasich up 2 points, Walker down 3 points.

Everyone else trails after Walker, most trail badly.

The election is 14 months away. The present stage is the circus stage and the stage is full. Perry just fell off it as 100% expected. Walker is lost backstage. Fiorina is weighing in but the scale reads zero.

Listing Hillary as #1 to "put meat on the bones" is a bit redundant, isn't it?

But to point, your entire post is propaganda with the aim of creating a long-range, self-fulfilling prophecy.

Trump may take the Presidency simply because the American producers and taxpayers have had it with professional politicians and their paid-for, voting minions and people of your ilk.

Oddsmakers are not motivated by partisan politics. The great majority of Americans share with the oddsmakers the favorite color of green and their favorite American being Ben Franklin.

So for someone on the outside looking in, as voters are, a good way forward in assessing or analysing an election of the prez is to look at the public polls by the reliable and respected polling organizations, check with the oddsmakers across the board, and apply one's own political instincts and experience.

The polls are informative yet they can be volatile while the oddsmakers look at things more calmly. Knowing by one experience or another that passion clouds the judgement, the voter needs to look to the numbers and data experts especially such as Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight.com, who based on his calculations continues to say HRC has an 85% probability to be the D party nominee. Silver still has not called the Republican nomination contest which is reasonable of him.

Oddsmakers have received the Trump candidacy but they give him the 20% chance in November of next year they also have been giving JebBush. People who don't like any of this will try to defame it but they cannot. Oddsmakers have called the past three consecutive elections. Their consistency is not guesswork nor is it motivated by partisan politics.

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Trump is just a rich man who is so used to getting whatever he wants by waving a banknote that he will well and truly destroy whatever any respect the world has for the USA if he, by some unbelievable reason, becomes president.

Well after Bush and Obama there isn't much to loose....

Maybe some (a few) will like his direct way to speak. Like many love Putin even he is not the political correct one.

But I doubt someone will be impressed with Hillaries lies and incompetence (not saying the Trump is more competent ...)

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Trump is just a rich man who is so used to getting whatever he wants by waving a banknote that he will well and truly destroy whatever any respect the world has for the USA if he, by some unbelievable reason, becomes president.

Well after Bush and Obama there isn't much to loose....

Maybe some (a few) will like his direct way to speak. Like many love Putin even he is not the political correct one.

But I doubt someone will be impressed with Hillaries lies and incompetence (not saying the Trump is more competent ...)

many love Putin even he is not the political correct one.

Comparing Trump and Putin is fair because each of 'em is an OTT wack job.

The "many" referred to are the many Republicans and perhaps some other assorted zanies whose base thinking places Putin and Trump on a pedestal. Putin and Trump are in fact on their own petard.

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I'm still hoping Michelle Bachmann throws her hat into the ring. wacko.png

Oh you and me both. Michelle could really get the party started. She's certifiable. The clown car has an empty seat since Rick left. Room for another woman, as long as she sits in the back.

Four years ago Rick was leading the pack for a few weeks, till they discovered just how stupid he really was. Then there is Scott Walker who now is way down after they discovered just how stupid he is. Then there is Trump, who isn't stupid. An ignorent buffoon, but not stupid. Carson isn't stupid either. The baggers like him cause he says soothing things they like to hear but really, Republicans elect a black man? The really sad story is Jeb. He had everything going for him except for...nevermind you know.

It's over before it begins. 17 16 unelectable candidates. You see the frustration here on TV by the Republicans. They've got nothing so they keep repeating the same old shit about HRC. 8 years of Obama followed by 8 years of HRC. Hide the guns. Man the suicide prevention hotlines.

Edited by Pinot
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HRC said she would love to debate The Donald. Many people would luv to have it happen and it would increase interest and participation in the election processes.

Don't see why Roger Ailes couldn't set that one up, or at the least offer his network.

As an afterthought to the tantalyzing prospect, Megyan Kelly and HRC would surely find some considerable common ground against the blowhard.

I doubt Kelly would join in. She was smashed by The Donald and would be reluctant to be humiliated again.

You seem to be reading third hand accounts that are mostly fiction and are written by more than a few comedians.

I should think Roger Ailes would recognize the ratings cornucopia to come from staging such an event involving the principals I've named and to include other star power celebreties, entertainers, politicians.

Rubbish. I saw the debate on tv as it was happening and the Donald ripped her a new one for her stupid question. He was quite rightly angered by her insulting personal attack and dealt to her. Since then she has wisely not tried it again.

Care to tell me what the "insulting personal attack" was in her question?

What she did was quote his own words to him. To which he responded with a veiled threat.

What's insulting is the fact that the boarish oaf uses these words against women all the time.

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There is nothing further to explain, that's literally been done to death like the out of context remark.

You obviously believe the lies put out by the Clinton camp. Nothing has been explained so far. More questions than answers.

However, if it makes you feel all cosy, you can believe her, but I don't.

Actually no, I believe the results of the SEVEN investigations, including this one:

WASHINGTON — A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees.


It's people like yourself that swallow all the crap from Fox News and the Trey Gowdy circus, and don't have either the will or the intelligence to see it for what it is: Political grandstanding designed to hurt Clinton's election campaign.

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The right know what they're doing. The right want not only to win, the right are passionately driven to win so they can restore the bygone past USA where blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, liberals et al knew their place.

As far as the right are concerned, we are not only wrong, we are evil. As the right fights evil, it becomes certain the end justifies the means. Everything we say are lies, everything they say is pure or, at the east, designed to defeat evil and therefore pure in motive and purpose. HRC stands between the right and their culture of the past, the politics of trash, slash, burn.

The right desperately wants to find their leader in Trump which means the right can't win for losing. And the right has been losing a lot lately, across the board.

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I'm still hoping Michelle Bachmann throws her hat into the ring. wacko.png

Oh you and me both. Michelle could really get the party started. She's certifiable. The clown car has an empty seat since Rick left. Room for another woman, as long as she sits in the back.

Four years ago Rick was leading the pack for a few weeks, till they discovered just how stupid he really was. Then there is Scott Walker who now is way down after they discovered just how stupid he is. Then there is Trump, who isn't stupid. An ignorent buffoon, but not stupid. Carson isn't stupid either. The baggers like him cause he says soothing things they like to hear but really, Republicans elect a black man? The really sad story is Jeb. He had everything going for him except for...nevermind you know.

It's over before it begins. 17 16 unelectable candidates. You see the frustration here on TV by the Republicans. They've got nothing so they keep repeating the same old shit about HRC. 8 years of Obama followed by 8 years of HRC. Hide the guns. Man the suicide prevention hotlines.

Why wouldn't the GOP put up a black man for president? They freed the slaves. The Dems were the pro slavery party.

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This is true. I am no Hillary fan. But Trump hates women. He hates immigrants. He hates people who are not rich. He hates most everyone and most everything. That is his MO. A hater. A loser with alot of cash, but far less money than he claims and nearly all of it was ill gotten. He is a criminal. He has no ethics or morality. He would make a very dangerous president.

Edited by spidermike007
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he only does it when they attack him first. He bites back. No one gets a pass when they make it personal.

BS !!!

but it would be interesting to see the world's richest Clown becoming President of the US.

Where would it lead to ? WW3 ? who knows.... the rest of the world will have a good laugh first..... until the chaos sets in....

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he only does it when they attack him first. He bites back. No one gets a pass when they make it personal.

BS !!!

but it would be interesting to see the world's richest Clown becoming President of the US.

Where would it lead to ? WW3 ? who knows.... the rest of the world will have a good laugh first..... until the chaos sets in....

You don't think the current situation is chaotic?

Leading from behind has not proven to be the answer and the answer isn't Grandma Clinton.

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This is true. I am no Hillary fan. But Trump hates women. He hates immigrants. He hates people who are not rich. He hates most everyone and most everything. That is his MO. A hater. A loser with alot of cash, but far less money than he claims and nearly all of it was ill gotten. He is a criminal. He has no ethics or morality. He would make a very dangerous president.

Tell us who you hate, Mike.

Your posts are becoming redundant.

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This is true. I am no Hillary fan. But Trump hates women. He hates immigrants. He hates people who are not rich. He hates most everyone and most everything. That is his MO. A hater. A loser with alot of cash, but far less money than he claims and nearly all of it was ill gotten. He is a criminal. He has no ethics or morality. He would make a very dangerous president.

Tell us who you hate, Mike.

Your posts are becoming redundant.

Only Trump. I like pretty much everyone else. He has earned my hatred, with a lifetime of illicit deals, double dealing, screwing every partner he has ever had, trying to extract every last dollar from every single deal, thereby crushing his business associates in the process, and lying through his teeth, every chance he gets. In addition to his four bankruptcy, which was simply another way of stealing hundreds of millions. He began lying to his grandmother when he was 3. It has continued. He is a swine. He is way beyond a wolf in sheep clothing. He has managed to snooker millions, into believing he is a decent man. Decency is something he has never possessed.

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This is true. I am no Hillary fan. But Trump hates women. He hates immigrants. He hates people who are not rich. He hates most everyone and most everything. That is his MO. A hater. A loser with alot of cash, but far less money than he claims and nearly all of it was ill gotten. He is a criminal. He has no ethics or morality. He would make a very dangerous president.

Tell us who you hate, Mike.

Your posts are becoming redundant.

Only Trump. I like pretty much everyone else. He has earned my hatred, with a lifetime of illicit deals, double dealing, screwing every partner he has ever had, trying to extract every last dollar from every single deal, thereby crushing his business associates in the process, and lying through his teeth, every chance he gets. In addition to his four bankruptcy, which was simply another way of stealing hundreds of millions. He began lying to his grandmother when he was 3. It has continued. He is a swine. He is way beyond a wolf in sheep clothing. He has managed to snooker millions, into believing he is a decent man. Decency is something he has never possessed.

And exactly how did he begin lying to his Grandmother when he was three years old?

By saying he wanted a cookie when he really didn't want one? cheesy.gif

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