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Man apologizes for stealing Spanish tourist's bag

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Man Apologizes for Stealing Spanish Tourist’s Bag
By Khaosod English

Sarawuth Poonchaem is taken on a police 're-enactment' of his crime today in Ayutthaya.

AYUTTHAYA — A man has been charged with theft for snatching a bag from a Spanish tourist in the historic city of Ayutthaya.

Sarawuth Poonchaem, 30, stole a bag from an unidentified tourist along Uthong Road in the former capital city of Thailand yesterday and escaped by motorcycle, according to police who later apprehended him and recovered the tourist’s stolen belongings.

Police took Sarawuth to “re-enact” his alleged crime at the scene today.

“I know that what I have done damages the reputation of tourism in Thailand,” Sarawuth said. “I would like to apologize to the people of Ayutthaya city for what I have done.”

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1441963914

-- Khaosod English 2015-09-11

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Another quality Tourist attraction.... Bag snatching.

True but at least he said sorry ...even if he forgot to include in the apology the traumatised victim


Come on guys we know the apology is BS. To be honest I would rather not even hear about this garbage as an attempt to make things look good. Forget the press and just lock the <deleted> up


Man Apologizes for Stealing Spanish Tourists Bag

By Khaosod English


Sarawuth Poonchaem is taken on a police 're-enactment' of his crime today in Ayutthaya.

AYUTTHAYA A man has been charged with theft for snatching a bag from a Spanish tourist in the historic city of Ayutthaya.

Sarawuth Poonchaem, 30, stole a bag from an unidentified tourist along Uthong Road in the former capital city of Thailand yesterday and escaped by motorcycle, according to police who later apprehended him and recovered the tourists stolen belongings.

Police took Sarawuth to re-enact his alleged crime at the scene today.

I know that what I have done damages the reputation of tourism in Thailand, Sarawuth said. I would like to apologize to the people of Ayutthaya city for what I have done.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1441963914


-- Khaosod English 2015-09-11

Who is the baldy old guy on the bike in the right of the picture??

What part of the reenactment is he supposed to be playing??


But of course he isn't sorry. He did it on purpose.

He's only sorry he got caught. Is everybody happy that face remains intact after this ridiculous re-enactment ?.

If someone told me what goes on here before I ever came to Thailand, I would never have believed them.


Another quality Tourist attraction.... Bag snatching.

True but at least he said sorry ...even if he forgot to include in the apology the traumatised victim
They always sorry if they get caught. Otherwise he would be drinking Johnnie Walker Red at his favorite ktv.
What's s ktv?

I agree the whole thing was a farce, a competetely pointless exercise to show the police in good light as they finally solved a minor crime but get to look like hero's etc

First time I've ever seen an reconstruction of a bag snatch though...

What next?,

Reconstruction of littering or maybe dropping a cigarette butt somewhere....

Seems like this reconstructions are getting out of hand, if the suspect has already confessed and plead guilty what more can be gained from the amateur dramatics??

Nothing as far as I can see....


A "Thai man" not just an ordinary man. Whenever the Thai press does a story on crime, if it's a Thai, it's just "a man" or "woman." But if it's a foreigner committing the crime it's a "foreign Man" naming the country. Look at that cadre of Thai police experts for the photo op.


Another quality Tourist attraction.... Bag snatching.

I think the bigger tourist attraction is the re-enactment thereof.


As if they needed a reenactment for this...

He's been caught redhanded

He's admitted it

He's apologised

But let's invite the media and do a reenactment anyway.... sad.png

Disgraceful, totally unnecessary but why should we be surprised ?

Are the circumstances so difficult to understand that the BIB need to re-construct the crime and I'm making allowances for the BIB being simpletons and totally unprofessional ?

No, publicity pure and simple.


“I know that what I have done damages the reputation of tourism in Thailand,” Sarawuth said. “I would like to apologize to the people of Ayutthaya city for what I have done.”

damage - check

reputation - check

tourism - check

Thailand - check

apologize - check

He used all the politically correct terminology in one sentence - he has a bright future in politics ahead of him, I warrant.

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