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Drivers license no longer ok for ID?

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A driving licence doesn't show one's immigration status, which, in the current hysteria over the bombing suspects, might account for the tightening up.

However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.

Yes Thai Driving Licence show passport number but if you renew your passport within the validity of your driving licence, you have a different number. I changed 3 times my passport since my last driving licence was issued (5 years) because i am travelling a lot and the passport number on my driving licence is not matching with my current passport

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Thailand police can make up the rules on the spot. I was checked at the CNX airport a few years back and only had a copy of my passport. That was unacceptable (the officer did not even look at the copy I had) and the officer demanded my official passport.

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Thailand police can make up the rules on the spot. I was checked at the CNX airport a few years back and only had a copy of my passport. That was unacceptable (the officer did not even look at the copy I had) and the officer demanded my official passport.


What was the outcome ?

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A driving licence doesn't show one's immigration status, which, in the current hysteria over the bombing suspects, might account for the tightening up.

However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.
True, but it does not show your visa status, DL is valid for 5 years during which time every one except the PR holders goes through the visa/passport renewals/ extensions, on the other hand a 13 digit ID number apears on the DLs of PR holders which can be verified online via RTP computers.

And a Thai driver's license may not even show a foreigner's passport number....for my first Thai DL it had my 13 digit Yellow Book number on it instead of my passport number....come renewal time they changed it to my passport number.

When I renewed by 5 yr DL at the LTO in Bangchak earlier this year, the staff also advised me that they can no longer use my yellow book number on the DL, and that it must be the passport number.

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They are crims and there is no law to carry passport that was clearly made by immigaration 1 year back and Prayuth

A Thai licenese has the apssport on it and I use mine at hospitals and so on

Phuket is a plague of corrupt police looking to get money from innocent falang spending money in there country... Yes they are silly and they stilll say our country unlike USA and Australia where we invite mant nationals to live trouble free

I think the y are a disgarce

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The Op doesn't specify if they had their DL with them at them time. If they did then they should take their copy of the ticket and forward it to Deputy Commander Voravat and request a refund as well as disciplinary action against the officers who detained and harassed and then extorted that 500 baht from them. If they didn't have their DL with them then they deserve whatever the police dished out to them.

It definitely says in the OP that they all had driving licences with them , but they wanted to see their passports

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It has often been discussed and I remember one statement from a high ranking police officer saying that carrying copies would be accepted.

It is also quite certain that foreigners got trouble for not carrying copies at least.

So this case is not a first timer.

Be aware that we have a nervous situation after the bombing and the scandalous reports that Thai immigration let foreigners in without registering (for a bribe).

I always have copies with me (main page, pages with visa, extension stamp and departure card).

But can not proof whether it will always be acceptable, as I never been asked for on the spot wink.png

When doing overnight/distant trips, I always have the original passport with me.

Hotel where I stay checks carefully and writes down data from the passport.

Always searching for the extension stamp/admitted until.

I have had fun and games with hotels about this. I will show them only my name and passport number. They are not immigration and have no right to check my visa details.

I tell them to get immigration to come and check if they want, or i will find a different hotel.

Always i have stayed and no immigration has arrived.

The hotel needs to give Immi all your details.You are just bullying the staff,no wonder farangs get a bad name.A few hotels i go to regularly haven't asked for any id from me what so ever.I doubt they keep my records from 5 years back.Just shows different approaches i guess.

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Come on guys....Really.....How long has the letter of the law ever worked on a shake down.......It's just you, the boys in brown, the moon light.... Add some music/sound effects, (your choice, could be 'Benny Hill' thyme tune or the sounds they put in Thai soaps)...... There's a fair chance if you've lived in Thailand a few years you know more about the law then the copper trying to squeeze you for tea money!

As long as its not the theme to Midnght Express.

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A driving licence doesn't show one's immigration status, which, in the current hysteria over the bombing suspects, might account for the tightening up.

However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.

Actually it does.. The ID number in the Thai DL is derived from your passport number at the time of application.. Mine is 099xxxxxxxxx where the xxx is my passport number.

Been that way on 3 different 5 year licenses.

So what,it shows them nothing about your visa status.

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Did you not have a copy of your passport with you? I always keep one in my wallet.....

Same here and the reverse side of the laminated CC sized item shows my valid retirement "permission to stay" in the Kingdom. (retirement). I redo it each year as soon as I get the "permission to stay", so it's always current..

THe cost is not even 100. THB.

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A driving licence doesn't show one's immigration status, which, in the current hysteria over the bombing suspects, might account for the tightening up.

However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.
Yes Thai Driving Licence show passport number but if you renew your passport within the validity of your driving licence, you have a different number. I changed 3 times my passport since my last driving licence was issued (5 years) because i am travelling a lot and the passport number on my driving licence is not matching with my current passport

I would say a new dl is in order mate.

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The Op doesn't specify if they had their DL with them at them time.

Yes, we all had our DL with us.

We didn't have copies of our passports and visas. But is a photocopied passport really going to be acceptable if a Thai diving license isn't? This day and age anyone could doctor a photocopy.

We have been told that a Thai driving license and photocopy of passport is acceptable ID. Is a photocopied passport and visa that hasn't been stamped by immigration acceptable?

If the police thought we were doing something illegal or overstaying or whatever surely they would still have wanted to see our original passports? not just issue a fine after a few hours in the police station and send us on our way...

I recently replaced my passport and it was a headache. Traveling to and from BKK to apply and pick it up, not to mention a good 5-6 months wait.

Understandable! I will put a question to you though. Is it a local policeman's job to carry out immigration and passport checks on people who clearly are expats carrying legal DL's? Or is that an immigration policeman's job? Isn't a line being crossed by those local cops? I would still send a copy of that receipt to the head office and show send them a copy of that article from the news claiming a DL was enough. Seems to me you and your friends got scammed. Lucky for you it was a small amount to lose.
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My understanding is that you should always carry a copy of your passport with you, I carry copies of my passport with me. Give the authorities a copy and return the next day with the original. I have needed to do this twice. Both times the police/ immigration have asked for my understanding. Both times I have made contact with high ranking officials and I hope I have established some sort of rapport with them. I try to always be well dressed when I am out. I try to always be respectful but in control. And of course, I always have my shadow, my Thai wife. All together we make a good reason for the authorities not to be interested in us.

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The Op doesn't specify if they had their DL with them at them time.

Yes, we all had our DL with us.

We didn't have copies of our passports and visas. But is a photocopied passport really going to be acceptable if a Thai diving license isn't? This day and age anyone could doctor a photocopy.

We have been told that a Thai driving license and photocopy of passport is acceptable ID. Is a photocopied passport and visa that hasn't been stamped by immigration acceptable?

If the police thought we were doing something illegal or overstaying or whatever surely they would still have wanted to see our original passports? not just issue a fine after a few hours in the police station and send us on our way...

I recently replaced my passport and it was a headache. Traveling to and from BKK to apply and pick it up, not to mention a good 5-6 months wait.

Understandable! I will put a question to you though. Is it a local policeman's job to carry out immigration and passport checks on people who clearly are expats carrying legal DL's? Or is that an immigration policeman's job? Isn't a line being crossed by those local cops? I would still send a copy of that receipt to the head office and show send them a copy of that article from the news claiming a DL was enough. Seems to me you and your friends got scammed. Lucky for you it was a small amount to lose.

You could make the argument that a policeman's job is to enforce the law. Being an overstayer isn't a legal position to be in, which is why overstayers get locked up in IDC.

To enforce the removal of overstayers the most rational way is to check foreigner's passports.

That makes sense to me anyway.

On a side note it isn't just foreigners. One of my staff got asked for her Thai ID card after some minor traffic violation in her car, and she didn't have it with her.

She was fined and told it was her duty as a Thai person to carry her ID with her.

So it's not just us.

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A driving licence doesn't show one's immigration status, which, in the current hysteria over the bombing suspects, might account for the tightening up.

However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.

Brewster is correct.

Drivers licences don't show your current visa status which is what they are interested in.

When making a copy to carry with you make sure your current visa, departure card and 90 reporting stamp are all on the photocopy.

A photocopy IS acceptable and if they fine you then you should take it up with a higher authority or if you're out to make a statement refuse to pay and call a lawyer.

The BiB are not immigration and it is immigration who have jurisdiction over your immigration status and related matters.

I have occasionally seen a joint police/immigration operation where those stopped have been asked to report with their passport within 7 days.

If this is an ID matter then a DL is perfectly acceptable - just tell the jumped up little pr!ck that if a DL is acceptable ID for Air Asia then it is good enough for the RTP!

I go for the scam angle - or an issue with bar.

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A driving licence doesn't show one's immigration status, which, in the current hysteria over the bombing suspects, might account for the tightening up.

However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.

Brewster is correct.

Drivers licences don't show your current visa status which is what they are interested in.

When making a copy to carry with you make sure your current visa, departure card and 90 reporting stamp are all on the photocopy.

A photocopy IS acceptable and if they fine you then you should take it up with a higher authority or if you're out to make a statement refuse to pay and call a lawyer.

The BiB are not immigration and it is immigration who have jurisdiction over your immigration status and related matters.

I have occasionally seen a joint police/immigration operation where those stopped have been asked to report with their passport within 7 days.

If this is an ID matter then a DL is perfectly acceptable - just tell the jumped up little pr!ck that if a DL is acceptable ID for Air Asia then it is good enough for the RTP!

I go for the scam angle - or an issue with bar.

A policeman/woman has every right and duty to require you prove a legal presence in the country. A driving licence provides no such evidence.

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However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.

Brewster is correct.

Drivers licences don't show your current visa status which is what they are interested in.

When making a copy to carry with you make sure your current visa, departure card and 90 reporting stamp are all on the photocopy.

A photocopy IS acceptable and if they fine you then you should take it up with a higher authority or if you're out to make a statement refuse to pay and call a lawyer.

The BiB are not immigration and it is immigration who have jurisdiction over your immigration status and related matters.

I have occasionally seen a joint police/immigration operation where those stopped have been asked to report with their passport within 7 days.

If this is an ID matter then a DL is perfectly acceptable - just tell the jumped up little pr!ck that if a DL is acceptable ID for Air Asia then it is good enough for the RTP!

I go for the scam angle - or an issue with bar.

A policeman/woman has every right and duty to require you prove a legal presence in the country. A driving licence provides no such evidence.

Nonsence - this was an ID check according to the OP.

The police can ask you to produce your passport but they have no legal right to insist that is immediate.

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A driving licence doesn't show one's immigration status, which, in the current hysteria over the bombing suspects, might account for the tightening up.

However a Thai Driving License does show your passport number.

Yes Thai Driving Licence show passport number but if you renew your passport within the validity of your driving licence, you have a different number. I changed 3 times my passport since my last driving licence was issued (5 years) because i am travelling a lot and the passport number on my driving licence is not matching with my current passport

You should (by law) change the details on your driving licence when you get a new passport and yes you do need a Certificate of Residence to do it.

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I will not carry the passport with me as I have a valid 5 year Thai DL that I carry with me everywhere. It's been accepted in banks, rental companies, avery police control I can remember they always accepted my DL.

If they ever want to fine me 500 baht for not carrying my passport in the future I will just pay , not a big deal.

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Did you not have a copy of your passport with you? I always keep one in my wallet.....

Yeah, I always carry a copy of my FacePage passport current VISA Stamp and my Thai Driver's license. As well as a few name cards from higher-ups that I call "get out of jail free cards" that oddly have really kept me from receiving spurious fines.

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This is just a local police deal. Driving license lets us get on a domestic flight without having to show a passport so its a legal document. No need to carry your passport unless the police on mass decide to stop us all every time we go out of our doors. You guys were just unlucky. Annoying and cost 500baht but no need to worry I think.

Yes they let you on a domestic flight, and i know guys who have been let on domestic flight with their offshore BOSIET cards...anything with a photo and your name on it and looking "official" will get you on a domestic flight and guess what i suspect over the next few months, they will be wanting to see your PP on domestic flights wink.png

A Thai DL is not legal proof of identity and legal status is Thailand its only legal function is to show you have a valid Thai DL

Yes but, I use my Thai DL for just about every - ID need and have not had any pushback at all, even at banks (for easy tasks). I use it at all HOTELs in the Kingdom with full acceptance. The ID has your passport number clearly printed on it. Thus, keeping a copy of your passport with visa stamps to show the numbers match up to the Thai DL is normally all you need if an official of sort, asks for your Passport. A visiting friend of mine once called Thailand "the land of not quite right" for the most part that statement seems to fit. It helps to smile be polite not argue and dress smart; a recipe that helps keep one out of their [police] target. Perhaps because mostly the police tend to prey on the half-dressed troglodyte, off his guard. It's more oppressive here now than it ever was, I fight my inner reasoning to continue this way of life. We'll never be Thai or fully accepted yet we expats love this country. The conundrum continues.

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