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UK FLR application for Director

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I sent a post a while ago which seems to have been lost.

I am applying for my wife's FLR visa under 7B option F as a Director of a limited company. Combined salry of £29000 pa. The solicitor I am using was concerned that the profit of the company is only £16000, so the total income is £45000. The solicitor is concerned that the tick box checker will only see the £16000 and not see the payslips and P60s.

Also the solicitor advised against sending my child tax credits awards as evidence of living together as my wife has no recourse to public funds. I pointed out that I am obliged to notify HMRC of a change of circumstances which is what I did when my wife moved to the UK.

I get no CTC anyway as our combined earnings are too great.

Given that I have to notify HMRC of my circumstance can UKVI now use that against me?

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