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We'll be submitting Mrs E's settlement visa this week, just waiting to get paid on the 15th for the latest pay slip and we're good to go, my only niggling thought is that I can download all my official Barclays statements up until the end of August but to get the transactions from then I have to do a screen shot over a few shots/pages etc, could that be an issue, it will all match up of course and follow on??




Surely you can download in pdf form. Strictly speaking, online printouts are not permitted unless stamped as true by your bank.

I wouldn't feel comfortable with screen grabs to be honest.

It's a grey area but consider the consequences if the ECO is playing by the book.

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Do you have confirmation from your bank that the pdfs are authentic?

From Family Members - Specified Evidence

1. In relation to evidencing the financial requirements in Appendix FM the following general provisions shall apply:
(a) Bank statements must:
(v) be:
(1) on official bank stationery; or
(2) electronic bank statements which are either accompanied by a letter from the bank on its headed stationery confirming that the documents are authentic or which bear the official stamp of the issuing bank on every page.

However, earlier on in the preface it does say

D (d) If the applicant has submitted:
(i) A document in the wrong format; or
(ii) A document that is a copy and not an original document,

the application may be granted exceptionally, providing the decision-maker is satisfied that the document(s) is genuine and that the applicant meets the requirement to which the document relates. The decision-maker reserves the right to request the specified original document(s) in the correct format in all cases where sub-paragraph ( b ) applies, and to refuse applications if this material is not provided as set out in sub-paragraph ( b ).

The list in sub paragraph ( b ) includes documents in the wrong format.


The requirements are more strictly adhered to when applying for settlement than when applying for visit visas.

I hope your optimism is rewarded.


The statements are official and are downloaded from the website, they are exactly the same ones as you would get in the post every 3 months.


The ECO's have far less flexibility for settlement. Make sure you note that you are in Thailand and cannot access a branch.

A screen save is not a bad idea as it shows the web address is an https (secure one). This should be in addition to everything else!

Better still to have originals but there is a fighting chance that an ECO may phone if this is likely to make the difference between issuing a visa and a rejection.

Edit: Print outs are not the same as printed one as far as UKVI are concerned. It can be difficult to tell a good clean print out and an original sometimes. Many banks do not use A4 paper for a start.


I don't need to screen shot it as you can download up to today as a PDF, Barclays logo etc etc, looks like all the statements.

Anyone had experience with Barclays statements for settlement visa's?



Used print outs in the past but the rules are not the same now. The rules clearly state print outs need to be stamped by the bank. I suspect the original reason for a stamp was that banks tended to print out historic statements on plain A4 when requested.

Do you feel lucky?


I'm here in Thailand.

Then you would appear limited to submitting pdf copies of your statements, Jimmy.

I'm quite certain that screen grabs would have consigned your wife's application straight to the bin.

Else, you have two choices and that's to either submit the colour pdf docs and hope for the best or refer to them in the additional information and explain your predicament.

Anyway, don't lose sight of the rest of the application or your wife might be refused on something far more serious and you find the bank statements bolted on to the refusal for good measure.

I don't look back on my wife's settlement visa application with fond memories but I understood that it was, overall, the sum of its parts. Once it was all together I never doubted it would be refused. Do the best with what you've got. What else can you do?

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I may be wrong but isn't there a rule that bank statements need to be provided for the period up to 28 days before the date of the application. I think that is the case for FLR applications.

There will always be a time lag in the system - especially if the ECO takes 3 months to make a decision.


Once an application is submitted the clock stops to some extent. Applicants are generally expected to report major changes to the Home Office or UKVI while the application sits in a pile. This would include criminal convictions, major changes in circumstances etc.


You will need bank statements for the period you are relying on to meet the financial requirement in my case was the full 12 months as self employed. They can be electronic copies but must be stamped by the bank or a cover letter from the bank stating they are genuine, they will not accept copies not stamped and I strongly recommend you do not put the application in till you have these as I found out to my cost. Two months wait and refused even though the statements I did submit were stamped I did not submit the full 12 months only the part that I worked in that financial year (illness first part of year) I earnt well over the £18,600.

I will also add that I was supplied the wrong document by my local council to show planning consent at my business. I put a cover letter attached to this with the full contact details of the planning department in case of query yet the ECO refused stating wrong document, a simple call to local council and they would have said I have the planning consent at the premises so a stern warning here get it wrong and you will be refused and it your fault.

You have to be 100% on the button with ALL documents. I even showed the planning department the reference in Appendix FM-SE and they did not even have a clue what was needed so little wonder why us general joe get refused at a cost of nearly a grand and a lot of heart ache between husband and wife when local government departments have no idea what central government rules mean.

  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks - best laid plans and all that, I think that we may have to extend it by 30 days as the dates that I submitted for the visa will no longer fit in with our plans by about 7 days!!!!

We'll get there before Christmas!!


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I may be wrong but isn't there a rule that bank statements need to be provided for the period up to 28 days before the date of the application. I think that is the case for FLR applications.

There will always be a time lag in the system - especially if the ECO takes 3 months to make a decision.

It stands to reason that there will be a period prior to a visa application that wont be covered by bank statements as it take a bank 7 to 10 days to issue a statement. But I am sure that UKVI haven't considered that.


I may be wrong but isn't there a rule that bank statements need to be provided for the period up to 28 days before the date of the application. I think that is the case for FLR applications.

There will always be a time lag in the system - especially if the ECO takes 3 months to make a decision.

It stands to reason that there will be a period prior to a visa application that wont be covered by bank statements as it take a bank 7 to 10 days to issue a statement. But I am sure that UKVI haven't considered that.

Not one for sticking up for the UKVI but I think they have considered that.

As an earlier post points out you need to provide statements that correspond to the evidence to support the source of the income, for instance if you're using salaried income you need to provide six months worth of income evidence and bank statements to prove that that income was deposited into your bank account. If you are relying on income from a pension then you only have to supply one bank statement from the preceding twelve months to confirm that that the pension has in fact been deposited into a bank account under your control.

So in the case of salaried income:

5.6. Salaried and non-salaried employment specified evidence

5.6.1. The evidence required to demonstrate income from salaried employment (and, by virtue of paragraph 18(d), non-salaried employment) is specified in Appendix FM-SE:

2. In respect of salaried employment in the UK (except where paragraph 9 applies1), all of the following evidence must be provided:

(a) Payslips covering:

(i) a period of 6 months prior to the date of application if the person has been employed by their current employer for at least 6 months (and where paragraph 13b of this Appendix does not apply);.............................

© Personal bank statements corresponding to the same period(s) as the payslips at paragraph 2(a), showing that the salary has been paid into an account in the name of the person or in the name of the person and their partner jointly.

Or income from a pension:

8.2.1 The evidence required to demonstrate Pension income is specified in Appendix FM-SE:


(ii) At least one personal bank statement in the 12-month period prior to the date of application showing payment of the pension into the person's account.

As we are talking about a Thai spouse settling with their UK spouse in the UK, and the UK spouse is relying on UK income to support the application, the salary details and corresponding bank statements should be relatively easy to obtain.

The Financial Requirement guidelines do allow decision makers to exercise a degree evidential flexibility in that if supporting evidence is submitted in the wrong format or as a copy they don't need to refuse applications for this reason only but can request supporting evidence in the correct format or originals, providing that there are not other reasons to refuse the application.


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