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Thai daughter of friend, not living in Thailand, has been hit by a truck while riding pillon on mbike. According to my friend she has a twisted leg, is in severe pain, and needs a couple of operations.

Are those operations covered on the 30bht healhscheme ?

She is hospitilized in a governmenthospital.....the truckdriver was at fault.


As a Thai citizen any health care she requires would be covered under the 30 bahr scheme at the hospital where she is registered or in emergency at nearest hospital. There are some things the scheme won't cover but not likely anything she eould need.

In accidents the mandatory 3rd party insurance will pay at least a portion. Leave that issue for the hospital to sort out.

Is the hospital where she is now the one where she is registered under the scheme?



As far as registration is concerned.....she has moved out of the familyhome to study in an other province so I dont know if she has registered herself there....she is 18 years old. The accident happened in the province where she studies. She has lost blood due to accident.

3rd party liability should indeed be between hospital and the party at fault. As far as hospitalcharges is concerned.

As far as I understood my friend is eligible to pay for the operations....I doubted this...hence my topic.

If however it is correct that he has to pay, likely due to his daughter not being registered at this hospital, would it be able to move her, if fysically possible, to her hospital of registration ?



In an emergency she can be treated at any hospital.

Also most universities have an arrangement with a government hospital to treat their students for free.

I suggest the girl's mother talk with the hospital.

Your friend should not have to pay anything for her care unless she has gotten a private room in which case that is extra.

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