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Prayut risks derision at the United Nations


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I don't know the actual effect of vote buying on elections in Thailand in relation to how much if at all- it changes the mix in Parliament and thus influences who becomes Prime Minister. I have never actually seen a study on this so I am basing my opinion on my own experiences in Thailand. There is a greater problem- in that hugely wealthy politicians can influence elections and perpetuate their power by corrupting local officials; stacking the military and police ranking officials and generally speaking make themselves an elected dictator. It's called money politics- much the same that has corrupted the American political system. Elections in Europe and Australia are much fairer but this is about Thailand. I see the General trying to stop money politics-and if he can do that, then Thailand has a much better chance of getting a fair and elected government that represents the average voter and not just the wealthy.Once that happens- it will amaze everyone how fast Thailand will become a NIC (Newly Industrialized Country). The question is can it be done without Thailand losing what makes Thailand specialSome people make fun of Thainess- but I prefer it to what I see in America.

thank you for your HONESTY "I don't know the effect of vote buying... if at all"

Let me inform you... it's a MYTH... a FAIRYTALE.. made up by those who lose elections - even the Dems (in their more honest refrains) admit it had NO relevance to outcomes

did it happen? YES both sides offered 'enticements' was it checked? at the ballot box? NO people took the cash and voted how they wished

Please become INFORMED

as Richard Bandler often said at his seminars 'It's NOT what you THINK' but what you THINK you SEE is an illusion... but I thank you for your openness and the polite way you state your case (a rarity here)

Edited by LannaGuy
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Ah yes- you take the money from whoever offers it- but you also get bused to a polling station and the minders stand by as well as the people who actually count the votes.. Those who pay know how to play the game. They don't give the money for free,

Hmnnn..I don't think it works that way in my SiL'S village. Whether they are bussed to a polling site is irrelevant as all parties names are at the same polling site. And I doubt anyone is actually watching them make their selection. So I guess those who "know how to play the game" aren just psychic.

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Ah yes- you take the money from whoever offers it- but you also get bused to a polling station and the minders stand by as well as the people who actually count the votes.. Those who pay know how to play the game. They don't give the money for free,

You are suggesting that people get "bused (sic) to the polling station" and the "minders stand by as the people who actually count the votes"? you have EVIDENCE? or are you just 'making it up'??? I think we know the answer and I suggest, respectfully, you become more informed and less a victim of the right wing propaganda

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As regards me being part of a right wing conspiracy- I have no idea what you refer to. I am simply an aging pensioner with a long relationship to Thailand who is voicing my opinion.

Thaidream, the poster did not mean or imply that, you however thought he did. biggrin.png thanks for tipping your hand.

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If the poster did not mean to imply I am right wing- then I apologize to him. Frankly, I am not prone to any one side right or left. I believe in freedom with responsibility. Thailand has tried for years to come up with a workable system. I simply believe we need to give the General a chance to show if he can make it all work. In regards to vote buying- I stand by what I said. How much it exists now- I really don't know but I know it existed in the past as I have relatives who received money, were than bused to the voting places; and had their votes checked by certain people to make sure they voted the right way.

If the Thai people are dissatisfied with the way the General is doing- you will see more and more dissent in various ways and eventually there will then be a change in the power structure. It would not surprise me if in 6 months the General cedes power to an appointed civilian Prime Minster- This will transition then into another elected government chosen by the voters. Only time will tell if any of this really works or makes the country better. I hope for Thailand's sake it does. I would like my Thai relatives to have a better life, more choices and a better future. And I would also like to see many of the posters on this board who have made Thailand their home enjoy their life and have a positive image of Thailand.

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If the poster did not mean to imply I am right wing- then I apologize to him. Frankly, I am not prone to any one side right or left. I believe in freedom with responsibility. Thailand has tried for years to come up with a workable system. I simply believe we need to give the General a chance to show if he can make it all work. In regards to vote buying- I stand by what I said. How much it exists now- I really don't know but I know it existed in the past as I have relatives who received money, were than bused to the voting places; and had their votes checked by certain people to make sure they voted the right way.

If the Thai people are dissatisfied with the way the General is doing- you will see more and more dissent in various ways and eventually there will then be a change in the power structure. It would not surprise me if in 6 months the General cedes power to an appointed civilian Prime Minster- This will transition then into another elected government chosen by the voters. Only time will tell if any of this really works or makes the country better. I hope for Thailand's sake it does. I would like my Thai relatives to have a better life, more choices and a better future. And I would also like to see many of the posters on this board who have made Thailand their home enjoy their life and have a positive image of Thailand.

Are you a wind-up troll?

Your faked naivety an attempt to take the piss?

"give the general a chance to show if he can make it work"

Do you honestly not know any Thai history between 1932 & current day?

How many times do generals need to be given a chance? Didn't work the past 18 times & it's not working now. Hatred & division are being sown while the army & their backers do the same old thing; entrench their positions in power.

Edited by waitforusalso
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I have been married 3 times- all to Thais- One from Bangkok; one from Chiang Mai ; and One from Nong Khai.- I would say that pretty well covers a large portion of Thailand since I have traveled and lived in all those areas and interacted with people in those areas. Those who do support the Red Shirt clique can't come up with another choice except an exiled megalomaniac who will be forgotten as the years roll on .

That is the yellow shirt cliques problem. Taksins legacy of empowering the poor, giving them effectively free health care plus subsidies is so strong they will never forget him. Now the general is forced to adopt those same policies in an attempt to buy popularity but it just won't work for him. They will take the money gladly then vote for a Taksin endorsed gov. at the first opportunity no matter what constitution the yellow shirts come up with. Democratically the general is on a loser and he knows it so don't expect any elections soon.

I agree with you on one thing though and that Taksin was/is too greedy for power but then they all are reds and yellows and generals. Luckily out of this fight for power something good was born and the poor have benefited.

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I am simply an aging pensioner with a long relationship to Thailand who is voicing my opinion.

One last thing Thaidream,, I know its kind of picky, but if you claiming you are an American, and let me state right here, there is nothing wrong with that biggrin.png . Yanks usually refer to themselves as retired or a retiree, not a "pensioner". People from the the UK, Oz, NZ and other lands n nations use the "pensioner" designation.

As the Squawks Coach Carroll says: "we need to up our game"

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I am well aware of the different characteristics of American English vis a viz European or British English. I have lived overseas so long that I use the British English mostly as it is more accepted throughout the World . I have no need to hide my identity behind any language. I am who and what I am, I am also quite aware that England existed much before America and everything America is has come from the English. You can say what you want but the English attempted to bring civility to much of the World.

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Comments from the General in the last couple of days strongly suggest he's had enough. His heart isn't in it any moire. The kitchen got too hot for him. Maybe that's the reason the UN thang isn't going to be a sales pitch, but is going to focus on stuff that will almost guarantee plenty of free seats in the hall.

I thought at first it would be a massacre. Now I think it'll be a non-event.

Maybe the General knows something about it that we don't. Surprisingly enough.

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Got a message on FB from my niece this morning. She's at Mae Fa Luang studying law to become a prosecutor, and eventually a judge. She sent me a shot of the class she was in. They were studying the "French Revolution". Her comment: "We, the Thai people need our own version of the French Revolution. Arrest all the generals, both military and police, and all the admirals, confiscate all their illegal wealth, and sentence them all to life of hard labor." From what I've been able to get from her, many of her fellow law students feel the same way, so maybe there is hope for the future.

I expect the curriculum to change asap.

Am amazed they teach about the French revolution.

I suspect the people in charge know nothing about the French revolution and therefore haven't thought to censor it.

Well, the current government even gave a list of people accused of lèse-majesté (who fled to France) to the French Embassy on Bastille Day this year! cheesy.gif

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I have been married 3 times- all to Thais- One from Bangkok; one from Chiang Mai ; and One from Nong Khai.- I would say that pretty well covers a large portion of Thailand since I have traveled and lived in all those areas and interacted with people in those areas. Those who do support the Red Shirt clique can't come up with another choice except an exiled megalomaniac who will be forgotten as the years roll on .

That is the yellow shirt cliques problem. Taksins legacy of empowering the poor, giving them effectively free health care plus subsidies is so strong they will never forget him. Now the general is forced to adopt those same policies in an attempt to buy popularity but it just won't work for him. They will take the money gladly then vote for a Taksin endorsed gov. at the first opportunity no matter what constitution the yellow shirts come up with. Democratically the general is on a loser and he knows it so don't expect any elections soon.

I agree with you on one thing though and that Taksin was/is too greedy for power but then they all are reds and yellows and generals. Luckily out of this fight for power something good was born and the poor have benefited.

The crazy thing is, that using government spending to boost rural economies is sensible economics if it isn't allowed to get out of control.

The junta isn't doing this for brownie points. It is sensible economics.

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