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I apologize in advance if this the wrong place to put this question. I wanted to know what the rules were if for example I had something mailed to me from USA to Thailand? For example if I had some clothes mailed to me...would this be a issue or something against the rules? Thanks in advance.

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Not at all against the Thai rules, but you might be charged with some Thai Customs import duty on arrival.

Strongly recommend using U.S. Postal Service, USPS, NOT one of the couriers such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. Use of the couriers will almost guarantee assessment of Customs duty, use of USPS will almost normally skate through, "almost" being the operative word.


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Not at all against the Thai rules, but you might be charged with some Thai Customs import duty on arrival.

Strongly recommend using U.S. Postal Service, USPS, NOT one of the couriers such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. Use of the couriers will almost guarantee assessment of Customs duty, use of USPS will almost normally skate through, "almost" being the operative word.


Exactly, just make sure that the sender is reasonably honest on the value and contents on the Customs Label

Don't try and send an Iphone and declare it is worth $50 for instance

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