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Maxnet Tt&t Problems


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For the past week or so i've been having awful performance from MaxNet TT&T (in Phuket)

Last night i ping'd www.google.com and got 1 packet returned and then 7 timeouts before recieving another packet. Repeated tests to other places (Singapore, UK, Europe etc) proved similar results. This not only makes the whole internet experience very poor but also makes it impossible to play any kind of on-line games :D

Is anyone else having similar problems over the last week or so, or is it just me?

I've looked around the MaxNet web site but its all in Thai (http://www.maxnet.co.th/technical_faq.php) does anyone know of an Email address i could contact to report these problems?

Thanks in Advance



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For the past week or so i've been having awful performance from MaxNet TT&T (in Phuket)

Last night i ping'd www.google.com and got 1 packet returned and then 7 timeouts before recieving another packet. Repeated tests to other places (Singapore, UK, Europe etc) proved similar results. This not only makes the whole internet experience very poor but also makes it impossible to play any kind of on-line games :D

Is anyone else having similar problems over the last week or so, or is it just me?

I've looked around the MaxNet web site but its all in Thai (http://www.maxnet.co.th/technical_faq.php) does anyone know of an Email address i could contact to report these problems?

Thanks in Advance



I have curently an issue about the Line which is gettin now renewed , but in the past i had similar problems as you have now. I did take screenshots of the bandwith test (international test..) and sent a collection of this to the email address: [email protected] ...this followed a phone call with ttt... after this the problems were resolved swiftly. Hope that helps,


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Dear Wolfie,

How are you?

I have had such awful problems with TT&T that it really surprises me that RCM got a result.

I started to get problems on August 25 reported it two days later, and it still has not been resolved – September 26. Initially the internet went off completely and I lost the connection for about two weeks – resolved only by buying a DUN card. Then from around 10 September the situation changed and I got the internet back during the day, it would go off around 5-6 pm in the evening although it will connect sporadically during those times, and then get a proper service after 11.00pm – 12.00pm.

I would contact the call centre 1103, 9 for English, 4 for repairs, 1 for maxnet, and phone number, and then “our all engineers are busy ….” followed by lift music. :o I would hold and get through. The most constructive response I would get is reconfigure the router. Usually I would stay on the line with them until eventually they will recognise the fault is theirs, and then say contact technician. But that is it.

I have written to the email address but they do not respond.

Last week an engineer arrived at my house, said that there was a fault on the line and since then the fault has remained the same.

I even wrote to this forum in the hope that one of the people reading might have some influence with TT&T.

The problem is they have annual contracts so I must pay until the end of the year whether they fix the problem or not.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

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When we applied for Maxnet home at the beginning of August we were told that it might not be so good because we were more than 3 klms. from the exchange. They said we could try it for 20 days and if we weren't happy return the modem etc. without any payment. Well, although we didn't get the full download we were still very happy compared to dial up so we kept it. During the trial we had long periods of uninterrupted connection, although we did lose connection from time to time. As soon as the 20 days were up the connection started to drop every few minutes, sometimes even seconds and as got progressively worse. At 3 am. this morning I couldn't access anything, neither Mozilla or IE. Yet when I used dial up it was OK. Earlier this week when I lost connection I was getting an orange coloured screen display basically asking to insert my password, but even then not getting anything.

When we call their service centre they just fob you off with any old cr@p and that's if you can hear what they are saying. I don't know anything about all the technical stuff but it seems to me Maxnet are trying to sign people up without putting in any more infrastucture, they're getting too many people on one line.

We are out at Maprachan/Pattaya BTW.


PS. I lost connection whilst writing this and had start Mozilla from scratch to get back in.

Do Maxnet have their base on Monkey Island?? :o:D

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Wolfie ...

My service has been good fast and uninterrupted recently

Who are you with JD? MaxNet? Are you phuket based?

Just trying to gather some information here so i can goto TT&T and kick a$$!

I am in Kamala ... Maxnet's lowest level of service 256/128. There IS a good chance that there just are not many people near me with ADSL :o

Other than a week (about a month ago) where my service went down about 5pm every day for an hour, I have been very happy with them over the past 4 months

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I've tried emailing [email protected] but i keep getting an error message "Message could not be deleivered to recipients" - typical!

I've got screenshots of Tracert and Ping's - im averaging about 95-97% packet loss on the Ping commands, and with my tracert i'm finding everything stops around the 6th/7th hop which is IP (i presume a private IP for MaxNet/TT&T) and (public IP for MaxNet/TT&T)

Anyone have any other email addresses for MaxNet/TT&T i could use, i'm going to spam them until i get an answer :o

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I've tried emailing [email protected] but i keep getting an error message "Message could not be deleivered to recipients" - typical!

I've got screenshots of Tracert and Ping's - im averaging about 95-97% packet loss on the Ping commands, and with my tracert i'm finding everything stops around the 6th/7th hop which is IP (i presume a private IP for MaxNet/TT&T) and (public IP for MaxNet/TT&T)

Anyone have any other email addresses for MaxNet/TT&T i could use, i'm going to spam them until i get an answer :o

did you call the local service #?

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I live in the North and have had ttt maxnet for about 2 years +. It was fairly good the first year, but has steadily gone down hill. I pay for 512k and am currently connected at 32k, and is not a good 32k.

Download 4k for 15 sec, drop to 0k for 10 sec, etc. It seems thier policy is to have drives to hook up more people, but not install the added equipment and service men to take care of the added and older customers. When is a reasonable sat direct system coming here? Heard rumors.

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Last night i managed to get a bit of game time without any adversely effecting lag... for a couple of hours, then the lag returned as bad as before.

Its definitely a TT&T/MaxNet/ISP issue, my own investigations have proved it and i have sent off the evidence to TT&T/MaxNet. If its not sorted out/being dealt with by the weekend I'll be on the phone to them!

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