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English teaching needs a bottom-up approach: Thai editorial

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National traits and an overarching culture? Utter nonsense.

And doubtless you speak from the position of being an appropriate authority. Not. See my comment about political correctness and intelligence.

This has zero bearing on anyone's ability to learn a language.

If they were told 1 year in prison or get a B at English, 95% would fly through.

But that isn't what you were doing though, was it? You were commenting on a comment I made which was relevant.

Nice avoid though...

If they were told 1 year in prison or get a B at English, 95% would fly through.

Yes indeed. We are in agreement.

Part of the national trait.

Good generalisation

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National traits and an overarching culture? Utter nonsense.

And doubtless you speak from the position of being an appropriate authority. Not. See my comment about political correctness and intelligence.

This has zero bearing on anyone's ability to learn a language.

If they were told 1 year in prison or get a B at English, 95% would fly through.

But that isn't what you were doing though, was it? You were commenting on a comment I made which was relevant.

Nice avoid though...

If they were told 1 year in prison or get a B at English, 95% would fly through.

Yes indeed. We are in agreement.

Part of the national trait.

Good generalisation

That would be true the world over. The ability to motivate kids through school can be undone in a second. Fail them and don't let them progress.

That is a rule, not a cultural trait. It can be undone in a stroke of a pen


Finland’s schools weren’t always so successful. In the 1960s, they were middling at best. In 1971, a government commission concluded that, poor as the nation was in natural resources, it had to modernize its economy and could only do so by first improving its schools. To that end, the government agreed to reduce class size, boost teacher pay, and require that, by 1979, all teachers complete a rigorous master’s program.

They also banned all standardized testing, as they figured out this takes too much time and too much money out of learning; and now they only give standardized exams to statistical samples of students to diagnose and assess school progress.
Average class size in 1st and 2nd grades is 19; in grades 3 through 9, it is 21.
In 1972, authorities postponed tracking from fifth grade to seventh. In 1985, authorities postponed tracking from seventh grade to tenth. The response from the OAJ was acceptance of the termination of tracking as wise but only if class sizes were reduced, as it would be too difficult for teachers to teach heterogeneous groups if classes remained large.
In addition to science classes, all classes that involve any machinery or lab equipment are capped at 16. This includes cooking (which all seventh-graders are required to take), textiles (or sewing), carpentry, and metal shop.
The Finns have made clear that, in any country, no matter its size or composition, there is much wisdom to minimizing testing and instead investing in broader curricula, smaller classes, and better training, pay, and treatment of teachers. - See more at: http://parentsacrossamerica.org/what-finland-and-asia-tell-us-about-real-education-reform/#sthash.193qfdQU.dpuf

Thanks, lostoday, for that post. It makes sense. I see students who take pre-tests, and then sample tests, and then practice tests and any other prefix that can go in front of test and then they take the real test. Many teachers teach to the test. The actual subject doesn't matter, just passing the test.

The problem is that without a comprehensive understanding of the subject, passing the test doesn't cut it. It eventually catches up with them.

Thailand does like it's testing.

Also, a number of off-topic, bickering posts and replies have been removed.


I blame the native English teachers for Thailands lack of progress, too much emphasis on grammar and rules, too little on actually using the language in real life

i was bored s**tless with English grammar when i was in school, so can well understand Thai students not being interested

A storming generalisation if there ever was!


Listening first. Learning second. This may sound cynical, but Thais have poor listening skills.

Thais as a group have nothing in common except perhaps black hair. Some Thais have poor listening skills would be the correct way of phrasing your statement.

Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.


Listening first. Learning second. This may sound cynical, but Thais have poor listening skills.

Thais as a group have nothing in common except perhaps black hair. Some Thais have poor listening skills would be the correct way of phrasing your statement.

Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif


I haven't read all the posts yet but I have seen a lot of blame put on the quality of the Thai teachers.

I would like to put just as much blame on the students themselves.

Some simply don't have the right attitude for learning . They turn up without books, play around with their mobiles, iPads or whatever.

They know they can't fail at university level.

The students that want to speak English well make an effort to learn. They are active in listening outside class. They read, they speak and can learn to speak English well even if the teachers aren't up to scratch.

The whole education system needs a shake up. You can employ the world's best English teachers but if the students' attitudes aren't changed it won't make any difference.

I think u might find that teachers set the atmosphere for the class. If they let students do that, then that is the teachers fault.

Or the system. I was taken off a MA course for repremanding students. Actually I told them to go outside and talk.

Result: I was told that students are paying customers and we have to service them.

I am not saying all students are like that. Usually, I don't have problems and get along well with the students, but there are one or two even at Master's level who don't want to study.


I haven't read all the posts yet but I have seen a lot of blame put on the quality of the Thai teachers.

I would like to put just as much blame on the students themselves.

Some simply don't have the right attitude for learning . They turn up without books, play around with their mobiles, iPads or whatever.

They know they can't fail at university level.

The students that want to speak English well make an effort to learn. They are active in listening outside class. They read, they speak and can learn to speak English well even if the teachers aren't up to scratch.

The whole education system needs a shake up. You can employ the world's best English teachers but if the students' attitudes aren't changed it won't make any difference.

I think u might find that teachers set the atmosphere for the class. If they let students do that, then that is the teachers fault.

Or the system. I was taken off a course for repremanding students. Actually I told them to go outside and talk.

Result: I was told that students are paying customers and we have to service them.

They have the educational results they deserve sadly. Crazy rules.


I blame the native English teachers for Thailands lack of progress, too much emphasis on grammar and rules, too little on actually using the language in real life

i was bored s**tless with English grammar when i was in school, so can well understand Thai students not being interested

You are obviously not a teacher. Most of the foreign teachers I know try to avoid grammar and concentrate on conversation skills.

In my experience Thai students feel that if they are not studying grammar they aren't learning anything.


Listening first. Learning second. This may sound cynical, but Thais have poor listening skills.

Thais as a group have nothing in common except perhaps black hair. Some Thais have poor listening skills would be the correct way of phrasing your statement.

Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif

Para 1. He doesn't need to know most Thais,, all he has to do is consult the Thai government's own IQ stats. On the other hand, you don't know most Thais eitherr so you can't refute his comment anyway. He has the balance of probability on his side though - low IQ pretty much equals poor listening skills. Poor cognition skills also. Sadly, you defend Thais against a shortcoming which is both evident and obvious, and you argue from a position of fundamental weakness.

Para 2. 'Friends and acquaintances don't cut it when you are dealing with large samples. Your argument is specious here also.

Para 3. Oh please. Your kids don't count as evidence for your argument either, splendid kids though I'm sure they are. I don't subscribe to the view that you have to motivate people to listen, most people naturally motivate themselves to their own perceived natural level based on self-interest, but Thais drink the Buddhist kool-aid and demotivate themselves or allow others to demotivate them because it's in their respective interests to have a cheap, unintelligent and compliant workforce. The Peter Principle applies.

You're a smart and thinking man, you should know this already. I shouldn't have to point it out. And you should know why it was done, how it was done and by whom it was done. If you don't, then you need to read more. If you can lose the 'airy-fairy political

correctness and stop refusing to see things as they are not as it is polite to say they are, then... ta bpen sawang qua dai.


I met one of the best teachers i've ever met in Trat in Thailand. She was the epitome of a vocational teacher. Whenever i hear people bad mouthing Thai teachers, i find it incredibly hard to reconcile it with my personal experience. Even in Samui, a shithole for public school education it seems, I met teachers who were clearly devoted to their students and enhancing their opportunities. If youve been inside the system for even a moderate amount of time you realise that there are far more serious issues than 'teaching quality' at the base of Thailand's education problems.

You can point to corruption, wasteful spending (our school had an entire room with state of the art equipment entirely devoted to promoting ASEAN and the AEC. You can point to politics such as the continual reforms, changes, and maybe even the clearly overzealous syllabus texts that are miles away from the students actual English level. You can point to the run down classrooms with no AC and doors that appear to shut the kids in like a stable. You can point to the grade inflation in tests that bear no reality to actual aptitude. You can point to the poor organisation and control of schools like personal fifedoms. You can point to the wider culture that sees education much the same way my parents saw it - playtime until i was old enough to get a proper job. I still recall the story told to me (by the teacher mentioned above) about her third grade kid who outperformed almost every other student in the district, but his parents, on balance decided that it was too expensive to send him to a decent high school and then college. Apparently this wasnt abnormal.

So Teachers are one cog in this massive machine (and as others have pointed out, tend to teach to the test because thats what theyre expected to do at the end of the da)y. Theres so much wrong with education in Thailand that its a constant shock to realise how much of the yearly budget is spent on it. The school sure as shit doesnt (random AEC room aside) see it.


Listening first. Learning second. This may sound cynical, but Thais have poor listening skills.

Thais as a group have nothing in common except perhaps black hair. Some Thais have poor listening skills would be the correct way of phrasing your statement.

Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif

I'll be sure to carry around a twenty baht note next time I want to talk with a Thai. Course twenty may not be enough. Then, maybe you might enlighten us on what the proper motivation needed to get a Thai to listen. There must be a price or technique that the rest of us have overlooked.


What the Thai education system really needs is a good old fashioned call to action like the nation's life depended on it (because it does). You need someone at the PM's level to say it is Thailand's #1 priority to better educate future generations and cite ASEAN as the driving force. Showing how Thailand lags behind many ASEAN members and if the country doesn't turn this around fast, Thailand will become a second-class country.

They need to have the PM out there visiting schools, rewarding teachers who show good results, and taking great national pride in how well Thai students compare against other nations.

Of course, that entails admitting the system is broken, massive coordination to turn it around, and investing in something which won't show real returns to the Thai economy for 10 - 20 years, so . . . it's never going to happen.

Debating tactics like easing the visa requirements for teachers or training is pointless unless there's a viable overarching strategy.


I met one of the best teachers i've ever met in Trat in Thailand. She was the epitome of a vocational teacher. Whenever i hear people bad mouthing Thai teachers, i find it incredibly hard to reconcile it with my personal experience. Even in Samui, a shithole for public school education it seems, I met teachers who were clearly devoted to their students and enhancing their opportunities. If youve been inside the system for even a moderate amount of time you realise that there are far more serious issues than 'teaching quality' at the base of Thailand's education problems.

You can point to corruption, wasteful spending (our school had an entire room with state of the art equipment entirely devoted to promoting ASEAN and the AEC. You can point to politics such as the continual reforms, changes, and maybe even the clearly overzealous syllabus texts that are miles away from the students actual English level. You can point to the run down classrooms with no AC and doors that appear to shut the kids in like a stable. You can point to the grade inflation in tests that bear no reality to actual aptitude. You can point to the poor organisation and control of schools like personal fifedoms. You can point to the wider culture that sees education much the same way my parents saw it - playtime until i was old enough to get a proper job. I still recall the story told to me (by the teacher mentioned above) about her third grade kid who outperformed almost every other student in the district, but his parents, on balance decided that it was too expensive to send him to a decent high school and then college. Apparently this wasnt abnormal.

So Teachers are one cog in this massive machine (and as others have pointed out, tend to teach to the test because thats what theyre expected to do at the end of the da)y. Theres so much wrong with education in Thailand that its a constant shock to realise how much of the yearly budget is spent on it. The school sure as shit doesnt (random AEC room aside) see it.

There's no doubt there are good Thai teachers, but the majority aren't good, irrespective of subject. If this were not true, the Thai education system would not be held in such disrepute.

You don't have to think less of the Thai teacher you mention, but one swallow doth not a summer make and you would be sensible to accept the reasons for thinking she is in a small minority. I also know some Thai teachers who are genuine and nice people despite their cultural inheritance. Crappy teachers but nice people. Unfortunately, life deals harshly with nice or good people, like nice farangs, they get eaten alive.


Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif

Para 1. He doesn't need to know most Thais,, all he has to do is consult the Thai government's own IQ stats. On the other hand, you don't know most Thais eitherr so you can't refute his comment anyway. He has the balance of probability on his side though - low IQ pretty much equals poor listening skills. Poor cognition skills also. Sadly, you defend Thais against a shortcoming which is both evident and obvious, and you argue from a position of fundamental weakness.

Para 2. 'Friends and acquaintances don't cut it when you are dealing with large samples. Your argument is specious here also.

Para 3. Oh please. Your kids don't count as evidence for your argument either, splendid kids though I'm sure they are. I don't subscribe to the view that you have to motivate people to listen, most people naturally motivate themselves to their own perceived natural level based on self-interest, but Thais drink the Buddhist kool-aid and demotivate themselves or allow others to demotivate them because it's in their respective interests to have a cheap, unintelligent and compliant workforce. The Peter Principle applies.

You're a smart and thinking man, you should know this already. I shouldn't have to point it out. And you should know why it was done, how it was done and by whom it was done. If you don't, then you need to read more. If you can lose the 'airy-fairy political

correctness and stop refusing to see things as they are not as it is polite to say they are, then... ta bpen sawang qua dai.

1. You wrote, "all he has to do is consult the Thai government's own IQ stats. On the other hand, you don't know most Thais eitherr so you can't refute his comment anyway."

A freshman in logic could tell you, "The philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others. In layman terms, he who makes the claims needs to provide the proof not I.

2. You wrote, "Low IQ pretty much equals poor listening skills." Not even close.

3. You wrote, "but Thais drink the Buddhist kool-aid and demotivate themselves or allow others to demotivate them because it's in their respective interests to have a cheap, unintelligent and compliant workforce." Your quote also demonstrates you know nothing about Buddhism in Thailand. Too far out for me to even discuss. Mostly insulting irrational bar talk.

I find that the majority of your post violates the rule below and I will no longer be a party to your anti Thai rant. I'll just put you on ignore.

Thai Visa rule #11. 11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people ......


1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

Listening first. Learning second. This may sound cynical, but Thais have poor listening skills.

Thais as a group have nothing in common except perhaps black hair. Some Thais have poor listening skills would be the correct way of phrasing your statement.

Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif

I'll be sure to carry around a twenty baht note next time I want to talk with a Thai. Course twenty may not be enough. Then, maybe you might enlighten us on what the proper motivation needed to get a Thai to listen. There must be a price or technique that the rest of us have overlooked.

I acknowledge the sarcasm, but I'll answer it anyway. The average Thai is so bereft of value, either self-esteem or possessions, that they respond best to self-interest. In this, they're the same as all people one way or the other, but Thais are more so.

I didn't make them poor, uneducated and stupid and I don't keep them poor. uneducated and stupid, but the numbers say that's what they are. Don't blame me, blame the people who made them that way and keep them that way.

Political correctness and trying to put lipstick on the pig don't help, either of them.


Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif

Para 1. He doesn't need to know most Thais,, all he has to do is consult the Thai government's own IQ stats. On the other hand, you don't know most Thais eitherr so you can't refute his comment anyway. He has the balance of probability on his side though - low IQ pretty much equals poor listening skills. Poor cognition skills also. Sadly, you defend Thais against a shortcoming which is both evident and obvious, and you argue from a position of fundamental weakness.

Para 2. 'Friends and acquaintances don't cut it when you are dealing with large samples. Your argument is specious here also.

Para 3. Oh please. Your kids don't count as evidence for your argument either, splendid kids though I'm sure they are. I don't subscribe to the view that you have to motivate people to listen, most people naturally motivate themselves to their own perceived natural level based on self-interest, but Thais drink the Buddhist kool-aid and demotivate themselves or allow others to demotivate them because it's in their respective interests to have a cheap, unintelligent and compliant workforce. The Peter Principle applies.

You're a smart and thinking man, you should know this already. I shouldn't have to point it out. And you should know why it was done, how it was done and by whom it was done. If you don't, then you need to read more. If you can lose the 'airy-fairy political

correctness and stop refusing to see things as they are not as it is polite to say they are, then... ta bpen sawang qua dai.

1. You wrote, "all he has to do is consult the Thai government's own IQ stats. On the other hand, you don't know most Thais eitherr so you can't refute his comment anyway."

A freshman in logic could tell you, "The philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others. In layman terms, he who makes the claims needs to provide the proof not I.

2. You wrote, "Low IQ pretty much equals poor listening skills." Not even close.

3. You wrote, "but Thais drink the Buddhist kool-aid and demotivate themselves or allow others to demotivate them because it's in their respective interests to have a cheap, unintelligent and compliant workforce." Your quote also demonstrates you know nothing about Buddhism in Thailand. Too far out for me to even discuss. Mostly insulting irrational bar talk.

I find that the majority of your post violates the rule below and I will no longer be a party to your anti Thai rant. I'll just put you on ignore.

Thai Visa rule #11. 11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people ......

1. You wrote, "all he has to do is consult the Thai government's own IQ stats. On the other hand, you don't know most Thais eitherr so you can't refute his comment anyway."

You're on a hiding to nothing my friend. The Thai government stated their average population IQ last year was 89. The global average is 100.. The Thai number for all and children has been between 10 and 89 for more than 10 years and probably more. And I don't have to know most Thais to be able to read relevant Thai stats. I'm amazed you stoop to saying something ridiculous like that with (presumably) a straight face.

A freshman in logic could tell you, "The philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others. In layman terms, he who makes the claims needs to provide the proof not I.

I just did that.

2. You wrote, "Low IQ pretty much equals poor listening skills." Not even close.

With respect I'm a retired clinician in the field so you're sh|t out of luck trying to apply the wishful thinking approach to this.

3. You wrote, "but Thais drink the Buddhist kool-aid and demotivate themselves or allow others to demotivate them because it's in their respective interests to have a cheap, unintelligent and compliant workforce." Your quote also demonstrates you know nothing about Buddhism in Thailand. Too far out for me to even discuss. Mostly insulting irrational bar talk.

No, not that, and I can;'t help it if you don't understand Buddhism either.

I find that the majority of your post violates the rule below and I will no longer be a party to your anti Thai rant. I'll just put you on ignore.

Well I doubt you can point to where I have ranted, All I've done is say things you don't choose to agree with and that doesn't break any forum rules that I'm aware of. The mods will se me straight if I'm wrong, and I will listen. They might be a touch 'enthusiastic' sometimes but I assume they know their job. Conversely, If you can only criticise and gain-say without supporting fact then perhaps you should just get another beer and whinge into it. Or whatever it is that you drink.

Thai Visa rule #11. 11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people ......

You'll note it doesn't say anything about fact or opinion which is supportable by Thais themselves. It mentions slurs, but that isn't what I have written.


Thais as a group have nothing in common except perhaps black hair. Some Thais have poor listening skills would be the correct way of phrasing your statement.

Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif

I'll be sure to carry around a twenty baht note next time I want to talk with a Thai. Course twenty may not be enough. Then, maybe you might enlighten us on what the proper motivation needed to get a Thai to listen. There must be a price or technique that the rest of us have overlooked.

That is what a good teacher does. He motivates students. Is there one technique? Yes. An open mind. The ability to treat people as individuals and not racial or ethnic or national stereotypes.


Possibly more accurate: Most Thais have poor listening skills.

1. I doubt you know most Thais. 2. But with that kind of attitude it is no wonder they would not listen to you. It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy.

If you want to know how to meet Thais with good listening skills ask around when you find a Farang who thinks Thais have good listening skills ask him where he meets his friends and acquaintances.

My children listen to me very well especially when it is their interest to do so. It is simply a matter of motivation. If you don't know how to motivate Thais I can give you a list of people to call who will help in your attitude adjustment. wai2.gif

I'll be sure to carry around a twenty baht note next time I want to talk with a Thai. Course twenty may not be enough. Then, maybe you might enlighten us on what the proper motivation needed to get a Thai to listen. There must be a price or technique that the rest of us have overlooked.

That is what a good teacher does. He motivates students. Is there one technique? Yes. An open mind. The ability to treat people as individuals and not racial or ethnic or national stereotypes.

Well, apart from not noticing the sarcasm, you seem not to know that you can't buy motivation - not at 20 baht anyway, it's not a pay-for-and-get thing.


I blame the native English teachers for Thailands lack of progress, too much emphasis on grammar and rules, too little on actually using the language in real life

i was bored s**tless with English grammar when i was in school, so can well understand Thai students not being interested

You are obviously not a teacher. Most of the foreign teachers I know try to avoid grammar and concentrate on conversation skills.

In my experience Thai students feel that if they are not studying grammar they aren't learning anything.

Thankfully i am not...

i wouldnt have the patience i would up smacking the little barstewards

I will stick to engineering


I blame the native English teachers for Thailands lack of progress, too much emphasis on grammar and rules, too little on actually using the language in real life

i was bored s**tless with English grammar when i was in school, so can well understand Thai students not being interested

A storming generalisation if there ever was!

Why not, plenty of storming generalisations on here stating Thai's are uneducated, stupid, lazy, etc etc


I blame the native English teachers for Thailands lack of progress, too much emphasis on grammar and rules, too little on actually using the language in real life

i was bored s**tless with English grammar when i was in school, so can well understand Thai students not being interested

A storming generalisation if there ever was!

Why not, plenty of storming generalisations on here stating Thai's are uneducated, stupid, lazy, etc etc

So don't whine, argue to the contrary, it might fly.

People need to learn how to tell the difference between what is not true and what they don't like to hear. A genuine question though. Why do Bangkok and Southern Thais call Isaan people 'kwai'? Hint: BKK hi-so think Isaan people are dirty, stupid and lazy. That's what many Thais think so go complain at them.


I blame the native English teachers for Thailands lack of progress, too much emphasis on grammar and rules, too little on actually using the language in real life

i was bored s**tless with English grammar when i was in school, so can well understand Thai students not being interested

You are obviously not a teacher. Most of the foreign teachers I know try to avoid grammar and concentrate on conversation skills.

In my experience Thai students feel that if they are not studying grammar they aren't learning anything.

Thankfully i am not...

i wouldnt have the patience i would up smacking the little barstewards

I will stick to engineering

Me too, I did it once and learned the hard lesson, never again, not ever, not with Thais.

I'll stick to be a retired old lady who prefers fact to fiction, no matter how touchy-feely the fiction is.


I blame the native English teachers for Thailands lack of progress, too much emphasis on grammar and rules, too little on actually using the language in real life

i was bored s**tless with English grammar when i was in school, so can well understand Thai students not being interested

You are obviously not a teacher. Most of the foreign teachers I know try to avoid grammar and concentrate on conversation skills.

In my experience Thai students feel that if they are not studying grammar they aren't learning anything.

Thankfully i am not...

i wouldnt have the patience i would up smacking the little barstewards

I will stick to engineering

Me too, I did it once and learned the hard lesson, never again, not ever, not with Thais.

I'll stick to be a retired old lady who prefers fact to fiction, no matter how touchy-feely the fiction is.

Your a very bitter indivdual that much is obvious


This thread is about not only does Thai education need a new top but it also needs a new bottom; the bottom being student and teacher attitude and performance. Instead we have allowed it to become a sounding board for negative Thai stereotypes such as low IQ, poor listening skills, poor, stupid, bereft of values, deriding their religion Buddhism.

Instead on discussing the value of a new approach to Thai education we have allowed ourselves to be coerced into reading a critique of Thai people as less than equal when compared to the paragons of virtue and intelligence in the West.

I posted above that Finland had an education problem in the 1960's and solved it with a more teacher education, smaller classes and elimination of student tracking tests. A number of things mentioned in the OP are good ideas. The OP writes, "In this digital and more democratic era, the impetus for improving English education begins with students and teachers.' I agree. More and better teacher education and fewer students per class. The nice part is Thailand does not have to increase the education budget to get there. It is simply a matter of redirecting the money from administration to education.


You are obviously not a teacher. Most of the foreign teachers I know try to avoid grammar and concentrate on conversation skills.

In my experience Thai students feel that if they are not studying grammar they aren't learning anything.

Thankfully i am not...

i wouldnt have the patience i would up smacking the little barstewards

I will stick to engineering

Me too, I did it once and learned the hard lesson, never again, not ever, not with Thais.

I'll stick to be a retired old lady who prefers fact to fiction, no matter how touchy-feely the fiction is.

Your a very bitter indivdual that much is obvious

*shrug* or insightful, depending upon whether you happen to agree with me or not. It might be 'obvious' but it isn't actually true, alas not all 'obvious' things are true, but they are always convenient. Still, throughout it all, you're entitled to believe whatever makes you feel good. It's what everyone does to a degree.

The question is: why does it make you feel good? What is it about an idea that makes the neuro-transmitters flow?


This thread is about not only does Thai education need a new top but it also needs a new bottom; the bottom being student and teacher attitude and performance. Instead we have allowed it to become a sounding board for negative Thai stereotypes such as low IQ, poor listening skills, poor, stupid, bereft of values, deriding their religion Buddhism.

Instead on discussing the value of a new approach to Thai education we have allowed ourselves to be coerced into reading a critique of Thai people as less than equal when compared to the paragons of virtue and intelligence in the West.

I posted above that Finland had an education problem in the 1960's and solved it with a more teacher education, smaller classes and elimination of student tracking tests. A number of things mentioned in the OP are good ideas. The OP writes, "In this digital and more democratic era, the impetus for improving English education begins with students and teachers.' I agree. More and better teacher education and fewer students per class. The nice part is Thailand does not have to increase the education budget to get there. It is simply a matter of redirecting the money from administration to education.

You're right to a degree, though it's a defence mechanism to call what you don't like hearing a 'stereotype' We all stereotype, its a skill that's been in humans for a very long time. It's essential for our survival.

But you do temper it with some common sense as well. The Finland example is apposite, Finland is a country worth emulating in all sorts of respects for all sorts of reasons. Won't happen here though, it;s not the Thai way.

Another sterotype for you, but you'll agree with this one because I have some clippings of you saying the self-same thing.

Regrettably, Finland is not somewhere I have been and I regret that. A number of missed opportunities I suspect.


What does the 'test' actually 'test'? Thailand doesn't have a reputation for logical, objective-base testing.


What does the 'test' actually 'test'? Thailand doesn't have a reputation for logical, objective-base testing.

The question as I see it since I'm comparing Finland and Thailand (both had problems Thailand still does) is what does Finland test.

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