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30 day extension at immigration

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Hi all, this is a question for those in the know.

I am Canadian. I arrived in Thailand and received the 30 day visa exemption stamp at the airport. I then did a visa run to Cambodia and entered Thailand again on the visa exemption stamp for another 30 days via land.

Question: Am I eligible to get the 30 day extension at immigration? Anyone done this?

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I just thought that being in Thailand already for 60 days under visa exemption status would exclude me from getting a 30 day extension at immigration.

Any comparison of ease/comfort process between the immigration office in Pattaya vs Bangkok? I have done the extension at the Bangkok office before and when i went it was rather hellish - very long waits, pain to get there. Also, is the proof of flight ticket still asked for at either office?

Many thanks

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  • 1 month later...

Piggybacking on this thread - any recent experience with doing back-to back as follows?:

- 30 day visa exemption on arrival BKK

- 30 day extension (Chang Wattana)

- fly out/back in Thailand with a one week visit interval to another country

- 30 day visa exemption on arrival

- 30 day extension (Chang Wattana).

thank, Al

p.s. Italian natl

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Piggybacking..I have single entry tourist visa from Australia..need 30 day extension then will head back to Australia. However my partner has double entry from Australia so he has to do border run to Mai Sai..am I obliged to get extension from Immigration at Promenada fro 1900 baht fro mine or can I go to Mai Sai and get 30 days extension tacked on to my single entry?

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You will have to go to immigration to get the 30 day extension.

You probably would not be allowed to leave the country at Mae Sai to get a visa exempt entry and if you did do it you would only get 15 days if you are from Australia.

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Hi wondered if you could help me bit confused on what to do everything on internet tells me something different, I'll start from the beginning,

So I came to Thailand on a visa except 30days then done a visa run to combo boarder got another 30 days , then went siem reap got a 60 day tourist visa , then extended that at Bangkok immigration for 30 days till the 17th November, what I want to know is can I do a boarder run / are they open now ? Or do I have to leave and get another tourist visa , or can I fly in and out on same day ?

Any advice would be appreciated thanks

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Thanks for replys ,

I forgot one I came to Thailand for two weeks 26th December last year till 10th January this year, then went home,

came back to Thailand mid July and have been here since ,

And yes got an agent in siem reap to do for me,

If can would rather do a boarder run this time if possible

Edited by cmoore
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